Caught Between Two Worlds
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings: Major AU, Yaoi, Blood, Gore, Vampirish Freeza, Two Vegeta's *yummy*, Weird author notes, Sadistic humor.....

Image by 'Kuri' from the book 'Prince and the Showgirl: Part 1'

Chapter 3
Caught Between Two Worlds

By A'Nore and L'Orn

//thoughts in flashbacks//

Chapter 3

"Are you going to daydream the rest of the day? I can take care of Freeza by myself if you wish!" Vegeta turned from the window to glare at the older prince, who had been filled in on what was going on while Vegeta`s mind had been elsewhere. The others were gone, likely on their respective missions, leaving the two Saiyan Princes together.

"I will kill Freeza, and you will stay out of my way!" He replied harshly.

"Look, you little fuck, no one tells me what to do!"

"There is always someone able to. I'm amazed that you have lived this long without realizing that. There is always someone stronger, someone more determined. Sometimes fate makes you accept that fact no matter how hard you fight against it." The younger prince started to walk away, now wasn't the time to start a fight. He might need his belligerent counterpart in the upcoming battle. He had only gone a step or two when the other began speaking again.

"Speaking from experience? I saw the mating mark. How did it feel to be claimed, like a low-class breeder?" The older man sneered as he glowered at his younger self hatefully.

"Do you really want to know?" The young prince questioned quietly, turning around. "I was disgust with myself when I lost and then I let my pride be stripped from me as I was claimed. It was humiliating, degrading and demoralizing;" young Vegeta exhaled sharply at the memory as he made eye contact with his older version. "Then it was indescribable, indefinable and soul shattering. I was complete when our souls merged and it no longer mattered who had claimed whom, because we were one. I am Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans but my name, my strength and my pride can not fill this emptiness that I have now."

"Sentimental drivel, from an overemotional young cub." Came the cold retort.

"I am you. A different timeline, a different dimension, but still you. I am never sentimental, hardly ever emotional. Angry and arrogant always. Brash and boastful in battle. Read whatever explanation into it that helps to sooth your pride. But in the still darkness when I am alone, that pride is cold comfort." Vegeta harsh voice berated his senior counterpart. "I did not travel through time to fuck with your reality. My soul begs for release, I only live to kill Freeza, to destroy the one who has destroyed me. Do not interfere."

"How old are you, cub?" The question caught Vegeta off guard and he answered without thought.

"I have seen twenty-six years."

"Huh...I was seven when Freeza destroyed my Vejitta-sei. Kakkarot and I are the only full blooded Saiyans left in this time. You see in this dimension everything is different, we are the same, yet, we are not. By the time I was your age I had destroyed more than a hundred planets and easily killed billions of people. Freeza owned me for more than twenty years. I understand revenge. I define it." Vejiita's lips curled in a snide little grin before continuing. "That said, let us hunt. It has been a while since I have been able to test my skills."

"Should we wait for the others?" Vegeta queried. Even in denying their sameness his counterpart expressed it in words and actions. They were the same, their emotions and responses, very similar. The situation was different but they weren't. He wondered just how long it would be before his older version realized it.

"No, Kakkarot can contact me if I am needed." Vejiita turned away leaving the younger prince to follow. That one comment gave away more than the elder prince realized as Vegeta smirked and followed him.

"Then let us proceed. We need to find a high concentration of unprotected people. The closest city is a likely place to start."

They flew for a few miles before setting down in a dark alley behind a building in the middle of West City.

"We will have to walk from here, the only way to find them is by their scent, and they have no noticeable ki to speak of. That does not mean their weak, they are not. When they kill and eat they gain power from their victim. That is how Freeza survived my ascension. But he'll have to feed in order to maintain his new strength." Vegeta let the older prince lead. It gave him the opportunity to observe and absorb, to identify scents. Food came to him, sweet, spiced, tart. His stomach tightened in hunger and he realized just how long he had been without food. Perhaps traveling through the portal sharpened the appetite. If so, the Cursed Ones would already have fed at least once. Each scent blended into another as he searched only for one. The rank decaying smell of the Cursed Ones.

They walked for several blocks, getting stared at by the people streaming along around them. First because they were attractive men who could have passed for twins, and secondly for the way they were dressed. Vegeta was still in his black battle suit with his black armor and sword strapped onto his back. His elder counterpart was wearing a royal blue spandex sparring gi with white gloves and white boots. An outfit similar to the one that Vegeta had always worn to train in as well.

