Caught Between Two Worlds
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings: Major AU, Yaoi, Blood, Gore, Vampirish Freeza, Two Vegeta's *yummy*, Weird author notes, Sadistic humor.....

Image by 'Kuri' from the book 'Prince and the Showgirl: Part 1'

Chapter 5
Caught Between Two Worlds

By A'Nore and L'Orn

Chapter 5

"Vejiita." He turned slowly to face Goku. He would have replied, but the sight that met his gaze rendered him speechless. His enemy, rival, friend, mate lay sprawled across a expanse of royal blue silk, clad only in a white silk robe loosely tied at the waist. Glimpses of tanned flesh showed at his chest and legs. Startled Vegeta gasped at the blatantly erotic vision. The rich, musky scent of his mate's arousal filled the air, disordering his senses and blurring the line between reality and fantasy, as a sleek blue black tail swayed enticingly beside him, beckoning Vejiita.

Vejiita knew that he had to get out before it was too late, but already he was too paralyzed to move. Didn't Goku have any idea of the effect he was having on him? Yes, he must.

"Damn it Kakkarot," he swore. "Are you deliberately trying to drive me crazy?"

"No." Dark eyes devoured him gleaming with suppressed desire. "What I'm trying to do-what I want-is for you to finish the claim. If you're willing. I only wish to be yours completely."

Willing? If Goku want him to cut his heart out right now, he'd probably ask for a fucking knife. His will was slowly being swept away by a wave of lust and need and he could no longer think. Vejiita knew that he should retreat and take time to contemplate, to examine the black corner of his spirit that was warning that nothing good could come of this. He didn't want this, he couldn't want this. Could he? But he couldn't draw back, not even to save his life and that was brutal proof of his weakness. Vejiita crawled forward over the silk, feeling the rich slick texture as it rubbed against his hands. A soft black tail trailed lightly over his face, caressing, the arousing scent overpowering what was left of Vejiita's resistance.

"I'm yours... I'll do anything... just make me yours, 'Jita!"

Anything... Oh God, all he wanted right now was to taste every inch of this delectable feast spread before him. To glide his tongue over Goku's body, to know the taste and feel of his mate's heavenly flesh. Straddling the taller Saiyan waist, brushing intimately against him, Vejiita started with the smooth planes of the Goku's face. Fingers caressed, then lips and tongue eagerly bathed, licked and stroked Goku's delicate features with soft, wet, warm velvet. Committing to memory every detail, the texture of Goku's skin, the hard edge of his cheekbone, the slanted angle of his eyes, the wide span of his forehead, the arch of a handsome dark brow, and the delicate shell of his ear... so beautiful... so edible...

Fierce animal passion surged through him. Vejiita wanted to drag Goku under him and mate with mindless abandon. His heart pumped with a brisk, uneven beat as he inhaled the heady scent of the man below him, and that rich, musky scent drew him in. His mouth wetly caressed the graceful curve of Goku's ear, nipping gently at the lobe, and Vejiita inhaled the fierce, intoxicating smell deeply, hungrily allowing its compelling power to overwhelm him completely. Then his lips were skimming the smooth skin of Goku's cheek until they teased against his lips, which were open and eager. He could not resist the temptation. His tongue swept across those lush lips, tasting, then slipped in licking and stroking feverishly in the warm cavern. A purr of utter bliss softly filled the room.

Then his tongue was embraced by another, held and then pulled in to rub sensuously against another. It was hot and wet and the mouth was overpowering, demanding and passionate. Fiery need erupted around him, drowning him in its embrace, dominating his senses, subjugating his will and for the moment Vejiita didn't care. Vejiita buried his fingers in thick, black locks pressing Goku closer, kissing him harder. The mouth below surrendered before his assault, and Vejiita claimed it with a intensity that robbed Goku of breath. Vejiita moaned fiercely in rapturous pleasure as his mouth descended.

Vejiita's teeth nipped almost painfully along Goku's neck. Goku arched his neck accepting the prince's worshipful attention, exposing every inch for Vejiita as the tall Saiyajin quietly moaned in response. The rough, purring echoed like unbridled, primitive music in Vejiita's ears. The urge to take Goku grew stronger and impossible to resist. "Mine." The word resonated around the room. He was going to fuck Goku until he broke, screaming and begging for him. "Mine." Over and over until the man was completely senseless. Vejiita crouched on his knees between Goku's legs, lifting them to surround him. Ripping away the little bit of white that still covered Goku, Vejiita feasted on the sight below him. Bare flesh, firm round buttocks, muscular thighs, all of it drove him over the edge, ready to tear into that perfection.

