Caught Between Two Worlds
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings: Major AU, Yaoi, Blood, Gore, Vampirish Freeza, Two Vegeta's *yummy*, Weird author notes, Sadistic humor.....

Image by 'Kuri' from the book 'Prince and the Showgirl: Part 1'

Chapter 4
Caught Between Two Worlds

By A'Nore and L'Orn

Disclaimer: Calm Down! I'm working on it! Keep your pants on! *L'orn cocks head to side, thinking "on second thought..."*

Music: Up! red disk Shania Twain, Bounce...BonJovi, Here's Your Sign...Bill Engvall *just because its hilarious....*

//thoughts in flashbacks//

Chapter 4

Purring softly Vegeta stretched, then jerked as he felt a hand clasp his shoulder. He had allowed himself to get so absorbed in his reverie he had forgot to be on alert. Jumping to his feet he turned to face his..."Goku?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Goku grinned and scratched the back of his head. "I couldn't find 'Jita. But that's not unusual. When he doesn't want to be found; he isn't."

"Can you find him any other time?" Vegeta wanted to know just how much of a mental link the two of them had. "It is not safe for him to be alone."

"I'm usually able to find him by his ki signal, when he's not suppressing it. Well actually I can find anyone with a recognizable energy level. Why?" Goku was walking into the kitchen as he asked.

"I was wondering how you managed to show up today the instant he needed you." Vegeta threw the strap of his sword back over his shoulder and followed the other Saiyan, there on the previously bloody table was a vast array of food meant to satisfy any Saiyan appetite. Vegeta moved closer and found himself accosted by an older blond haired woman.

"Oh how sweet! Vejiita sure was a cutie when he was younger. Wasn't he Goku?" The older woman's hand fluttered around him and Vegeta found himself seated at the table with a mounded plate of food. Staring wide-eyed at the woman he began to eat.

"Sure. Thanks for the food, Mrs. Briefs." Goku was busy inhaling the food in front of him while talking between bites.

"Now Goku, sweetie, I've told you before, call me Bunni." She sighed and clasped her hand together. "All these handsome muscular men here tonight, I don't know what I'll do!" And then she left the kitchen.

"Bulma's mom." Goku answered the question in Vegeta's eyes as the young prince stared at the door the strange woman had left through. Vegeta shrugged and continued eating.

"You didn't answer my question. How did you know he needed help earlier?" Vegeta leaned back in his chair and observed the other.

"Well, he called me," Goku said between bites. "Ever since we fused with the Potura earrings, he's been able to talk to me in here." Goku indicated his forehead with a chopstick before continuing. "If he wants...and I can talk to him. Though he usually refuses to answer."

"Potura earrings?"

"Yeah, I got them from Old Kai so that Vejiita and me could fuse bodies and fight against Majin Buu. Anyway since the fusion, I can hear him and he can hear me. It comes in handy. Especially when he's in the mood to spar. Which is practically every day." Goku gathered the empty dishes and started tossing them in the sink.

Vegeta watched the other Saiyan, eyes narrowed in contemplation. What was this talk about fusion? Whatever it was sounded very similar to a merging of souls. Maybe the two of them were already bound, but it sounded like his older counterpart was ignoring it, much as he had done in the beginning. It had taken a little force on Kakkarot's part to get him to accept it and admit to it. Of course Vejiita had told him that Vegeta-sei had been destroyed while he was still a boy. Maybe he didn't understand the bond.. No, he recognized the mating mark, so he knew about bonding, but maybe he didn't realize that was what he already had with Goku.

The food had taken the edge off, he felt a little restored and now he was starting to feel antsy, the overwhelming urge to hunt down his prey once again flowing like poison through his brain. It was always like this. Just when he finally got a moments rest or had satisfied his hunger the need to exact his revenge pushed every other thought out of his head. Not that he disliked the feeling; he embraced it completely, willingly. Edging back his chair, he rose to slowly pace the room, wishing he were more familiar with this god-forsaken planet. He wasn't sure where to start looking. He and his counterpart had practically lucked into them earlier and he wasn't about to roll the dice on his luck again. He had never been that fortunate. Now Kakkarot on the other hand...His head came up and he stared at Goku.

