Changes Of The Heart
by Start Suki     More by this Writer
Gohan doesn’t know if he should choose for his dreams or the dreams his family has for him. He decides to give up his family’s wishes for his love.

04: Chapter 04
A few days later…

Bulma sighed as she worked on her latest prototype for Capsule Corp. It had been a long week, between the announcement that they boys had made and everyone’s reactions….well, needless to say she was due for a long hot bath and a week in the Caribbean.

Or maybe a week in space.

Hmm…she should really think about that one. Not only would she not have to deal with stupid idiotic Saiyans, she also wouldn’t have to be near any humans whatsoever. Now, that seemed like a good idea.

Bulma smiled softly and put down her tool. She couldn’t believe that the boys had finally gotten together. It had taken forever in her opinion. She had watched them for years, wondering when they would get the past the various obstacles that stood in their way and see what had been in front of each other all along.

Of course, though, she was the only one who had seen this connection. Everybody else had been, well…shocked.

None so more than Vegeta, of course. His reaction had been, well… alarming but she really should have expected it. He was the Prince of all Saiyans, and, as such, he did tend to have a rather high standard of who his heir ended up with and that was what Torunksu was, of course, Vegeta’s heir.

Bulma sighed, putting her chin in her hand as she thought of everybody’s reaction to the announcement. Many of them had been so… well, revolted, to say the least. Yamcha and Krillin had left almost immediately afterwards, followed by Tien, 18, Puar, Oolong, and a few others. The next thing she knew it was her family and Gohan’s family left in the living room.

And boy had it been silent.

She couldn’t remember a group of Saiyans ever being that quiet. It had been disturbing.

She’d tried to talk to them about it, of course, but none of her arguments or her pleas had worked on them. Vegeta had remained angry, Goku had stayed silent, Goten had stayed quiet, and ChiChi had, well….remained unconscious.

The last few days had been even worse. Vegeta had locked himself in the gravity room and had refused to come out not even for meals.

She’d tried to reason with him, but naturally, Vegeta had just told her that he would not accept it, no matter what.

Bulma supposed that it was because Gohan was Goku’s son. She frowned, it seemed that no matter how much power Goku had or how many times he’s saved the planet, Vegeta still refused to accept him as anything more than a third class warrior. Which was a pity really, because Gohan and Torunksu seemed to be such a good couple.

Leaning back in her chair, Bulma looked at the ceiling. She thought of all the arguments she’d had, not only with Vegeta, but with ChiChi as well. The woman had called the morning after screaming that her son had been corrupted by Torunksu, that her other son wouldn’t speak to her, and that Goku had left the house and not returned.

Needless to say, it had taken a long time to calm ChiChi down. There were only so many things she could say, of course, but it didn’t mean she hadn’t tried. Finally, after hours of soothing the woman’s frazzled nerves, Bulma had finally gotten ChiChi to admit that she wasn’t really revolted by the couple, but…disappointed. ChiChi had expected so much more, apparently, but it didn’t seem that she would get it.

After ChiChi, Bulma had attempted to talk to Goten, but it had been a waste of time. He had completely refused to participate, and when she had asked about his father, he just ignored her and left the room.

Obviously, after Goten, Bulma knew she wouldn’t be able to talk to Goku. If ChiChi didn’t know where he was, and Goten wouldn’t say, then it was obvious that he wouldn’t be showing up anytime soon. Still…she had to wonder what he thought about everything, from what she could remember of that night, he hadn’t said a word.

Poor Goku, to have to see his son completely throw away his life like that….It must have been a big disappointment to him…

Bulma sighed as she sat up straight in her chair. At least all of those conversations were out of the way. She’d done the best that she could, and there really was no way of changing anyone’s feelings, especially Vegeta’s, she just had to wait for them to come around on their own.

Yawning, Bulma stood up and left her lab maybe she’d call Torunksu tonight, see how the move had gone into their new apartment. She hoped that it had gone well. They didn’t need to deal with anything else at the moment and she really wanted them to be happy.

Bulma frowned but it didn’t look like they would really happy anytime soon because she still had one more call to make and that was to Videl.

If anyone could make Torunksu and Gohan’s lives miserable, it was her.

Hopefully, Dende had decided to erase Videl’s memory, and it would be extremely easy for Bulma to convince her that what had happened was for the better.


But…she really didn’t think so.


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