The Howling
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer

Chapter 02
They waited for Gohan to go inside. Chi Chi rounded on Goku once more.

"What's your problem? Really?"

Goku stared up at the evening sky. Deep oranges and purples were rapidly fading to black.

"Chi Chi...I just need some space for a few hours."

"Space? How much 'space?' You yelled at your son and nearly ruined the party—"

Goku wondered how he ever felt anything for her. His blood was beginning to boil.

"I didn't ruin anything. You're overreacting again."

"Yeah?! You think I'm stupid, mister? I know you're having an affair!!"

The saiyan repressed a snarl. "Say what?"

"You heard me. I know you want to run off and be with your little girlfriend—" her eyes glazed with anger. "You've been away more than ever, especially the last few weeks!"

Goku grabbed his wife by the arms and shook her, his hold on sanity tenuous. "An affair? That might be a good idea, Chi Chi...thanks for the suggestion!" his tail bristled and lashed as he shoved her back. She stared, too stunned to reply.

Goku smirked coldly and turned from her, his eyes hard as flint. "Leave me alone" he growled, and bounded off into the woods.

A tear fell silently down her face as a hand covered her mouth. What have I done?


Rage. Boiling, seething, rage. He ran gracefully, his movements

fluid and inhuman. Muscles flexed and propelled him with strength and

speed. He was hot, so hot…

Another form of similar ability pursued, but only to observe. Suppressing his power, he matched the fierce saiyan stride for stride.

Goku approached a small stream and removed his shirt and boots before diving in. The waters were cooling, soothing the ache in his troubled soul…

He looked high above at nocturnal skies. A multitude of stars sparkled in majestic splendor. His lips curved in a small smile.

Beautiful. I wish every night could be like this.

The powerful figure splashed about, swimming in lazy circles before returning to shore. Goku sat in the tall grass, his face tilted upward in peaceful relaxation.

A shadow watched him.

Goku purred, his tail undulating on the ground. Dark eyes closed in complete contentment. He felt really, really good. The crisp evening air was fresh, razor sharp in his nostrils. New grown grass and the scent of water tickled his senses...his blood buzzed with heat, surging with sweet power and sensation.

Muscles rippled as he stretched, feeling the night caress his skin…

The observer prepared to move, his suspicions correct.

Goku growled and abruptly ran off into the deep wood, temporarily leaving his unknown companion behind. A companion named Vegeta. The saiyan ouji stepped from behind a nearby tree, muttering a string of curses.

"Third class baka" he hissed. "Kuso, you're out of control!" he followed the other saiyan's trail in the dark, making prodigious leaps through the forest.


Two men were trudging along about three miles downstream, taking a shortcut home. One was tall and heavyset, with a shaggy red beard. His companion was a few inches shorter and chunky, his sandy brown hair stuffed into a bill cap. They were dressed in workman's gear.

"Got your flashlight, Clem? I can't see a damned thing!" the short man complained.

'Yeah, Gethro, hold on. Wasn't sure if this battery was workin' or not" he pulled it from his work pouch.

"Hmmpf. Works okay now. An hour ago I couldn't get it to do anything!"

"Good deal. We shouldn't be out here too long, with that wolfman running around."

Clem rolled his eyes in disgust. "Come on. What, we live in the dark ages or something? Stop talkin' like the rest of these hicks around here!"

They sloshed through a shallow marsh. "You don't believe the reports on TV?" Gethro was incredulous.

Clem waved it off. "No. Buncha geeks telling wild stories, gettin' everybody worked up for nothing."

"I suppose you're right."

A loud splash nearby. Clem spun around. "You hear that?!"

Gethro squinted in the general direction of the sound. "Yeah...could be a deer or something. Throw your light on it."

The burly man tilted the light ray across the water's edge. A figure skulked through water reeds and bounded up a nearby tree.

"What the?!" Clem pointed. "You see what I see?"

Gethro peered closely. "If I didn't know better...looks like some clown sneaking around trying to scare us."

"Yeah, but did you see him jump clear up into that tree?"

"He's probably wearin' them athletic shoes with the air pockets or somethin'."

Clem stalked over to the tree. "Yeah, well I'm gonna pop his pockets!"

Gethro followed him, slamming ham sized fists together. "Leave a piece for me, Clem."

The big man waved his flashlight up the tree, illuminating it with a wide beam of light.


There was a brief rustling sound before a figure dropped down from a high branch.

