Chi Chi's Torment
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Where hormones are forcing two Saiyajin's together, and one wife fights a battle to keep her husband by her side, who will win?

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Chapter 02
"Does he always make decisions just like that?"
Trunks nodded. "Always."

Vegita landed beside Goku.

"It appears an audience is required of me. Trunks believes I should explain our situation to your...wife."

"And she's still his wife, despite your attempts!!" Goten yelled at him. "Don't count a victory yet!"

Smirk. "Touchy, aren't we? Nothing's been decided, so calm yourself, brat!"

"Vegita-" Goku warned, glowering at him.

Vegita stroked his face. "Shimatta, koi. Don't be upset. But these children do vex me at times."

Goku immediately calmed, leaning into his caresses. "They mean well, Vegita. Besides, they have every right to be angry."

Gohan could barely contain himself. "A condition must be met first. Both of you restrain yourselves in front of mother. You will not flaunt your relationship to her face. Understood?!"

Goku's face darkened. "Another threat, Gohan? Understood."


A snort. "Very well. Now let's go!" he held out his hand to Goku. It was immediately clasped. Without a second look back they took off into the atmosphere, startling the three younger Saiyans. In a flurry they flew behind.

" believe that?!" Trunks stammered. "It's like he's chained!"

"Makes me want to puke" Goten snapped. "Dad was so strong willed and proud...what's happened to him?!"

Gohan was grim. "The question do we get him back?"

The group landed at the front door. Gohan repeated his warning.

"Remember what I said" he glared at their clasped hands. "Control yourselves!"

Vegita released Goku. "You know nothing of true fire, Gohan."

Dark eyes shifted. "Are you alright, dad?"

Goku glared back. "As well as can be expected."

Trunks and Goten exchanged glances. Into the breach.

Chi Chi and Bulma turned as they heard the group enter the house from the living room. Chi Chi bounded to her feet at the sight of Goku.

"Get him OUT of here!!"

Bulma grabbed her. "No, Chi Chi, wait-"

"I won't wait. He has the gall to bring his 'boyfriend' to my house?!"

"Mom, please" Goten pleaded. "Calm down if you can!"

"Goten, why are you and your brother doing this? Haven't I had enough pain?!" she collapsed against Bulma, eyes tearing.

Gohan looked pained. "No mom, that's not why they've come-"

Goku stepped forward. "You have every right to hate me. But please listen..."

Chi Chi laughed coldly. "You're a Saiyan, all right! Anything goes? Do what you want and explain later? I don't want to hear it!"

"Then perhaps you will hear it from me" Vegita stated.

She curled a lip at him. "Talk to the other animals in the woods. You belong with them!"

Trunks winced. "This isn't going to work" he whispered to Gohan.

The Saiyan Prince moved toward her, fire in his eyes. "You dare speak to a prince that way?"

"You hold no title here. This is earth!"

"Bah. Small pleasures there are to be found on this mudball!"

"You're supposed to be explaining!" Trunks reminded him.

"Then let this woman behave in a civil manner. I haven't come here to be insulted."

"Oh, that's IT" Goten's body language was obvious. He wanted to fight.

"Not again!!" Bulma held her head.

"You expect her to be civil when you've ruined her marriage?!" Gohan stammered. "Your arrogance is ridiculous, Vegita. If anything you should come here with your tail between your legs. Literally!"

Vegita raised an eyebrow. "Typical low class. Now listen, Chi Chi. Though we've never been close, I don't wish you pain. Goku was...desirable to me. While it's true I once regarded him as an enemy, our fusion against Buu ended all my doubts, for I saw into his mind."

"So what's this? Your revenge because you couldn't beat him?"

For a moment Vegita hated her. He calmed himself visibly. "While our rivalry was genuine, so was our rapport. We are of the same race, same specie. Our thoughts are complementary-"

"Stop" Chi Chi held out a hand. "Don't tell me anymore!"

"You married an alien, woman! Did doubts never cross your mind?"

Chi Chi paused. "I...what do you think, Vegita?! I nearly passed out when I learned he had a tail. But we loved each other. Once" she looked at Goku.

"Still" he replied, returning her gaze.

"Are you playing with me here?!" she exploded. "Don't presume my feelings. You want Vegita? He's all yours!!"

"Wait, Chi Chi-" Goku reached for her.

"What are you doing?!" Vegita demanded. Goku dropped his arm, frowning in confusion.

Chi Chi froze. She exchanged looks with Bulma.

