Camping Fun
by Soltic Kat     More by this Writer
Gohan goes camping with Trunks Swimming, Tag, and then things gets really fun!

Chapter 02
Trunks opened his eyes looking up at the still sleeping Gohan then shifted uncomfortably. He had to pee and on top of that he felt all gross. He wiggled out of the other's arms and up to his feet. He looked at Gohan again then headed out of the tent. He wondered why he felt sore. It was odd but what had happened last night had hurt somewhat but it had felt good too. He was so confused. He went over behind a rock making use of it then headed into the cold stream to wash the dried white stuff from his body along with the dried sweat. After that was down he sank in the shallow waters up to where it was just below his nipples and let it flow and ease the ache.

Gohan tossed and turned in the tent his mind dreamed of the other night's events. It had been so good that soon after Trunks had fallen asleep he had his own mess within his underwear, yet not a touch from his hand. Gohan rolled over, and found the absence of his tiny friend. He opened an eye, and turned on the portable TV not wanting to leave his bliss just yet.

A few moments later Trunks walked back in his shirt in his hands. He layed it down on the ground out of the way and crawled under his blanket to warm up after being the cold water.

“You awake?”

Gohan mumbled something and then reached out to pull the boy closer.

Trunks smiled and curled up against him lying his head on the other boy’s shoulder.

“Sleep well..” Gohan asked the other as he battled to awaken.

“Better than I ever have before.” He murmured.

Gohan smiled and nuzzled him. “Ah.. you can't tell me you haven’t made yourself feel that good..”

He shook his head.

“That was your first time..?”

Trunks blushed then nodded.

“Thank you then… for letting me help you with your first time…”

He swallowed hard and nodded.

“You taste so sweet.”

“T-Taste?” He said in confusion sitting up to look down at Gohan.

Gohan nodded as he nuzzled the boy's neck. “Yes, you tasted great.”

Trunks giggled.

“You're insane.”

“Am..”..” Gohan said as he kissed Trunks’s neck.

Trunks tilted his head back giving Gohan easier access.

“Are too.”

“Are not, you have great tasting seed.. next time you should try it before you pass out.”

“I-I passed out?” He murmured.

Gohan nodded. “You were tired.”

“I guess so.” He said crossing his arms over Gohan’s chest then layed his head on them. “It was… odd.”

“What was?”

“W-What we did.”

“There’s nothing odd about that.”

“Was too!” He said.

“Nah, it was just your first time. I can show you other things you will think are odd as hell but will make you feel very good.”

Trunks licked at his lips nervously but at the same time was excited.


“Yeah, and after some of those times… you wont be able to walk afterwards cause you will feel so weak.”

Trunks’s eyes got wide.

“You're so lying.”



Gohan merely nodded this time.

Trunks sat up some to stare at Gohan in utter disbelief but then he layed his head back on the older boy’s chest. Gohan was older and he knew a lot more about this kind of stuff than he did so if he said that there were things like that there must be.

“W-Will… you show them to… to… me?” He asked his cheeks getting bright pink.

“I don’t know. Some of them may hurt you.” Gohan said. “I really don’t want to hurt such a beauty.”

Trunks rubbed his face against Gohan’s chest the idea of him being called a beauty making him even more embarrassed.

“Though, if you ever want me to stop Trunks… then tell me so and I will.” Gohan said as he slid his form away from the boy so that he fell onto his back, once there Gohan laid his head on the younger boy’s stomach. “You sure you want this, beauty?”

Trunks whimpered a bit then nodded.

“I-I think so…” He said but found it to be an unfair question as he had no idea what he was saying that he wanted .

“Tell me if you ever want me to stop.. remember that…” Gohan then lowered his frame down on the boy's body and gave the cock a quick lick before taking it all into his mouth to suck upon gently.

Trunks's eyes went wide and he let out a small cry. His legs shivered a bit then he spread them wider and lifted his hips all of which was done out of instinct as opposed to knowing what he was doing, which he didn’t.

