The Howling
by FireCracker7     More by this Writer

Chapter 04
The z warriors flew like rockets through the night, their thoughts grim. Even the normally playful Krillen had a dour mood.

Trunks glanced over at Vegeta. "Father, can we trust you this time?!"

Vegeta stared straight ahead as they flew. "Hai, this ends tonight. I warned the fool! He has no more control than a baby!!"

"But why did he ignore your warning?" Tien shouted.

"I don't know all the circumstances that caused his change."

Krillen shook his head. "This is crazy. First all that 'wolfman' stuff, and now this!"

"Who has the device?" Piccolo wanted to know.

"Me" Trunks yelled. "And there won't be a repeat of last time, either!"

Yamcha was strangely silent.


Carnage. Chaos. Words didn't adequately describe the path of destruction oozaru Goku left in his wake. Bloodied and injured soldiers were everywhere. The land was nearly destroyed, razed to its bare bones. Smoke and the stench of firearms filled the air. Fires erupted from destroyed machinery and artillery, lighting the skies in an eerie orange glow.


The were ape seized a fighter plane and hurled it into the night skies. The z warriors intercepted it as they arrived on the scene.

"Incoming!!" Tien bellowed.

"Slow it's flight!" Piccolo shouted. Vegeta wasted no words, blasting the tail section with a null beam. The plane stopped its dizzy tailspin and stabilized, flying off into the dark.

"Good save" Krillen commented.

"Of course" came the haughty reply. "Our next situation will be considerably more challenging" he pointed below.


"I will get his attention, Trunks! You know what to do" Vegeta flew ahead of them all.

The demi-saiyan nodded grimly. "Yeah, we don't need two oozaru for the price of one!"


The ouji darted across black skies, teeth clenched. It took every ounce of willpower and training he had not to transform himself. The moon spoke softly, demanding the beast within be set free. Sweat burst on his brow.

Not...this time...I am Vegeta, an elite! Trained and bred...I will not give in!!

The compact figure did an impossible dive earthward, straight for his monstrous target. The mammoth were-ape nearly knocked down another plane when Vegeta flew directly over his head.

"Kakarot!! Cease this rampage. I, your ouji-sama of Vegetasaii, command it!!"

The ape lifted his head up to stare, giving an earsplitting roar in response.

In turn Vegeta let out a piercing, guttural howl that was heard for miles. His tail bushed and stiffed, even as the dark flame of hair grew, shagging out…

Piccolo held his ears. "What the hell?!!"

Trunks flew above them all in anger. "That's it!!" he hurled the solar device high. Blinding light burst from it in all directions, creating confusion for miles around. The militia froze, stupefied by the strange turn of events. The attack was suspended.

Far below the glowing rays stood a bewildered oozaru, his savage fury held at bay by the weird cry. Slowly he lowered his arms, shrinking in size and changing…

Likewise Vegeta resumed a look of normalcy, his black mane returning to more typical proportions. Red eyes darkened like fire to coal. Goku fell from the sky, plummeting to earth like a comet.

The z warriors hovered above. "Now comes the difficult part" Tien observed.

"What's difficult? We've got things under control" Yamcha commented.

Piccolo nodded. "Yeah, but now we've gotta get him out of here, quick!"


Vegeta landed near the fallen saiyan. Goku was face down over cracked earth, unconscious. The ouji shielded the prone figure, intending to get out of there quickly, but the military had other ideas. Tanks trained in his direction with turrets aimed in deadly intent.

From above, the z warriors dived down to assist. They were peppered with 'friendly fire'."

"The idiots!" Tien yelled. "They're shooting at us!"

Piccolo snorted as they scattered. "Circle around and swing low, if you can get past the shells!"

Krillen flew alongside Yamcha and Trunks. "I never thought I'd see the day when I was regarded as an enemy!"


Vegeta glanced around at the approaching tanks. He gave an affected smile at the loudspeaker warning.


Vegeta laughed, hurling his head back defiantly. "Like hell, ningens. None command me!"


"Indeed" Vegeta gave a catlike grin, crouching to pick up Goku. He prepared to spring…


...and shot up like a comet, carrying his precious burden. Shells and rockets followed his path as the ouji soared out of sight.

Tien spied them from his vantage point nearby. "There they go...let's get out of here!"

"Agreed!" Piccolo sped upward, avoiding another shell himself. The others escaped as well, their speed too much for the pursuing hardware. Soon they were out of sight entirely.

Trunks flew alongside his father, concern etched over his features.

"Father! Do you think they got a good look at Goku's face?"

Vegeta shook his head. "Iie, I doubt it. The darkness and distance prevented a clear cut identification. Besides, I shielded his appearance when he landed."

"Where to now?" Krillen wanted to know.

"The lookout shelter I built in the Himalayas."

"THE HIMALAYAS!!" they all shouted.

