Chi Chi's Torment
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Where hormones are forcing two Saiyajin's together, and one wife fights a battle to keep her husband by her side, who will win?

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Chapter 05
"Hahh...ahh...can't" Goku hazed with desire.
Vegita smiled wolfishly at the heavy cock that bobbed wildly. He wouldn't touch it, not yet. Gently he kissed the flat belly, massaging a trail down strong hips. Tongue teased a velvety black thatch. Vegita sucked the sensitive area, pulling hairs in his teeth.

"Aaahhh...aaaa" Goku rolled his hips, wanting more. "Vegita...gods, yes..."

Vegita slowed his pace, sweat rivering down his back. The need for completion was coming. Taking the thick shaft in one hand he plunged over it, sliding his lips to the root, relishing the flavor. He rolled his head in lazy circles, pulling with hard suction to the soft tip.

Goku howled like an unholy terror, bouncing his hips in frenzy. Vegita barely held on, grasping the thick thighs as he deep throated. Two fists grabbed his hair.

The Saiyan prince snaked a hand under the shaft, squeezing the heavy sacs as he sucked the velvety cock tip. He watched his lover. Goku growled at him with raw lust, handsome features flush with sweat. A tongue coiled out wantonly.

"Do me, my Prince" he rasped hungrily. "I want you. I've always wanted you!!"

Vegita nearly broke, the beautiful sight driving him wild. Releasing Goku's cock he pulled the powerful legs wide apart. Dark eyes were feral as he fell on his prize, lapping the warm wet entry of his need.

Goku thrashed in mad desire as the slippery tongue slithered inside, teasing something that made him see oblivion's dark light. A furred tail slapped Vegita's back, demanding more.

"V-Vegita, h-hurry" breathless.

"Mmm" the tongue pushed hard inside.

Goku shrieked again, color dotting his vision as pure sensation washed up his back. His body was taught with tension, corded neck muscles bulging as he grimaced in pleasure.

Vegita nearly pounced. The big, lush body lay before him, a mass of quivering need. Goku groaned as he withdrew his tongue.

The Saiyan Prince squeezed himself hard, holding his last shred of control.

"Beg me, then tell me the truth" he growled, panting. This would be the last time.

Goku licked his lips hotly as he lay prone. Dark heat shone from his eyes as he stroked himself slowly. A furred tail ran sinuously against Vegita, trailing the cleft of his ass, coiling his thigh. Running a line of scent across his nose. A favor returned, and a promise. Goku slid his tongue over sharp canines, a sleazy taunt. /Yummy./

Vegita smiled sharply at the display. /Slut./

Saiyan blood raged. In a flurry of motion Vegita pulled Goku up and kneeled. The larger Saiyan straddled him swiftly, spreading himself wide. Vegita gripped the lush ass cheeks, impaling his lover without hesitation. Goku shrieked at the entry, powerful arms crushing Vegita close.

Vegita thrust fiercely into the delicious heat. Sharp teeth nipped at the tender flesh of Goku's chest as he bucked and rode his Prince. A fist kneaded the base of his tail as it coiled around Vegita's forearm.

/Now you will tell me!/

Goku moaned incoherently, his head thrown back in ecstacy. Shockwaves of delight danced from his groin to his belly. Vegita felt his own heart slam against his ribcage as he banged away. Prickly heat tickled his skin and fired his loins. He would hammer it out of the slut or die trying. Sweat covered bodies shone in bold relief, glazed from frenzied need. Furred tails whipped out of control, striking hot skin.

Goku ground his hips against Vegita furiously, his thick cock painfully squashed between slickened bellies. He was draining. Kami... it hurts so good...


Vegita bit his shoulder, holding the thick arms crushingly tight.
"Hrghh.....tell me..."


"SAY IT!!" Vegita hissed, control nearly gone.

Goku's eyes rolled back as he neared the edge. "Love..."

Vegita's body tightened like a bow. He couldn't hold back any longer. Goku spasmed above him, his last defense gone.

"" Both Saiyans exploded into a tempest of flame and passion.

Vegita saw stars everywhere as his body wracked in indescribable pleasure. Heat held him, loved him, burned him deliciously. He wanted nothing more, this was perfection itself. He emptied himself into that heat, pouring all his soul into that perfection. Perfection...and eternity.

You are my one true love...

