Chi Chi's Torment
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer
Where hormones are forcing two Saiyajin's together, and one wife fights a battle to keep her husband by her side, who will win?

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Chapter 04
Goku watched Chi Chi sleep. She had curled against his side after collapsing in exhaustion from the third go round.
He rolled over, staring at the ceiling. He could go all night. A thin sheen of sweat covered his exertion.

Didn't mean to grab her like that...damn. I can't take this much longer. The more we make love the hornier I get.

Trembling, he felt the flush of another fever. His cock was painfully hard, lying heavily against his thigh..

He wiped his forehead, nearly shaking now. I'm burning to do something...

Goku closed his eyes again, pulling himself for relief.

/You woke me up./


/Sweet dreams, koi. Or should I say nightmares?/

/Get the hell out of my head, Vegita!!/

/I can't. Remember our first time together?/

Goku yanked himself harder, hissing through his teeth.

/I loved your taste.../

"Guhhh" strong hips lifted from the bed. /V...Vegita.../

/ hot, tight.../

Goku spurted as he thrashed on the mattress. /V...Vgg/

/You're so beautiful when you come. I love watching it..../

"Aaahhhshiii!!!" Goku jolted, creaming his fist. He moaned in relief.

"Vegita" he rasped.

/I wish I were there with you./

Goku blinked, gathering his wits. /No. Leave my head already./

/Neither of us is going to get sleep anytime soon./

Goku sighed. He had a point.

/Maybe not, but there's nothing left to say./

/How is your fever?/

Goku felt himself in astonishment. His body was sated, finally. /It's gone?!/

/You're wearing her out, you know./

/Shizuka na!/

/You can barely control yourself. She can't satisfy you./

/Mind your own damn buisness. Go roll Bulma!/

A smile in the dark. He could feel Vegita's anger through the kata link.

/Chikuso!! Stupid baka!/

/Temper, temper./

/Hm. Perhaps my blood burns, eh?/


/I've been thinking all night, Kakarot./

/About what?/

/That kiss./

Goku exhaled. /Forget about it!!/

/It drove me wild...I nearly threw you to the floor./

Goku sweated a little. /Enough!/

/Remember the promises we made under the moon?/

/That was then, this is now./

/Are you so fickle?/

/No, but I wasn't thinking clearly. In fact I wasn't thinking at all./

/In your darkest dreams I am there./

/I know./

/So why turn away?/

/I...have to, Vegita. I can't allow myself to think about what we had./

A pause. /Because of Chi Chi?/

/And my sons. I've already lost their respect./

/They love you nonetheless. Time will heal much./

/Maybe. But my marriage is important. I'm dedicated to Chi Chi-/

/You sound like a broken record./

/You have a thick skull, Vegita. I say it and you don't believe me./

/Forgive me for misunderstanding, Kakarot. Your tongue was down my throat at the time./

/I told you! It was an accident, a moment of weakness. Nothing more./

/Come, then. We'll be weak together./

/Dame da!! Damn, where's the kill switch on this link?!/

Laughter rippled across his mind.

/This isn't funny./

/No, it's not./

/Vegita...I love my wife. With all my heart./

/You say that too much./

/Not enough, apparently./

/It's not the same. You'll never love her.../


/The way you love me../


/These lies are pointless. You fear your Saiyan blood, yet revel in it./

/If I were to do that...I'd lose myself./

/You already have. You've nearly battered your wife unconscious with sex./

Goku bared his fangs. /That's why I can't give in./

/Not with her./

/This discussion is ended, Vegita. I'm fully capable of fighting for my freedom. Even from you!/

/Exactly. Goodnight, Kakarot./

/?? Goodnight./

Goku stared at the ceiling. What was the point of denial, anyway? Inside his own mind, no one would know...

Koibito! Would that I could just run to your arms and forget everything. But I can't be consumed by that intensity. Our Saiyan blood, our destructive. And I can't...won't! Feed it, give it strength.

He sighed. You burn in my thoughts yet I refuse to yield. Maybe I'm stubborn, maybe I have too much pride. But I know things with Chi Chi are fragile. It isn't worth the risk.

Goku snorted in self derision. It seems I'm never Saiyan enough at the right time!

Kissing Chi Chi on the forehead, he drifted off into a troubled sleep.

Chi Chi blearily felt herself being lifted. Hot steam filled her lungs.


She blinked to clear her vision. Strong arms held her close in the foggy air. She looked up at her husband.