"Goku...what's wrong with you?" she finally asked.

"Nothing. I'm tired of everyone asking me that!" he snapped.

Vegita smiled and said nothing.

Dark eyes narrowed on the Saiyan prince. "YOU!"

"What, woman? I just told you-"

Chi Chi cold cocked him across the jaw. Vegita hit the ground, startled. He rubbed his sore chin.

She stood over him. "Not bad for a 'low class' earth woman, you think?!"

"I've had just about enough of this!!" Vegita regained his feet. Goku jumped in front of him.

"Don't touch her. I mean it!"

"I don't fight weaklings, Kakarot! You know this."

Bulma whispered to her son. "Trunks, what the hell is going on here?"

"He's...father has some kind of hold on Goku-san. We don't know how to break it."

"I wasn't too weak to knock you on your Royal ass, Vegita!" Chi Chi shouted.

"A lucky blow, woman. Nothing more. In any case I only came here as a favor to my son."

Chi Chi stared at Goku's blank statement, then looked helplessly at her sons. Gohan put an arm around her.

"Mama, listen. There's something you need to know-"

"Not now, Gohan. Vegita, clear out. You aren't welcome!!"

"Fine by me, woman. Kakarot?"

The tall Saiyan frowned again. "No...I've got to make her understand. Go on, Vegita."

The Saiyan Prince clearly disapproved. But he recovered immediately.

"Very well. I shall expect you later" he flew out without another word.

Chi Chi stared into space a moment. Goku gripped her arms.

"Please listen to me-"


Chi Chi clocked Goku on the jaw with an uppercut. The large Saiyan landed on his butt as the others stared in surprise.

"Just to show I'm not partial" she stalked out of the living room.

Goku immediately jumped to his feet and ran after her. "It won't end like this! You've got to listen to me!"

Gohan moved forward but Bulma grabbed him from behind.

"No, Gohan! The two of them need to talk. Alone."


"Mama's right, Gohan" Trunks sighed. "We'll...have to come up with a way of freeing Goku-san."

Goten looked pained at the direction his father ran. "But what if he doesn't want to be freed?"

Goku slowed his pace upstairs. Chi Chi had locked their bedroom door.

"Stay away, Goku. I mean it" her voice was muffled through the other side.

He grabbed the door handle and tested it. Locked tight.

"Open this door, Chi Chi. Or I'll tear it off!!"

"You wouldn't dare!!"

WIthout preamble Goku ripped the door cleanly off the hinge and set it aside. He stormed through.

Chi Chi leaped to her feet across the bed. She picked up a small stool.

"Keep your distance. I won't hesitate to throw this!" she swore, eyes flashing.

Goku almost smiled. Kami, I love this hellcat.

"I would never hurt you, you know that. Just put the chair down, please?"

She put it down, defeated. "You've already hurt me. Sliced my heart open. I feel as if...I'm bleeding on the floor" she rushed him suddenly, pummelling his chest.

"Why. Why??"

He winced, her words cutting him like a blade. Dully he raised his forearms to block her frenzied blows.

"So sorry...please" he stumbled, falling back on the bed. "I've ruined everything."

His open remorse stopped her. She stared, unresolved rage shaking her slight frame. There was a moment of quiet as they both thought of how to begin.


The handsome Saiyan looked up at her from his seated position on the bed.

"Did you ever love me? Truly love me?"

He nodded. "Of course. I married you, didn't I?"

"Because I tricked you!"

"But I still wanted to do it. I've never gotten you to understand that."

She faced the wall. "There's much I don't understand. I want to know...why Vegita? Is it because he's the only other Saiyan left?"


His vehemence startled her. She spun.

"Did I satisfy you?"

His eyes went round. "Of course you did!" he stammered. "Why would you even assume-"

Her eyes narrowed. "Why couldn't you come to me? Was it something else you wanted you felt I couldn't give you?"

Goku swallowed. "Not exactly. The relationship with Vegita...just happened."

"What kind of bullshit is that?!"

A sigh. "What I mean was spontaneous. We were sparring one day and suddenly realized we were attracted to each other. One thing...led to the next."

Chi Chi felt her anger blaze once more. "I you both got so hot you just lost control. Then what!"

Goku looked away. "It...continued."

"For how long!!"

"Several weeks. We met in secret. But I the time I thought it would stop of it's own accord."

"Fool!" she shouted. "It didn't stop because you didn't WANT it to. Do you take me for some kind of idiot!"