Goku screamed and screamed, air collapsing from his lungs. It was never like this, ever. Fire raced up his back, blasted his skull and filled his vision with love. Love and...eternity. It flooded him, filled him, made him whole. Hungrily he devoured it deep into his soul. Eternity...and perfection.

If this is dying I'll gladly die a hundred times...

Vegita could only hold on. His sanity was gone, ripped to shreds, lost to lust and love. He heard his name.


Goku could only hold on. His sanity was gone, ripped to shreds, lost to love and lust. He said the word.


And everything else was forgotten.

The flame dissolved, enveloping them in darkness.

Vegita lay against a tree, stroking his lover, his friend, his mate. Never had he known such peace. Goku slept nestled in his arms.

The Saiyan prince smiled, tracing the handsome features with a finger.

So beautiful. The having is sweeter than the wanting. And you are mine now, all mine. The fools thought they could keep us apart with their serums and recriminations. It was only a matter of time.

Goku frowned in sleep, turning over against his shoulder.

Ssh, my Bishounen. Only happy thoughts, now.

Black lashes fluttered to awareness. "Nani?"

Dark eyes were gentle. "Sleeping beauty."

Goku smiled slightly, still groggy. "But you're the Prince. My Prince" he pulled Vegita in for a kiss.

Vegita closed his eyes. /No doubt/ their lips brushed in a tender touch. Gradually they pulled apart. Goku edged up alongside, bracing against the tree trunk. Vegita noted his distress and stiffness of movement.

"Are you alright?"

Goku grinned devilishly. "Just sore. You damn near killed me."

Vegita smirked. "I thought it might come to that. Why couldn't you admit you loved me?"

Goku sighed, touching his cheek. "I was a fool, koibito. I thought if I denied it long enough my love for you would lose strength. Obviously it didn't work."

Vegita licked his ear. "Silly Baka. But we have forever now."

Goku nuzzled. "True. Til death do we part."

Vegita's eyes lit with a hidden fire. "There will be no death."

Goku sat back suddenly. "What are you talking about?"

The Saiyan Prince took his hands. "I have a surprise for you. A month ago I came across the missing dragon balls. I made a wish."

Goku's dark eyes grew rounder still. "You mean"

"I wished us to be immortal. Nothing will separate us now, not even time and eternity."

Goku leaned against the tree, overwhelmed. "Oh my...'Gita...I don't know what to say."

Vegita lowered his eyes. "Say you'll marry me" he held out his fingertips.

Goku smiled. "Silly. We already were" he touched the fingertips with his own.

Chi Chi wsn't prone to creating worry, but something was wrong, terribly wrong.

Goku's been gone since what...yesterday afternoon? What's going on?

She nearly leaped from her skin when the phone rang.


"Mama? This is Goten. Where's dad?"

"I don't know! He's been missing since yesterday-"

A sound at the door. Gohan walked in. Chi Chi motioned him down the hallway.

"Your brother just came in the door."

A pause. "Okay. I'm on my way over, too."

"See you then" she put down the reciever. "Have you heard anything?" she was anxious.

Gohan sighed. "No" he sat at the kitchen table.

Chi Chi waited a moment, watching his statement. "Well...what? Have you seen or heard anything I said?!"

Gohan looked striken. "Mom...let's wait for Goten so I don't have to say this twice."

The two lovers dressed, repairing their damaged clothing remarkably well considering the circumstances. They stood together by a small lake.

"You've been quiet" onyx eyes were warm on Goku.

Goku smiled at his Prince. "I've been thinking...there may be a compromise here that works for everyone."

Vegita lifted a curious eyebrow. "Oh? And who will do most of the compromising?"

Goku took up his hands. "Could you do me a favor? Please?"


"I need to stay with Chi Chi for the duration of our life together. She's been through so much pain on account of us."

Vegita staggered back, pushing his hands away. "You're saying...what? That we won't be together?!"

"Please listen to-"

Black eyes burned with rage. "Baka!! Never, do you hear me?! Are you insane?"

Goku gripped his arms. "Listen! I know this sounds crazy...but we're talking about a few decades here."

"Chikuso! You would've far outlived her anyway, even without the wish. And what am I supposed to do in the meantime??"

Goku shook his head quickly. "We'll still find time to be together-"

Letting out a stream of curses, Vegita blasted him with a ki bolt, sending Goku airborne over the lake.

"You think to make a fool of me? A sideline whore?!"

Goku landed in the water with a loud plop. Vegita stalked the shoreline, still cursing.