Gohan smiled with his mouth still full of the boy's meat. He positioned himself right between the legs as he bobbed up and down the small prick, and used his tongue to lap over it.

Trunks's eyes got hazy and the ache from yesterday returned but this time it was stronger. He let out a moan followed by a gasp as he tried and failed to get a normal breath. “G-Gohan!“

Gohan’s smile just grew as he pulled off of the cock so that he could lick all about it and then take the sweet sac in his mouth bouncing the balls gently with his tongue while he gently petted the boy’s anus with an index finger.

Trunks sat up so that he was leaning on his elbows trying to see what it was that Gohan was doing then shifted some at the petting digit his eyes sinking half shut. What was… he doing? Hmmmm… It was even starting to get hard for the purple haired boy to think.

Once more Gohan pulled off of the boy stopping his actions save for the petting finger to leave a trail of kisses up to a nipple that he began to gently nibble on.

Trunks let out another small sound his hips lifting involuntarily as Gohan stopped his ministrations to go higher.

Gohan shifted to the other nipple now as he began to let the probing finger gently prod the opening as well.

Trunks let out a shocked cry his entire body jerking and his eyes darting to meet Gohan’s.

“Shh… Shh… It's ok…” Gohan said as he captured the boy’s lips as he shoved the digit in deeper.

Trunks let out a shriek his bodying stiffening and his teary eyes going wide as he felt the sight pain of the finger's entrance into him. He let his body sink back down to the ground with whimpers “G-Gohan…”

“Yes, my sweet Trunks.” He said as he held the finger in place and began to kiss gently upon the boy’s chest.

He lifted his eyes to Gohan’s once more.

“I-It hurts… is this… one of those things that you… talked about?” He murmured.

“Yes… It will hurt a while but it will go away I promise… and when it does… I will make you feel very good.”

Trunks nodded his eyes sinking shut as he shifted thought it was a bit uncomfortable, “I-I trust you, Gohan.”

Gohan’s heart swelled at hearing the boy say that. He then began his actions anew after a few minutes the finger began to gently rub the boy's insides while he lapped at the child’s equipment.

Trunks moaned this was nice and the pain was almost gone… He shifted again his hips lifting again and he let out a long sigh as the pain dissipated the rest of the way leaving only pleasure behind.

Gohanled led his tongue about the hard member before him, and pulled it into his mouth so he could suck upon it gently as he bobbed softly. The finger though now picked up tempo as it rubbed all over the boy's insides.

“Ah!” He felt his hips trying to jerk forward into the warmth of Gohan’s mouth but he held back knowing that if he didn’t he might hurt his friend or himself. His small hands twisted in the blanket under him until his knuckles were white. “AH!”

A second digit joined the first, and once again Gohan claimed Trunks’s lips as he pushed it in with the first.

“AHHH!” He cried into the kiss his hips lifting to meet the finger then tears filled his eyes as he found more pain and that his helping only hurt him all the more.

Gohan froze, and then every time he noticed a tear rolling down the boy's cheeks he licked it up. “Shh…. Shh.. only once more… Only once more will you have to go though that pain Trunks…. and then I shall make you feel so good… so very good.”

Trunks was panting and whimpering but he nodded. He knew that Gohan wouldn’t intentionally hurt him, he wasn’t like that. Gohan was a good person. “Mmmmmm… ”

Gohan began to move the fingers inside his small friend as he began to gently kiss him and tease the others lips with his tongue.

Trunks opened his eyes a bit then opened his mouth and leaned forward to meet his lips. He had seen kisses before and he and Goten had tried a couple out of curiosity but Gohan tasted so much different.

“Mmmmmm.” Gohan moaned into Trunks’s mouth as he savored the boy's taste. “You taste so much better than my brother.”

Trunks jerked back away from the kiss to stare up at him in confusion. “Huh?”

“I said you taste better than my brother..” Gohan said as he reclaimed the boy's lips. His fingers now pistoning in and out of Trunks as he was now preparing to add the third.

