When You Come Back to Me Again
by Shiny Ryuichi Sakuma     More by this Writer
Trunks sees Gohan as his sensei Gohan-san and hates himself for it.

Chapter 03
After breakfast, Gohan and Goku headed for the outdoors to do a bit of training. Of course, not without an incident. It was when Vegeta and Goku exited the room to wake their wives. Gohan took the seat beside Trunks, doe eyes gazing sadly at his friend. “I’m sorry Trunks for…for whatever it is that I did.”

Trunks swallowed hard, clearing the time when his own Gohan had uttered those same words after their first time ‘fooling around.’ The lavender haired bishounen shook his head. “It’s nothing you’ve done Gohan, please…just leave me alone.”

“It’s not fair Trunks!” Gohan yelled furiously, teal eyes flashing with anger. “You’re ignoring me and I don’t even know why!”

“Gohan…it’s not something I can just explain to you. You’re too young.”

That really pissed the demi off. “Too young?! I am not too young to hear what you have to say Trunks!”

“You’re eleven years old Gohan, you’re still a kid!”

“Oh but it was alright for your Gohan to do those things to you?” Gohan blurted out before thinking. He clamped his hand over his mouth as Trunks’ eyes swirled with emerald. He had just crossed a dangerous line.

“Don’t ever mention that again Gohan.”

“Why? Scared that you’re becoming him?”

Trunks grabbed Gohan’s wrists, holding them tightly. “Fine Gohan, you want to know why I hit you last night?” Gohan nodded, eyes wide with fear. He wasn’t liking this side of Trunks, it reminded him too much of Vegeta. “Because I was going to fuck you rough. Do you understand what I mean, Gohan?” Gohan blinked, not knowing the crude term Trunks had used. “I meant that I was going to have sex with you and not care about your state of being. Gohan, I was going to rape you.”

Gohan’s mouth flew open, gaping at Trunks. Rape? But…there was no way it was. “It wasn’t rape Trunks! I…I wanted to do it! I was consenting.”

“It doesn’t matter Gohan. To me, it was rape. I’m seven years older than you. I’m eighteen; that makes me a rapist to a minor. Gohan…I don’t know what else I could have done to you. If I had taken away what is not mine to take, it would have affected me much more than just slapping you. My past was never peachy Gohan and being with you reminds me of it. For your sake and my own, don’t ever come near me again.”

“But Trunks, don -”

“Never,” Trunks whispered, departing from the more than confused boy.

Gohan rested his head on the table. How…how could Trunks just do that to him? Leave him without more than a lame excuse. Rape? They…they were in love. Gohan sighed. That’s why he was feeling so strangely around Trunks; he loved him. There was no getting around it. Those emotions swimming in his stomach was love and Gohan sensed it in Trunks’ ki that he felt the same. Just how could he get close to Trunks now? How could he let Trunks know that he loved him?


Vegeta waited for the ki signatures of the father and son to disappear to a further place. Vegeta turned towards his son, a resigned look on his face as he gazed at Trunks. “What do you see when you look at the brat?”

Trunks started, unsure of how to answer. He blinked, uncomfortable at the probing onyx eyes. “What do you mean Tousan?”

“Do you see the Mirai brat?”


“You’re lying.” Trunks remained silent, knowing better than to argue. Vegeta paced the room, arms folded across his compact chest. “Boy, I know that you want him and I know you see Mirai Gohan in him.” The prince paused, glaring hard at Trunks. “Did you hit him?”


“I SAID, did you hit him?”

Trunks swallowed, sweating at being put on the spot. He knew better than to argue with his father but how could he even begin to tell him the truth? When he had for so long seeked to gain Vegeta’s approval, so that Vegeta would call him, his son? Trunks simply nodded, afraid of what he might see in Vegeta’s eyes.

“Trunks, why did you hit Gohan?” Vegeta asked, his voice uncommonly soft which only alarmed Trunks more. The calm before the storm, so to speak. “Did he upset you?”

“Tousan….I…I don’t want to speak of this.”

“Why not? It’s obvious you need to tell someone.”

“Well…why you? Why not Kaasan?”

“Because I can listen unbiased.” Vegeta sat on the chair opposite of Trunks. “Besides, I’m going to have to give you an alibi, aren’t I? When you and Gohan go to do your own thing.”

Trunks blushed before turning pale. “I want him.”

“I know that. Is this what has been bothering you?”

“Tousan! He’s eleven!”

Vegeta shrugged carelessly. “Lots of Saiyajin took mates younger than themselves on Vejitasei. It was to ensure their safety as well as to ensure the future of the race. Saiyajin mature faster than Chikyuujin. You don’t need to worry about that.” Vegeta sensed more. “What else?”

“I see him,” Trunks whispered, unashamed of the tears flecking the cerulean orbs. “I see Gohan-san every time I look at Gohan. I don’t know if I love Gohan because of who he is or because of who he will become.”

“That is something you’ll have to figure out. You hit him because you wanted to do…things…with him?”


“Hn. We’ll talk again, boy. I can feel that idiot and the brat returning.”

With that, Trunks watched his father leave for the Gravity Room. To say Trunks was surprised was an understatement. He was shocked that Vegeta was actually taking an interest in his life. Did that mean something? Trunks hoped it did. He heard footsteps come to an abrupt halt at the door to the kitchen. He raised his eyes to meet Gohan’s fear-lanced ones. What could be said to clear their rift?


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