Always Yours
by Galacia     More by this Writer
Depressed wondering leads him to the home of the one he loves.
Song Used: Bon Jovi – Always

I’m not sure if this is meant to be a one shot or a multishot but it practically was begging on hands and knees to be written.

Chapter 02: Always Mine
Song Used: Every Breath You Take – Police

Every breath you take And every move you make
Every bond you break Every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Every single day And every word you say
Every game you play Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

I wake up in my beloved’s arms, normally I would say that this would only be possible in a dream but I also remember last night so I know for a fact it is real. I need to be ought of here before he wakes up though. You wouldn’t be angry with me Gohan would you? I don’t know so it’s best that I get out of here. After what happened with that wizard it is hard to even trust myself anymore. I’m probably a disappointment to you and for that I am sorry. So I leave and I travel around, it doesn’t matter where as long as I am where they can’t see or sense me. I would be a disappointment to them as well. Their ‘savior’ from the future defeated, and battered. I got the andriods sure that was the easy part. Cell did something I am not sure what or how but he did, I defeated him in my world sure, but after I got sucked into some type of worm hole where I kept fighting the andriods Cell Frieza Cold and other enemies over and over again. Sometimes I won and sometimes I barely won. But then I met the wizard, I fought him too and his bizzare army. Again I won but not before he spit my mentality in half. Sometimes I think like a person and sometimes I think like a full saiyan. I guess I am my parents’ son if I ever had any doubts about that. The problem is I can’t always control my other mentality. And right now… Shit…right now it wants to follow Gohan, he belongs to us not the humans we need to look after him… What am I thinking!? Gohan… yes…Gohan. ..

Oh, can’t you see You belong to me
Now my poor heart aches With every step you take
Every move you make Every vow you break
Every smile you fake Every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you
Since you’ve gone,
I’ve been lost without a trace
I dream at night,
I can only see your face
I look around but it’s you I can’t replace
I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me
Now my poor heart aches
Every step you take

Every move you make Every vow you break
Every smile you fake Every claim you stake I’ll be watching you
Every move you make Every step you take
I’ll be watching you I’ll be watching you
Every breath you take Every move you make
Every bond you break Every step you take (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day Every word you say
Every game you play Every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)

We set out to find our mate. Yes MATE what else can he be? He is perfect, so beautiful and nderstanding. We would do anything for him anything to prove our love. What else can it be? He has always been there in the corner of our mind after all. Bringing peace bringing comfort if it wasn’t for him we would have cracked to the wizard’s spell long ago. But for him we continue on and try this… rejoining of ourselves. If only for him. Maybe we should let him choose which one goes and which one stays. Yes, ours only ours.

It doesn’t take me long to track him, and thanks to the ki cuff I am able to approach as near as I wish without him having the slightest clue. The other part of my mind is still awake to a degree, it cares about Gohan like I do but… let’s just say last night was an awful close call. I don’t know if I will be strong enough tonight. Strong enough to fight it again. I watch mesmerized as the beautiful demigod dances only five feet away from me. He’s graceful I grant him that, but what is he doing in a place like this anyway? I move to the bar and order a drink. Several if I am to be truthful, the liquid tranquilzers do a good job of keeping my “insanity” for lack of a better word in check. I take a good look at my surroundings that is something I have been getting better at lately. I note where all five exits are where the humans keep their precious *guns* of all things and the fact that a majority of the people here seem to be “Gay” or at least “Bi-sexual”. Seriously what is it with humans and their labels? It’s like if it doesn’t have a term or a label it’s something bizarre and unknown. Humans fear the unknown, but then again even when it’s labeled it’s unknown to them and they still distrust and fear it. No wonder people that have any interest in what is “unnatural” go to places like this so they can explore that aspect of themselves without fear of the rejection and anomistiy of society. This place is well off the beaten track and is tucked back where it is moderately safe. I notice things like this nowadays. I guess I am more jaded by my experiences than I thought. But I still wish these people luck. Society doesn’t really accept them for the most part and Society has a nasty way of weeding out what is doesn’t like.

