The Howling
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer

Chapter 03
The saiyan's temper flared. "Look, it wasn't like I said, 'hey Vegeta, let's run around and scare some people after the party!' Use your head, for Kami's sake!"

Yamcha sipped his coffee again. "Still, you were together. Funny how that just seems to happen."

Goku tapped his fingers on the table. "He followed me. It turns out he didn't trust my word any more than you."

Yamcha winced. "It's not like that, Goku. At least with me. Trusting you is one thing, trusting what you can control is another. Can you understand?"

Sad smile. "Hai, I suppose. And in this case you're both right."

Yamcha grinned. "You look so kawaii" his voice deepened with passion. "Are you doing anything later today?"

Goku thumbed his lower lip. "You have something in mind?"


Chi Chi and Bulma stared in stupefication at the barrage of 'wolfman' coverage on a large TV monitor. Trunks walked into the executive conference room area.

"Any news? Or should I say, any other news?"

Bulma blinked. "No, I think I'm going blind from this. They must have covered every 'wolfman' angle there is!"

Chi Chi gulped her beer. "They say there's two of them now."

Trunks sat next to her, glancing at the coverage. "Yeah, I heard. This story must be making some people's careers, that's for sure."

"Did you know one of them broke into my house?"

The demi-saiyan stared. "What?! Were you attacked?"

"Well all honesty, I have no idea what happened. I screamed and passed out. When I woke up I was in bed, and Goku was there."

Trunks frowned. "I don't get it. Did Goku chase it off?"

Chi Chi shrugged in confusion. "I suppose, but he didn't seem anxious to talk about it."

Bulma shook her head. "Weird."


Vegeta decided to pay a little visit of his own. He flew over to the Son house, hoping to find Goku alone. What he found was an empty house. Hovering outside, the ouji could sense the absence of all ki.

Dark brows pinched together. "Where could he be? Perhaps I should come back later."

Resolved to do so, the prince streaked off into bright blue skies.


The saiyan in question was doing quite nicely. He and Yamcha sat near the same lake of their previous tryst.

Yamcha threw pebbles at the sparkling waters. "Looks like the authorities did a good job repairing the landscape around here."

Goku nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's pretty amazing...although those hillsides are gonna look strange for some time."

The bandit stretched on his back, yawning. "So when has Vegeta decided to start training you?"

"In the next couple of days. He seems to think it's urgent."

Yamcha stared at the sky. "Much as it pains me to admit it, I agree with him."

Goku frowned. "I'm tired of everyone making me sound like some sort of maniac."

Soft eyes were on him with meaning. "What would you call this situation? We barely stopped you from destroying a small town. People have been attacked. South City is in a state of panic, and the nation is on alert."

Goku was crestfallen. Yamcha placed a hand on his thigh. "Hey. I'm still here, you know."

Small smile. "I'm glad, because I'd really hate to be alone about now" he leaned into his bandit, rubbing noses.

Yamcha couldn't suppress a smile. Busy hands massaged the saiyan's chest. "You'll never be alone as long as I'm around. Besides, I can't keep my hands off you."

Goku purred, rolling on his back. "Hentai."


Vegeta flew about aimlessly, some instinct telling him that Goku was somewhere in the vicinity. He flew west in a wide arc.

There's no point in flitting about like this. I may as well head back—

An image flashed across his mind suddenly, along with a burst of familiar ki. Vegeta blinked, stunned at what he sensed.

"No way!!" he shouted in denial, altering his course like a shot.


The two erstwhile lovers were making up for lost time. Yamcha's shirt and shoes were off, and Goku was down to his sash and gi pants. They rolled about in the grass, embracing and kissing fiercely. Yamcha finally came up for air, his bright smile flashing.

"You know this is the first time you haven't jumped all over me?"

Goku nuzzled his neck. "Give it a minute" he rubbed his groin against Yamcha's thigh.

"Not this time around. You're mine!"

"Hmm?" Goku found himself on his back, pressed into the thick grass. Yamcha grinned devilishly, grinding his crotch against the saiyan's erection. The saiyan arched with a hiss of pleasure, his tail thumping the ground.

"Like that, do you? Well, that's not even a warm-up. We've got days to catch up on" the dark head dipped low.


Vegeta's sharp eyes saw the scene below as he rapidly approached. I'll rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat.

Yamcha glanced up casually. "I think we have company."

Goku growled, staring at the closing ouji. "Couldn't he come back in about three minutes?!"