“B-Brother… Why would.. you say that?” He murmured then threw his head back with a moan. “Ah! It's… getting… hot again…”

“I wouldn’t touch anyone else like this… only you or Goten… I love you both very much but Goten is still my brother. Besides that I have always loved how you looked more.” Gohan told him as the third finger joined the second and first.

Trunks went huge and another cry was draw from his parted lips but this one held no pain in it.

“So… So… close Trunks…” Gohan told him as he began to lick at Trunks’s nipples.

“Close…?” He murmured in confusion.

Gohan smiled. “Think…” was all he said as he kept up his actions. His fingers pressing against the interior of the boy.

“Ah! T-Think what?” he moaned getting confused and it was to hot to try to figure out what he was talking about. “AH!” Suddenly, Gohan pulled away from the boy he couldn’t wait any longer. Lifting Trunks up he took the child‘s spot upon the ground and set him to straddle his lap. “Sit upon me….. sit upon my cock…”

Trunks let out a whimper as he looked at Gohan’s member. It was too big for such a thing, wasn’t it? He whimpered but did as he was asked and slowly sat down upon it.

Gohan smiled and adjusted it so it would hit the anus of the smaller boy. He also rubbed some of his flowing precum upon the head and opening.

Trunks moaned leaning forward some panting.

“Gohan?” He murmured.

“Yes,” said a painfully aching Gohan.

The boy whimpered his nails digging into Gohan’s chest as he sat there still with the head of Gohan member pressed against him. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, well he had an idea, but he was a bit nervous about it so he met Gohan’s eyes waiting.

Gohan smiled and reached up to Trunks’s shoulders. He gently pushed down upon the boy and at the first signs of any pain starting to occur he stopped to let the other adjust to his size.

Trunks tossed his head back with a moan his body shivering all over nails digging in deeper.

“Feels…. good… and hot! Mmmmmm so hot…”

Gohan smiled and began to thrust up into the boy softly as he didn’t want to tear him up.

Trunks groaned his hips shifting and then he started to meet the motions in a desperate manner. He was hot and he could feel it. The end that was building inside of him making his vision getting hazy and his body grow so hot he thought he would burst into flame. “AH!”

Gohan was moaning like crazy, the boy upon him was so tight his cock felt like it was going to be squeezed off. Grabbing onto Trunks's hips he held him still and began to shove into the other harder.

Trunks whimpered at the restraints that held him in place his hands grasping onto his lover’s shoulders tightly. “Gohan!”

Gohan began to moan out Trunks's name as he feverishly pummeled the boy with his hard cock. His hands grasping his tightly as he pulled himself up to try, and lay kisses upon the object of his desire.

Trunks leaned over to meet Gohan’s mouth whimpering into it wantonly.

Gohan groaned and no longer desired the control. He pounded into the boy as he felt his balls ache in the need of release he moaned out a warning as he felt his whole body gathering for the release it so desired.

“G-Gohan! AHHH!” His eyes went huge then he let out a scream as the thrusts pushed him over the edge and he came hard.

Feeling the tight ass grow tighter Gohan pulled the young boy close as he came hard into the ass. “T…trunks..” stuttered a drained Gohan. “Damn….”

The purple haired boy let out a moan then collapsed on Gohan’s chest his entire body throbbing from the force of his climax.

“Feel good?” Gohan muttered barley able to think straight after what happened.

Trunks whimpered.

“V-Very… and you were right… I don’t think I could move right now now, let alone walk…”

Gohan smiled, and picked the boy up to lay the lad beside him. Pulling Trunks close he kissed his forehead.

“Hmmmm. Thank you for that.” he murmured

“Any time…” Gohan muttered as he rubbed the boy's back.

Trunks made a happy purring sound then dozed off once more.

“Sleep well little angle” Gohan said as he drifted off to sleep holding the boy within his arms. “I love you Trunks….”

“Mmmmmm…. love you…” He murmured in his sleep.


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