Vegeta grinned. "Hai, this country is too hot right now. And Kakarot's training will begin in complete isolation and secret, whether he wants it or not!"

Yamcha edged up in his flight. "I have to agree with you, Vegeta—"

Dark eyes looked him over. "What, no hysterical arguments?"

"This situation is more important than our differences, Vegeta."

The ouji nodded quickly. "Hn. You surprise me" he looked ahead and said no more.


Flying into the dawn was an amazing experience. Krillen never got over the sensation of actually flying through 'time' from darkness to full blown daylight. Tien whistled at the majestic mountain range they approached.

"Beautiful" he said shortly. "Where's the lookout, Vegeta?"

"Not far" the ouji pointed west with his free hand. "That way."

The group sailed in a wide arc near a desolate valley destroyed by natural erosion.

Piccolo approved. "Good oozaru could do little damage to this area."

"Unless he goes after the mountains" Yamcha tossed in. Vegeta glared at him.

"That hillside over there is the entrance. Follow me" he darted ahead with the still unconscious Goku.


It was an impressive setup. The lookout was well stocked with food. Generators fueled refrigeration units and air filtration systems. The rest room facilities were roomy.

Krillen noticed some devices locked in a case. "Handcuffs, Vegeta? You planning on doing something kinky?" he teased.

Yamcha inspected them through the glass. "That better not be the reason!"

Vegeta laughed at them all. "Bakas. Those are ki restraints, for emergency use only."

Piccolo glanced down the hallway at the room Goku occupied. "Can't handle it alone?"

"Don't taunt me, namek. Those restraints expand to any size."

Trunk's eyes went wide. "Oh, I get it! So if Goku freaks...they'll still be effective."

A grim nod of satisfaction. "Correct."

A loud moan interrupted their conversation.

"Sleeping beauty awakens" Tien pointed at the sound.


He was awake, and yet asleep. Primal force unrestrained. It was wondrous, the flush of blood, the feeling of power…



Goku's friends stood at the bed Vegeta placed him in earlier. Bed sheets wrapped the muscular form in a tangle. A velvety black tail coiled out slowly, sweeping across the bed.

Piccolo observed it and frowned. "I know how to put an end to this!" he nearly shouted, lurching forward and pulling it.

Vegeta snarled. "Namek, are you insane?!"

Before anyone could react, the furry appendage curled tightly around the green wrist. Stunned, Piccolo tried to pull himself free but couldn't.

"What? Impossible!"

A collective gasp as Goku abruptly lunged at the namek, his hands choking Piccolo by the throat.

Tien and Yamcha tried to pull them apart. Krillen stared in surprise, making a startling observation.

"He's still asleep, guys!"

"Idiot!" Vegeta yelled at the namek. "You don't grab a saiyan's tail in his sleep!"

"Goku, let go" Yamcha said gently, still attempting to pry the tight hands free from Piccolo.

Sleepy eyes blinked in confusion. "Hai? What...what's going on here?"

"You were asleep, Goku" Tien explained carefully. "Now let Piccolo go."

In shock, Goku stared at his friend who was now nearly purple. He loosed his hands. "Sorry...I don't understand?"

Piccolo coughed, nodded.

Goku rubbed his head. "Kami, my skull is killing me. But...what's going on? Where are we? And why am I wearing pajamas?"

He received only concerned stares and silence. Yamcha sat next to him on the bed.

"Goku, don't you remember what happened last night?"

Jet eyes went blank. "Last night? No, I don't think so. Not after Gohan and I rescued a dog trapped under our log pile."

Tien observed his friend cautiously. " went outside?"

Goku winced at his headache. "Where else? I recall sending Gohan inside because of the moon...and..." he stared in apprehension, jerking his head around.

"Wait...what is this place? And why the hell am I in bed?!" the confused saiyan felt himself.

Trunks cleared his throat. "Goku...we brought you here...there was an incident last night..."

Vegeta pushed him aside. He couldn't take anymore. "Kakarot, you went oozaru again. This is a remote lookout in the Himalayas."

Goku gawked. "The Himalayas?" Yamcha squeezed his hand.

"It was necessary, Goku. You can't stay in the states right now."

The saiyan swallowed, absorbing his words. "It's bad, isn't it?"

Vegeta nodded, grim. "Very."

Goku closed his eyes in pain. "I could feel attack. Rage..." his eyes snapped open as he grabbed Yamcha, shaking him.

"Did I kill anyone?!"

"No" Krillen reassured him, edging up. "But the military will be looking for you now."

"I see" the saiyan was subdued.

"We'll get you through this, Goku" Trunks encouraged. Yamcha nodded, resting his hand on a broad shoulder.

"All of us."

Vegeta coughed. "Kakarot, you will remain here while I train you. Period. No more arguments."

Goku nodded grimly. "Agreed. You were right, Vegeta. My pride was costly."