"What do they smell like?" Vejiita asked after they had traveled for several minutes without any luck.

"It is the smell of decay. Sweet but yet sour, the smell that is between over ripe and rot. Then there is an underlying scent of blood that accompanies it." They had stopped in front of large park like area. Vegeta caught the scent of animals among the humans. Great cats, reptiles, fowls and more he could not identify.

"What is this place?" He asked.

"The humans call it a Zoo, a place to view exotic animals."

"They are kept in cages?" Vegeta asked angrily. "Just another form of cruelty, that one species could be locked away for the amusement of another."

"Cruelty is something easily recognizable in every species. The need to dominate and control in any way possible. These humans are too weak to dominate anything of true power so they force their will over that which they can control. Every civilization has it's own forms of cruelty. It was no different on Vejiita-sei." Vejiita replied indifferently to his younger self's anger. "We were raised to respect strength and power above all else, and we used that strength to subjugate other species. Slavery is just another form of a cage."

Vegeta's anger took a sharp nose-dive at that those words. Was it true? Saiyans were a primal race; the need for conquest was a deep- seated aspect of their make-up. The strong, enforcing their will over the weak. Maybe it was time for a different form of conquest. What, he wasn't sure. Then a familiar scent choked him.

He held up a hand, bared his teeth. "Cursed Ones," was all he said.

He was on the scent and ran like the wind. People scrambled out of their way and those who caught sight of the sword strapped on his back moved the fastest.

"There!" Vegeta pointed to a building, seconds before people started pouring out. Screaming. He drew his sword as he raced through the doorway.

Whatever the older Vejiita had expected, it hadn't been this, the stench of blood and death, fear and rot overwhelmed him. The smells reminding him of purging, a scent he hadn't enjoyed in over twenty years. One he didn't want too. In cages monkeys were wild. Screeching, screaming, leaping desperately from branch to branch. He saw the blood and gore on the floor tracked it with his eyes and found squatted in the midst of it a man feeding savagely on a body. A human body.

It all happened in a matter of minutes. His emotions were a testament to how much he had changed. The disbelief, the disgust and then the fury. All these sensations burst through him as he powered up and incinerated the still feasting monster. Then something hideous pounced on his back. Claws dug in his shoulders, gouging deep as the thing that attacked him let out a predatory howl. He spun, ramming back into wall. Cursing, he battered the thing against the wall as his own blood spilled hot down his back. He felt the rough edge of a tongue slide through it, slurping hideously.

Revolted, he flew back with his elbow, aiming high for the throat hammered down with his heel on the instep of a booted foot hard enough to hear the bones cracking. There was a shriek, no longer human in its vocalization. Vejiita jabbed behind him with his fingers where he thought to find its eyes. Now it screamed and the claws finally released their hold. He saw what it was now as he spun around, powering up even more as he turned, his aura flashing gold. The face of a man, the eyes of a monster. It was limping from the bones he had crushed, but still unbelievably fast. Not as fast as him though, as he whirled and the thing hurtle past him. When it turned to charge he met its face with a flying kick.


Vegeta fought his own Cursed One, swinging his blade to evade the swipe of claws. He gauged his older counterpart's position by sound. He couldn't risk a glance behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Freeza, behind the bars, grinning as he feasted and watched the battle.

"I've been waiting for you, my little prince." Freeza called out. "I will have your blood. I will have your body. And I will have your soul."

"Fuck you! I no longer have a soul to bargain with. It was rip from me when you killed my mate! Now I will kill you!" Vegeta almost sang it as he thrust through slicing claws and pinned the Cursed One he was fighting to the wall with the point of his sword through its throat. Wrenching the blade loose with a sickening slurp of rushing fluid he cleanly cut off its head.

"No soul, hum...Well then I'm lucky you brought me a playmate. He looks so much like you Vegeta. Is he to be your replacement?" Freeza laughed as he brought the severed arm of the body he was devouring to his lips, sucking vociferously on the still warm flowing blood.

"I will be your Death!" Vegeta powered up and sent his energy straight for the monster slicing through and dissolving the metal bars that separated them. Explosions roared through the buildings as the ceiling gave way under Freeza's escape blasts. Even so, he could hear Freeza laughter, though he could no longer see him through the dust and debris. Cursing, he vaulted over the safety rail, climbed through the dissolved bars of the cage. He was gone. Again. He ran after him, through the building and out the rear. How long had they been inside? It had seemed like hours. But now he realized it had only been a few minutes.


