When You Come Back to Me Again
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Trunks sees Gohan as his sensei Gohan-san and hates himself for it.

Chapter 01
“Gohan! No!!” the blur of lavender hair appeared next to the prone figure lying on the muddy ground, the rain pelting heavily from the skies above. Pain filled cerulean were flooded with tears, streaking the pale cheeks. The prince knelt beside the stationary man and, taking one of the still-warm hands in his own, Trunks Briefs let his only love go into the next dimension. Trunks cradled Gohan’s head in his lap, caressing the waning life of the cheek. As Trunks said goodbye, he could hear the jinzouningen laughing.

Anger filled his veins, burying the sorrow. His hair flashed golden, eyes turned aquamarine. He yelled, all his emotions in that one vocal noise. He was finally a Super Saiyajin, a goal his mentor, friend, and lover had trained him to be. Trunks hardened expression softened as he glanced at his love one last time before launching onto the jinzouningen.


Trunks shot up in the bed at Capsule Corporation, sweat glistening on his half nude form. He wiped the beads on his forehead. The memory pervaded his mind at nights. The day Gohan died. Trunks sighed deeply, running a hand through the silken strands. It had been five years. Trunks folded his arms in front of his chest, shivering as his boxer clad figure met the chill night air wafting through the open window at the end of the hall. Not bothering with closing it, Trunks descended the stair case towards the kitchen. Trunks gnawed on his lower lip, trying not to remember that day…or the days when he was with Gohan.

He squeezed shut his eyes, refusing the tears that threatened to drop. The next thing Trunks knew, he was flat on his butt. Glancing up, he saw the Gohan from the present timeline. The evergreen eyes were glinted with an innocence that rivalled his father’s, the wayward locks of platinum hair stood in the Super Saiyajin form. The body, much too mature for his eleven year old age, was perfection defined. Trunks’ heart ached.

Gohan giggled, holding his hand out for Trunks. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t sleep.”


Gohan frowned. “Trunks-chan, no wonder you can’t sleep. You’re barely clothed!” The demi-Saiyajin pointed at the skimpy boxers. “Didn’t you get cold?”

Trunks shook his head. “It’s nothing different from when me and Gohan-san would stay in the woods at nights without any-” Trunks shut his mouth. Why did he tell him that?! Trunks’ face showed it all and he flushed bright crimson. He ~couldn’t~ tell Gohan! Trunks damned Gohan’s curiosity that he inherited from his father.

Gohan titled his head to the side, large eyes blinking. “What is Trunks-chan?”

“Nothing Gohan. Don’t worry about it.” Trunks pulled a kettle from a cabinet, filling it with water and setting it on the stove. “Want some cocoa?” Trunks asked, already pouring two mugs full of the brown powder.

“Of course, its my-”

“Your favourite. I shouldn’t have asked.” Trunks clutched the edge of the counter, knuckles turning white under the strain. Damn it. Every time he even ~glanced~ at Gohan, he was seeing the future version. It was a torment, to spend ones waking time being around the person who reminded one of what one had lost. Trunks reasoned, yes they were different, but still the same. Trunks nearly jumped back a few feet when the kettle whistled, signalling the water had boiled sufficiently. He poured the contents into the mugs, smiling softly at the boy.

Gohan grinned happily. He liked being so close to the older boy, it made him feel…warm inside. He wasn’t ~exactly~ positive why he was reacting that way to Trunks. Gohan shrugged, it didn’t matter. Instead, he took a sip of his drink. His eyes lit with fervent joy. “Did you make this Trunks-chan?”

Trunks blushed a light tint of pink. “Hai…I did. I have a soft spot for it. Go…Gohan-san introduced me to it. I was pretty shocked. Cocoa and a lot of other goods were scarce. Gohan-san said he went everywhere looking for it, so I could have it as a gift for our lov-friendship,” Trunks quickly caught himself but not before the memory brought tears that stung at his eyes. He hastily averted his attention from Gohan.

The boy frowned. This was…awkward. He wasn’t used to comforting others, especially other boys. Gohan wrapped his arms around Trunks, cocoa forgotten. It felt nice…holding the prince. It wasn’t all that bad either. Gohan purred against Trunks’ back. Trunks tensed. This wasn’t right. Gohan was a boy! Trunks blinked. Wasn’t it reversed when it was concerning his Gohan? He was the younger….and now Gohan was.

Trunks, although needing the affection, pried Gohan’s hands from his body. “I’m tired Gohan. Thanks for staying up here with me. Goodnight,” Trunks leaned down and kissed Gohan’s lips before retiring back to his room.

Gohan’s fingers went to touch his lips, cheeks turning a crimson shade. Trunks had just kissed him. What did ~that~ mean? Gohan shut the lights off in the kitchen, heading for his own room which just so happened to be next to the other demi. Gohan knew that Trunks yearned for companionship and by Kami, he was going to be the one to give it to him. Besides, they all needed friends.


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