Obsidian eyes softened. "Saiyans have that tendency. However, this situation can be rectified."

Goku tore his eyes away momentarily. "Piccolo and Krillen, can you cover for me with Chi Chi and Gohan?"

Krillen smiled. "I'm sure we can come up with something."

"I'll talk to Gohan" Piccolo assured him. "Of the two, I think he'll be easier to convince."

"Thanks" Goku sat back, his mind a whirl.

"I'm staying here while you train" Yamcha insisted.

Tien stared. "Huh? Whatever for, Yamcha?"

"He isn't!" Vegeta replied.

"Yamcha...Vegeta's right" Goku sighed. "There's no point. If anything goes wrong he's best equipped to handle it. And if we need any know where the lookout is."

Yamcha eyed Vegeta warily. "Are you sure? I mean—"

Vegeta turned his back. "He must be trained. You're wasting your time."

"I agree" Piccolo chimed in. "Yamcha, your strength is all but useless here."

The bandit glared at him. "You never were tactful."

"No, but I tell the truth. Frankly I wish I could have ripped that tail out by the root!"

Goku smiled strangely. "I'd surely remember that...once it grew back!" he enjoyed the look of discomfort on the namek's face.

Piccolo gave a guttural grunt. "I hope you're joking."


The two saiyans watched their companions leave just outside the lookout entrance. After the streaks of ki disappeared over the horizon, Vegeta sidled alongside Goku. His tail stroked the broad back gently.

The dark head tilted down a little. "Vegeta" Goku said softly.

Black eyes were warm on him. "We begin tomorrow morning. You'll need to eat and sleep well tonight."

Goku turned his ouji around. "Will this training work?"

Vegeta eyed him strangely, nose flaring. "What kind of question is that? I already told you about the difficulty factor. Don't expect miracles."

Goku sighed. "I don't, but...I have a reason for wondering. Last night I sensed you wanted to change, despite your training as an elite. It just makes me wonder what hope I have."

Vegeta grimaced at the memory. "But the point is, I didn't change. Don't misunderstand, Kakarot. The best analogy I can think of is this...picture the oozaru as a beast, which it is. Your training is the leash. The proper amount of control is needed to hold it. Pull the leash too tight, and your instincts rebel and take over. Let the leash go, and your soul is buried. Either way you lose, but for different reasons."

Goku was solemn, turning to go back inside. "The balancing act you mentioned."

Vegeta followed him. "Aye, like a tightrope. And the longer that form is maintained, the greater the strain to contain it."

The tall saiyan considered. "What about the smaller version?"

"A strange compromise. At times you will control it, and at other times it will control you. As I said, it's far more unpredictable than the were-ape."

Warm fingers traced a curvy shoulder. "Let's get something to eat."


The pair ate a hearty meal in the pantry. A strange silence stretched until Vegeta broke it.

"There are other matters to speak of, Kakarot."

Goku glanced up at him. "Such as?"

Soft growl. "The fact that our time is close...hadn't it crossed your mind?"

Goku sipped his drink. "It's a bit hard to focus on that. After all, I'm only an international fugitive."

Vegeta smirked. "Still have a sense of humor, I see. Not that it changes anything."

"I'm here for training, Vegeta."

The ouji sniffed. "Liar. You think I haven't noticed the change in your scent?"

Goku still didn't look at him. "We're not here to dwell on that."

A warm hand brushed his thigh under the table. "Yes Kakarot" Vegeta rolled the last syllable of his name roughly, emphasizing the 'o'. Goku stared at his plate, ignoring the shiver down his spine at the deep inflection.

The ouji noticed the slight flinch. He stood, sliding over behind the taller saiyan seated at the table. Strong hands massaged the broad shoulders. Vegeta leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

"Kakarot" he repeated in a low and lusty tone, his voice deepening. Goku's tail ruffled in response as it straightened.

"Stop it, Vegeta. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

The ouji slipped into his lap, wrapping his tail around a thick bicep. "Huhh, I've waited to do this for days."

Goku trembled, the rich musky scent rolling across his tongue as he inhaled. The compact, well muscled body radiated heat and spice through the blue spandex of his battle suit. Hands that attempted to push the ouji away ended up embracing him instead…

The next thing Goku remembered was rolling on the floor with his arms wrapped around Vegeta, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. After a few minutes of groping under the table they came up for air.

Vegeta licked his lips slowly. "Hai, this training will have an interesting start."

Goku struggled from underneath. "That's enough, Vegeta..." he panted, heaving. The thick mop of hair was disheveled. Vegeta rubbed his groin against a tight erection.

"What's this?" he purred, splaying his legs wide over the taller saiyan. Goku gasped as practiced hands slid across his chest and hips.

"Hentai" Goku growled.

Vegeta kicked off his boots. "Oh, you don't know the half of it..."



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