"Goku? How do you feel about moonlight hunts?

"Um...We don't have a moon any more Vegeta..." Goku scratched the back of his head, confused.

Vegeta stared. "Just a figure of speech." Not even Kakkarot was quite that slow. "I am going to go look for Freeza again. Do you wish to join me?"

"Yeah, sure. Where do you want to start?"

"The Zoo place, I hope to be able to pick up his trail there. It should be calmer than it was this afternoon." Vegeta opened the patio door to step out onto the Capsule Corp lawn and took off flying towards West City through the darkening night sky.

"Hm...I think it's probably closed by now." Goku stated as he flew closer to the young prince.

"Even better."

They landed near the destroyed building that had once held the zoo's fascinating collection of primates. Yellow crime scene tape circled the entrances, but Vegeta wasn't interested in the inside. Moving towards the back of the building he hovered close to the large holes in the building's roof where first Freeza had blasted through and then his older doppelganger. Though several hours had passed since the earlier battle, the scents were still strong, the lingering smell of Cursed Ones making him curl his lip fiercely.

"Hey! Over here...Doesn't it smell like those Cursed Ones?" Goku had landed behind the primate preserve. He had wandered over to one of the closed food stands, the smell of cotton candy rich in the air, when he was nauseated by the over ripe smell of death that seemed to linger behind the vending carts.

Vegeta landed next to him, cautiously sniffing the air, his arrogantly tipped nose wrinkling slightly at the scent. "Yes." Kakkarot's damned famous luck survived in this dimension as well. Pushing past the vending carts he found a set of concrete stairs that went downwards into the very depths of the earth.

"What is down here?" He asked as he started to descend the steps. The smell of fossil fuels and sweaty bodies were almost too much. Threatening to overwhelm even Vegeta's Saiyan enhanced senses.

"The subway...trains...machines that take people from one place to another."

"This subway, does it travel underground for long distances?"

'Yeah. This way, come on." Goku led Vegeta down into the station for the train heading uptown. Vegeta would have vaulted over the turnstile if Goku hadn't blocked him.

"You have to use a token, then you walk through."

"This is hardly a strong barricade," Vegeta pointed out as he pushed through. "Even a child could get through."

"Yeah...well it's... tradition."

"Like a ritual," Vegeta decided, satisfied. He heard the roar, felt the floor vibrate. "The ground trembles." He was prepared to drag Goku to safety when he felt his hand grabbed.

"It's just a train coming in," Still holding his hand; Goku pulled him onto the platform, where Vegeta studied the waiting passengers. The first order of business was to get down on the tracks and into the tunnels. They moved down the platform away from the bulk of the waiting commuters. Then they leaped down onto the tracks.

"Move fast." Battle instinct kicked in as Goku blurred forward followed closely by the young prince. "Stay out of the light, we don't need any curious people following us. And what ever you do don't step on that." He pointed at the third rail. "It's not a pleasant experience, it won't kill us but it leaves one nasty burn."

After moving away from the busy platform and into the dark tunnels, Goku allowed his golden Super Saiyan aura to flare around him, giving them light to see by as they followed the tracks deeper into the bowels of the subway system.

"Are there people down here?" Vegeta asked, the odor of unwashed bodies drifting by.

"Homeless people set up housekeeping down here in some of the vacant areas. Some of the people who manage to live down here are mentally unstable. Some are just desperate." Goku felt the vibration, saw the first flicker of light in the dark. "Train. Let's move."

He doubled his pace toward the recess of an access door, and pulling Vegeta up with him, he plastered himself to the door. "Think thin," he advised, pulling the young prince tightly against his side.

