"" in DBZ Yaoi Fanfiction | Saiyan BL Tales — Page 25

A New Life GokuVegeta
A New Life January 27, 2018 Words: 27055 Chapters: 12 Views: 858 At ChiChi's insistance, Goku has finally gotten a job; but when Vegeta discovers the Saiyajin's new occupation, he is not pleased.

*WARNING: Almost rape, no actual rape occurs!

Art Source:
http://snarkycat.com/Enigma/ Abusive
New year, new me! GokuVegeta
New year, new me! January 26, 2018 Words: 2035 Views: 323 How a misspelled note can change your life.
Splish Splash BulmaGoku
Splish Splash January 26, 2018 Words: 3104 Views: 1946 Goku feels lonely after denouncing himself as Chichi's husband. With Bulma's insistence, he moves in to Capsule Corps where he feels more inadequate. His prince takes it upon himself to show him what he's been missing from his wife.

Slight V/B

Art Source: https://latinodrop.deviantart.com/art/What-are-you-doing-76037921
Frosty Night GokuVegeta
Frosty Night January 26, 2018 Words: 2951 Views: 355 What better way to warm up on a cold night than to get caught in the heat of passion?

Art Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=38653740
Possessions BrolyGoku
Possessions Abandoned January 26, 2018 Words: 32745 Chapters: 10 Views: 794 Sometimes emotions can become so overwhelming, we end up hurting the ones we love.
Art Source: https://jiayulong.deviantart.com/art/SA-51345504 Graphic Violence Rape Deathfic Abusive
Eyes GokuVegeta
Eyes January 25, 2018 Words: 3052 Views: 343 Imagine being an alien in a world that cannot accept you. What feelings are there hiding in other people's eyes?
The More Things Change GokuVegeta
The More Things Change January 25, 2018 Words: 7496 Views: 554 Sometimes, even a monumental change doesn't affect the course of the future. But though the scenery on the journey doesn't change, the feel of the trip most certainly can. This is what might have happened during the ultimate smack-down between Goku and Vegeta that led to Buu being released. It doesn't stop the inevitable, but I like to think it makes it that much more fun.

Art Source: Sky Upside Down (site no longer around) Graphic Violence Deathfic
There's Something Happening Here GokuVegeta
There's Something Happening Here January 25, 2018 Words: 10032 Chapters: 4 Views: 697 Kakarot sequesters himself in one of the many rooms on the Lookout, and Vegeta wants to know why. This is what happens when two Saiyans have too much freedom to blow stuff up and too much left unsaid between them.

Art Source: https://xxchichixx.deviantart.com/art/Get-Well-Soon-With-A-Passion-58578271
Tension GokuVegeta
Tension January 25, 2018 Words: 2266 Views: 454 Do you really need one for a PWP? Tempers fly, as do hormones. Sex ensues.

Art Source: https://xxgogetacatxx.deviantart.com/art/VegetaXGoku-64405125
Strength GokuVegeta
Strength January 25, 2018 Words: 1830 Views: 326 Goku has one last thought as he faces his death at the hands of the man who always wanted to cause it. Deathfic
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