Vejiita's aura swirled around him as loosed a wave of energy on the monster that had clawed him, incinerating it completely. Then he heard a sound that sent a chill down his spine. Freeza's mocking laughter. He only had time to catch a glimpse of his hated enemy before the building exploded around him and dust clouded his vision. He could hear his younger self swearing but he couldn't see him. Shooting straight up he blasted his way out of the rubble, hovering in the clear sky above, until he caught sight of his younger self emerging from the back of the building. Quickly he caught up with him and came down to rest beside him.

"Can you track him?" Vejiita asked the young prince. He own sense of smell was overwhelmed by the multitude of scents. The smell of fear overrode everything else. Then there was the smell of his own blood that was still gushing unchecked down his back. It should have clotted by now.

"On my world, yes, but here the scents are unfamiliar. I am not sure," the young prince took a deep breath and shook his head in frustration. "He has disguised his smell with the animals and the humans; it will take time for me to find him again. He will go to ground now. He knew. I do not know how, but he was expecting me. He has had his little fun and been fed. He will rest and wait."

Vejiita felt lightheaded. He was losing a lot of blood, but that shouldn't bother him as much as it was. He had been injured worse than this before. He could almost feel a strange substance flowing through his veins.

"How bad is my wound?" He asked, turning around to expose his back to his younger self.

"Damn, how long did it have a hold on you?" Vegeta pulled away the shredded spandex as he looked at the deep gouges.

"It would not let go," came the sluggish answer.

"We have to get back and stop the bleeding. The Cursed Ones have a chemical in their claws that cause the blood to thin and stop clotting. Keeping it fresh and flowing to ingest easier. It even works on Saiyans, interrupting our natural healing process. A simple scratch does nothing; they must dig their claws in to release the toxin." Vegeta explained as he probed the wounds.

"Tenderizing the meat." His older counterpart replied dryly.

"Yes, in a way. Can you fly?"

"No, but I will not need to," even though Vejiita voice was steady his body wasn't. The color was slowly leeching away from his skin and he swayed slightly on his feet. Then he felt that familiar disturbance in the air behind him and almost sagged in relief.

" `Jita..." the concern was evident in Goku's voice as he clutched Vejiita to support him. One moment he wasn't there, then to the young prince's shock he appeared out of thin air behind Vejiita to grab the unsteady prince before he fell.

"About time, Kakkarot. I am going to need a sensu."

"I can see that. Fighting without me again?" Goku chuckled lightly as he nodded at the young prince in greeting.

"I do not need you to protect me. Stop trying."

"No, you just need me to bandage you up afterwards."

"At least your good for something" came the sarcastic reply, followed by a sharp hiss of pain, as Goku easily lifted Vejiita's body into his arms. "Could you be a little rougher, Nurse? After all I live for pain."

"Very funny `Jita. How about we get that sensu for you?' Vegeta watched his older counterpart bicker with Goku, with something akin to amusement. Some things were the same no matter what dimension you were in.

"I am waiting on you. Or do I need to bleed to death first."

"At least you'd be nicer then. Grab a hold, Vegeta, we'll be back at Capsule Corp in a sec." Vegeta cautiously grabbed Goku's arm and before he could blink they were standing in the living room at Capsule Corp. surrounded by several strange people.

Nothing ever prepares people for the sudden appearance of Goku when he uses his Instant Transmission technique. It was particularly upsetting now because he had reappeared with the limp and bloody body of one Saiyan Prince gripped lightly against his chest while another was grasping his arm.

"Just what we need, two Vejiitas." Vegeta turned to face a scowling seven foot tall green Namek.

"Shut the fuck up Piccolo, or I will do it for you,' came a growl from the bloody body Goku still held, sheer will power alone keeping him conscious.

"Krillian, get me a sensu bean." Goku ordered as he carried Vejiita into the kitchen and laid him on his side on the table. Blood still streamed from his back and his younger counterpart grab a kitchen towel to staunch the flow.

"Now... What happened?' Goku asked as he waited for Krillian to return, his hands gripping the shoulder and waist of Vejitta to keep him steady, as he caught the younger prince's eyes.