He smiled at her, dark hair in a tangle. "Hey babe. I thought-"

Chi Chi stared down at their closely pressed bodies covered with moisture. Weakly she pounded a fist against the broad chest.

"Put me down."

Goku leaned her back under the shower head. "You look so cute when you're all wet..."

Chi Chi swore, her damp hair limp around her face and down her shoulders. She tried to push away again.

"Are you crazy? I should have you spayed!!"

"Babe, about last night..."

She reached down between them, feeling his crotch. "You'd better not be..."

Goku kissed her nose. "Sorry. I just...wanted you so bad."

Chi Chi breathed a sigh of relief, leaning back. Goku reached for her.

"If you touch me again I swear I'll yank it off at the root!"

Goku raised his hands. "Chi Chi, I swear...I wasn't going to try anything. I just thought you'd like a nice warm shower."

"Hmpf. I certainly need one. What's gotten into you, Goku?"

Vegita!! "What's wrong with me wanting my wife?"

She leaned against him in exhaustion. "Nothing...I'm flattered, but you're going to kill me at this rate."

"I'm sorry. I'll try to control myself, okay?"

She smiled softly. "Promises, promises."

Vegita indulged himself in a rare diversion, watching the news. A nearby discussion tapped his curiosity from the executive dining hallway at Capsule Headquarters. It was considerably more private than the eating areas reserved for most employees..

Bulma speaks to Kakarot's wife. Hmm.

"You look frazzled, girl."

"It's a miracle I'm even standing. Damn, another week of this and I'll be a cripple."

Vegita smiled to himself. You can't give him what he needs, woman. One night with me will make you a distant memory.

"That bad, huh?" Bulma poured coffee. "At least he loves you. Is everything going okay?"

Chi Chi sipped the steaming mug. "Wonderful. It's amazing how attentive he's become as compared to before."

Appearances are the most difficult to maintain. He's afraid of making a mistake.

"Any problems with Vegita?"

You're not my watchdog, woman.

"No. The serum seems to be working. In fact, Goku seems a little calmer since the other night."

"What happened?"

"His nightly fever broke. It hasn't returned since."

My touch did that.

"Now if I can just keep him off of me for a day-"

I'll gladly relieve you of that burden, Chi Chi.

Bulma laughed. "I almost envy you. Vegita runs so hot and cold you never know what's coming."

Kakarot will be, when I'm done with him.

He broke contact with the discussion. "How very interesting. I think I'll take a swim."

Silently he slipped down the opposite hallway.

Goku flew around aimlessly. He had stopped at Master Rochi's to chat with Yamcha and Tien. There'd be another tournament soon. A training schedule was planned so they could all be sharp for the competition.


He felt as if warring factions held claim to his soul. Chi Chi, his wife and mother of his children. They had a home and life together. He cherished her tenderly. Their existence had been stable and happy....


Coiling like poison in his Saiyan blood, waiting to set him free. Swearing fire and eternity, love and ecstacy...

And he foolishly allowed that same Saiyan blood free reign, making wild promises in heat and sweat.

Stupid baka!

Rage roiled his gut. Rage at deception. Rage at lies. Rage at not being able

No!! I refuse.

Black locks burst into gold as he exploded into Super Saiyan mode. A blazing comet streaked across the evening sky.

The power surge didn't go unnoticed. Gohan jolted from a vision his mystic power perceived.

What's going on? Where's he flying off to like that?

"Gohan, what's wrong?"

He turned. Videl watched him with concern.

"It's my father. I suddenly saw him in my mind. He took off in a rage."

She frowned, looking out their living room window. "Do you think it's a threat to earth? Maybe he's gathering the Z warriors."

Gohan shook his head. "No. I sensed his ki explode to phenomenal levels. Some inner turmoil is causing this."

"You'd better go, then. I don't think he should be loose in such a state."

Gohan picked up his staff and headed out. "Tell me about it."

Vegita was impressed by what he sensed. Predatory anticipation sharpened his senses. Obsidian eyes held a wild gleam as he looked skyward.

Yes, Kakarot! Let desire fuel your rage, burn away all control. I feel you, and I am coming!!

Climbing out of a stream he dressed quickly and followed Goku's ki. Miles away Trunks and Goten nearly ran into Gohan in mid flight.

"Gohan! You've brought your staff?!" Goten shouted in the wind.

Gohan nodded quickly. "We're going to need everything we've got."

Trunks stared grimly ahead. "I sense father as well, but some distance away."

Goten shook his head. "What could be happening?!"