"I am the Prince of Saiyans, and won't be denied!!"

Goku burst from the water and tackled him by surprise. They rolled in the grass end over end. Finally Goku's weight gave him the momentum needed to pin his mate.

"Enough" he growled, canines showing. "Be reasonable, Vegita, and think of someone besides yourself! What harm can my proposal do?"

Vegita swore again. "Your propensity for self delusion borders on the manic, Kakarot" he hissed. You are my mate, not hers! She will know the difference no matter how you hide it. Sooner or later you will slip, and it will destroy her. Do you really expect to live an illusion for decades while she grows old and withered?"

Goku stared, considering his words. Could he?

Vegita smiled at his confusion. It was that same confusion that made his own conquest so sweet. He continued.

"Think of her resentment when she grows old and you stay young and vital. Even your sons will eventually age and die. What then?"

With a strangled cry, Goku let him up. Pain etched across his features.

"I don't know...I'll breach that problem when it arises, but..."

Vegita stroked his shoulders in comfort. "Koi, this is madness. You cannot make it work."

Goku turned, his dark eyes liquid against long black lashes. Vegita thought he'd melt right there.

Kuso, don't look at me that way...

Goku thumbed Vegita's lower lip before drawing him into a deep kiss.

/I can make it work...if my mate loves me enough to understand./

Vegita felt a tear splash his cheek. Goku's open emotion washed over him in waves, overwhelming his resistance. His own eyes grew wet when he finally pulled out from the tender kiss.

"Damn you...alright" he looked down. "I'll go along with your plan...but I won't like it."

Goku nuzzled him as they embraced tightly. "Oh, ' wonder I love you so much. And we will find time to be together, I promise."

"We'd better" the Prince held his significant other tightly. He ruffled Goku's tail with his own, making them both moan in delight.

Goku brushed his lips along the smooth jawline, feeling the sweet musky odor peak fire in his groin. Vegita growled softly, sensing his need. The scent was overwhelming, exciting...Goku licked his canines as he leaned in for a red kiss. Vegita yelped in pain and surprise before groaning against him in pleasure. The taller Saiyan lowered his mate to the ground, still holding his throat hostage. Vegita went limp with bliss as Goku drank him...

Chi Chi and her sons discussed their concerns about Goku's disappearance.

"So you actually saw them together??" she felt hysterical.

"Yes, but not that way, Kaa-san" Goten reassured her. "If anything, it looked as if they were going to square off."

Chi Chi looked at her eldest son. "Is this true Gohan?"

He nodded. "In fact, dad sent us away after we put out the huge fireball..."

"What fireball? You mean that hurricane disturbance that hit the shorelines late last night?"

Gohan grinned."Dad was that hurricane."

Chi Chi exhaled. Thank kami he's so gentle. "But...something you sensed earlier was amiss?"

Gohan looked down. "I saw into his ki...the reason he lost control was because he was in conflict. Conflict about Vegita."

Chi Chi felt her heart grow cold. "No..." she said in denial. "Not after everything we've been get it back, and then..." she couldn't finish. Goten put an arm around her.

"It isn't over yet, Kaa-san" he said gently.

"How can I fight something like this, if he can't!"

Gohan looked away momentarily. "There's something else you need to know...they're bonded."


"Gohan!" Goten shouted in disbelief. " Do you think-"

Chi Chi felt herself losing it. "No...NO..."

Gohan held her hands across the table. "Hold on, Kaa-san. Listen. This probably happened during the time dad was influenced, prior to him using the serum."

Chi Chi was hopeful. "But will it influence us, I wonder?"

"Maybe not. Keep in mind the bond existed during your reconciliation. He's determined to make things work with you."

"I know. In fact, things were progressing so well between us...I hadn't been this happy in awhile."

"Then hold onto that thought, mom" Goten told her. "We didn't give up on dad, and he never gave up on you."

Chi Chi laughed wildly. "Saiyans. They're all crazy!"

Gohan considered recent events. "I think dad's showdown was about the bond. Vegita clearly didn't want to confront him with us there."

"What was Vegita doing there?!" she felt panicked again.

"Hiding, like the dog he is" Goten remarked. "We were hesitant to leave, but dad was adamant. I think he wanted to settle things once and for all."

Chi Chi went to the window. "I hope they don't kill each other in the process."

"Are you trying to kill me, Kakarot?" Vegita gasped, lying in the grass. Goku had just finished sucking him dry.