But on another subject, why is Gohan here? Is he in fact Bisexual? Or is this sometime of party ride? On stop on a long path of other various bars and clubs? I notice something odd and focus in on it. Gohan something is up with him, his smell is being altered. Drugged Damn it I really should pay better attention to these things somebody has slipped Gohan something in his drink. And by the way he is responding I would guess it’s a party drug like ‘E’. I need to get him out of here before anything else happens. I carefully approach, fortunately he is so out of it he doesn’t see me. UNfortuately I am not the only one with the idea of getting him out of here. “Hey there pretty, why don’t you come with us? We’ll take you to a real party.” Before Gohan can give him a yes or no he is being taken toward the door by two guys. He isn’t totally weak but he isn’t sensing that this is bad news. So he isn’t fighting, not yet and if I am right that is his first mistake. I take a glance at the straw in his cup it’s colored. The one in mine isn’t. “Excuse me sir? That’s the wrong drink.” A bar waiter comes up right in front of me in the glass is a colored straw. This is bad. I knock him over and go after Gohan. With a note in my mind to come back to this place later.

Gohan has gotten the idea something isn’t right and is struggling but it’s too late he’s weak. And he’s mind is to jumbled to transform either. “Sorry, this one’s ours.” I growl

“You wish.” How dare these filthy creatures think they can lay a hand on him!

“Pete what’s going on here?”

“Just another… you know this one isn’t bad looking either.”

“Take em both?”


“Good luck.” I answer, and transform. It really isn’t fair but Gohan needs me. I am not going to fail him again. Not this time.

Every move you make Every vow you break
Every smile you fake Every claim you stake (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day Every word you say
Every game you play Every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)
Every breath you take Every move you make
Every bond you break Every step you take (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day Every word you say
Every game you play Every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)

The battle was too short really, you think a bunch of tough guys that drug unsuspecting victims just to drag them heaven knows where to do… well I have a few guesses on what they would do if they had a chance. That is probably one reason why I gave them that harsh of a punishment. They’ll live but they won’t get to enjoy it for a while. Gohan is looking at me, as if trying to get peices to fit together in his brain. He’s walking toward me drunkenly. “Trunks?” He asks. “Mirai?” I should take off but I can’t. Amazing he is like completely out of it, but his gaze still is enough to pin me in place. “You… you came back.” he says slowly. It’s obvious he’s making an effort not to slur them. Maybe out of shame of being found like this I don’t know. I reach out and help him walk though. “Can we… Why don’t we go back to my place? Catch up? How long are you here?” The questions come out nearly slurred but at a reasonably quick pace. “Sure. We can catch up, tell me where you live and we’ll go.” I answer. He seems so relieved when I say that. As if he can’t believe what is happening. “Sure, I’ll show you the way.” He answers. And so I return to his apartment, this time as a welcome guest.

“Would you like something to drink? Something to eat?” He asks. He almost sounds nervous. That’s odd.

“I’m fine.” He almost looks disappointed by my answer. “What do you have?” I mended. He brightens up at that and shows me the contents of the refridgerator. I take some things out and heat them up and serve them. He looks a little amazed. “I could’ve done that.” He mutters.

“Sorry I wanted to help you out you seemed disoriented. ”

“Oh okay then.”

We chat while we eat. I hear all about what is going on back here with our families and how he is going to school. He seems happy for the most part. Maybe returning was a mistake.

“I’m glad you came back. I was worr..wondering whether or not you were okay.”

Wondering? Sounds more like he was almost worried about me. Worried about me? Why would Gohan be… I look into those beautiful orbs. They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. I stare into them slowly I begin to see that yes he was worried about me because he cares about me. That’s all fine and good but how far did caring go? I wonder. “So how have you been?” Gohan asks almost shly. As if he is afraid that he will upset me. “Same old same old.” I reply it’s the best way to answer after all. And it isn’t exactly a lie. I am fighting the same enemies over and over like I am eternal repeat so it is true same shit different day. But he seems to sense I am upset. “Do you want to talk about it?” He asks.

“You don’t need to hear about my problems.”

“But I want to.”

Yep he is definately not himself, he wants to sit here and listen to me bitch and moan about my life.

