Camping Fun
by Soltic Kat     More by this Writer
Gohan goes camping with Trunks Swimming, Tag, and then things gets really fun!

Chapter 01
Gohan landed at the Briefs's residents and rang the bell. He and Trunks were to go camping for the weekend, Goten was supposed to join them, but their mother had cornered him with homework. So now it was just the two of them.

“Come in!” Gohan was immediately led in by Mrs. Briefs, Bulma’s mother, who started to talk his ear off about this and that all things that weren’t too important while Trunks ran upstairs to get his pack then came hauling ass back down nearly flying despite numerous warnings not to in the house.

“Gohan!” He cried running over then stopped, tilting his head. “Where Goten?”

“Grounded… Mom decided he needed more homework.” Gohan groaned knowing how stubborn his mother was. “We best get going before your mom gets any ideas.”

“She’s out back working on something it's my dad I’m worried about.” he said as he rushed out the front door and took to the air.

Gohan laughed and followed suit. Once outside he took off and headed for the patch of land he and his green mentor had trained upon.

“So, what are we going to do on this trip anyway? Train?” he asked.

“You mean you don’t get enough of that from you father?” Gohan asked kind surprised. “I figured mostly we would relax, might train some but not too much.”

“Of course, I get enough of it!” he said then blinked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be defensive but come on you know how he can be. Relax, huh? I like that idea.”

“Yeah… save for your dad is tailing us… Looks like you didn’t get out of training after all.” Gohan said knowing full well it was a joke but he figured it would scare the boy enough that he wouldn’t even be able to.

Trunks let out a squeak stopping and spun around to face his father then blinked when he didn’t see him anywhere then tilted his head trying to see if he was nearby then sighed.

“That was mean Gohan!” He cried and mid-air tackled him.

Gohan laughed and wrapped his arms about his tackler tossing him off. “Yeah but I think you almost wet your pants.”

He flew up into the air some and nodded.

“I thought he was going to kill me! He hates it when I hang out with you and Goten.”

“Name one thing besides training, and your mother he doesn’t hate.” Gohan shot at the boy as he flew down towards a stream below them.

Trunks almost pointed at himself then stopped he really wasn’t sure what his father felt for him so he wasn’t going to say it. He landed next to Gohan looking around then smiled. This place was nice and quiet the perfect place to get to do some of the relaxing that Gohan had talked about.

Gohan smiled, and tossed the stuff he had brought to the side. He then stripped down naked and leapt into the water. “AH……!!!! COLD..!!” called out the demi sayin-jin but none the less he stayed in.

“Your insane.” Trunks said sitting down on a large rock next to the water not wanting to go in as it had to be REALLY cold to make his friend cry out like that.

Gohan grinned and suddenly the rock under his friend crumbled sending the younger demi into the water.

Trunks hit the water and went under then came out with a shocked gasp and scrambled for the bank his eyes huge.


“What… the waters fine..” Gohan said as he dived under.

Trunks glared at him and started to try to get his sodden purple hair out of his eyes.

“You are as easy to trick as Goten.” Gohan said. He bobbed about the water and swam up to shore some to lean upon the edge of the river.


“Oh… ok.. you are right. You are easier to trick than Dad.”

Trunks gave him a hurt look.

“Oh come on Trunk, you know I am just joking with you.”

The boy crossed his arms then headed over to where he had dropped his bag and stripped out of the wet clothing throwing it up over some low hanging tree branches so that they would be able to dry then he squatted down to dig through the bag for something dry to pull on.

‘Mmm, nice ass..’ Gohan thought to himself as he pulled his body from the cool water. He then went to his pack, and pulled out a sleeping bag, and spread it out. Laying upon the bag he put his arms behind his head and got comfortable.

Trunks pulled on a oversized shirt that said ‘Fight’ across the front then went to sit down next to Gohan on his sleeping bag.

Gohan smiled, and just lazily laid naked working on a tan as best he could. He didn’t wear clothes since it was just him and Trunks besides he didn’t want lines.