"Get your butt over here, simpleton" Clem waved the flashlight. Goku stalked forward, hips swaying with feral grace, his tail swishing in defiance.

"Let's get a good look at this inbred" the big man aimed the beam directly at Goku's face…

And promptly backed away in terror. "HOLY SHIT...IT'S THE WOLFMAN!!!"

Gethro was already running off into the dark. Clem stumbled after him, dropping his flashlight. Goku stared as they disappeared from sight. Perplexed, he looked about.

"What wolfman? I don't see or smell anything" he scratched his head. "Hmm. Maybe it's true after all. Guess I'd better clear out before that thing heads this way!"

With a casual shrug he raced off into the night. Minutes later Vegeta leapt into the small grove, his tail sweeping gracefully behind him.

He sniffed. "Dammit, Kakarot, now what? This foolishness complicates matters. Now you're running around like a wildman, feeding their idiotic frenzy. Bah! If necessary, I'll drag you home myself!!" with animalistic power, he sprung to the treetops in hot pursuit.


Goku growled, reveling in the night, his power. Sounds, scents drove him wild. He flipped through trees with moves an Olympic athlete would envy. Soon he found himself running again, with no destination in mind. A few small homes were scattered about on a low hill. Realizing his thirst, Goku bounded over a wooden fence and padded over to a small well. As he lowered the bucket on a rope, he heard a dog barking.

Shimatta, that's all I need. Just wanted a quick drink…

He held the bucket to his lips and gulped quickly. A large German Shepherd headed his way, barking loudly with teeth bared.

Goku smiled and stood his ground. When the dog got within ten feet he halted, ears flattening. The saiyan crouched, a feral growl on his own lips, fangs bared in challenge. The dog yowled and ran. Goku laughed.

"Bad dog!"

The commotion didn't go unnoticed. From inside the stone house, two men and a woman poured out with firearms. Goku watched them curiously.

The woman pointed, her print house dress flapping in the wind. "Ya'll see it? That devil thing over by the well!"

A muscular young man with curly hair cocked his weapon. "Don't know what it is, ma, but it's looking to get shot!"

An older man squinted in the dark. "Be careful, boy. That thing scared Magnum off, and he don't spook easy. Take the first shot, and I'll follow you."

Goku turned to leave. I don't need this…

A bullet cracked in his direction. The saiyan swore, leaping into the air out of reflex.

"I think I winged him! He's runnin'!"


"What the?!" the family spun at a new sound. The woman shrieked. "LOOK, IT'S ANOTHER ONE!!" she waved her pistol and fired.

"Earth scum!!" Vegeta snarled, bounding across the yard. From a short distance away, Goku started in shock and recognition.

"Vegeta, what are you doing here?!"

"WOLFMEN!!" bullets sprayed everywhere while the saiyans jumped over log piles and low brick walls.

The woman raced back towards the house. "I'm calling the cops!"

"Oh great!" Vegeta slapped away another bullet. "Kakarot, see what you've started?!"

"What I've started?!" Goku caught a handful of shells. "Who the hell told you to follow me?"

"They ain't natural, the bullets don't even hit 'em!" the elderly man yelled.


Reinforcements had arrived in the form of nearby neighbors. Like a cavalry charge they burst from their homes bearing pistols, rifles, and even old musket guns. One man was desperately trying to light an old cannon behind his barn.

Goku and Vegeta found their athleticism tested as lead hailed from every direction. They bounced around like frisbees in a skeet shoot.

"Chikusome!!" Vegeta roared as he simultaneously caught shells and dodged them. "I should just blow up this whole idiotic village!!"

Goku bolted for the forest as he stretched into an extended leap. "Old habits hard to break, 'Geta?!"

Vegeta flashed after him into the deep wood. "I should have stayed at home!"


The saiyans pressed on at a frantic pace for half an hour. Goku finally slowed and dropped from a tree branch. He glanced about briefly and took off running again.

"Kuso!!" Vegeta yelled, tackling him from behind. "Enough of this nonsense!"

They rolled around on a grassy pathway before Goku scrambled free from Vegeta's grip. "Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing?!"

Vegeta crouched in an offensive posture. "Be still a minute!" he commanded, tail lashing in anger.

Goku growled, his own furry coil fluffing in challenge. "Excuse me? I go where I will!"

The ouji snarled softly. "Have you been going out at night the last few days?"

Feral eyes blinked in confusion. "I think so. What business is it of yours?"