He held on as the roar of the train blasted the air, gritted his teeth as the air pummeled them. Through the train's lighted windows, face and bodies of passengers blurred by. He looked down at Vegeta as the last car whizzed by. The young Saiyan was staring intently at him, black eyes glittering with some indefinable emotion. A warm tingling awareness shuddered up Goku's spine as he fractionally tightened his hold on the lithe body next to him. Then he reluctantly let go.

"Um...we need to go..." Goku pulled away and headed deeper into the labyrinth. They moved into the abandoned sections of the far from the main tracks. Twice more they had to leap for the narrow shelter of the ledge as a train sped past. But it was Vegeta who swung toward a side tunnel.

"Here, Freeza has been this way."

Goku barely caught the scent in the stale air over the grease and metal of the machines. "Can you tell how long ago?"

"A couple hours past, but fresh enough to track."

Vegeta moved carefully, knowing the dangers of an underground ruled by the Cursed Ones. He kept his voice low as they began to hunt. "The Cursed Ones see as well in the dark as in the light. Perhaps better. He will fight more fiercely for his new kingdom even more than he did for food."

"In other words the fight you had earlier was just a preview of coming attractions."

He nodded. "Something like that."

He whirled as he laid a hand on the hilt of his sword. Though Goku had heard no sound, the beam of light he was projecting picked out a shadow in the dark, then he recognized the uniform.

"A transit cop." He said under his breath to Vegeta. "Let me handle this..."

Goku broke off as the figure took one shambling step towards him and his stiletto-like teeth gleamed in the gleam of light Goku's aura was emitting. The mouth parted to show two monstrous rows of pointed teeth. The hands with black claws, lifted. But the eyes-the eyes were still painfully human.

"Help me. Please, god, help me," and with a sound trapped between a sob and a howl he leaped.

Vegeta's sword sliced through the air and into his throat with an ugly sound of steel piercing flesh. Goku watched in fascinated horror as the head slowly rolled backwards and hit the floor just moments before the body toppled forward.

"The change was not complete with this one," Vegeta stated.

"He was still human;" furious Goku dropped to his knees beside the body. "Damn it, he was still a human being. You killed him without a thought."

"He was neither human nor changed, but trapped between. I ended his life to save others."

"Is that all there is?" Goku's head whipped around, and his gaze burned into Vegeta's. "Life and death? He asked for help."

"I gave him the only help I could. Do you think this gives me pleasure? I do not want to fight against helpless earthlings. There is no choice."

"We could have gotten him to a hospital. A blood transfusion or something."

"That is fantasy! Do you not think we have already tried that! These things came to my world, killed comrades and friends and nothing cured them once the Kiss had been initiated," Vegeta's angry eyes bored back. "He was dead the instant Freeza kissed him." He gestured towards the body that was just starting to steam and dissolve. "Infected. There was nothing to be done for him, in your world or mine. Come, if Freeza has found one human to change he has found others."

Vegeta glanced toward the dark maw of the subway tunnel. He would rather face it, even if his own death waited inside, than the hot accusation in Goku's eyes, so reminiscent of his Kakkarot's. "If you are unable to do what must be done, go back now. I will go on alone."

"He asked for help. He was scared. I saw the fear." Now all he could see was a blackened smear. "And he never had a chance." Sickened Goku got to his feet. "Let's finish this."

"This is the way. I smell blood, some still fresh". Vegeta walked deeper into the tunnel.

They moved in the dark, guided by the thin beam of light Goku project and Vegeta's instincts and they moved in silence.

Vegeta had killed a man- and to Goku the charred remains they had left behind in the tunnel were still a man. He had done so with the same cold efficiency he would use to destroy a bug.

This had been a man. How could he be so certain that his lunge forward had been an attack instead of a plea?

"You said it takes time for the transformation," Goku began.

"In my world." He snapped the words out, "I can not know- no one knows- how the change happens in yours. Humans are a different species. Usually after the kiss the Changed One sleeps for a few hours, a sleep that is like death. The change is irreversible even if he is not complete. Once he awakens he is a Cursed One. And he feeds."

"If there's a different time frame here, maybe there's a different structure to the change.'