"We found Freeza and his Cursed Ones. They were feeding at that Zoo place. We managed to kill three but Freeza got away. Again." Vegeta growled at the thought before continuing. "One of them managed to sink its claws into his back fairly deep. They can release a substance through their claws that keeps the blood from clotting. In effect making him bleed to death."

"Three out of four. It's just Freeza now." Bulma was leaning next to Goku, examining the wounds on the older prince's back.

"He'll make more." They were reminded. Horror gripped the inhabitants of the building.

"We have to stop him." Piccolo harsh voice stated.

"Here's the sensu, Goku. How's he doing?" Krillian handed Goku the bean as he joined the others surrounding the table.

"I am not dead yet, Shorty," Vejiita shrugged off Goku's hand and struggled to sit up. Grabbing the bean from Goku's outstretched palm he chewed it rapidly, the color immediately returning to his face. He flexed his shoulder and back and got down from the table. "Their claws can penetrate a Super Saiyan's skin. The boy says scratches will not do it, they have to dig in to release the substance. I could feel it at least. I knew something was wrong."

Vejiita pulled off the shredded spandex top of his gi and handed it to Goku who wrinkled his nose at the over powering scent of the Cursed One that lingered on the material, even stronger than the fresh scent of Vejiita`s blood. "Their smell is strong, even these weak earthlings should be able to distinguish it from other smells if they are close enough. And they really have no ki; even Freeza's was insignificant."

"Do not underestimate Freeza. Just because his power is undetectable does not mean it is nonexistent. He was stronger than my mate was and then he fed on his blood and acquired his strength as well," Vegeta explained as he crossed his arms and leaned against the far wall. "I have ascended to a Super Saiyan since his death, but he must have been close as well. Each person with power that Freeza feeds on increases his strength."

"If he's that strong, how did you survive?" Yamacha asked.

"First, because I am fast, there are very few who can keep up with me. Secondly, I know how to use this and managed to keep him at blade's length;" Vegeta indicated over his shoulder the hilt that could be seen. Then his face took on a disgusted look as he finished. "But it is not my power the monster wants from me."

"Figures...Freeza would be the same in every dimension," Vegeta looked over to find his older counterpart's face was flushed with anger before the older man turned sharply and left the building. Goku met the young prince's gaze for a moment before following him out.

"Freeza will be looking for anyone with a high power level," Bulma started cleaning the blood off the table as she spoke. "It would probably be a good idea if everyone kept theirs lowered."

"We already are." Piccolo informed her. "It's getting dark, so tonight we rest and wait for the boys to return. After they have retrieved the Dragonballs and Vegeta here has made his wish we will go out to look for Freeza."

"Just follow me and I'll get everyone settled for the night." Bulma said. __________________________________________________________

He watched the others leave the room to follow his counterpart's mate. A female. The humor was not lost on Vegeta. Vegeta-sei was a true homosexual society, all male; there were no females. Not that it was unheard of to mate outside their species, but it was unusual for a Saiyan to choose a female instead of a male. Saiyan valued strength above all else. That the older prince would choose a woman to breed with, over the only remaining full-blooded Saiyan, was a testament to his hatred of the other man. At least at one time. Vegeta chuckled lightly. He wondered just how much his older version still disliked Goku. They were closer than he would admit. After all they had established a mental bond of sorts. Saiyans were telepathic, but usually they had to be near or in contact with the mind they were trying to read. Those two could speak to each other over some distance and Vegeta didn't know of any Saiyans that could do that that weren't bonded in some form or another. He smirked at the thought. Maybe he could use this. Yawning he walked into the living room.

Vegeta felt stretched to the breaking point. He had spent the last several days hunting Freeza through every possible terrain. Lack of sleep and food had him on an edge keener than his sword. He would have to take measures to remedy that soon. Sliding the leather strap from his shoulder he leaned his sword against the wall. Settling himself down in a comfortable chair he laid his head back and closed his eyes, just to gain a few moments respite.

Emptiness gnawed at his mind. The space that had been Kakkarot's presence was now a gaping bleeding abyss, virulent in its pain. He missed his mate and the longing he felt when he looked at Goku troubled him even as he welcomed it. The feeling blunted his grief as much as it sharpened it. But this wasn't his Kakkarot he reminded himself. They were the same, yet they were not. Just as my counterpart and I,** he admitted to himself bluntly. In some ways so close but in others further apart than the next dimension. His Kakkarot was a easygoing as this one, but was forceful when necessary. Especially when he wanted to assert his will over a certain crown prince.......