"I'm making it my business!!" with blinding speed, Vegeta jumped the taller saiyan, slamming him to the ground and pinning his arms down.

"Let go of me—" the two saiyans rolled end over end, growls and snarls punctuating their struggles. Goku attempted to bite, but Vegeta blocked his attempts.

"Feeling wild, are we?" the ouji taunted, grabbing the crotch of Goku's pants, eliciting a loud yelp. His other hand held a broad shoulder firmly on the ground.

The taller saiyan squirmed, fangs clacking together in anger. "Vegeta, I'm warning you—"

Grinning savagely, Vegeta yanked down the baggy pants just past Goku's hips. A thick erection popped high in the air.

"My, my" Vegeta taunted, grabbing the pole of flesh in his fist and squeezing it. "No wonder you were running around like a lunatic!"

Goku arched back, gasping. "S-stop!"

"I think not" a hot mouth plunged down on the swollen shaft, pulling it hard with loud suction.

Goku thrashed, his hips yanking erratically. "Va-Ve-getaaa..."

The ouji sucked him like a madman, his fine jaws hollowing out with each sweet stroke of the tongue. Goku howled and shrieked like a pure loon, his cries of delight frightening game for miles around. Strong hands fisted thick raven hair loaded with leaves and sticks.

He was done. Hours of heightened arousal finally exploded in a sticky flood that bathed his ouji's face even as he sought to capture every drop.

Vegeta licked in satisfaction, his tongue lapping up splattered puddles on Goku's belly. "Hn..."

Goku lay on his back dazedly, eyes slitted as he stroked Vegeta's hair lovingly. His breathing was ragged as the broad chest heaved in relief.

Vegeta eventually reared back to a kneeling position, observing him carefully.

"Kakarot, are you all right?"

Goku sat up and nuzzled, their faces buried in masses of raven hair. "Better, thanks to you."

Vegeta purred, his eyes closed. "Your training begins later this week."

Red eyes burned on the ouji. "Why?? I thought that wasn't an immediate concern—"

"It is now. You cannot run around like this, out of control."

A growl. "I'm not out of control, I just wanted to be alone for awhile—"

"Hai, alone and terrorizing stupid ningens in the dark."

Goku lifted an eyebrow. "Oh? Have you looked in a mirror recently?"

Scarlet eyes narrowed. "Huhh. Now idiots will be everywhere. I'll

have to find a remote spot where no one has seen or heard of a 'wolfman.'"

Goku pointed at him, snickering. "Make that...wolf men!"

"Whatever! Now come—"

Both saiyans suddenly jolted, sniffing gentle breezes. Tails stiffened and bristled at the sound of dogs barking nearby.

Goku yanked his pants up. "What the frack?"

Vegeta sprung to his feet. "Trackers. Perfect!"

Voices were heard through the thickets. "Run 'em through here...the scent's strong!"

"On it...Roo's got the trail!"

Goku was moving. "I've seen this movie before!"

Vegeta followed, looking behind. "Hai, enough is enough."

The saiyans streaked through roughhewn pathways dotted with mossy

rocks. Their pursuers were getting closer.

Goku grinned wickedly at Vegeta as they ran. "Hey, 'Geta...want to have some fun?"

The ouji licked his lips in anticipation. "I'm all ears."


Their hunters were well organized. A group of ten men with high beam lamps stormed through the woods behind a group of bloodhounds. The dogs were relentless, picking up speed.

"Yo, Rick! Cut 'em loose!'

"Got it" a tall man in a blue flak jacket released the leash locks, setting the hounds free. The dogs scattered in a forward pattern, howling like mad.

A chubby guy in lumberjack gear pointed. "We've got 'em...I'll bet the news people will give us an exclusive for this!"

"Shut up, Steve, we gotta catch 'em first!" another man bellowed.

"Over there!" someone in an orange reflective vest yelled.

"Load up. And shoot anything that ain't a dog or man!" a crusty commando type shouted.

"They treed 'em, Len!!"


It was true. The dogs had circled around the base of a huge oak tree, barking like mad. The men cocked their weapons and approached cautiously.

"I'll turn up the lamp" Len pointed his high powered lamp, illuminating the entire glade.

One in the group nudged him, pointed. "Look...see? Something's up there with glowing eyes!"

They all saw. Gleaming among thick branches were two sets of blazing orbs, their hellish hue unnatural and eerie.

From up above, Goku whispered in Vegeta's ear. "They have high powered rifles."