A figure of flaming gold was surrounded by a nimbus of white energy that expanded and crackled with power. Lightning crashed for miles around as boulders and debris flew and scattered like seeds. Trees uprooted and shattered, breaking against distant mountain peaks.

Goku roared his rage with fists clenched as the earth shook.

I will purge this madness, burn it out!


I must!!

The three demi saiyans squinted at the hemisphere of light that illuminated the night for miles around.

"Kami take it! Has he gone crazy?!" Goten shouted against the thunder that ripped the atmosphere.

Gohan held out his staff. "Trunks, Goten. I'll need you to be a counterforce. Strike at that sphere when we're close in."

Trunks nodded. "I'll take the east area."

"Got it. I'm west" Goten accelerated in a wide arc and was gone.

Gohan said a silent prayer. I hope my power can help here.

Gohan hovered over the blinding brilliance and extended his staff. He cleared his thoughts.

Father must know I'm here but he doesn't respond. Something consumes him and I think I know what.

He paused. Deafening bolts of power struck the sphere from opposite sides, causing a cacophony of light and sound. The ground quaked from forces unleashed. Goten and Trunks began their attack.

Gohan nodded, aiming his staff at the bright figure within. A brilliant orange haze enveloped the sphere, shrinking it momentarily.

Gohan strained.


Goku roared like a madman, extending his arms. The sphere once again began to expand wildly. The air filled with the odor of ozone.

Trunks and Goten redoubled their efforts, blasting away at the sphere. Chunks of light would break free, only to dissolve once again, forming a shield.

Vegita arrived on the scene, powering down immediately to hide his ki. He landed in a nearby meadow with a view.

I don't want them to sense me, just yet. I would see how this turns out.

Goku turned slightly within his prison of power. Vegita?

Now, while he's distracted! Gohan shouted to Trunks and Goten.

"Blast a hole in his shield. NOW!!!"

They did so. A massive bolt struck the sphere directly in front of Goku, breaking open a maw.

Gohan poured his ki into it, a cleansing wave of clarity. Goku screamed once more as he was struck directly. The gigantic sphere faded immediately as he collapsed.

Goten was there like a shot, catching him in freefall.

Gohan floated down gently, exhausted. He fell to one knee. Trunks ran to him.

"Gohan! Are you alright?"

He nodded. "Yeah. But I don't ever want to go through that again!"

Goten held his father as they waited for him to regain consciousness.

"Strange" Trunks noted, observing the prone figure. "He hasn't dropped out of Super Saiyan mode."

Gohan nodded, touching the damp forehead. "I sense equilibrium inside him now."

"But will it last?" Goten was worried.

"For the time being. The conflict driving him to this is yet to be resolved, but-"

A soft moan stopped their conversation. A broad hand covered Goten's.

Aqua eyes blinked open. "What...are you all doing here?"

"Dad! Are you okay?"

Goku sat up slowly, powering down. The huge flame of golden hair turned raven once more.

"I...was....Gohan? I felt your ki. You struck me?"

Gohan hugged him quickly. "You were out of control. I sent out a healing balm. I hope it helped."

Small smile. "It did. But I've got some unfinished buisness to take care of."

Trunks breached a sore subject. "Does it involve...father? We sensed him at some point, but-

"He's here" Goku interrupted shortly. His face suddenly darkened. "Leave."

Goten helped him to his feet. "Not yet. Not until we understand everything that's going on here!"

Goku frowned, looking about. "Hmm. Vegita's muting his ki. What for? I need to see him."

They looked at him apprehensively.

Goku snorted. "I only meant to talk. We have a few unresolved issues."

Trunks sighed. "But why won't he show?"

"He's waiting for us to leave" Gohan was annoyed.

Goku glared at him. "So leave."

They stared at him, shocked by his brusque reply. "But what if he-"

"This is my buisness, Gohan. Let your mother know I'll be home later. Go!!"

Goten started to speak, but Goku's statement quieted him. The black eyes blazed with a fire that brooked no argument.

Trunks nodded quietly. "Okay, Goku-san. Good luck...I think."

Goku immediately smiled like his old self. "Thanks guys....for everything."

Gohan stared, feeling a cold premonition. I saw into your ki, father, and I know the truth.

He was immediately grabbed and hugged. "I know what you're thinking, Gohan. Trust me."

Gohan gave a half smile. "I trust you" but not Vegita.

Goku cheerfully waved and smiled as they flew off. Vegita rolled his eyes in exasperation.