"He waked, he walked. He would have fed on you if he could. The blood was already mixed, Goku. His death was a mercy. What was still human inside knew."

Vegeta didn't want to speak of it. He could feel the other's doubt at his words. He wished to push it aside and do only what he had come to do.

"Every death is a loss. But we can not save them all." He spoke quietly, without looking at Goku.

"I know that," Goku replied but the doubt was still evident in his harsh voice.

The pain of it sliced through Vegeta, made him careless, made him vulnerable to what leaped at him out of the dark. It was snarling teeth, snapping its claws swiped, scoring his neck as he whirled to block. It was old and female. And it was mad. It skittered back impossibly fast like a spider into the shadows. Vegeta freed his sword and going by scent and sound, struck out. It cackled. That was the only way to describe the sound it made as it attacked Vegeta from behind.

Goku's blast caught it in midair, blood gushing that awful hue of mixed red and black as it thudded to the ground, arms and legs drumming. An old woman, Goku thought as he stared into the crazed and dying face. One of the pitiful that so often slipped through society's fingers and into its bowels. She was old enough to be his grandmother.

"You did not kill her." Vegeta crouched beside him, using a long slim dagger he pulled form his right boot he cleanly cut off it's head, the body already starting to dissolve. "You did not end her life and you must not take the weight of it. Freeza killed her and you ended her torment, you slayed the monster. The woman was already dead."

"Do you get used to it?"

Vegeta hesitated, nearly lied but when Goku lifted his head and looked into his eyes Vegeta gave him the truth. "Yes, you must. How could you do this day after day if you did not? But there's regret, there's sorrow for what is lost. Cursed Ones have no regrets, no sorrow, no joy or passion. I think when they feed on us they hope to consume what it is that makes us human. Our heart, our soul, but they cannot. All they can take and transform is the body, the heart and soul live on in another place and that place is locked to them.

"So Freeza's come here. Maybe he thinks he'll have better luck eating souls in this dimension."


The woman was all but ashes when Goku looked at Vegeta again. "I'm sorry about before. I didn't want to believe it could happen, that we could be used this way. It was easier to blame you for stopping it, than Freeza for starting it."

"There will be more."

"And we will stop it." Goku reached out, brushing fingertips over the claw marks on his neck. "You're hurt."

"Scratches only, because I was careless. I won't be a second time."

"Neither will I." Not with the battle, Goku thought. "Let's find him and welcome him to Earth."

The tunnel curved, and a dim light glowed at the end of it. He heard the rumble of a train behind them, but ahead there was silence. He could see signs of human habitation now. Broken glass, an empty pint bottle that had held cheap whiskey. Food wrappers, an old tennis shoe with the toe ripped out. The tunnel widened. There was more debris from the life that had chosen to spread underground. Spoiled food, battered boxes that might have served as shelter. A headless doll. And as they drew closer to the light, a splatter blood against the dingy wall.

The first three came out in a mad rush, all claws and teeth. Goku fired his energy, sweeping his aim left to right. There was a stench of something not human and as one threw the wounded at Goku, then came in like a missile under the body. Its teeth fixed in his calf and he tried to shake it off. The teeth continued to grip his leg like a vice. He cursed, kicked, and felt cloth and flesh tear as the Cursed One struck the tunnel wall. Gathering his energy he allowed it to engulf the to bodies before him leaving only smoke when it dissipated. He spun to see that Vegeta had already killed the third and fourth that had tried to use the cover of their attack for one of his own. He wasn't even winded.

"That was too easy," Vegeta commented.

"Yeah." Goku limped over, gritting his teeth against the burning pain of the bite. "That was a real breeze."

"Freeza toys with us." Vejiita pulled of a scrap of cloth. "He insults us. Bind your wound."

Goku knelt, quickly tied the cloth around his bleeding leg. "And just how is sending four men with really nasty teeth an insult?"

"He knew we would destroy them. Four, not fully changed with no power, are child's play."