‘I can think of better things to do.’ A thought breaks through. Guess I didn’t get enough tranquilzer in my system. But those obsidian orbs catch me again. And I can’t break their gaze even if I wanted too.


“Yes Gohan?”

“Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“Not really.”

“Is there…anything I can do? You seem depressed.”

“I’ll be fine.” I assure him. Pushing him away gently. I don’t know how much longer I can hold this off he seems more desirable now than he did last night. I stop my brooding as I feel a feathery touch shyly brush over my face. Slowly almost as if he’s afraid his lips find mine and carefully and almost fearfully brush my lips. His eyes are looking at me seeing if this is what I want. The kiss stops. “I’m sorry.” He whispers. “I know…I know I’m not him, but if there is anyway… anything I can to to…to help you I’ll do it please just ask me Mirai. You… you were there when I needed you. Now it’s my turn.”

I stare at him not wanting to believe what I heard. “I don’t want you to feel obligated to do this.” I begin.

“I don’t. I want to if you’ll just let me. I love you.”

That was the drugs it had to be.

“You don’t mean that Gohan. You’re drunk and you are probably under the thrall of some controlled substance. I don’t know if anyone told you this but Saiyans and controlled chemical compounds don’t mix very well.”

“You sure?” He asked me. I can only stare.

“Because you are the best high I could ever imagine and you are actually here.” He tells me. “You may be the worst thing possible for me but I don’t care. I want you Mirai don’t you want me?”

I continue staring at him. “I’m probably not the same I can live with that but I wasn’t there when you needed me that is harder for me to live with. I want to he here for you now Mirai, please give me a chance. I can’t promise I’ll be any good but I’ll do my best. Promise.” Is he really giving himself to me? Is this wise? I don’t know but in a minute his imploring is answered by me removing his clothes, and laying him gently on the bed.

It’s almost if they aren’t my hands but I know they are. I can’t resist it, not anymore, not when I see that beautiful creature gasping for breath and begging me to continue with what ever sweet torture I am doing to him. It’s almost as if that gorgous cock remembers me. Because the second I breathe on it, it stands at complete attention. He just whispers my name and begs me for more. And not to stop, a few times I restrain him from responding, all I want to do is claim this beautiful creature as mine. No one else has any hold on him only me. I let him prepare my member as I gently prepare him with my fingers, I am careful he almost gags abit but doesn’t bite me. I touch him and get him to stop.

“Please let me finish.” He whispers “I haven’t…”

“You are doing fine.” I whisper to him “You’re great. But If you finish me how am I supposed to take you?”

He looks at me, “That is what you want isn’t it?” I ask almost feeling some of my insecurity return. He nods.

“Yeah, I want it. I just… It looked like…”

“Oh no I am getting all I could want just making you beg.” I teased. He seemed satisfied with that answer, and tried to relax the best he could for me.

“This is going to hurt a little.” I warn him, it didn’t seem fair not to.

“I can guess how it works.” He answered “And I am sure you are right but for you I think I can manage it.” I wonder if he is joking with me but his eyes say he’s not. He is really willing to go through this for me. I just hope it isn’t the ONLY reason. Because part of me fears I am not going to be any too gentle. Although I hold back as much as I possibly can…

“Just fuck me! Do it now PLEASE!”

Then again I never seemed to have self-control where Gohan was concerned. For whatever reason all he had to do was look at me and I was ready to do anything he said or say anything he wanted me to say. In fact, I suppose I should be surprised I am still a virgin. But anyway that isn’t important… what IS important is the fact that Gohan was amazing. I don’t know how long it lasted but I know it was the most mind blowing experience of my life. And he seemed to be enjoying himself as well.

“M…Mi..Miari! ” He gasped as he released. I simply smiled and waited till I was finished then cleaned us up.

Every move you make Every vow you break
Every smile you fake Every claim you stake (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day Every word you say
Every game you play Every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)
Every move you make every step you take
I’ll be watching you.

I watch him as he peacefully sleeps looking like an angel. I just couldn’t fight my own urges anymore. I carefully take some of that gorgeus skin into my mouth and bite marking him.

Sorry about that koi, but I couldn’t help myself. You belong to me Gohan now and always.


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