Again with that ridiculous mask.

Goku patiently waited until they faded from sight. His smile disappeared as he turned.

"Sou ka? Come out, Vegita!" he challenged.

Vegita floated gently towards him between trees. "You knew I was nearby."

Goku folded his arms. "Of course. The kata link told me, even though you powered down."


Goku took a fighting stance. "I'm here for my freedom."

The Saiyan Prince gave a soft smile. He floated closer, just above Goku's head. "What does that mean?"

"Zakkenayo" Goku growled. "Back off! If you think-"

Vegita snaked his tail between his legs and coiled it around Goku's face. The scent was delicious, intoxicating. Goku momentarily closed his eyes as the buzz came back in his skull. Blood pounded in his ears.

Vegita smiled silently as he teased his tail along the thick neck, enjoying Goku's blissful statement as the tip rubbed his nose. Goku purred, his own tail waving in contentment.

"You were saying?"

He swore, angry at himself for responding. "Baka! Enough, Vegita" he pulled the tail from his neck.

Vegita landed on his feet. "What do you want? Besides the obvious."

"I already told you. I want my freedom."

Vegita eyed him slowly. "Hai, but from what?"


The Prince sneered. "Liar."

Goku pressed into him for intimidation. "Hontou ni? We'll see about that."

Vegita stepped back a bit, glaring defiantly. Doleful eyes sparked with blazing intensity. A slow smile curved his lips.

"So we shall."

Goku shook his head quickly. That damned buzzing again...why wouldn't it stop? The serum was supposed to...

He felt weird, disoriented. The world tilted at bizarre angles. Vegita was everywhere, fragmented in his vision.

Nande Kuso!! What the hell??

Blood flushed to his head once more. Sweet musk assaulted his senses. It sapped his will, drained his strength. He fell to his knees.

Strong arms encircled him, pulling him down into the grass.

His Saiyan blood rebelled. " fast, Vegita. I told you, it's over between us!" he shivered nonetheless.

Soft kisses across his face and collarbone. "And as I've repeated, it will never be over. Never!!"

Goku gasped, realizing his predicament. Vegita's hands were everywhere, arousing him to the point of no return. Expert fingers pulled at the sash on his gi suit.

Kami, he smells fantastic. Got to do something...anything...

With every ounce of willpower he could muster, he sent a ki enhanced knee into Vegita's gut. The Saiyan Prince went flying.

Goku staggered to his feet, sweating. Damn. Feel like a drunk...

Vegita went into a full body roll and landed on his feet like a cat. He smiled ferally, wiping blood from his mouth. His tail flicked in excitement.

"Grrr. Yess. You will have to fight for your freedom."

Goku took his stance. Get ready...

"HAYEEEYAII!!" Vegita launched himself.

"AIIIIYAAAAA!!" Goku rejoined as he flew to the challenge. The two mighty Saiyans crashed into each other.

Their hands locked. Power coruscated around them both, sizzling in a wave of energy that burned a crater in the earth below. It grew and strengthened in intensity, firing blasts of ki for miles around.

Wild raven locks blazed into sprays of gold as they powered up to maximum. Goku shuddered. It felt marvelous, heady. He laughed insanely as power and desire ripped his soul to the core. They were nova, lighting the universe.

Vegita fed into it, roaring his approval through the kata link. Aqua eyes crazed with lust and conquest blazed in an inferno of the soul.!!!


Trees flattened, rivers boiled.Their strength grew as one, twin suns speaking words of power...

Goku panicked momentarily. No!! Don't look at his eyes...

He abruptly broke contact, kicking free. With a crashing peal of thunder the lightning collapsed in on itself.

Flying backward Goku fired a volley of flame spheres. Vegita responded with a hail of energy shards. For an indeterminite time they lighted the skies with pyrotechnics.

"Enough!!" Vegita roared, fangs bared. He thirsted for physical contact.

Goku understood this as well. It was the Saiyan way. With a snarl he launched himself head on into Vegita. Their fists pounded away as each sought dominance. Bruises and blood were soon evident.

Vegita gave a vicious kick. Goku howled as his ribs protested, crashing to earth. He back flipped up as Vegita closed once more, smashing his fist into the royal face. They punched and kicked at lightning speed.

The battle went on for hours as they inflicted pain and injuries. Goku transmitted behind Vegita and double fisted his back with all his remaining strength. The Saiyan Prince plummeted like a comet, bouncing off the earth below.