Vegeta considered. "Hn, those things could cause some nasty cuts and burns."

Goku purred sinuously, his tail brushing the ouji's back. "Are you ready?"

Vegeta gave a dangerous smile, his eyes low. "Hai, I can handle it!"


The dogs were pulled back. One of the men cautiously approached the tree, motioning for the others to wait.

"I'm gonna send a shot. Stand ready!" he pointed and fired into the uppermost branches.

Inhuman roars rocked the glade as two raging saiyans sprung from the tree, fangs bared. Savage eyes glinted hellishly as they crouched, black manes blazing in the wind. Their tails were up and stiff.

The man fell back in horror, fumbling with his rifle. "HOLY MOTHER OF...WOLFMEN!!" he fired again, point blank.

All hell broke loose. The oozaru jumped over his head and landed squarely among his companions, who opened fire in sheer panic. Rounds of bullets flew everywhere, making the previous skirmish look like pellet play. Trees, shrubbery, water and stone were laced with rounds of ammunition.

And all the while the oozaru screeched and roared, slapping away stinging projectiles while leaping away from direct shots.

"RUARRRGHH!!" Vegeta landed a flying kick with impossible speed, bowling over two shooters. Goku likewise felt the flow of dark rage boil his blood. He jumped their nearest attackers, knocking them down with open handed blows. Rifles skittered across rocks and grass. The hounds entered the fray, sweeping over the saiyans in a surge. They were seized by the scruffs and tossed high in the air, landing awkwardly on their rumps. The pack went yowling into the deep wood.

The man called Len staggered to his feet, shaking hands gripping his handgun. "I'm gonna send you back to hell!" he bellowed, firing again. Goku dove below the shell that cracked over his head and charged. Len tossed down his weapon and attempted to run, but was easily caught. A blow to the head knocked him out cold.

Nearby, Vegeta sat on a boulder, licking his lips contentedly. He surveyed the war zone littered with unconscious men. "Not a bad night's work" he purred, his tail doing lazy circles.

Goku stood over his last victim and stretched, ruffling his own tail out.

"Arghh...what a night" he couldn't suppress a smile.

Nor could Vegeta, who liked what he saw. All the time I felt this in you. Hai, one day I'll get those dragonballs, and then we'll talk seriously about ruling the universe.

"Kakarot, come here."

Goku leaped over to him. "What?"

"I suggest we leave here as quickly as possible and head home. As the ningens say, we now have a...'situation'."

Goku nodded, looking over the carnage. "Yeah, I've had enough of being shot and screamed at for one night."

The finely planed face of the ouji tilted up at him. "Even a saiyan must learn to direct his instincts. You are completely out of control, Kakarot. Your transformations are erratic, and I suspect the rut is aggravating matters."

"Look who's talking. You changed, too!"

A growl. "Hai, this oozaru is spontaneous and unpredictable. It can be suppressed, but only at times."

Goku sat next to him. " can I control it, then? Any of it? I can't fend it off if I don't see it coming."

The ouji stood up. "There are triggers, such as rage or sexual desire. Any form of excitement that activates your hormones will bring about the change."

Goku eyed him suspiciously. "Hmm, you weren't angry when you came after that must mean..." he grinned slyly, wrapping an arm around the tight waist. A thick tail coiled the ouji's thigh snugly.

Vegeta pushed off. "Fool! This is exactly what I mean. We have to get out of here right now! These idiots will be waking up soon enough."

The tall saiyan sighed, scratching his shaggy head. "I suppose you're right. But we'd better split up."

"Hai" Vegeta moved away momentarily and paused, smirking over his shoulder.



"You were beautiful tonight. Pure saiyan" and with that, the ouji flew off like a shot. Goku could only stare at his ki trail before taking off himself.


Goku approached his home quietly. Maybe I should go in through the window. It's late, and everyone's probably asleep.

Silently he floated to the bedroom window and slipped inside. Sure enough, a familiar form was curled tightly under a maze of blankets. Goku wanted to laugh.

Kami, she's always more ways than one.

He didn't realize she was playing possum. Dark eyes peeped over the sheets as Goku walked over to the bed in darkness.

Chi Chi bolted up abruptly and hit the wall switch. Goku gawked at her. "Wha?"

"All right, mister—" the words choked in her throat as her eyes bulged in fright.

"IT'S THE WOLFMAN!!" she screeched, and promptly fainted. Goku caught her before she fell. Seconds later he heard fists pounding on the door. Gohan.