Vegeta ran. He knew he was faster than Kakkarot. Never stronger, never more powerful, but always swifter, faster, quicker. Kakkarot was a fool. Ten minutes would put him so far out of Kakkarot's reach; it would be impossible for him to catch up. It was actually humorous. The powerful warrior didn't have a chance of succeeding. He blurred from the training grounds and his aura burst around him in brilliant blue fire as he sped away. Running ate at his pride, but it couldn't be helped. He wasn't going to be claimed by a third-class, no matter how much stronger he was, no matter how much he wanted the fool. He was Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, he was born to rule and he would do it in every aspect of his life. He would not be dominated. He would do the claiming, he would not be claimed. His pride would not allow anything else.

Flying low, he went for speed instead of stealth. He was putting as much distance between him and Kakkarot as he could, then he would worry about finding a hiding place to wait for sunrise. The sun was just starting to set and the stars and half moon were lighting the night sky. Thankfully it was a cool night, or the scent of his perspiration would have led even an unskilled hunter to his trail. And Kakkarot was anything but unskilled. Speeding past the harsh dunes and deserts that surrounded the Capital City and palace, Vegeta headed for Vegeta-sei's massive rainforest. The lush greenery and the variety of different animals would help to mask any scent he left behind, plus there was plenty of water sources available to rinse clean in, if needed.

The cave was hidden by a tangle of brush. He purred his delight at having found hidden shelter so quickly. It had only been a couple of hours since the hunt had started and there had been absolutely no sign of Kakkarot. He would win, just by waiting for daylight. Carefully he cleared away the signs of his arrival and flew down to the nearby stream to rinse off, removing any scent his rapid flight may have caused, he flew to the cave making sure not to touch down but at the entrance. Now he would wait.

Shit, he had dozed off. At least he was well rested, which would be in his favor if he met up with his would be pursuer now. Feeling a twinge of disappointment at having escaped so easily, he moved cautiously and eased towards the entrance of the cave to check the position of the moon. Only three hours until sunrise. If he left now he could probably make it back to the palace without being caught. Even if he met up with Kakkarot now, there was no way the other would able to beat him in a fight before the sun rose. Vegeta almost crowed his delight at having eluded the younger Saiyan so well. Vegeta eased past the surrounding brush only to freeze in surprise. There leaning nonchalantly against a large Anoralla tree, arms crossed over his chest and legs crossed at the ankles, stood Kakkarot, looking for all the world as if he had been there waiting for him all night.

"How in hell did you find me?" Vegeta growled harshly staying out of the younger man's reach.

"I can feel you...In here," Kakkarot replied calmly while pointing to his forehead. "You've spent so much time fighting this that you haven't even realized it's to late...We are bound."

"Fuck you! That is not decided until you win." Vegeta snarled, then grinned snidely. " There is only about three hours of night left. You have no hope of defeating me that quickly."

Kakkarot moved closer, gracefully stalking his prey. "No, I'm going to fuck you, little prince...I don`t want to fight with you. I want you whole when I take you. I want you to know what's happening and to enjoy it as much as I will."

Vegeta cursed as he found himself cornered near the cave entrance. He couldn't fly up without being stopped and the cave was to cramped for the type of fighting he would need to do to last until sunrise. He dropped in to a fighting stance and awaited his would be lover's attack, growling deep at Kakkarot who was standing there grinning at him. Before he could even blink Kakkarot's body was engulf with a blinding white aura, and Vegeta found himself forced against the rock wall behind him, Kakkarot body pressing him back as his hands were grabbed and restrained over his head. It was a rather compromising position. Vegeta howled his anger as he strained against the heavy muscular form pressed intimately against him.

"We can do this the hard way," Kakkarot smirked as he fitted himself firmly between the prince's wide spread legs.. "Or the easy way... It's up to you," He finished as he leaned forward and hungrily licked and nipped his way down Vegeta neck.

