Confessions and Changes Of Time
by Sunshineteen     More by this Writer
This is a story that takes place in the past (alternate universe) where Gohan is married to Videl and they have their daughter named Pan. Trunks in this story has feelings for Gohan and sees that his marriage isn’t good so he tries to help Gohan loosen up a bit.
Graphic Violence

Chapter 02
Trunks sat through another boring meeting as he tried to contain to keep himself awake. He blinked slowly and glanced across the table at his employee Otoko, who always seemed to follow him around. Trunks remembered the world tournament when Otoko was dressed up as a cop, just the thought of that made him want to die. Trunks glanced over at the man once again and was blown a kiss, and it sent shivers down his spine as he cringed, this was enough to make him more alert and he focused back on his meeting. Not long after Trunks started to drift into a world of his own as all the voices were drowned out by his own fantasy.He looked out the window and thought about how Gohan had said he and Videl were doing great in their marriage, ‘ Oh happy Fucking joy’ Trunks thought to himself, Trunks could never himself stay in a steady relationship and every time he did, something just went wrong. He grumbled and put his head on the desk he could tell this was going to be a long day…

When his meeting was over, they all exited the business room and walked down the halls, soon enough heads all turned towards Trunks’ direction as the girls blushed and giggled whenever he looked at them. Trunks avoided all the gazes and tried not to blush himself from all the attention and made his way quicker to his office. When he entered his office he quickly found himself in his chair and letting out a deep sigh which was followed by a smirk as he thought, ‘ why do i have to be so damn sexy?’ His thoughts were quickly interrupted as a cute blonde walked in with her hands moving and her avoiding gaze as she talked to him “Hello.. Mr President…” she fiddled with her dress and Trunks could tell she was about to ask him on a date . The blonde built her confidence up a little as she looked him in the eyes “i was wondering..if, well you had plans tonight..because if you didn’t maybe we could go to a bar or something…” Trunks looked her over and he could tell she really had to build the courage to ask him up, she looked as if she would cry if he didn’t say yes so he had no choice, “Fine i will pick you up at 7 sharp” he sighed. The girl seemed to loose all fear as her face lit up and she walked out with pure joy and when she left Trunks groaned, “great another date” He had dated many of blondes and not one of them could satisfy him just like no other woman could. One thing these woman didn’t know about him is that he was Bi Sexual, but he had always left this out because it was a very touchy subject and he had never really told anyone and his sister was the only one who found out, Trunks sighed and awaited the days end which would never go quick enough.

Soon his Day was ended as he walked out of Capsule Corp and pulled out his cell phone and punched in his best friend Goten’s number and Goten picked up as usual,

“Hello?” Goten asked

“Hey man it’s me…” Trunks let out a long sigh after this response and Goten immediately knowing who this was responded “Oh hey Trunks whats up??” He awaited his response as Trunks sighed again and replied “i got a date…” Goten let out a groan on his end “oh man..what color hair this time??”

Trunks hesitated and finally replied “Blonde, again” after this response Goten sighed “Uh i hate blondes, they are so ditsy..”

Trunks chuckled knowing he was right, but fired back a question “well then what is your type Goten?” after that there was a long pause and an “umm uhh..” Trunks chuckled knowing full well what his type was, Goten loved his sister Bura and saw them kiss after a secret date one night, the only reason he wouldn’t tell was because Vegeta would kill Goten if he knew. After his long thought Goten finally replied “Well i like Brunettes of course! they aren’t ditsy!” Trunks chuckled at his lie and Goten hesitated to get of the phone, but finally gave in “Well i Have to go Trunks, good luck on your date i will see you later..” Trunks said “later” and hung up.

Trunks made his way home and unlocked the front door and walked inside and looked around, his parents were not home, but he heard Bura upstairs doing her hair with the blow dryer. Trunks grinned as he snuck up into his sister’s room and yelled in her ear “BOO!” he shouted. Bura jumped and screamed and turned to see her brother, her eyebrows sunk and she yelled at him “Trunks you asshole!!” She punched his shoulder “you messed up my makeup!” she had a smear of lipstick across her face, Trunks giggled at her, he loved to pick on her. Trunks smirked at her as she went back to doing her makeup “so where are you going dressed up so nicely?” the question made her jump in her chair a bit as she searched for the words. Trunks finally spoke up “Listen i know you are seeing Goten” he saw her turn and give him evil eyes “you know what?” she clenched her fists threateningly “You wouldn’t dare tell dad….” she spoke through gritted teeth. Trunks grinned at her “Gee I dunno Bura…it’s so tempting..” She stood up to him and threatened him “If you do i will tell dad you are bi sexual…” she grinned knowing she had the dirt on him to win and Trunks gave up “uhhh fine!!! i wont tell” Just as he said this the doorbell rang and Bura rushed to get the last touches of her makeup on as she kissed Trunks on the cheek and ran downstairs in a hurry and slammed her door on the way out. Trunks went over to the window and saw Goten and Bura hand in hand as they smiled with glee, he touched the glass wishing he could have something that special. Trunks finally tore himself from the window and got ready for his own date and soon after drove to her house to pick her up.

When he arrived to pick her up she was waiting on the front doorstep, she was dressed in a short mini skirt that was black and a shirt that made her bust to be bigger then it appeared, Trunks could tell she wanted to get something from him. She got into the car and immediately Trunks smelled the overuse of her perfume the made him almost gag as she hug and clung to him. She kissed his cheek leaving a mark of lipstick on it and she started to babble on and on about how much she loved him. Trunks didn’t seem to pay attention and just focused onto the road and decided to go to the club down the street and drove there.


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