"Yeah." Grimly Goku stood up and tightened the knot in the sash around his waist. "I'm feeling real childlike at the moment."

"Freeza wants us in there. Wants to watch the battle. The smell of blood feeds him almost as much as the taste."

"Okay." Goku tested his weight on the injured leg. It would be alright. "Then let's give him a real five-star meal."

Vegeta's gaze was intense as it locked with Goku's, then he nodded. " For your world and for mine. To the death."

"Um, let's make that Freeza's death instead."

Vegeta caught a blur of movement above, and went into a roll that sent the Cursed One flying over his head. He ran him through with one thrust, pulled his sword out clean before the body hit the ground. Using his hips, he reared up, shot his boots into the next attacker's face. And was on his feet again, hacking and whirling.

He felt the energy of Goku's attacks and, pivoting, saw Goku slay two on his left and set to meet another on his right. Vegeta spun clear, slicing with his sword, and position himself so they fought back-to-back.

"Freeza is close!" He shouted. "I smell him."

"Yeah." Sweat dripped into Goku's eyes and was ignored. "So do I."

He shot a blast at a bony, bald man who wore a torn and faded Hercule t-shirt. As the being smoked and dissolved at his feet, Goku scanned the tunnel. He wouldn't allow himself to think about who they had been, he told himself, only what they had become.

"I don't see any more of them."

Still back-to-back they circled. "Freeza!" Vegeta shouted. "Come and meet your fate."

As if on cue, light flashed into the tunnel. Through the glare of it, three Cursed Ones charged.

"He's using the Portal!"

Goku's leg screamed as he sprang off it to launch himself into a roundhouse kick. The Cursed One staggered forward, shoving Goku so that his wounded leg buckled. He skidded over the floor, and lost his breath when it landed on him.

He felt the bite of claws as they sliced across his chest. Screaming in rage, he brought his hand to the creature's chest and blasted through its stomach. He snarled like an animal himself when the thick red liquid spewed onto his hands and face. When he crawled out, covered with blood, he saw Vegeta fighting both of the remaining Cursed Ones.

Vegeta's blade flashed like lightening. He blocked the sickle shaped sword that one of them swung at him, then plunged his sword into it's belly while he hacked his blade through the next one.

"Next time," Goku said as he limped towards Vegeta, "I get the two-on-one."

Winded, Vegeta nodded. "Next time."

Vegeta leaned against the tunnel wall as he watched Goku use his energy to destroy the bodies. The smoking blood hazed the air. Pulling the small blackened cube out of his pocket, he was thankful that the green symbols weren't lighted.

"He only used the portal to escape us. He has not left this world yet.."

"So he runs...I've always enjoyed the hunt." Raising two fingers to his forehead, Goku smirked almost evilly as they transmitted out the tunnel.


For someone who had done most of the killing, Vegeta was surprisingly clean. Unfortunately Goku's chest and face were covered in blood. After dropping an exhausted Vegeta into the closest chair in the Capsule Corp living room, he headed for the kitchen. Removing his blood and gore encrusted top he threw it on the floor and used his energy to get rid of it. Washing up in the sink, he proceeded to make himself a snack. He could hear a gentle purr-like snore coming from the living room and he smiled. The boy needed his rest. Goku could see the lines of strain and exhaustion that had marked the other face. Placing his dishes in the sink he went to find Bulma, a bed would be a much better place for the young prince to rest. But first, Goku thought, I need a shower.

Vegeta stretched cat-like as he slowly awoke. Every muscle tingle with an aching warmth and he felt a deep satisfaction at the languorous feelings that evoked. He didn't know how long he had been resting but he felt good. Taking a deep breath he took in the sweet rich scent that surrounded him. No wonder he was so relaxed. Opening sleep heavy eyes he glanced at the tall Saiyan above him. Sitting up Vegeta fisted two hands in the orange shirt that adorned the other and with a sharp tug had him on his knees between Vegeta's wide spread ones. A gasp of astonishment echoed around the room.

