I'll Always Be On Your Mind
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Gohan’s depressed for the first two years after Goku dies (that would make him 13), blaming himself. So, one day, he has enough and decides to go to the one place that would make him happy. Only what will happen once Chichi, and the others, gather the dragon balls to wish him back?

Um…my version of what happened those seven years when Goku was gone.

Chapter 03
Gohan gave a short screech as he landed on his bum in the middle of what appeared to be West City. He yelped, leaping onto his feet and holding his bum that felt electrocuted. Shenlong could have been more considerate. Gohan returned the puzzled stares with one of the famous Son Grins, holding his hand behind his head much like his father did when he was nervous. Gohan ignored the whispers as he walked the streets of the war torn city.

Though mostly repaired, there were still several collapsing buildings, there were still some giant potholes in the roads, still rubble piled, still charred trees and grass. Gohan gnawed his lip. This place was what Trunks had to live through. Small wonder the older teenager had been so prone on making sure the time line of Gohan’s world wasn’t as terrible. Gohan’s heart ached a little. Trunks had had to deal with all of this on his own. Gohan-san had died when Trunks was thirteen; four years before Bulma-san perfected the Time Machine.

Gohan’s hand closed around the Dragon Radar, thinking about his own home. Had he made a rash judgment in wishing to come to Trunks’ world? Gohan sighed. It was too late for regrets. Gohan tightened the tie of his gi, unprepared for the sudden blast of chill wind that swept through the sparse trees. He folded his arms in front of his chest, casting curious gazes at the rehabilitating world. So different yet so much the same. Where the Cinema should have been, a clothing bank for those still trying to get back on their feet stood erected proudly. Where the Arcade was in his home, a soup kitchen had been made.

Gohan kept the pity from his eyes as he saw an old man hobbling into the soup kitchen, one leg completely missing. Gohan’s stomach lurched. What if Trunks had been hurt when battling the Jinzouningen or Cell? That was impossible though. Trunks had become insanely strong. He could have defeated Cell had the excess muscles not made him slower. Gohan had been so proud of Trunks. Vegeta had accepted Trunks as his son; Gohan clearly remembered the howl of rage and the intense anger Vegeta had exhibited when his future son had been killed by Cell. Gohan, too, had been furious.

He felt out of place. He felt guilty because he was healthy. These people appeared to be so wan and haggard as if their daily lives were taxing what little life they had left. Gohan had always been an eager and optimistic child whose innocence had not been spoiled even with all the death he’d experienced but seeing the suffering of the civilians was too much. Twin trails of saline coursed his cheeks. It was sad. He wiped the tears aside before anyone saw.

Suddenly, Gohan paused mid-step. That smell? It couldn’t be. Like a dog, Gohan’s nose rose into the air, taking in the exotic scent. A tantalizing scent of rain that just seemed to describe the prince remarkably. It always appealed to Gohan. Gohan turned, searching for Trunks. There he was. Chin length lavender hair shining in the sun, bronzed flesh emitting such pheromones that Gohan was forced to control his libido. The sinfully tight black tank that showed the brazen muscles of a god, the loose breeches that hid the strong legs and pert arse. However, Gohan’s attention travelled towards his prince’s face, to his eyes. Those popsicle blue eyes were so guarded. The haunting film caused Gohan to shudder. He reminded him of Vegeta but…even Vegeta had an inkling of emotion in his obsidian oculates albeit it was mostly anger. Trunks’ were blank.

Gohan hoped his prince would not turn from him or tell him to return home. He couldn’t bear the agony. Gohan would not act like a fool and run full throttle towards Trunks. He had more control than that. He walked like a man with a purpose, focused purely on the oblivious Trunks. Gohan paused just as he was within speaking distance. The butterflies in his stomach were fluttering sporadically. “T…Trunks-san,” it came out a whisper but grew in force.

Trunks gaped. To put he was shocked would have been mildly describing the sudden squall of emotions currently attempting to drive him brainless. The small boy that he had spent restless nights about, trying to focus solely that Gohan was Gohan not Mirai Gohan, was in front of him. He had become so handsome. How many years had he aged? “Hi Gohan,” it was little more than a breathless sigh.

“I missed you Trunks.” Gohan peered into the shielded lapis lazuli orbs, hoping that Trunks might let him shatter those barriers. Trunks was only a few inches taller than Gohan; the younger having no doubt hit puberty and that in turn gave him a hefty growth spurt. Gohan was glad that he could actually look into Trunks’ eyes without craning his neck too much.

“Gohan….why are you here? How did you get here?” Trunks asked, perplexed at the sudden appearance of the raven haired boy. It didn’t make sense. Trunks cocked a quizzical brow when Gohan averted his eyes from Trunks. It was then he saw the Dragon Radar. “Gohan, did you tell anyone you were leaving?” Gohan bit his lip, shaking his head. Trunks shook his head. “Why did you run away? Your mother’s going to be worried sick about you! I don’t even know if the dragon balls exist anymore in this world. It’ll take at least a month to find them if they’re even active. Kaasan might be able to make another time machine. Kami…”

Gohan’s eyes began pooling with tears. “You don’t want me here?” Trunks clasped Gohan’s shoulders in his hands, not paying attention to the probing and even envious glares from the surrounding people. Gohan tilted his head to peer up at Trunks. A flicker of warmth was in the otherwise frigid depths.