"Hmm" Goku licked cream from his lips. "Just so you know who's my number one. Now stop arguing about it. This plan will work, believe me."

Vegita sighed blissfully. He felt too good to yell anymore. "I believe you. Now help me up, my legs aren't ready."

Goku laughed softly, helping his mate to his feet. Vegita closed the catch in his pants.

"That was a dirty trick, biting me like that. Onore!"

Goku licked the open neck wound, making his Prince shiver. "Koibito. You're a fine one to talk, coming on to me like a siren and then attacking. Remind me never to play poker with you."

Vegita's eyes rolled in delight as warm lips suckled the last traces of blood away. "Ano. Whatever."

Goku tasted with satisfaction. "Hai."

They held each other in silence a few moments, regaining their wits from the heady rush of blood.

"You'd make a perfect prostitute, koi" the Saiyan Prince finally said. "Hot in the sack and built like a tank. Perhaps I'll enjoy sneaking around, it sounds tasty. I have all sorts of nasty places for us to meet in mind."

Goku lowered his eyes and gave him a tongue kiss. /Freak./


They pulled apart finally, eyes dark with fire. "Let the games begin."

Goten started suddenly. "Gohan! He's coming home...I can feel him."

Gohan nodded. "Interesting. His ki is completely stable now."

Chi Chi ran to the door. "All that matters is that he's here!" she stood anxiously as her sons joined her. A familiar figure came into view and floated down.

"Goku! Thank Kami, you aren't hurt!" she ran into his arms.

Goten and Gohan moved forward. "Tou-san!"

His eyes sparkled at them all. "Moshi-moshi."

They shared a group hug. Chi Chi stood back and appraised his appearance. His clothing was somewhat torn and full of old blood stains. Even so, the face and body were unmarred, beautiful as ever. Goten and Gohan also reviewed his overall state of health.

"Dad...did you fight Vegita?" Gohan needed to know.

Goku motioned them all inside. "Not out here. We've given the neighbors enough to talk about as it is."

Vegita met up with Bulma and discussed the future with her. She was floored.

"Wh...Whaaaat? You want to stay here at the corporation?"

The handsome Saiyan nodded. "This entire experience with Kakarot has taught me a lesson. Frankly, I'm done with it. We've made our peace, and now it's time to move on."

Trunks came into the office area. "I'm glad to hear that, father. But this is true, you really want to stay with us and be a family?"

"Hontou, my son. I've treated all of you grieviously. That will change."

Trunks and Bulma stared at each other, pleasantly surprised.

"Don't look so shocked. Even a Prince can learn. And I...regret the pain my obsession caused" he held Bulma's hand.

"There is much we need to discuss later. Perhaps a new beginning?"

Bulma nearly fell into her office chair.

"Dad I wanted to tell you the truth...that I saw into your ki that day and knew" Gohan admitted.

Goku smiled at him genuinely. "My son, I know the characteristics of your secret power. Remember?"

Gohan grinned back. "Gomen."

Chi Chi was still worried. "But what about this 'bond' buisness?"

Goten was tenative. "It won't cause...a conflict of interest, will it?"

"Iie, Goten. You worry too much. The strength of the bond was broken during our little...discussion." he lied expertly.

"You went to gain your freedom?" Gohan surmised. "By force?"

Sly smile. "Yeah. Got it, too" he grabbed Chi Chi, twirling her around. She laughed like a giddy child.

"What...are you crazy!" her face was flush with relief and happiness.

"Well all right!" Goten slapped hands with his brother.

Goku was exuberant. "Let's go into town and celebrate! I'm in the mood tonight."

Chi Chi giggled. "That's fine honey, but take a bath. You stink like a wildman."

He sniffed at his torn gi shirt and grinned. "That's my Chi Chi!"

Goten and Gohan roared with laughter.

It was a night of reflection. The game was set, the pieces in place and none could leave the field.

Vegita lay alongside Bulma, smiling. She was so gullible. His lies were taken and swallowed whole like the sweetest candy. But it was worth the charade. Kakarot was his...and all he had to do was wait.

I'm just a thought away, love. Can you feel me?

Goku snuggled with a sleeping Chi Chi, eyes lidded with peace and content. It was so easy, really. She needed to believe. But he could do this for a few decades. Vegita was his...he just needed patience.

I'm just a touch away, love. Do you want me?



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