Trunks lied on his side next to the larger boy for awhile before he began to fidget. It wasn’t all that often that he sat still and he was starting to grow bored.

Gohan yawned slightly and stretched out his body as he rolled over. “Mind grabbing my pack for me, Trunks?” he asked his little friend.

Trunks hopped up and walked over to the bag and grabbed it then drug it back over.

“Since it's you I don’t mind.”

“Thanks.” Gohan said as he dug about for a certain Manga. He then pulled out a new copy of Gravitation.

Trunks looked at it then tilted his head.

“What’s that?” he asked scooting closer to that he could look at it too.

“A Manga duh..” Said Gohan as he opened up his comic.

“I know that dummy but I’ve never heard of this one. Can I see?” He asked snatching it up then flipped through it looking a bit confused as he went.

Gohan groaned. “You better not ruin that it's one of my favorite.”

“Yeah, yeah. So, what the hell is going on in this thing anyway?” he asked staring at a page where two guys were kissing.

“Nothing much.. Shu is just trying to figure out if Yuki loves him or not.”

“But aren’t they both boys?”

“Really, I never noticed that before. ” Gohan said trying to make himself sound believable.

Trunks blinked then flipped through the pages.

“This is weird.”

“Goten seems to like it.” Gohan said in honesty, “He will be jealous that you got to read it before him.”

“Goten is a dork then, who wants to read this?” He said then tossed it back to Gohan. “I like Mecha better myself.”

“Fine call me a dork.. I happen to love this Manga.” Gohan said taking the comic back into his hands.

Trunks sighed.

“So, is all your going to do is read then? Couldn’t you have done that at home?”

“We did come out here to relax. Besides I just got done with a swim and my tan could use some work. Why do you got some reason to go home I don’t know about?”

He layed back down.

“Not really.” He said letting his eyes close, drawing one leg up against his chest making it obvious that he wasn’t wearing underwear.

Gohan grinned. “I got other things in the pack you could play with, more Manga, and some other stuff.”

“That’s ok. I’ll just take a nap or something, tell me when your done reading and want to do something fun.” He said eyes closed.

Gohan put the Manga away and pounced the boy tickling him.

“ACK! Gohan!” he squealed trying to escape the bigger boy.

Gohan grinned and leapt off the boy grabbing his underwear. Hastily putting the boxers on Gohan leapt into the air and began to tease the other..

“Hey! Where are you going now!” He called and followed not remembering his own lack of most clothing as he tried to catch up with the other boy.

Gohan grinned, and began to weave about their campsite. “WOW micro demi sayin-jin can't keep up..” He called back before turning up the speed some more.

“Gohan! That not very nice!” He growled but despite his best efforts was stuck as always being one step behind the older boy.

Gohan grinned, and spun about to catch his friend in his arms. “GOTCHA”

Trunks wrapped his arms around Gohan’s neck and lied against him to catch his breath.

“Maybe you do more training if you're already out of breath.” Floating them both down to the ground he set Trunks on his lap.

“Maybe.” He murmured letting his eyes close again. This was nice.

Gohan smiled and rubbed his hands over the boy to work upon his muscles.

Trunks tilted his head back slightly letting out the smallest sigh.

“That’s nice.” he murmured.

Gohan smiled and let his hands now work upon the legs.

Trunks made another sound as the muscles were worked on and started to relax. He made a murmuring sound then lied his head on Gohan’s shoulder again allowing him to continue as he pleased after all it felt nice so he wasn’t really concerned yet.

Gohan suddenly had a hand up and under the shirt working the flaccid member as the other rubbed Trunk’s inner thigh.

Trunk let out a loud gasp then started to struggle a bit.


Gohan didn’t hold the boy back and let him move all he wanted.

Trunks scooted back a hand raising to his mouth as he tried to keep in a whimper. Why had Gohan done that? He was so confused. Maybe his friend had just read too many of his Manga was all.

Gohan smiled at Trunks and then leaned forward to kiss the boy's cheek before he tilted over so he could rummage for the tent capsule in his pack.

He blinked touching the spot that Gohan had kissed then felt his body shiver all over.