"Mom! Are you okay in there?"

Goku pressed against the door. "It's okay, Gohan."

"Dad? You're back! What happened?"

"Your mother had a nightmare but she'll be fine. Go to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay" Goku breathed a sigh of relief when he sensed his son's ki retreat.

He laughed softly at his unconscious wife, secretly enjoying her fear. Wolfman, my ass.


Chi Chi cautiously opened an eye. A slim hand patted around, over and under the blankets. She felt a familiar shape at her side.

What happened last night? That thing was here!

She blinked and sat up slowly, staring at her sleeping husband. Did Goku chase it off? I have no idea what's going on.

Just then, Goku stirred. Chi Chi shook him gently.

:"Goku! Are you awake?!"

Sleepy dark eyes tried to focus. "I am now. What's all the excitement?"

"That thing was here last night!"

Goku waved a dismissal. "Come on, Chi Chi. I wanna get more sleep" he flopped over. She rolled him back to face her.

"This is no time for sleeping. Get up! That creature could still be around here—"

Goku edged up on an elbow, annoyed. "Yeah, right. A creature."

"That's right, mister. We have to call the authorities!"

The saiyan stared at her calmly. "Uh huh. And what are you going to tell them?"

"Exactly what happened! That I was in my home, and the wolfman came through the window—"

Goku smirked. "Keep going."

"And that he tried to attack me and I screamed."

"That it?"

She appeared confused. "Well...I think so. I fainted after that."

Goku sat up slowly, holding back a laugh. "Look. You'll be lucky if they don't have you locked up as a crank."

She glared, folding her arms. "You think this is funny?"

"Hilarious. Now let me get back to sleep."

"I don't understand your attitude!"

The saiyan snuggled into his pillow, smiling. If you only knew…


The wolfman obsession dominated the news media over the next two days. Non stop reports and so called 'eye witnesses' fed the mania that swept through South City. National broadcasts were given every hour on the hour. The president mentioned the possibility of an alien invasion during the state of the union address.

Yamcha stopped by the Son house for a much needed visit. He was relieved to find Goku alone.

The bandit hugged his saiyan tightly in the living room. "Hey. I've missed you" lips brushed softly.

Goku sighed against the warm mouth. "Let's go in the kitchen. Gohan's visiting a friend, but I don't know when he might get back."

"Lead the way" Yamcha was pulled down the hallway.


They enjoyed a snack of coffee and doughnuts. Yamcha shook his head in disbelief.

"They've gone crazy over this 'wolfman' stuff. You can't get away from it! It's in the papers, the radio, on TV..."

Goku nodded in resignation. "There doesn't seem to be any end in sight."

Dark eyes were keen on the saiyan. "Interesting. Now the official story is two 'creatures'."

Goku didn't look at him. "I heard."

Yamcha just stared patiently, stirring his coffee.

"Stop looking at me like that."

"Tell me the truth. That was you all along, wasn't it?"


Hands rubbed Goku's arms. "Hey, this is me, remember?"

Soft smile. "Sorry. So much is going on lately."

Yamcha ruffled the thick hair. "I'll bet. Where's Chi Chi?"

"She's staying over at Capsule Corporation for a couple of days."

"Goku, now what?! She just got back into town!"

The saiyan leaned back in his chair. "Chi Chi had a 'wolfman' sighting up close."

Yamcha covered his eyes. "Kami. You didn't..."

Fangs cracked together. "You think I'd hurt her?!"

The bandit let out a long breath. "No, but I also know you can't control yourself at times."

"Nothing happened! I just came in through the bedroom window and she freaked."

Dark eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You hadn't changed back."

"No" Goku admitted.

"What about those recent sightings? Were those people attacked like everyone says?"

The dark head hung low. "Yes, but no one was seriously injured..."

"Goku, you've got to get help. Somehow, someway—"

Soft growl. "Vegeta recommended that my oozaru training be stepped up."

Yamcha stared at his cup. "I see. Well, if you think he could help, by all means..." the tone was sarcastic.

Goku almost smiled. "Yamcha, come on. Who else could help me with this?"

A hand rubbed his. "Vegeta isn't the solution to everything. Tell me, is he the other so called 'wolfman'?"

Onyx eyes widened. "You suspected that all along?"

Yamcha kissed his hand. "Knowing what I do about you, it seemed like a logical assumption. But I'm more curious as to why you two were running around together in the woods!"


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