"Mine...." The word repeat again, his to take, his to hold, his to protect. His own body was already more than ready; Goku's sweet rich scent, the urge to finish the claim, the sight of the man nude and sprawled beneath him, all combined to rip away the last shreds of sanity Vejiita possessed. His smirked widened wickedly. Swiftly, brutally he thrust into Goku, feeling the abrupt pleasure of tightness and heat encasing his throbbing arousal. Vejitta moaned as a painful roar burst from Goku's throat.. Slowly Vejiita withdrew, delighting in the harsh caress of Goku's flesh against his member and the soft whimpering of the man beneath him, before plunging again into the waiting flesh. "Mine...Mine...Mine..." The litany repeated again as he chanted his claim over and over.

The pace Vejiita set was brutal. Groaning he plunged continuously, in and out, in a harsh savage pace that would have torn a lesser being apart. Goku only grunted, lifting his legs higher and meeting each punishing stroke with a thrust of his own, encouraging Vejiita to drive harder and deeper into the eager flesh of his mate. Nothing had ever felt as incredible as this, whether it was the simple pleasure of driving deliciously into Goku's tight body or if it was the feeling of raw, animalistic dominance he wasn't sure, and he didn't care. "Mine!" he roared. His pace increased as he felt the tightening in his groin, intensifying his pleasure, urging him to move faster, ravaging the scalding heat and inducing a delicious anticipation. A blue black tail slithered and stroked him wherever it landed, its movements eliciting growls of pleasure when ever it moved. Goku's legs tightened around him pulling Vejiita closer, as hands gripped and kneaded him, then moved to stroke along his back until they found his tail spot. Painful pleasure burst around Vejiita, overwhelming him and his strokes became frenzied and erratic, causing him to stroke freely, wantonly into that tightness with all the strength in him. Warm, slick wetness covered his chest and stomach as Goku howled.


Vejiita's pace quickened, as the pressure inside increased, muscles clenching, making him thrust quicker. His eyes glazed over as white-hot ecstasy blinded him and everything around him disappeared but the beautiful body beneath him and the sounds of flesh meeting flesh. "MINE!" Screaming, he felt raw searing fire blaze up his spine as he plunged deeper once more into the willing, hot, quivering flesh beneath. Vejiita's violent scream of release thundered around them, the sound and pleasure echoing throughout the room...

" 'KARO!"

The thunder boomed around the room. Vejiita raised his head gingerly to look around. He was in his own room, plain white cotton sheets surrounding him and the pounding noise continued.

'A dream...a damn dream.' He almost sighed in relief. Then he realized the banging noise was coming from his door. Ignoring it, he rubbed the sleep from his face and sat up on the side of the bed tossing the sheet aside. He noticed with snarl of disgust that part of it hadn't been a dream as his hand encountered the sticky residue on his stomach. Growling he made for the bathroom, more than eager to rid himself of the foul substance and the lingering memories. He only made it a step or so before he found himself face first in the dark blue carpet.

"What the hell..." The banging on the door continued. "WHAT?!" He roared at the door, not willing to open it in his present condition.

"The boys are back, we're going to summon the dragon when everyone gets up. I just thought you'd like to know." Bulma's strident voice could be heard clearly through the door.

"Hn...fine. Now go away!" He could hear her snort of disapproval as she walked away, but he disregarded it, because something else had captured his immediate attention. A thick, dark auburn tail had wrapped itself around his leg. Suddenly it didn't seem to matter that he had just woken up from a wet dream about his much-hated rival, the sight of his newly regenerated tail made everything better. Standing up, he allowed it to sway behind him almost mesmerized by the motion. Yes, everything was perfect now. Allowing himself to adjust to the new limb, he walked slowly into the bathroom and proceeded to clean himself up.

The smell of sex permeated everything. And not just his scent, but he could swear he smelled Goku's as well, almost taste it in fact. Brushing his teeth, he quickly rid himself of that notion. Rinsing his mouth out he jerked back as someone crashed through his bathroom door.

"Vejiita!" Goku shouted. Dressed in that dreadful orange gi he was waving his blue black tail at the prince. "Look! My tail's back!" He was playing with it like a kid with a new toy, totally enthralled with the new addition.

"Idiot. I already know." Vejiita shoved past him and opened the closet door, completely oblivious to his naked state, he grabbed a pair of jeans. Making a small hole for his tail, he patiently threaded the limber limb through as he pulled up the pants. He jerked forward as he felt someone grasp his tail. Glancing over his shoulder, he found Goku staring at it in rapt attention.

"Wow 'Jita, you got yours back too." The hand slowly moved upwards, fingernails trailing through the soft fur as Goku petted the limb. "It's such a pretty color. And so soft."