“Of course I want you here. You don’t know how glad I am you chose to come here. It’s just…you shouldn’t have run away. I have to pick up some provisions for Kaasan, you can tell me why you came here on the way.” Trunks let go of Gohan and started walking towards the shopping centre.

“I just got sick of it. Dad left and he’s not coming back. Mom doesn’t understand why I keep training when she says I should be studying. She says that it doesn’t make sense that I train when there won’t ever be another threat to the planet. She doesn’t understand that it’s in my blood. Saiyajin have to fight. It’s like oxygen to us. What really ticks me off is when she calls Vegeta all sorts of bad names.” Trunks glanced sharply at Gohan. “She says he’s bloodthirsty and that I shouldn’t hang around with him but he’s the only one who will train me at my hardest. My brother’s too young to spar, Trunks is a toddler too. Piccolo and the rest of the Z Senshi aren’t worth a fight. I don’t know. I wanted to come here so I could be around someone that understood. I’m sorry if I’ve upset you by coming here but…but I thought you wouldn’t mind. It’s been so lonely Trunks.” Gohan put all of his feelings into the last sentence.

Trunks was surprised at the amount of passion and raw hunger in Gohan’s dark eyes. He wasn’t positive what it meant or what it was directed at but in that moment, Trunks knew he couldn’t yell at Gohan for coming to his world. “I see what you mean Gohan. I just wish you had left a note. You can stay with me in Capsule Corporation for as long as you like. We can start searching for the dragon balls tomorrow.” Gohan’s face fell dejectedly. “You can’t stay here forever Gohan. You were meant to have a life in your world. If you stay here too long, that life will be completely messed up and destroy the time line.”

Gohan nodded jadedly. “I suppose so. Will Bulma-san be mad if I come?”

Trunks chuckled, handing the list of items to the man behind the counter of the grocery store. “Not at all. If anything, she’ll be happy that she has someone to relate too. You can tell her all sorts of bad stories about Otousan. She needs the reminders.” Trunks’ lips quirked into a wry smile.

“Will that be all, Briefs-san?” the man asked, handing him the bag of food and other objects.

“Yes, thank you Hiead.” Trunks and Gohan left. Gohan had his head cocked in an endearing manner. Trunks read the expression. “Kaasan provides power free of charge so businesses give us stuff free of charge. It’s a fair trade.”

“Hai.” Gohan smiled at his prince, all traces of awkwardness erased as the duo walked towards the looming Capsule Corporation. He was happy with a smidgen of guilt. His mother might be going crazy with trying to find her wayward son but Gohan didn’t care. His heart was thumping in pure, unadulterated joy. His entrails were dripping with shyness and desire for his older friend and if he played his cards right, Gohan would admit his feelings of love for Trunks even at the expense of being shunned.

Trunks glanced at the young teenager beside him. It was a welcoming sight to see such naive merriment dancing across Gohan’s visage. It had been too long since Trunks had been able to let his solid barrier collapse. Perhaps with Gohan’s help, he might be able to become happy once again.


Chichi yawned, shuffling towards the kitchen to put on a pot of tea water. It was early, probably only five. She was used to waking at that time for Goten would bound out of bed any second. He would usually end up dragging his older brother with him. Chichi sighed. She hadn’t heard Gohan come inside and she was worried. She had been too hard on him. Though she didn’t agree with Gohan training with Vegeta she knew that doing that was the only outlet Gohan had for keeping in touch with at least a tiny speck of his father. Vegeta was pure Saiyajin and that alone was enough for Gohan to bond with him.

A squeak came from the doorway and Chichi grinned at her toddler. Goten, in his diaper, was twisting his security blanket into a knot and his tail was wrapped around his waist. Chichi’s grin grew grim. She knew something was wrong. There were flecks of tears in Goten’s insanely large eyes. Chichi scooped Goten into her arms and rushed towards Gohan’s room.

It was empty. Chichi sank onto her oldest son’s bed, holding her hand to heart erratically beating heart. Goten let out a long wail and started to sob. He refused to be comforted by Chichi as he buried himself into the blankets, smelling his brother’s scent. Chichi could only wait until Goten cried himself into slumber, nose buried into the duvet. She gently covered Goten with a spare afghan.

The phone rang in the living room. Chichi peeked at Goten to make sure he was alright before hurrying to the room. She hoped it might be Gohan but it wasn’t. It was Bulma. “Chichi! Have you seen Gohan? I think he took the Dragon Radar and – Chichi?” Chichi stifled her cries. Gohan was gone and it was her fault.


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