Vegeta bit back a moan and inhaled deeply. Kakkarot's usual sweet rich scent was heavily ladened with the strong musky fragrance of his arousal. It was like the strongest of sensual aphrodisiacs, breaking down Vegeta's resistance slowly. Screaming his rage, he struggled in his grasp. No, he would not submit to this. He wanted Kakkarot more than anything, but on his own terms. He would not be taken like some low-class whore. Relaxing his body, he allowed himself to respond, making encouraging sounds of pleasure as Kakkarot's mouth moved hot and wet against his skin. He smiled when he felt the grip on his hands ease and slowly gathered his energy. Slamming his head forward, he screamed his outrage as his forehead struck Kakkarot's causing the taller Saiyan to step back gripping his aching head. Vegeta brought his hands down and let lose the blue energy he had gathered against the younger man's stomach and it sent Kakkarot hurtling backwards, crashing through several trees before he stopped.

"Damn it, `Geta!" He roared as he staggered to his feet. "Why do you have to make everything so difficult? Why can't you just accept that we're suppose to be together?"

"I'll never accept being claimed by anyone! Not even you! You may be stronger but you will have to kill me to get me to submit to you!" Vegeta snarled back. He once again got ready to attack as the taller man drew closer.

"All I want to do is love and protect you," Kakkarot sighed as he rubbed his head gingerly. "You're all I think about...I can feel you with every breath I draw. I can't let you go now, I can`t live without you."

"I do not need you to protect me, Kakkarot. Nor do I want your love, not on your terms. I will not be claimed...I will not!"

// I'm sorry, my sweet prince, // Vegeta eyes widened as he heard Kakkarot whisper in his mind as the other brushed away his mental barriers. // I never wanted to do it this way...I never wanted to force you...//

Vegeta barely had time to push down his shock at the other man's mental invasion, before Kakkarot flew forward in attack. Growling loudly they clashed, hands interlocking as they circled each other spitting and snarling like two animals. Vegeta jumped up and slammed his feet into the taller Saiyan's stomach causing Kakkarot to fall backwards. Using the momentum of the younger man's fall, Vegeta rolled over the top of Kakkarot's head and then brought him up, catching him again in the stomach, catapulting him over his head. Kakkarot hit the ground hard on his back, but refused to let go of the prince's hands. He rolled to the side and twisted Vegeta's arms. Getting on his knees he smiled down at the now trapped prince. Vegeta growled loudly and whipped over, untwisting his arms and lifting his legs to wrap securely around Kakkarot's neck, cutting off the other's air supply.

Kakkarot had to let go of Vegeta's hands to release the legs from around his neck. Vegeta slammed his fists into the younger man's head making Kakkarot hiss in pain. Ignoring the pain he reached up a hand to grab Vegeta by the throat and pushed him down to the ground. His other hand pried one of Vegeta's legs loose and pushed it to the side. Rolling slightly he trapped the leg underneath him. Vegeta let out a roar and punched Kakkarot in the face, only causing the other to tighten his grip on Vegeta's throat.

Vegeta winced from the pain then rolled the larger Saiyan so he was on top, tightening his legs, causing Kakkarot to release his choke hold on Vegeta's neck. Gasping for air, Vegeta staggered to his feet only to find himself flipped around and pinned once again, face first to the rock wall outside the cave entrance. He moaned with suppressed desire as Kakkarot pressed him flush against the rock with his own body. The younger man once again had a tight grip on Vegeta's hands and moved his head down to nip at Vegeta's ear lobe, then blowing gently. Shivering Vegeta jerked madly trying to break free and only succeeding in jarring recklessly against Kakkarot, exciting the younger man as Vegeta felt the other man's arousal rubbing against him. His passion dazed mind ask why he was fighting as lust washed over him in a red haze. He couldn't think. Then with the sudden renting of cloth, he felt cool air caress his skin as Kakkarot ripped his top from his body. His fury returned as he realized he had almost given in and his struggles renewed with a vengeance.

"Damn you, Kakkarot. Let go!" He shouted, swearing and frantically thrashing against the other's body as he felt the rest of his gi being torn away, leaving him naked, pressed between the rock face and the hard, hot muscular body of Kakkarot. Vegeta made one last attempted to get away by twisting to the side, but Kakkarot grabbed him from behind pulling him back against him tightly.

"Is this how you want it?" Kakkarot's hot breath teased his ear as he nibbled it again, gently rocking his hard length against the prince`s rear. "From behind?"

"Damn it...Let go!" Vegeta cursed once more as he was pushed down to lie on his stomach, Kakkarot pressing against his back. "I am Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans, you can`t do this to me!"