Vegeta landed in front of them with all the force of a thunderclap, his tail puffed like a furball.

Yamcha nestled his head in the saiyan's crotch like a pillow. "I do believe he has something to say."

Fists clenched, the ouji glared down at them, eyes glazed in rage. "Chikusome!! Stupid dare you?!"

Goku attempted to sit up. He felt too good to argue, anyway. "What's the problem, Vegeta?"

The ouji snarled at him. "Problem?! You still insist on playing with this, this—"

Yamcha curled against his saiyan, wrapping a forearm around a thick thigh. "Actually, we were about to play. You're interrupting."

Vegeta nearly stepped on his head. "Don't tempt me!"

"Back off!" Goku growled, pushing his leg back. "What do you want? If you've come to fight—"

"I came to talk to you about your training. Fighting's always an option" he bared his fangs.

Goku flashed his own hardware. "Not interested, Vegeta. There's still time."

Yamcha waved the ouji off. "You know what they say, all work and no play."

Obsidian eyes fired lethally at the bandit. "Oh, I have something special in mind for you. But that can wait."

"I'm trembling."

A sinister grin. "You should be. Kakarot, the moon will be full in two days."

Goku settled somewhat. "Will you trust me for once? All I have to do is stay inside."

"I'll see to it" Yamcha assured sarcastically.

Vegeta ignored him. "Remember the time factor. You're cutting it too close!"

Goku sat up. "I know what you're getting at, but that's not a problem right now. I'm fine."

Vegeta stomped a foot, his tail puffing again. "Fool! Are you going to wait until it's too late?!"

"You can stop talking in code, Vegeta" Yamcha sat up also. "I know you're referring to the rut."

Dark features flushed. "What do you know of it?"

"Goku and I have no secrets."

Sly grin. "Ah. So you're prepared, then?"

"That's enough" Goku told him.

Vegeta's mood seemed improved. "Well, then. This situation has suddenly resolved itself."

Yamcha stared in confusion. "What are you rattling about?"

The ouji laughed coldly. "Why nothing. By all means, do continue."

"We intend to" Goku replied shortly.

Vegeta looked over his shoulder as he turned to go. "I'll never forget last night."

Yamcha turned red. "What the hell?!" he glanced at Goku in surprise.

Goku glared at his fellow saiyan. "He's running a load of bull, don't fall for it!"

"Hmm" Yamcha frowned in thought. "Hey Vegeta!"

The ouji halted in mid stride. "What is it now?"

The bandit tapped his chin. "Funny thing. If last night was all that...why is Goku here with me now?" he laughed out loud.

Vegeta gave a frigid stare of black ice. "There will be a full moon in two days" he repeated strangely, before taking off.

Yamcha could only stare in stupefication. "What was that supposed to mean?"

Goku said nothing, following the ki trail as it disappeared.


Trunks and Tien were playing a friendly game of pool over at Master Roshi's. Tien whooped as he got in a good shot.

"There you go. Beat that, if you can. Three on a side shot!"

Trunks sniffed. "Yeah, yeah. Just you wait—"

Roshi and Krillen made their way downstairs. Trunks motioned them over. "Wanna join the game?"

Roshi chomped on a bowl of chips. "You boys go on, I want to watch the news."

"Whatever for?" Krillen wanted to know, his expression pained. "There IS no news except for the 'wolfman'."

Tien shook his head as he lined up another shot. "Yeah, I'm burned out on it. They've run news coverage into the ground."

Roshi sat on the couch and activated the remote. "There's one thing you boys are forgetting...there's evidence now that the creature could exist. And that worries me.."

Trunks nodded, leaning on his pool cue. "I know what you mean. Something about this whole deal has bothered me from the beginning."

"Maybe we should do something, like check it out ourselves?" Krillen suggested, reaching for a pool stick.

Roshi thought a minute. "Maybe. Where in blazes is Yamcha?"

Tien snorted. "Who the heck knows? I barely see him anymore."

Krillen snickered. "Maybe he's got a new girlfriend!"

Trunks poked Tien in the ribs. "It must be good...he's always glowing now. And did you catch him at the party the other night? He could barely move!"

"Yeah, that is strange" Krillen commented. "I know he's not out of shape. Why does he look so tired all the time? Something must really be wearing him out!"

"Well, DUH" Tien stared at him. Trunks rolled his eyes.