Goku heaved, collapsing from the sky as his power level dropped. He landed with a thud near Vegita. The Saiyan Prince was out, his locks raven once more.

Goku crawled over to the prone figure. "G...'Gita? Can you hear me?" his ribs were killing him. It hurt to breathe.

Vegita heaved, lying on his back. Goku leaned over him. They were both bloody and torn.

"G...'Gita?" he rasped again, ignoring his ribs.

Familiar eyes opened painfully on him. "...Nani?"

Goku nearly blacked out as he reached to touch the bruised face. "Do you have...any senzu beans?"

Vegita struggled to a sitting position. "Hai, my chest pocket. What's left of it."

Goku slid his fingers along the bloody fabric over hot skin. So much...

Vegita watched him.

Goku sniffed at the pungent scent. He stared intensely at rivulets of red. Taste...

Without thinking he leaned forward, kissing them away. The blood tingled in his mouth.


Mesmerized by the beautiful chest he licked, catching trails of blood on his tongue. Vegita arched, purred. His tail slapped Goku across the shoulders. Goku shivered at the delightful sensations radiating heat down his back.

"Baka. We're a mess. Get the senzu beans already" Vegita growled.

Goku jolted from his sensory pleasure. Nande-koto-wa? Am I mad?! he reached into the torn chest pocket.

Vegita lay back expectantly. "My arms are too sore."

Goku nodded, understanding. He placed a bean on Vegita's lips. The hot mouth captured his fingers and sucked.

Goku hissed. "Stop. Our fight isn't over."

Vegita did his best deep throat imitation. Goku couldn't pull his fingers out.

"Vegita, please. Enough." the sight was making him hard. He wanted to fight, not...

Vegita let go, smiling. His wounds healed perfectly.

"Your turn, Kakarot."

Before he could respond, Vegita took a senzu bean and shoved it between his lips. The capsule was pressed onto his tongue.


Vegita watched in delight as Goku imitated the deep throat gesture, swallowing his fingers completely. Facial bruises faded and disappeared, cuts and welts dissolved. Dark wisps of hair clung to his face from sweat.


"Enjoying ourselves?" Vegita purred as Goku sucked wildly, swaying his head side to side.

What? No. I can't let him win! Must control...

He released Vegita's fingers. "You tricked me. Clever."

Vegita yawned casually. "Baka. We need to bathe."

Goku sat up. "Agreed. But not together!!"

The Prince stood and walked towards a stream. "As you wish."

Unfortunately senzu beans couldn't repair their torn clothes, but at least they were salvageable. Goku cursed. Getting blood out of a gi shirt wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Vegita relaxed against the base of a tree, observing. His blue battle suit was somewhat ripped but not destroyed.

The Prince placed his hands behind his head. Ah, Kakarot. Soon you will deliver on your promise. I can wait, but not much longer.

Goku glanced periodically back at Vegita. I can play games, too. We'll see how this turns out.

His tail did a twitch twitch.

Vegita smiled, watching the broad back ripple from exertion. I love this, I can smell him from here. Almost there...

Goku glanced up at him once more, dark eyes flashing. Vegita licked his lips slowly.

Gutteral snarl. /I'm no snack. You presume too much./

Vegita bared his canines. /Does this mean we fight again?/

Goku bared his own. /Freak./

Vegita nearly laughed. /Slut./

Goku slammed down his gi shirt by the river. "You're on" he gave a half smile, crouching low. His tail swayed aggressively.

Vegita regarded him with slitted eyes. Now... his own tail lashed as he leaped to his feet. Goku charged. Vegita waited for him.

"Fool!!" a heavy thud as their bodies collided, rolling on the ground. End over end they tumbled, each grappling for the upper hand.

Goku had the physical advantage, but Vegita's battle skills were second to none and he fought with hellacious tenacity. The larger Saiyan tried pinning the Prince but was cracked in the jaw or gut repeatedly. Vegita had no intention of letting Goku close with him on the ground.

Animalistic groans punctuated their battle as they sweated and strained. Unlike their previous battle there was no blood drawn, no bruises made.

Vegita abruptly stopped fighting. With a surge of strength Goku slammed him on his back, pinning his hands high above his head.

The dark eyes were wild, savage. Goku grinned at his conquest as he heaved from exertion. Vegita was breathless as well.

"Still feeling smug, Prince? Or have you lost the will to fight? Our battle is over."

Vegita gazed up limpidly, his eyes liquid pools of night. "You're right. I can't fight you anymore..."