Vejiita couldn't stop the trembling as sharp waves of pleasure seared up his spine. His knees gave way and he found himself leaning back against Goku, gasping as the erotic play of nails against sensitive tail skin overwhelmed his control. Purring echoed around the room as Vejiita gave into the Goku's gentle ministrations.

"Don't...Stop...Mmm...Stop... Please..." Vejiita's turned to nuzzle the orange clad chest before his hands started tugging at the material. Raising his head, he pulled Goku closer to him. His mouth latched on to the new claiming scar and he could feel the younger Saiyan's response to the wet heat of his mouth. The purring grew louder as Goku's joined Vejiita's, giving himself up to the astonishing sensations of pleasure and contentment that poured through him. Vejiita's teeth teased open the bonding mark while his tongue roughly lapped up the now flowing blood. The hands that had just moment ago been caressing the sensitive auburn tail were now tightly fisted in the smaller man's upswept hair, holding him in place.

Goku didn't want it to stop. Purring loudly echoed around the room. He wasn't sure what was happening to him, but it didn't matter. It was perfect bliss. He'd never felt anything so perfect, so right; it completed him. All he wanted was to hold Vejiita tighter. Never let him go. The wet heat moved from the base of his throat to lap against his collarbone as Vejiita roughly pulled the material aside to expose more lightly tan flesh to his oral explorations.

"My prince..." Vejiita paused, his mouth closing over one taut nipple as he heard Goku's breathy word. "My prince..." Yes. No. He didn't want this. It was only happening because he had marked the fool. Right? His head argued heatedly with his body. One denying, the other eagerly anticipating the willing heat of Goku's body as his erection rubbed against another. Mind overruled body for a split second and Vejiita shoved the younger man away.

"Get out."

Goku's eyes widened and the look of contented bliss was replaced by a deep hurt. "What..? What's wrong 'Jita? I don't want to leave. I'm yours."

"Look you fool, leave now before we both do something we'll regret." Leaning against the bedroom wall, Vejiita's breath moved in and out of his chest forcefully, erratically. For a man that prided himself on his self-control, it was rapidly disappearing.

"But I liked what you were doing..." Goku moved closer, his head dipping down and his nose nuzzling the side of the Saiyan prince's neck. "And I can tell you did too. I can smell it..."

Loud knocking interrupted his train of thought. Goku lifted his head to peer into Vejiita's lust filled ones, gently stroking the prince's face as he moved away. The banging continued.

"What?!" Vejiita snarled as he watched every move Goku made, drinking in the sight, then prowled forward to close the gap between them.

"Do you know where Goku is?" Questioned Krillian through the closed door. "Goten and Gohan are waiting for him and I can't find him anywhere."

"He's in here and I'm about to fuck his brains out." Vejiita laughed as he watched Goku's eyes widen in fear. "I'll send him down when I'm through."

"Ha Ha very funny. Listen, if you see him, tell him to come downstairs. Okay?"

"Whatever." The two Saiyans listened as the footsteps faded down the hallway.

"That wasn't funny, 'Jita."

"Actually, it was." Vejiita smirked as he turned back to the closet to grab a shirt. It was also too close to the truth for his comfort. "Your brats are waiting. Leave."

"This isn't over 'Jita. You started something last night and if I have to, I will finish it." The feral glint in Goku's eyes remind Vejiita just how Saiyan the other could be, when he wanted. Then Goku disappeared. Damn it, he need to learn that little trick.


Seven orange globes nestled against each other in the early morning sun, the light causing them to glow brightly. Bulma stepped forward and gestured to the younger Vegeta.

"Think carefully before you make your wish. One wish can grant multiple things if it's worded properly." Vegeta nodded in understanding as Bulma raise her arms in the air and summoned Shenron, the Eternal dragon.

"Arise Shenron And Grant Our Wish!"

Wind swept and flowed heavily around them as the morning sky darkened into midnight. Vegeta narrowed his eyes as lightning scorched the air in sizzling display while thunder rolled and echoed around them. The seven dragon balls rose into the air and disappeared in the mist of a large ball of blinding light. The light faded to display the enormous slithering sinuous form of the great dragon Shenron. Huge jaws opened to display hundreds of sharp teeth as steam escaped his nostrils, then he roared.

"WHAT IS YOUR FIRST WISH?!" Greenish black scales contracted and reflected a myriad of tiny lights as electricity popped and crackled around the dragon's massive undulating form.

"I Wish My Mate and Child Returned To Me Here, As They Were Before Freeza Attacked My World!" Vegeta demanded from the huge rippling monstrosity hanging in the air above, praying to any god that might be listening, that he had worded his wish properly.