Roshi shook his head. "That boy's a bit thick."


Yamcha felt deliciously weary. He stretched full length against his lover, the sun warm on his back.

"Aahh....well, at least you let me be seme for once."

Goku purred, his chest a rumble of sound. "You never complained before" a thick tail wound around Yamcha's waist possessively.

Fingers stroked rippling muscle, exploring every dip and curve. "You seem calmer for some reason, Goku. Less pent up."

Lazy yawn. "Maybe being outside last night helped...I felt fantastic this morning. Usually I'm always agitated."

"Do you think all those years of repressing has something to do with it?"

"Maybe. I never analyzed it, to tell you the truth."

Soft kiss. "Not to touch a sore subject, but what about the rut? Aren't you almost...I mean..."

Goku ran his hands over Yamcha's ass. "I can sense it, barely. Just a tingle right now."

"Goku! Was Vegeta right?"

A growl. "Don't worry about it. Does this mean you'll be with me when it happens?"

Yamcha slid to a sitting position, startled. "I...I'm not sure."

Goku loosed his tail from the tight waist and waved it in Yamcha's face. "Think it over" his voice was silk. "Then I will taste your blood. Would you consider bonding with me?"

Yamcha's mind raced in confusion. This was unexpected. "Goku...I don't want any decisions made when you're in such a state of mind. I mean, how would I know it wasn't just the heat making you do that?"

Liquid orbs of ink nearly melted his resolve. Goku pouted, his features shaded under thick hair.

"That's the saiyan way...we only offer ourselves under such circumstances."

"But I'm human!"

"You've had your romance. Now decide!"

Yamcha blinked in disbelief, his mood rapidly deteriorating. "Listen, bud. You don't ask to mate with me one minute and order me the next! We're having fun...why ruin it?"

Dark eyes narrowed dangerously. "You play with me?" he grabbed his lover by the biceps and squeezed.

"I didn't mean it like that" Yamcha gritted his teeth against the pressure. "And I'm really getting tired of your weird moods!"

Goku released him immediately. "Your choice" he pushed Yamcha off and stood up.

"What the hell?!" Yamcha glared up at him. "Who do you think you are, anyway?"

Goku pulled on his clothes. "My behavior bothers you. Fine."

Yamcha sprung to his feet. "Oh, no you don't ! You aren't turning this around—"

"Yamcha, look. I've got things on my mind, and training to do."

The z warrior angrily tugged on his pants. "I've got news for you, Goku. You don't dismiss me, okay?"

"I'm not. But time is short."

Yamcha laughed in amazement. "You're something else! Not too long ago you said you couldn't commit to anything, and now you want a mate. If you ask me, it's your hormones talking again."

Goku closed the sash at his waist. "Maybe to some degree, but that's not my only reason. You know I only stay with Chi Chi because of Gohan."

Yamcha stared at the lake. "So you want a promise, is that it?"

A broad thumb traced his mouth. "It'll do for a start...until I get my life in some semblance of order."

"Goku, I love you. But I'm not staying on the sidelines indefinitely. Gohan's only nine. Do you think I plan to sit on my hands until you decide to leave Chi Chi?"

The saiyan jutted his chin high in challenge, dark eyes blazing. "Easy enough for you to say, you don't have a family...and if you love me so much, why not wait?"

"Within reason. Do I look like an idiot, or are saiyans just crazy?"

"I've heard humans are somewhat fickle."

"Consider the source" Yamcha snapped back. "Anyway, I just may deliver an ultimatum of my own."

The saiyan stared in curiosity. "Oh?"

"If you want an answer from me, get control of that oozaru stuff. There's no way I'll commit wondering if you'll go on a rampage every night."

Goku yanked the closures on his gi shirt in anger. "Anything else you want me to be? Or not?"

Yamcha folded his arms. "Those are my terms."

"Just a bit of history for you, Yamcha. I've lived on this planet most of my life. Have I killed any innocents?"

Yamcha shook his head soberly. "No. But as you said, there were certain restrictions you lived by. What if that isn't enough anymore? Can you honestly say that? What worked during childhood may not satisfy you now."

Goku sighed. "We're getting nowhere with this. I'll see you later" he turned to go. A hand clapped his shoulder.

"Just remember, I'm on your side" Yamcha nodded sincerely. "No matter how things turn out."

"I know."


The next day was relatively quiet. Chi Chi returned home, still full of unanswered questions about the 'wolfman.' It became the main topic during dinner for the Son family.