Goku still held him. "I don't trust you. Swear by everything Saiyajin that you will respect my wishes to live my life as I see fit!"

Vegita was grave. "I acknowledge your need. So be it. I swear."

"Good" he drew Vegita up into his arms. A tail coiled across his back, tracing lazy circles.

"Stop it, 'Gita."

Vegita held Goku tightly. He broke into a soft purr.

"A last memory, at least. Do you hate me for trying?" he slipped his tail down Goku's gi pants, teasing his crotch.

The larger Saiyan gasped at the pleasure. "Aah. Stop it, I said!"

Vegita nuzzled his face. "Like that, hmm? Do you hate me, Kakarot?"

Goku shook his head against the warm cheek. "I could never...hate you, Vegita. Never" he smells so delightful...makes me want to...

The taunting tail slipped down his bare back, finding another.

"Most misunderstand me" Vegita whispered in his ear. "I offer my soul to the one I love..."

Goku closed his eyes. His head buzzed again. Kami, not this, not now...

Vegita's tail curled lovingly around Goku's, ruffling it. Goku jolted, an electric sensation warming his back.

"Aahhh...nnngg" Vegita felt wonderful in his arms. He couldn't let go.

Vegita rasped in his ear, affected as well. "So much to say" he panted. "Don't you have a word for me?"

Goku felt his mind haze. "Vegita...I...I..."

Catlike licks on his neck. "A soft word?" his hands climbed Goku's back.

Goku closed his eyes, awash in Vegita's scent and warmth. He barely whispered. "My blood burns, 'Gita. You already I feel..."

"Yes, love. I do!!" a stab.

Goku's eyes snapped open too late. No!! You stinking Onore...

He felt pain and weakness as Vegita sank his fangs into the soft flesh of his throat. Gently he was lowered into the soft grass. A fog of pleasure soon overwhelmed his mind, heating his body with desire. Vegita sipped him with slow torture.

"V-Vegita" he gasped. "W-why??"

The Prince sat up after a moment, licking his lips. /You made me a promise under the moon./


Soft chuckle. "A waste of time. I know your darkest desires, you know mine. We are Saiyan."

"I know. But you swore, gave your word..."

"And I will keep it. I intend to honor your wishes."

Goku strained up. He felt blood trickling down his neck. "You dared...invade my mind that way?"

The Saiyan Prince held him in place. "We have no secrets, Kakarot. You've known this from the beginning."

Goku fell back. He's right. I've been a fool!

Vegita stood and undressed, pulling off his battle suit in a slow display. Goku watched him silently.

"My Prince is beautiful" he marvelled at the perfectly sculpted form.

Vegita smiled before straddling him. He leaned forward and licked Goku's neck wounds, making the larger Saiyan tremble.

"Kami!!" Goku gasped as blood was lapped off his throat.

"Ah, my bishounen" Vegita sighed softly. "Long have I looked forward to ravaging you properly."

Goku struggled up once more. He couldn't fight this much longer. "You drank first-" they both knew the significance. It was a matter of dominance.

Vegita pushed him back down. "Yessss."

Goku was lost in those dark eyes. "You tricked me...distracted me..."

Vegita kissed him hard, plumbing the wet mouth. "Mmmm. Yes."

Goku groaned, his body swollen with need. He didn't care anymore. Powerful arms went around Vegita of their own voilition.

Vegita licked his face slowly, tasting the high cheekbones and perfect nose. Goku closed his eyes, trying to capture those lips with his own as they moved. The hunger burned him now. There were no more lies.

Vegita lapped along the strong jawline, under the chin. Again he teased the neck wounds, pressing his tongue tip into them. Goku moaned loudly.

"'Gita, please...again" he turned his head aside.

Vegita panted, fighting for control. His tail flicked as he resisted the urge to take Goku like a wildman.

"Yesss. I will have a little more" he sucked the open wounds, sending Goku into convulsive shudders. Vegita slipped a hand between them, feeling Goku's erection beneath his gi pants.

Goku grabbed his ass cheeks, rubbing their groins in sensuous circles as he massaged. Vegita gasped, stripping the gi pants free. He wanted to taste that hot silk.

"Release me." He was in command here.

The hands immediately fell away. Vegita moved downward, taunting the powerful chest with his mouth. Velvet peaks strained with need as he teased and tasted, lifting them with suction. Whetting his fingers he paddled them mercilessly. Goku thrashed underneath him, clutching his back.

"Be still" Vegita growled, pausing.


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