"Beautiful..." Vegeta's thumb lightly caressed the taller man's cheek before moving to cup his chin and tilting it upwards. He barely noted the surprised look on the other's face before Vegeta covered his lips with his own. Warm soft lips moved over startled ones as Vegeta kissed Goku.. Yes, he knew this wasn't his Kakkarot, but right now he didn't care. He felt complete. The lips beneath his soften and Vegeta nibbled on Goku's bottom lip, causing the Saiyan to gasp in surprise. His tongue lightly traced the small opening that Goku had provided, tasting and stroking all at once, before deepening the kiss. He moaned at the familiar taste, tongue dancing against tongue as Goku kissed him back. ' 'Karo...' No, this wasn't his mate. He shouldn't be doing this. Jerking his mouth away he stared into warm chocolate, smelling the warm musky scent of Goku's arousal mixed with his normally sweet scent. It took all his will not to lean forward into that embrace once again.

"Look...We...I...should not..." Vegeta stepped around Goku and moved across the room, putting some space between him and temptation. "This is wrong...I was dreaming, I wish you were someone else..."

"Me too." Before he could finish rationalizing his behavior, Vegeta found himself against the wall; Goku's warm body fully pressed against his as the taller Saiyan initiated the next kiss. This one was hot and wet, as mouth ravaged mouth and Vegeta allowed himself to drown in its erotic embrace. Fisting his hands in Goku's damp untamed locks, he pressed himself closer to the other Saiyan. A knee slipped between his legs and he groaned at the friction of hard muscle against his raging erection and slowly rocked forward against it. Goku curled around him and he felt a pull deep inside that sent every thought pinwheeling out of his mind. Nothing existed but the two of them, the fire of their passion and the spiraling need to be consumed.


The deep angry voice broke through the lust filled haze that surrounded them. Goku broke the kiss to turn his head in the direction of the voice, his breathing ragged, but the rest of him was still firmly pressed against Vegeta, not wanting to let his prey go.

"What do you want 'Jita?" He gaze moved once more to Vegeta.

"What do you think you are doing? He is still in mourning. Remember?" The word washed over him like cold water and Goku stepped away reluctantly, leaving the young prince to sag against the wall.

"Yeah, I remember. But he smelled so good..." Goku grinned sheepishly at Vegeta. "Sorry." Before moving to stand next to the older prince. Vejiita's eyes opened a fraction wider as he caught the scent of Goku's arousal and he shoved him towards the hallway.

"Go take a shower! Get rid of that smell!" Vejiita's eyes noticed a large bulge and shook his head in disgust. "Make it a cold one, idiot!" Large hands grasped his biceps and he found himself hauled up against Goku's chest, the taller man's hard length pressing against him intimately.

Sinking his nose in Vejiita's hair he sighed, "You smell good too, 'Jita."

"Asrrgh! Put me down fool! And quit smelling me!" Struggling to get loose a blush covered Vejiita's cheeks when Goku finally let go of him. "Now go shower!" He shoved Goku once more in the direction of the hall. After one long lingering look at the two of them, Goku left.

Vejiita stared at Vegeta. The young man was still sagged against the wall one hand covering his eyes as he tried to calm his ragged breathing. Vejiita moved closer and found that the young prince was just as affected as Goku had been by that passionate kiss. Then the strong sweet scent of Goku filled his nose and he snarled at the unsuspecting young man. Vejiita's hand shot out to clench harshly around the younger man's throat.

"Stay away from him!" Vejiita growled as he tightened his grip. "He is not for you. Have you forgotten your mate already?"

"No! Never!" Vegeta cried out around the hand that was slowly cutting off his oxygen. Then suddenly he was released and he again sagged against the wall. His body shook with repressed emotions as he wrapped his arms around himself, trying to control his trembling. He tried to explain what had just happened, the sentences barely coherent. "You do not understand, I was dreaming. I just wanted to forget. It will not happen again."

"No it will not, I will make sure of that!" Vejiita turned to leave the room stopping only to stare angrily at the young prince. "Take a shower and get rid of his scent, or next time the fact that you are my younger version will not keep me from killing you. Understand?"