Gohan found it all exciting. "Gee, dad. Did you really see that thing?"

Goku grinned sheepishly. "Well...ah...sort of. Your mother was screaming when I arrived upstairs."

Chi Chi tapped her fork on the table. "But there's something I still don't get. The wolfman climbed in the window, right? After I fainted, there wasn't even a hint of a struggle! What happened?"

Goku stuffed his face with mashed potatoes, stalling. Great. Why won't she let this go?

"Well, mister? Did you kill it, or is that thing still running around out there?!"

The saiyan gulped his food. "Chi Chi, you know I try to avoid killing—"

"Just tell me what you did!"

"Yeah, dad, don't leave us in suspense" Gohan goaded. "Bet you got him real good, huh?"

Goku tossed his son a sloopy grin. "I guess. Let's just say he really disappeared!"

"But did ya beat him up?"

"I put him away. I don't expect him to return any time soon!"

"And what?" Chi Chi was hanging on her chair. "Did you see the other one?"

Goku gave his best innocent expression. "Other one?"

Chi Chi rolled her eyes. "Yes, of course! Haven't you heard that there's TWO of them?"

"Wow" Gohan's eyes went wide. "I think we should go after them before something else happens!"

"Gohan, eat your peas" Chi Chi pointed. "I've heard enough of that nonsense!"

Goku stuffed his face again, shoveling food at frightening speed. Chi Chi eyed him disapprovingly.

He glanced up from his plate. "What?"

"You've told us a lot of nothing, Goku. I want to know...what you did!"

"I threw him out the window, okay?!" Goku blurted. "Anything else?"

Chi Chi resumed eating. "Hmpf. You could have told us that from the beginning."


Vegeta flew high above the Himalayas, enjoying their majestic beauty.

Few things are a joy on this world, but there are truly wondrous sights of nature to behold.

He circled wide, looking for open areas devoid of small villages. On this side of the world it is still daylight. Time is of the essence, I feel my body beginning to burn. Kakarot is playing with fire. That ningen isn't serious, I can feel it. Love is on his lips and fun is in his mind. Saiyans have no use for such frivolous flights of fancy. Kuso! If you weren't so addled by his looks and body you'd see the truth, Kakarot.

Dark features contorted in anger. The final chapter has yet to unfold. We'll see who gets what, Yamcha!

Smiling grimly, the ouji flared across the eastern horizon.


Goku paced, feeling nervous and irritable. He was full of pent up energy looking for direction. The 'wolfman' fever was finally showing some signs of abating with the news media. Now if only his wife would stop obsessing about it…

Odd, the saiyan thought silently as he watched a movie in the family room. Why the hell couldn't she tell it was me? Did I freak her out that bad?

He sensed a familiar ki approaching. Gohan peeped in the doorway.

"Hey, dad. I was thinking...maybe we should get everybody and go after those wolfmen—"

Goku sighed in exasperation. "You're driving me crazy with this, Gohan!"

"But dad, the police haven't been able to catch those things—"

There was a loud crash outside, startling both father and son.

"There's something outside!" Gohan began, turning to run out. Goku stopped him.

"Wait! Check the house out, and make sure your mother is okay. I'm going outside."

A quick nod. "Okay. Can I come outside and help?"

Goku scooted him out. "Go!"


Goku ran past Chi Chi, who pointed at the front door in hysteria. "I'll bet it's the wolfman! He's come back!!" she ran upstairs. Goku didn't waste time answering her as he bolted out into the dark.

Keen eyes peered around the yard. Strange. Don't see anything…

Saiyan senses kicked in. On the slightest of breezes, he caught a scent. And a sound. Curious, Goku walked quietly over to the log pile. Shivering and whining was a small dog, its leg trapped under a small stock of wood. It whimpered piteously as he approached.

"Hey, fellow, what happened?" Goku patted the furry head as he lifted the wood. The dog licked his hand. Goku noticed the trapped leg was bent at an odd angle.

Probably broken, he mused.

"Hey, dad!!"

"Hmm?" Goku glanced up as Gohan ran his way.

"Oh!" he stared at the dog. "He made all that noise?"

"A log fell on his leg. I think it's broken."

Gohan patted the dog also. "Maybe we should take him to a vet. Do you think he belongs to anyone around here?"

Goku looked the animal over. "It's hard to say. He isn't wearing a collar."