"WHAT IS YOUR SECOND WISH?!" Shenron roared once more as his body twisted and snapped in the darkened sky.

Though Vegeta's subconscious registered the voices behind him and the thunder clapping echo of the dragon departing, none of that concerned him. The sky had darkened with the summoning of the dragon but now the sun shined through, glistening on the morning fog. All his attention was riveted on the figure that appeared in the shimmering mist, slowly gaining solid form. Vegeta's heart clenched in what could only be described as fear. Did the wish really work? Vegeta was completely focused on the figure in front of him as he drank in the sight of his dark blue clad lover. Flying forward, he landed an unexpected upper cut to the man's chin that sent him flying several hundred feet backwards. Before the other man could get up Vegeta was straddling him, holding him down.

"You idiot! You left me! Don't you ever do that again! Swear it to me!" Vegeta screamed out his anguish, his fists hammering down on the larger man's chest. Everyone stared as a tempest of surging energy brewed around the two, the mist blurring everything but their voices, which carried clearly in the still morning air. Vegeta's energy infused his smaller frame and he glowed in the morning light, his black hair flashing to gold. Not to be left behind the other man's energy shot up in response to his lover's heartrending grief and he too became golden to match his mate. Gently he pushed Vegeta up and they knelt together on the damp earth, Vegeta facing forward while the other man's back was to the Z-fighters, their golden auras combining, surging and pulsing together.

"Did I claim you, sweet prince?" The larger man purred as he held Vegeta's face to peer into his eyes.

"Fuck you! We are not alone! I will not do this here!" Vegeta snarled heatedly at the man, the others watched as he fought desperately to pull away.

"Yes, you will! Now answer me! Are you mine?!" The other voice growled back in anger, demanding, this time pulling Vegeta's body solidly against his own, his tail lashing side to side furiously. One hand fisted in Vegeta's thick gold hair as he tipped the young prince's head back.

"Yes! Damn it!"

"Then I will not make any such promise. I will protect that which is mine. You are mine!" And with those harshly spoken words, he swiftly lowered his head to Vegeta's exposed neck and sank his sharp teeth into the curve to renew the mating mark, his right to dominance. His arm wrapped tightly around his mate's smaller frame to keep him from running away as his tongue aggressively lapped up the blood that flowed fresh from the wound.. Vegeta struggled vainly as their souls merged once more. Finally he was released and Vegeta collapsed back down on his knees.

"Say it!" The larger man demanded.

"I am yours...My soul...are yours by right of claiming....Do with you will." Vegeta's defeated voice could be heard across the field as he once again gave himself to his soul-mate, his golden aura fading as he let go of his transformation to accept the life energy of his mate.

"You are mine! It is my right to hold and protect that which I have claimed, body and soul, forever!" The taller man roared to the sky, accepting his soul-mate for a second time. The others watched in avid curiosity as pure white energy swept from his body to embrace Vegeta's, surrounding and lifting the prince as it crackled and danced along his skin. It only lasted a few moments before it was absorbed by Vegeta's body and the young prince fell forward into his lover's arms.

"Umm...that...that...almost makes...the humiliation...of being claimed ...worth it," Vegeta moaned breathlessly as his body trembled against the onslaught of his lover's power. It sent undeniable peaks of pain and pleasure through every one of his nerve endings, before causing him to pass out blissfully from the sensory overload. The larger man lifted the limp body easily, cradling his prince against his chest like a beloved child, then he slowly turned to face the group behind him. Letting go of his golden transformation, he walked through the mist, his features becoming clearer. The Z-fighters stared in disbelief at the face that was revealed by the clearing fog.

"Well he'll be out for awhile. Sorry for that little scene. Sometimes 'Geta needs to be reminded that he's not always in charge. Um...Could someone tell me what is going on around here? I could have sworn I was dead." a smiling, younger version of Son Goku chuckled lightly. As he spoke he watched an older man, who look incredibly like his Vegeta, faint at the blue-haired woman's feet.

"Poor 'Jita...I think this might just be too much for him...What do you think?" Son Goku said, rubbing the back of his head and grinning like mad.


Kakkarot shifted his lover's body gently as he took in the strangers that surrounded him. Everyone was talking at once and no one was answering his questions. Under most circumstances he was easy going, as laid back as a full-blooded Saiyan could be, but the last few months had really tried even his patience. He had spent them at King Kai's in Otherworld training, and while he would admit he had learned quite a bit from the little round guy, King Kai's constant stupid jokes had really put a damper on his training. On top of that the man treated him like a complete idiot for some reason, which had almost gotten the diminutive Kai's head removed by one of his Solar Strikes.