Vegeta glared hatefully, his elder counterpart had left without waiting for a response. Sliding down the wall he sat for a moment reflecting on what had just happened.
Then he smirked. At least it hadn't been a complete mess. That last kiss had been hot and every bit just as wonderful as it had been with his 'Karo. The taste, the feel, just perfect. And Vejiita was jealous. A good day's work. For a minute he wondered if he wasn't just a little bit narcissistic in his enjoyment of his counterpart's dilemma. Then decided since he'd always enjoyed tormenting others, why let a small thing like duality mess with a good thing.

Now where was he supposed to shower...?


Goku opened the door to the bathroom, after taking his second shower of the night, to find Vejiita leaning against his bedroom wall, an angry scowl on his face. His grip tightened on the towel around his waist. Turning his back to the other man he searched for a pair of clean gi bottoms. Ignoring the him, he dropped the towel and quickly pulled them on. It was getting late and he was tired. And confused. The shower had cleared his head but h couldn't begin to understand what had happened in the living room and he really didn't want to argue with Vejiita about it. But from the looks of it he wasn't going to get any choice. Frantically combing his fingers through still wet hair, he turned to face his best friend and oldest enemy.

"Vejiita, don't start. I can't even begin to explain what just happened. Okay?" Goku sighed as he sank down on the corner of the bed. Placing his elbows on his knees he clasped his hands together and rested his chin on his entwined fingers. Vejiita just kept glaring, making the fine hair on Goku's arms raise in alarm.

"Look, I know you're angry, but I didn't mean to do that. I just couldn't control myself."

"You didn't mean to kiss the boy? Or you didn't mean to grope me, your prince?" The voice was deceptively quiet, smooth as velvet, which only caused another deliciously terrifying shiver to glide over Goku's skin, Vejiita was the angriest when he was the quietest.

"Both. Neither. I don't know! I just came down to tell him Bulma had a room ready and he was lying there in your favorite chair. Asleep and so relaxed. And he looked so much like you. Then he woke up and the way he moved.... Stretching and purring...Oh God...Then he grabbed my shirt and the next thing I know I'm on my knees and he's kissing me. Damn, he smelled so good... just like..." Goku broke off when he heard the low growling Vejiita was making.

"How did you get from your knees to plastering yourself to him and the wall?" The furious voice asked, black eyes glinting madly in the darkened room.

"Well...he stopped...said it was wrong. But it felt so right...and I wanted more...So..." Goku's eyes took on a far away look as he remembered what happened. "...All I could think of"

His words dropped like a bomb in the quiet room. Both Saiyans held their breath silently staring at each other. Vejiita pushed away from the wall and stopped just inches from Goku's knees; eyes still locked on the younger man's, close but not touching.

"Do you want the boy?" The question was spoken out loud, startling Goku with its harsh inflection of revulsion.

"No...I never really did...I wanted..." The words trailed off as Goku broke away from that glittering black gaze and shook his head as if trying to get rid of the thoughts that were plaguing him.

"What? What do you want?" Vejiita growled as he grabbed Goku's chin, forcing his eyes back to his.

"You! It's always been you! I want you...." Goku shoved away, scooting across the bed to put some distance between him and Vejiita, half expecting to be Final Flashed for the words spilling out of his lips. "But I can't have you...and he's so much like you...he smells like you...the taste...And he wanted me!"

Vejiita's scowl slowly changed to a tiny feral smirk as he place one knee on the bed and leaned forward a little. His gaze slowly appraised the sculpted body that half-sat and half sprawled across the bed in front of him.

"You want me....?" Vejitta's deep whiskey voice trailed off as he reached forward to crawl towards Goku, stalking his prey across the king-size bed.

"Yeah..." came the soft reply, eyes watching the lithe body in front of him.

"You can not have me..." Vejiita crawled closer, one hand reached forward to press Goku back against the mattress. His face bare inches from the younger Saiyan's.

