Confessions and Changes Of Time
by Sunshineteen     More by this Writer
This is a story that takes place in the past (alternate universe) where Gohan is married to Videl and they have their daughter named Pan. Trunks in this story has feelings for Gohan and sees that his marriage isn’t good so he tries to help Gohan loosen up a bit.
Graphic Violence

Chapter 01
It was just another day at work for Gohan son as he rubbed the brim of his nose. He listened to his whole class and was getting awfully tired of hearing them carry on and get louder, finally he can’t take it and he slams his fists hard on his desk sending papers to the floor almost breaking it.

“Settle Down!” he orders as they all turn their heads to look at him and they all become very quiet and let him get back to teaching. He goes on teaching them about physics, his fingers hold the chalk in his hands as he writes with each stroke babbling on and on with his mind in a different place. Finally the bell for the day sounds as they all scurry out into the halls until the halls are all silent after the first five minutes. Gohan finally got up from his desk as he walked out and down the long corridors of the high school making his way out into the world. Down and out to his car he gets in and starts it making his way down to the first street of his destination, home. He passes capsule corp and sighed to himself, he had not visited the breifs in a long time and he missed all the adventures he had with them, that all changed now that the world was at peace and he was married. He slowed to a stop gripping the wheel and looked at his watch “only six o clock..” he decided to go in for a short visit as he pulled in the long winding driveway. he made his way up to the door and after a second of knocking a young girl answers and her ace lights up with glee “hello Gohan!!” she motions him to come in and yells into the depths of her house “MOM GOHAN IS HERE!!” as Bulma makes her way down the stairs quickly standing next to her daughter Bura she smiles putting the machine part down and greets him “hello Gohan” Her greeting is as if they had seen each other every day and time had not passed that quickly. Bulma gave him a quick hug and smiles motioning him to the couch to sit down and she runs into the kitchen fetching her guest some refreshments. While in the kitchen Trunks walks down the stairs smirking toward Gohan who returns with his own famous son smile.

“so how is your job as mr. president going?” he asks Trunks.

“well i can’t complain, how about your teaching job? does it get you by?” Trunks replys with question.

“it’s what i always wanted to do, i couldnt see myslef in any other job” Gohan smiles brightly.

Just as Trunks is about to ask another question Bulma comes in with coffee for Gohan who gladly accpets it thanking her as she sits next to her elsest son on the other couch. There is a long silence as Gohan sips his coffee all eyes on him until Bulma breaks the silence with ‘the question’ “So how are Videl and Pan?”

Gohan was silent with himself in deep thought for a moment, he thought of how his and videl’s marriage had been on the rocks lately, and he couldnt deny no matter how much he loved his daughter, Videl spoiled her rotten. He wasn’t however about to tell Bulma this though, so he lied “Oh it’s wonderful!” he said feeling bad for lying knowing full well that everything was not wonderful. Bulma of course did not see or notice his lie for she smiled “that is so wonderful Gohan i am so happy for you! you deserve it!” Gohan smiled and out of the corner of his eye he could see that Trunks who sat next to Bulma however was not at all convinced, he could see it in his mysterious blue eyes which seemed to read right through all his lies.Gohan looked at his clock, he had to go home to get pan into bed and he knew Videl would be pissed if he wasn’t home. Gohan assured Bulma he would be back to visit and thanked her for the stay and he was off.

Gohan pulled into his small driveway and saw that the lights were still on, “great” he mumbled to himself, now Videl would surely kill him. He got out of his car and dreaded walking into the door, but he did anyway and just as he thought there in the door stood a mad Videl. “Home again late i see” she had her hands on her hips and her worse face on that made Gohan feel terrible. Gohan sighed and finally found the words to speak to his angry wife, “Videl i am sorry, but i went to the breifs i haven’t seen them in so long..” Gohan lowered his gaze to the floor as Videl stomped her foot and made it come quickly back to her burning eyes “oh! so they are more important then your family?!” She stood her ground and Gohan approached her, but she quickly backed up as if he was fire come to burn her. “Don’t you touch me Gohan Son!, Pan waited all day for you to come home she wanted you to tuck her into bed, but no! you couldn’t even be home for your own daughter..” Gohan reached out to Videl again, but was stopped as she sent a painful slap to his face and stomped off. Gohan held his stinging cheek and tried to redeem himself. Gohan felt broken as he walked up to Pan’s room and quietly opened the door and walked over quietly to Pan who was sound asleep. Gohan leaned over and brushed a stand of fallen hair out of her face, “I am so sorry Pan..” Pan stirred as if she had heard his words, Gohan left and walked off to his own room where he pulled off all his clothes and crawled into bed. For a minute he just stare at the ceiling, but then his gaze fell upon Videl who was sleeping now and seemed less mad, he hesitated and kissed her cheek finally and fell into deep sleep, his mind still racing.


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