"No" he was subdued. "I didn't know how to tell you. I was afraid of what you'd think."

"That's the first thing you've said that's made sense so far" she snapped, then eyed him curiously as a thought occurred.

"What is the nature of your relationship? Besides sex?"

Goku's face flushed, and not from embarrassment. His tail whipped about wildly. "I can't resist him."

She stared in disbelief. "What does that mean?"

"It means" his fangs flashed. Dark fire ringed his eyes. "Grrrnsn. When I look in his eyes...something changes in me."

Chi Chi stood back. Goku looked alien, strange. Animalistic.

"What are you staring at!" he growled at her, tail thumping the bed.

Suddenly she was afraid. "What's he done to you?"

"He's done nothing! I'm fed up with that question. Why do you all ask it!"

Chi Chi attempted to gather her wits. Kami, is something going on here I missed?

"Is Vegita...forcing you to have a relationship?"

"No one forces me to do anything!!" he all but roared. "I wanted to explain, to make you Saiyan heritage."

She approached him cautiously. "Do you love him?"

Goku growled.

"Answer me!"

"No. Yes! I don't know. We share a kinship."

Tenatively, she reached out and touched his forehead.

"You don't have a fever."

He calmed a little. "Why would I, Chi Chi? I fully acknowledge responsibility for this."

She stared into his eyes. "What do you want from me? A divorce?"

He stood, holding her. "No. I love you. Please, let's work through this!"

She slapped him hard. "Are all Saiyans psychotic? You cheat on me but you want to stay. You love me but you love Vegita. Get out of my sight, fool!!"

He held his ringing jaw. "I married you, not Vegita. My family-"

Chi Chi grabbed his tail suddenly and squeezed. Hard.

White agony washed over Goku, rippling in waves. Crying out, he fell to his knees.

"Now know the pain that I felt that night, Goku."

"Chi Chi...why?" he gasped.

She had no time to answer as footsteps raced upstairs.

Gohan and Trunks burst into the bedroom. They stared at the prone Saiyan on the floor, his tail firmly held by Chi Chi.

"Mama, stop! What are you doing?!" Gohan shouted, freeing the furry appendange.

"Are you trying to kill him?"

Stunned at her own action Chi Chi stared at nothing as she limply let go.

"It's over."

"Never. I'll never give up on us, Chi Chi" Goku groaned, struggling up.

Trunks eyed him closely. "Goku-san...would you come with me? Please?"

The tall Saiyan stumbled forward. "What do you want, Trunks?"

Trunks saw the pleading look in Gohan's eyes. "Just...let Gohan talk to her."

"There's nothing left to be said, Trunks" Chi Chi told him.

"No, mama. I disagree. Give me a minute and I'll explain" Gohan replied.

Goku turned around. "I have to-"

Trunks gave him a gentle push. "You're out on your feet. Later, Goku-san. Come, let me take you downstairs."

The demi-saiyan threw an arm around Goku, supporting his weight as they left the room. Goku never took his eyes off Chi Chi.

Chi Chi stared out the window.

"Gohan...It's over between your father and me. Please accept that."

"We can't" another voice. It was Goten.

She turned to face both sons. "Is everyone insane? Why are you taking his side now!" her dark eyes sparked.

"We...thought it was a simple case of cheating at first too, mom" Goten supplied. "But now we're not so sure."

Her eyes were keen. "Explain!"

"We think father is being controlled by Vegita."

She sat slowly, blinking. It suddenly makes sense...

"Go on."

"Vegita may be taking advantage of the fact dad remembers little of his Saiyan heritage. Add to the fact that he planned this seduction..."

Chi Chi thought absently. "His answers were so...contradictory and senseless. I thought he was just avoiding responsiblity to regain my trust."

Gohan sighed. "We've seen it up close. It's pretty sickening."

She snapped to at that. "What? How!"

Goten balled his fists. "Vegita pets him and he purrs. He speaks Saiyan and dad follows his leash. I nearly pounded him into the ground for it!"

Gohan coughed at the exaggeration. "We talked to Bulma-san about a possible plan to free papa, or at least get his mind clear."

Their conversation stopped momentarily at a loud commotion coming from outside. Chi Chi ran to the window.

"What in?!!" she stammered, eyes wide in shock. In the back yard stood Bulma, Trunks, Vegita and Goku. They were arguing and pushing.

Well at least some of them were arguing and pushing.