"Yes, you are... My prince..." Vegeta trembled eagerly at the possessive tone. Kakkarot used his weight to hold Vegeta still as one hand pulled his navy blue top off. Then kicking his boots off, he used the same hand to ease his pants down, pressing warm, naked flesh against more naked flesh.

// Mine.. My sweet prince, you are mine. // Echoed through Vegeta's mind

Vegeta breath became ragged with blazing need as Kakkarot's hand began to run lightly over his body, teasing and touching. He shivered as he felt it slide from his waist to grip his hips. Slowly Kakkarot rocked forward as he kissed and nipped the side of Vegeta's neck and shoulders. Vegeta was losing, but it felt so good...He didn't want control anymore...What was wrong with him? How could he be so weak?

// Just let go, `Geta...I'll catch you...I'll give you what you need...// The voice caressed his conscious.

A low purr escaped his lips before he could stop it. Then he was flipped over and Kakkarot's mouth descended to his chest, licking and blowing at his nipple until it hardened in the cool predawn air. Vegeta visibly shuddered against the Saiyan, trying to once again gain control over himself. He growled low and angrily trying to shove against the taller Saiyan. Kakkarot grunted irately and roughly pushed him back down. No longer waiting, he moved swiftly up to claim his prince, sharp canines brutally sinking into the flesh at the base of Vegeta`s neck. Vegeta flinched away as spasms of pain intermingled with waves of pleasure and he finally lost his will to fight. Pride be damned, it felt good to submit, to be possessed completely. He wanted this...He was truly and utterly claimed.

"You are mine! It is my right to hold and protect that which I have claimed, body and soul, forever!" Kakkarot shouted his dominance to the world as he sat back, pulling Vegeta with him until he had the small prince astride his lap, legs wrapped tightly around Kakkarot's waist. Vegeta purred softly as their erections pressed erotically against each other, his breathing uneven. Knowledgeable hands reached down and massaged the base of Vegeta's tail causing the lithe prince to arch forward against the younger man.

// Mine...forever...// The voice murmured. Then a firm, but gentle hand stroked the tail from base to tip, sending shuddering waves of pleasure tingling up along Vegeta's spine, until he was sure he would pass out from the overpowering sensations.

"Accept my claim!" Lips wandered wetly over the new mating mark, eliciting another sigh of delight from the now submissive prince, as his head fell back to give Kakkarot better access to the taunt flesh, causing the prince to strain against him.

"I am yours..'Karo," Vegeta barely breathed, the hand on his tail was still caressing and teasing him, he couldn't think. "My body and soul are yours by right of claiming. Do...with me...what you will." And with those words he was engulfed in living fire, the very life essence of his soul-mate as it arced from Kakkarot's body to his. Pure white energy that dance along his skin, burning and throbbing wherever it touched, driving Vegeta over the edge into a whirlpool of pleasure and pain. Not knowing where one ended and the other began. His mind whirled as his body burst, once then again, at the sensations of the onslaught. Losing all restraint, he slipped into the welcoming envelope of darkness as he lost consciousness.

Dawn was just painting the horizon when he finally awoke still spanning Kakkarot's lap. Reality slowly returned as he felt strong, clever hands moving over him, lighting fires wherever they touched. His mate. Vegeta tilted his head down, hungrily moving his mouth against Kakkarot`s, tongues intertwining as he rubbed his smaller frame against his lover`s. Kakkarot curled around him, enveloping, smothering, warm moist heat on his, heavy and rolling. He gripped Vegeta's jaw and thrust his tongue deep between his lips, a slide and a push of unchained heat and passion. And Vegeta purred in response, battling against him, with him, plowing his finger's through Kakkarot's hair and taking all that he gave of this power, this ungodly hunger.

" `Geta...." Kakkarot whispered, his voice rough with desire, "This need...this power...wanting's to strong...I can't stop..." with a light shove he pushed Vegeta to rest on the palm of his hands, breaking contact to cool his aching body. Kneeling, Kakkarot's hands wrenched through his hair as he tried to calm himself, to bring back some semblance of control. Every thought screamed at him to take his prince, ravage him, it was his right.

"What are you afraid of?" Vegeta asked through lust hazed eyes.

Kakkarot looked at him sharply, through a drape of dark hair, his eyes smoldering as they raked him from head to foot and back. The heat there flared the fire ever simmering inside him to ungodly proportions, and a quick tingling wound up his spine and he nearly moaned at the hunger engulfing him.