The two Saiyan's that looked like him and 'Geta were now arguing, the shorter one having awoken in a bad mood. Nothing unusual there. Of course the woman's screeching was loud enough to reach the Netherworld and earsplitting on top of it, so he really wasn't surprised. Since the others were too caught up in whatever they were babbling about, he would just get his answers directly from the source. Laying his forehead against Vegeta he delved deeply into his prince's recent memories. Grief so intense that it brought tears to his eyes beat at their bond. Cautiously he sent warm soothing thoughts to his love, gently stroking and calming the turmoil that was Vegeta's psyche before pressing on. Vegeta's recent memories poured over him like the rushing of a waterfall and he concentrated to sift through the deluge. Suddenly he was standing back as an observer and the last few months played out before his mental eyes.

Ignoring the others he sat down on the damp ground and cuddled Vegeta up against his chest, his hand soothingly rubbing and stroking the pitifully short hair, sadly, missing the gravity defying peaks that had once stood there. But it would grow again and 'Geta would be whole once more. Opening his eyes he caught the sorrow scar on his lover's left arm and his hold on Vegeta tightened for a moment. Leaning Vegeta back, his hand smoothed down his mate's muscular chest to rest against his taut lower abdomen. He used one of the techniques the old Kai had taught him as he searched for that small spark of life. Loud cheerful laughter filled the air, startling the Z-fighters, as he found that smaller ki he was looking for.

Vegeta slowly drifted back to consciousness at the sound, the sweet scent of his Kakkarot washed over him and he could feel the heat of his mate against his body. He pressed closer to the velvet lined steel of his young lover's body. The nightmare had seemed so real and he was glad it had finally ended. One hand reached upwards to slowly caress Kakkarot's chest when it encountered cloth. They never wore anything to bed, it interfered with their nocturnal activities. His eyes opened to stare into the liquid chocolate of his lover's laughing gaze and he smiled. Reaching up to grab a hand full of thick, wild black locks, he brought their mouths together, eyes fluttering closed at the contact. Soft, warm and wet, Kakkarot's taste overwhelmed him and he pressed closer, his hand flexed and pulled against the back of his lover's head as he deepened the kiss, purring softly in response to the powerful surges of desire and need that could be felt through their perspective bonds. Kakkarot broke away from the kiss and started trailing little nips and licks along Vegeta's jaw line then down his neck.

" 'Karo...I had the worst...dream..." Vegeta breathed out. His neck arched back as Kakkarot's mouth moved down to the still bleeding mating mark and he moaned out his approval and pleasure, his eyelids flickering open. Then he found out it hadn't quite been a dream after all.

"Well this is certainly not something you see everyday," the gruff voice of Piccolo intruded.

"I don't believe I've ever seen Goku and Vejiita...spar...quite like that. It's amazing how much difference a dimension can make," Tien snorted at Yamacha's comment and Bulma was snickering as she turned her face into Yamacha's gi covered chest to muffle her laughter.

"Really, you two, get a room," Krillian tossed in, trying to hold back a gale of laughter, while the others weren't even attempting to hide theirs. Even Eighteen had a slight smile on her face.

"SHIT!" Vegeta scrambled off his lover's lap as he realized they were most definitely not alone. Red heat stained his cheeks as he kicked Kakkarot hard in the ribs, causing the few chuckles that he had heard turn into outright laughter at their antics. Kakkarot was lying on the ground one hand clasped protectively around his now broken ribs while the other covered his mouth trying to muffle his own riotous mirth. The only other one who didn't seem to find the whole predicament funny was the older Saiyan Prince who had gone a bit pale and nauseous at the sight, but at least he was still standing under his own power.

Jerking his lover up violently by his thick hair, Vegeta shook him roughly, his other hand digging into his mate's side, squeezing the broken ribs. Kakkarot groaned painfully at the contact, but Vegeta didn't care. He was mad. He hated being laughed at. "Funny is it? Be grateful I don't break something else, fool." Dropping his lover he stormed off, ignoring the others in his haste to get away.

Kakkarot struggled back up to his knees, tears running unabashedly down his cheeks as his body shook with insuppressible laughter. "Vicious little bastard, isn't he? But he's so damn cute when he's mad."


L'orn: We really shouldn't tease Vegeta like that. He's a Super Saiyan now and can Final Flash our asses if he wants.

A'nore: Remember we are the writers here, we have unlimited journalistic power, no Final Flashes unless we want it in the story.

L'orn: Just keep telling yourself that, I'll be here to pick up the pieces...little bitty pieces..ashes


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