Chi Chi went white. Trunks was squeezed between Goku and Vegita, while Bulma pounded Vegita on the back. The demi-saiyan was attempting to push Goku and Vegita apart. Vegita shoved back while Goku reached for him. Bulma yelled and cursed.

"Masaka!" Chi Chi shouted. Her voice nearly failed her.

"Come on, let's go!!" Gohan shouted, leading the way.

It was a mess, and enough to feed neighborhood gossip for weeks. Goten and Gohan leaped into the fray. Chi Chi stared at the insanity from her doorway.

"Pig! Can't you stop pawing him for two seconds!!" Bulma pounded Vegita in the head and pulled his hair. Vegita yanked his head forward and pushed Trunks into Goku.

"Fools! Get away!!"

"NO WAY" Trunks hissed, jammed against the tall Saiyan behind him. Goku stood against the melee, purring dreamily. Fathomless eyes fixed on Vegita as his tail waved sensuously.

Goten pulled at his father from behind. "Come on dad. Snap out of it!!" he implored. "Gohan!"

"Will you children NEVER stop interfering?!" Vegita thundered, as Bulma jumped his back and covered his eyes with her forearms.

"Now, Trunks! Get him away. Don't look at him, Goku!!" Bulma yelled.

"No harm done!!" Goku shouted at her, dragging his sons forward.

Muffled curses blew hot as Vegita shook clear. "Are you daft, woman?! What do you hope to accomplish-" Bulma fell back on the grass.

Trunks gave him a flying head butt. Vegita went crashing through several trees.

"Gohan! Goten! Take him out of here!"

They each grabbed an arm. Goku growled.

"Come on, dad-" Gohan started. They tugged him high above the treetops.


Goku somersaulted, hurling them both away and freeing himself. Gohan went skidding along the ground, making a huge track in the earth. Dazed, he shook his head clear. Goten didn't fare much better, plopping into a nearby lake.

Kami, dad is strong. Even when I beat Cell I wasn't much stronger, and I was a level above him at the time. But I can't let his strength stop me now.

With grim resolution he flew at the suspended form. Goku continued to watch Trunks and Vegita grapple with a fierce frown. He growled, fangs flashing in the sunlight. His tail bushed stiffly.

Suddenly Goten appeared out of nowhere and dropped Goku with a punch to the base of his skull. Gohan caught the toppling form.

"Gohan! I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another way..."

Gohan cradled their unconscious father. "He'll understand, Goten. It's better than having to fight him."

Trunks and Vegita continued to go at it, rapid fire kicking and punching.

"How long do you plan on keeping this up, brat?!" Vegita challenged.

"As long as is necessary. Until Goku-san is freed!"

"Fool! You can't free him from Saiyan blood!"

They closed for another round before an object came hurtling between them. Vegita barely avoided it as it whizzed past his head and bounced off a tree. A cast iron pot.

"What in??"


Vegita glared at Chi Chi, his battle with Trunks forgotten. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"I wish I could. Get down here!!"

Vegita stared. An earth woman commanding him? He smirked slowly. This would be amusing.

"I can almost see why Kakarot married you" he floated gently down.

She walked over to him. "And we're still married. Remember that!"

Vegita folded his arms. "You delude yourself, woman. It was a poor match from the beginning."

Bulma walked up. "Like we were a poor match, Vegita?!"

"Bah. We had an agreement. Marriage was not one of them!"

Bulma gritted her teeth. "Maybe not. But you still have a family-"

"Where is my mate, Bulma?" he asked her coldly. "Can you answer that?"

Bulma choked back a scream. "Not this time. You won't bait me!!"

"Kono yarou!" Trunks snapped. "Everytime I think there's a chance-"

"Hmm. You hoped your mother and I would get together, even when it became evident we had no real connection. Perhaps your Saiyan blood isn't so strong after all."

"My Saiyan blood is fine, father. It's your morals that need an overhaul!!"

Vegita stared at him. "Living here has dulled your heritage. I don't expect you to understand."

Chi Chi froze. I don't expect you to understand. That's exactly what Goku said...

Goten and Gohan carried Goku inside and laid him on the couch.

"He's gonna have one hell of a headache when he wakes up" Goten commented.

"You won't be his favorite person that's for sure-"

"Look what you've done!"

They turned. Vegita stalked inside followed by Trunks, Chi Chi and Bulma.

The Saiyan prince was enraged. "That embarrassing display outside accomplished nothing!"

"I've had a gut full of 'embarrassing displays' myself!" Gohan snapped. "Now whatever you've done to dad...undo it!"