"I know." Dejected dark chocolate stared into amused black onyx.

"But I can have you." And with those words sharp canines sank into the curve at the base of Goku's neck, claiming him. Pain and pleasure surged through the younger Saiyan as Vejiita's mouth work furiously over the wound of a new mating mark. Goku knew what was happening but was powerless to stop it. He didn't want to stop it. His hands came up to grip shoulders, not to push away, but to draw Vejiita closer, to feel more of that amazing heat pressed against him. Then the barriers in his mind melted away and he surrender to Vejiita's presence. They had always had a mental rapport but this was different. Now he could feel him, Vejiita was part of him, was him. And he was complete. Almost.

Vejiita growled around the bite, the urge to take the taller man and use him was starting to override all rational thought. He didn't want him that way did he? But his body was rapidly proving him wrong and he could feel his erection pressing into Goku thigh, as he let more of the sweet tangy essence fill his mouth. Lifting his head he watched as more blood pooled and flowed and his tongue reached out to lap it up, not neglecting even one drop. This wasn't a traditional claiming, but he knew Goku. Knew that the younger man wouldn't refuse him, in fact he could feel the embrace of the mental connection already. Goku had already accept his claim, in deed if not vocally yet.

Heat and fire traced along Goku's spine. Suddenly the pleasure he was experiencing turned into mind-numbing pain. Shrieking he flung Vejiita aside. Scrambling from the bed, he collapsed on his knees, the pain unbearable. He felt something wet slither up his back before passing out, sinking face first into the thick carpet.

Vejiita rolled over just in time to see a wet blue black tail rip through Goku's gi bottoms. He watched as the younger Saiyan fainted. Hesitantly he approached Goku, his body still aching from his need, demanding release. He felt a pang of envy, he missed his tail, as he watched the new appendage slightly sway and shiver across Goku's naked back. Gently he traced a finger along slick black fur causing the younger man to moan. Shivering from the blaze of irrepressible hunger that surge through him at the sound, Vejiita pick him up and laid him on the bed. Almost obscenely glad that Goku was unconscious, Vejiita pulled the covers over him, one hand lingering on his rival's bare chest, then quietly left the room. Control shattering he collapsed bonelessly against the closed door; he could still taste the blood and the intermingling sweetness of Goku's skin on his lips. Shaking aside that thought he tried to remind himself that he didn't want the idiot, he just wanted to keep him away from his younger self, for both of their sakes. That instinct had overridden his control. After all Goku was the last full-blooded Saiyan left, it was natural that he would want to bond with him. But his mind rebelled against the bond, slamming down mental barriers against Goku's gentle soothing presence.


Vejiita: Onna! What do you think you are doing, setting up the brat with my Kakkarot!?

L'orn: My...? *tilts head to side and considers the possessive no Ouji* Calm down 'Jita... after all his is you, remember?

Vejiita: No, he is not! I was never that emotional, and I would never let myself be prey!

A'nore: Now, now! Submission is a good thing! *snickers* Don't knock it till you try it.

L'orn: *leers at 'Jita* And you'll definitely get a chance to try it. *grabs twinny and runs off*

Vejiita: *blushes at wayward thoughts then sputters* What?...wait a minute...submit...I will... No...!

Goku: *dances little jig around 'Jita* I'm gonna be seme! I'm gonna be seme! WoooHooo!

Vejitta: Fuck No! *shoves Goku away and stomps off after perverted authoresses* I will not be taken by this third-class baka! That's final! I am the Price of all Saiyans! Did you hear me! I said no!

Goku: *rubs head and smiles, then starts singing* "...You're a fine piece of real estate and I'm gonna get me some land. Oh... yeah. So don't try to run, honey, love can be fun. There's no need to be alone...when you find its over. I'm gonna getcha while I've got you in sight, I'm gonna getcha if it takes all night. You can betcha by the time I say go, you'll never say no..."

* by Shania Twain*

A'nore: *looks in mirror* Shit! My southern roots are showing again! L'orn grab the dye!


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