"Of wanting you so badly that I might hurt you," came a voice harsh with desire.

Vegeta's hands trembled, his body quaking with the intensity of his need. Hot and primitive, a craving so deep and dark, Vegeta feared it would destroy him. He wanted so badly. His body and soul cried for release, begged.

"Take me, `Karo," He whispered, just barely loud enough for his mate to hear. "Do with me will."

They came together in a powerful clash, skin to skin, savage with lust. Ravenous for completion. Kakkarot thrust his knees between Vegeta`s, lifting and spreading Vegeta over his lap once more as his mouth moved to trail kisses and small bites down his prince's neck and collarbone.

"Mine!" Kakkarot growled, gripping his hips and thrusting upwards, entering him in one hard stroke. "My prince...only mine..."

"Aaarrgh..." Vegeta hissed as his hands fisted tightly in Kakkarot's spiky black locks as twin tears of pain slowly flowed down his cheeks. The pain was intense causing a burning aching sensation, and a feeling of overwhelming completeness in wake. Then a firm hand lightly stroked along his tail eliciting another hiss, this one of pleasure as the pain receded. Carefully Kakkarot withdrew then eased back, all the while gently petting Vegeta's tail with full strokes from the base to the tip. Vegeta's body bucked against him in response to the sensual pleasure each caress caused.

" `KARO!" Vegeta roared as the next thrust ignited a fire of hot pleasure, delicious friction rubbing something inside that caused a tingling to race through his blood with a madness that defied explanation. With each thrust he lost a piece of himself. With each kiss he abandoned more of himself to the rip and crush of pleasure. Wrapping his legs around his young lover he leaned back, on to the jungle floor, pulling him down, the motion driving him deeper into him.

Kakkarot let out a low growl, squeezing his eyes shut, and bracing himself above Vegeta, he gazed into his eyes. "I'll hurt you."

"No.." Vegeta's fingertips swept over the passion-harsh lines of his mate's face, before trailing down his sculpted chest. Then he grabbed Kakkarot's hips and pulled him back. "More. Harder."

Kakkarot's control snapped and he groaned, arching and thrusting deeply. He withdrew, then plunged, sheathing himself over and over, muscles gripping him in a hot glove of desire. Vegeta's hands were everywhere, touching and sliding over sweat slick muscle before letting his hand trail along the end of Kakkarot's tail.

Kakkarot groaned like a tortured animal, arching to drive deeper, yet it wasn't enough. Gazes lock. Their bodies moved in primitive rhythm, delicious friction carrying them to the very brink of madness. Their tempo increased, frantic, raw. Vegeta welcomed him, clawing him, locking his legs around Kakkarot's waist as his hips slammed in to him, the rush of sumptuous heat and sensations shattering through them. Vegeta screamed as he climaxed in a wave... wet, sticky warmth coating them. Hot and fast, muscles clenched taking Kakkarot over the edge seconds later. With a groan, he shoved hard, grinding into Vegeta as his seed filled him......

***End Flashback***


L'orn: The plot thickens! *snickers*

A'nore: Plot? What plot?

L'orn: Oh come on, it's not quite that good...umm I mean bad... Is it? Besides a little PWP makes my world go round...and upside down ...then backwards...forwards...sometimes sideways...Um, where was I?...Oh yes, PWP, fantasy in written form...Ambrosia of the writing gods and goddesses...intimate details written to stimulate and exhaust...o_O ....Nope never done one!

A'nore: ;O) But love to read `em...Yeah!

L'orn: Any ways...I really hate to disappoint a reader, especially one that REVIEWS so nicely! But We just love to twist our sadist blood-letting, horror-telling up with a little bit of sap and fairy- tailness....

A'nore: *in loud game-show host voice* All overripe/rotten vegetables should be tossed at my sap loving twin, L'orn at [email protected]...

L'orn: But we need our Cupid! And I'm not going to explain that, you'll just have to wait and see.....

A'nore: *smirking* That's why this is a PWP, the plot can only be found in the author's notes instead of in the story!

L'orn: *glowering* Did I mention that I really hate you sometimes?

A'nore: Before or after we kiss and make up? *pulls twinny into lap and nuzzles*

L'orn: *purrs contently then remembers their audience* Let Go!!!!


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