Vegita threw his hands up. "Stupid baka! I told you. I've done nothing to him" he grinned slyly. "At least not recently..."

"Are you looking for another fight?!" Goten nearly powered up.

"Next time I won't miss with that pot, either" Chi Chi told Vegita. She sat next to her husband on the couch.

"Goku? Wake up. It's me, Chi Chi!"

A pinched frown on handsome features. "Hmm? Ha" his eyes didn't open.

She touched his face. "Sit up if you can. Can you hear my voice?"

Goku's head lolled to the side. Chi Chi looked at Goten, who panicked.

"I swear, I didn't hit him that hard!!"

Suddenly Vegita purred, a deep rumble in his chest. The others turned in shock.

"What are you doing?" Trunks wondered.

"Ssh. Silence" he continued.

Dumbstruck, they watched as Goku made a sound, a response of his own. A throaty growl erupted from him as he too purred. Vegita touched his shoulder. A furred tail coiled around his wrist.

Chi Chi stared back and forth, seeing for the first time. Her decision was made.

"Kakarot. Enough, your head is harder than that. Awaken!"

Dark eyes burned on Vegita, open and aware. Chi Chi leaned over her husband.

"Goku! Are you-"

He looked around her, growling. His gaze fell unwavering on the Saiyan prince.

Chi Chi sat back in shock. He doesn't even see me...

"You see?" Gohan's voice was dismayed.

Vegita gently removed the tail from his wrist. "Apparently everyone thinks me the devil here."

"Vegita, that's ridiculous" Goku reached for him, ignoring everyone else.

"Stop it!" Goten shouted. He tried a distraction. "Doesn't your head hurt, dad?"

Goku rubbed the back of his neck. "I was hit...someone from behind" he glared at his son.

"Sorry, dad. We had to stop you."

Goku sat up abruptly. "Stop me from what? Watching Trunks fight Vegita?!"

"No, from interfering" Gohan told him. "Whatever it takes!"

Goku waved his tail in agitation. "To accomplish what?"

Chi Chi shook him. "I'm sitting in front of you! Have you gone mad?"

"Oh. Chi Chi" he still gazed around her at Vegita.

"Stop looking at him. Look at me. I'm the one that's talking to you!"

Bulma touched her arm. "Chi Chi, he can't-"

"I don't accept this" Chi Chi hissed. She turned swiftly, grabbing Vegita by the collar.

"If you care about him at all, help us here! What do you want, a slave?"

Vegita appeared thoughtful. "No."

"How can this...hold be undone?"

"I can't undo myself, woman. That would be the only solution."

Chi Chi thought furiously. An idea struck her.

"Goku. Stay here."

Vegita started up. "No. He will not!"

Goku reached out, clasped his hand. "Then stay here with us."

Gohan felt a cold pit in his stomach. Kami, he's enslaved...

"This isn't his home, Goku-san!" Trunks replied. "Father, you're making it worse!!"

Chi Chi shook Goku so hard his teeth rattled. "Break it, break it! Listen to me. No, look at my eyes! Remember the discussion we had earlier?"

Goku strained to focus on her. "Yes. But you wanted to end things."

"I've changed my mind" she glanced briefly at Vegita. "Some new evidence leads me to believe we should try to salvage our marriage. Are you up to the challenge?"

Intense eyes sparked on her. A challenge always got his attention.

"I...yes. It sounds like a good idea."

Vegita stormed past them all, slamming the door on his way out.

Goku leaped to follow. Chi Chi's jaw dropped at his instant turnaround. Trunks, Goten and Gohan blocked the door.

"No way" Gohan swore to himself.

"Stand aside! I have to go."

"You'll fight us all, then" Trunks promised.

Goku powered up, his hair flaming gold. "I'll only say it once. Move!!"

Trunks, Goten and Gohan powered up also.

"NO, no more fighting, please!" Chi Chi implored them.

It looked as if disaster were waiting to happen. Goku charged but immediately fell to the floor grasping his head. He couldn't hold Super Saiyan mode. The long locks turned black once more.

"Damned...headache" he moaned, tail coiling wildly.

"Sshh. Let us help you, dad" Gohan pulled him up gently.

Goku leaned against him wearily. "Am I going mad?"

The next few days were relatively uneventful. Vegita had virtually isolated himself at Capsule Corporation. Bulma distanced herself also for her own 'peace of mind' as she put it. Trunks and Bra spent the majority of their free time keeping each other company.