"I'll pick him up!" Gohan reached underneath. Goku grabbed his arm. "No, wait! If he has broken bones, you'll make it worse by picking him up. I've got a better idea. Go in the house and get a senzu bean from the pouch on the night stand."

"Okay!" Gohan was off like a shot. Goku settled next to the whimpering dog, attempting to calm it down.

"It's okay...we'll get you fixed up in no time, fellow."

The saiyan sighed, his thoughts wandering. A gentle tickle, a warmth that wasn't heat raked his skin, seeped to his bones…

Feel weird...but good. He glanced around, finally looking up…

Goku vaguely heard a growl not his own in the background. He ignored it. Something much more fascinating, far more captivating, held his attention.

The full moon.

Slowly his tail uncurled from his waist, fluffing thickly. The small dog growled again, his ears flattening. Goku glanced briefly down at it.

"Quiet" he snarled. The dog whined again, lying flat on the ground. Moments later Gohan returned.

"Got the senzu, dad, and..." he paused, looking down at the distressed dog.

"Why's he acting so strange?"

"He has a broken leg, what do you think?" Goku's voice sounded odd to his ears.

Gohan peered at him in the dark. "You okay, dad? You sound kinda funny..."

The saiyan coughed. "Yes, I'm fine. Give the dog the senzu already!"

"Yeah, sure" Gohan kneeled. "Take this. You'll feel better."

A warm muzzle licked his hand and scooped up the bean. Seconds later the dog wobbled up, his tail swishing.

"All right!" Gohan laughed, moving to pet it again. The dog barked at him and ran off.

"What? Why did he do that?"

Goku pulled his son back as they stood up. "Let him go, Gohan. Remember, we don't know anything about the dog. He could be half wild for all we know."

"I guess you're right" the little mop top glanced up. "Boy, isn't the moon pretty—"

"Inside, Gohan!!" his father abruptly pushed him across the yard. "And don't look at the sky!"

"Dad, I don't understand?" a confused Gohan scuttled to the front door.

"Just do as I say!" Goku all but shoved him inside.


Chi Chi almost laughed when they told her. "You mean, a little dog made all that noise?"

"Yeah, mom, it was funny. His leg was busted, but the senzu fixed him right up!"

Chi Chi flopped on the couch. "Well I'm relieved it wasn't the wolfman."

Goku glanced at the front door. "Is that all you have on your mind?"

"No, it isn't. Why do you keep looking at the door?"

"Nothing" he rubbed Gohan's hair. "All right, midget. Time for bed."

Gohan grinned. "Okay" he went to hug his mother.

"Goodnight, Gohan. And don't play your radio too loud, okay?"

The boy beamed. "Okay. 'Night, dad!" he waved and ran upstairs.

Goku grinned. My one bright spot.

Chi Chi observed him strangely. "Goku, we need to talk about our marriage."

"Why" his voice was unusually harsh.

She paused at his tone. "I don't want to fight about this—"

"We won't" he said shortly, still standing by the door.

Chi Chi grew concerned. "You don't sound like yourself...are you sick?"

Goku felt his forehead. "No...I just get out!"

"What's that mean?" she pressed, moving towards him. "You want a divorce?"

He shook his head impatiently. "I meant outside! It's too warm in here."

She touched his forehead. "You seem to be running a temperature. Maybe you should go to bed. It's late, and we can talk in the morning."

Goku nodded, his entire body bursting with sensation. "That sounds good, Chi Chi. I'll go on up" he walked slowly up the stairs. His wife stared behind him, some instinct filling her with dread.

Something else is wrong besides our marriage...and I fear what it might be, Goku.


He couldn't stand it. Goku stretched across the bed in an attempt to force his body to relax. It didn't work. Mentally he was in a shambles, his thoughts wild and unfocused. That sweet tickle returned with a vengeance. Without thinking he glided off the bed and opened the window, looking at starlit skies.

And the moon.

Yessss a keening growl rumbled as his tail lashed about. Breathing became ragged rasps in his throat. Heartbeat and pulse hammered his skull, pounded his ears.


Power spiked as the saiyan bounded out the window. Goku ran like the wind, instinct guiding his movements. The power was delicious, ravishing. He embraced it as it surged through him, ripping away all sanity…

Chi Chi had fallen asleep on the couch downstairs. A blaring announcement from the television woke her up with a start.

She rubbed sleepy eyes and stared at the screen. "What in the world?"

A local news anchor appeared.


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