Finding the capsule Gohan tossed it upon the ground, and then began to drag his stuff inside not giving Trunks a second look.

Trunks blinked again wondering if he had angered Gohan somehow. Why wasn’t his friend looking at him? Why was he ignoring him? He felt tears burning his eyes and hated it because he knew that only weaklings cried or at least that was what his father had always told him. He pushed to his feet confused by the odd ache between his legs and went over to his bag to get out his own tent.

Gohan poked his head out. “You coming in or what? I got our meals ready.”

Trunks shook his head tossing the tent capsule. “I’m ok. I’m not hungry.” He said quietly as he crawled into his tent.

“Fine but you know my tents big enough for us both.. I even have a portable TV in here.”

Trunks didn’t respond instead, curling up in a ball on his half unfolded blanket. What was going on? One moment, he was all mad over something and the next, he was asking him to come watch TV and eat with him. He sighed maybe he was too young to understand grown up minds or something like that.

“Gundam Wing is on Hero is about to blow up his Gundam.”

Trunks perked up. That was a good episode, one of his favorites actually because of the look on Hero‘s face when he hit the ground and was being surrounded by his blood.. He grabbed his pillow and blanket and went over to the other boy’s tent and crawled in.

Gohan smiled, and laughed. Once the boy got in he grabbed him, and hugged him closely. “You are a cool friend lil man.”

“B-But, I thought you were mad.”

“Who ever told you that garbage?”

“Y-You seemed mad! J-Just a second ago!”

Gohan looked confused. “Did not.. I was just dragging in my stuff.. I didn’t want all of nature to come after us while we ate. Hell, with my dad's nose he would have been able to track us halfway across the earth if one of us just had a raisin in our hand.”

“O-Oh… I’m sorry.” he muttered then turned so that he was curled up against the other's chest but still able to see the TV.

Gohan smiled, and laid down so his stomach was pressed against the other's back. “No harm no foul.” Gohan said as he rubbed Trunks's sides.

He smiled, then giggled a bit.

Gohan smiled and once more began to rub the other's legs with a light hand.

Trunks’s eyes sank half shut as he did so watching as Hero's head blow up.

One hand made circles under the shirt upon the boy's stomach while he slowly worked the other hand back upon the boy's cock until he could stroke it once more.

Trunks whimpered in the back of his throat the ache was back again. He shifted restlessly then moaned out Gohan’s name, his voice confused.

Gohan kept up his actions, his hand now moving swiftly over the cock trying to work the boy to a swift orgasm.

Trunks started to cry out, his hips moving with Gohan’s movements his eyes huge and glazed over.

“G-G-Gohan! W-What?”

Gohan kept his work up on the boy. He knew that Trunks would push his hand away when he had enough, but for now he began to kiss at the sweet neck before him while he rapidly worked the boy more and more.

Trunks started to whimper his body ached as if someone had punched him in the gut, he couldn’t seem to catch his breath, and it was so hot. “Hot…” He moaned throwing his head back against Gohan’s arm whimpering. Something was building inside of him something that he had never before experienced. “Gohan!”

Gohan just smiled and began to nibble on the boy's neck now letting his teeth rake the other's flesh. All the while his hand worked the boy's cock and the other fondled the balls.

“Please! Gohan!” The purple haired boy begged despite not having any idea what it was that he wanted then suddenly his entire body stiffened. He let out a whimper as his hips jerked twice then a scream was torn from him as his orgasm hit him violently. He leaned forward whimpering as he came because it almost hurt and then with a weak moan he collapsed almost unconscious his breathing deep and labored.

Gohan released the boy and began gently to run a finger through the spilt substance. Drawing it up to his mouth he sucked upon his finger cleaning it of Trunks’s essence. “Tasty..”

Trunks didn’t respond much except to open his eyes to gaze at Gohan in a dazed manner.

Gohan kissed him gently, and laid his head down. “Sleep well, Trunks.” Gohan said as he pulled the boy close and held him gently.

“Gohan…” He murmured wrapping himself around the other's arm then was asleep instantly.


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