Goten and Gohan visited their parents every day, to check on Goku's progress.

"How's he doing today, mom?" Goten asked her.

Chi Chi sighed. "He's sleeping. His appetite is nearly normal, but I'm still worried."


"He's just...distant. Oh, he tries to be his usual cheerful self. But there's no spirit behind it."

Gohan gulped. "You think maybe he's going through a...withdrawal?"

"I asked Bulma. She's taken blood samples. The results will be in later today. Hopefully they'll give us some answers."

Goten looked up the stairs. "I hope so, for everyone's sake."

They anxiously awaited Bulma.

"Dad, you look better" Gohan commented.

Goku smiled a bit. "At least my head is clear without Vegita around. But I miss him and his haughty attitude."

Goten rubbed his shoulder. "I know. But it'll get better with time, dad."

"I'm sorry I put my family through so much hell. Gods, I must've looked like a moonsick idiot."

Chi Chi nuzzled his cheek. "Well...a cute moonsick idiot" she could laugh about it now.

Goku smiled wider. Why can't I shake Vegita from my mind?

Bulma arrived an hour later with the results. They discussed possibilities over tea in the dining room.

"Goku, you and Vegita have been experiencing a strong biochemical reaction which is natural for your species."

Goku nodded. "I surmised as much. Go on."

"Close proximity affects pulse, respiration and libido. The control areas of the brain are also influenced. Apparently your individual chemistry is so compatible that your behavior is affected. Call it a hormonal aphrodesiac."

Goku looked at a confident Chi Chi. "That's why my thinking was so muddled. I knew what I was doing but couldn't stop myself."

She understood the situation now. "I know. I'm just glad it was rectified before we lost everything."

"But Bulma, what can I do about it? I can't just avoid Vegita forever!"

Bulma tapped her fingers on the table. "There's a libido killer called 'salt peter' or gynodihulphide. It's non addictive and non toxic. It will help suppress any uncontrollable urges. We can make a blood serum that contains-"

Goku jumped up. "Drugs?? A Saiyan takes no drugs in such matters!" he was instantly angry at the concept. His tail lashed about.

"Goku, please" Chi Chi pulled him down. "She said it isn't addictive."

"Oh? And what about us while I'm taking this substance?"

Chi Chi blushed a little. "Bulma?"

"The dosage is a serum based on your blood and Vegita's, Goku. It won't affect your ability with Chi Chi."

Goku sighed. "That's a relief" then something occurred to him.

"Wait. How'd you get Vegita to agree to a blood sample?"

Bulma frowned. "It was the strangest thing. He just laughed. Who knows what goes through that man's mind sometimes?"

"Strange" Goku mused. Laughter?

Goten, Gohan and Trunks were out on the front porch.

"Listen guys, this is important. You still may have to watch Goku-san."

"What?!" the brothers echoed.

Trunks nodded gravely. "I didn't want to upset Chi Chi san. But something concerns me still about this situation."

"You told us about the serum. It should work, right?" Goten asked.

"It isn't the serum, it's my father" Trunks was openly worried. "He hates to lose at anything."

"So?" Gohan replied. "It isn't his decision. The folks are getting their lives back, and that's all that really matters."

"I wish it were that simple" Trunks stared at his lemonade. "He's too calm, too quiet. And he never gives up on something he wants."

"If he tries anything he'll have us to deal with" Goten snapped. "I've had it up to here with his superior attitude!"

Trunks shook his head. "I'm telling you, there's something we're all missing here. Something that only my father knows about."

"Let's go spar with him, then" Gohan suggested. "That always loosens his tongue."

As it turned out Vegita wasn't interested in sparring for once. He lounged around the apartments in a plush bathrobe. Darkly handsome features regarded them coolly.

"So. How is Kakarot, now that you've saved him from me?" his tone was sarcastic.

"Very funny, father. If you're planning anything I'm telling you right now to forget it!"

Vegita stretched back on an ottoman. "And why would I plan anything?"

"'re too calm! And I know how you feel about him..."

"You know nothing, boy. I have no interest in his marriage. You might say it's none of my affair" he snickered at his own words.

"That smirk is going to get wiped off someday" Gohan told him.

Vegita sipped his drink. "Not by you. Now be good boys and leave. I wish to contemplate in quiet."

"We'll leave, Vegita" Goten warned. "But is off limits!"

Vegita smiled strangely, dark eyes glimmering with fire.


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