Always Yours
by Galacia     More by this Writer
Depressed wondering leads him to the home of the one he loves.
Song Used: Bon Jovi – Always

I’m not sure if this is meant to be a one shot or a multishot but it practically was begging on hands and knees to be written.

Chapter 03: To Love You More
Author’s Note: //…// Links and telepathic thoughts such as Kami talking to Piccolo or Mirai or Gohan talking to Mirai

Take me back in the arms I love. need me like you did before
Touch me once again, and remember when there was no one that you wanted more

It’s really hard to believe it’s been three months. Three miserable months since I had the most exciting night of my life. I mean it started just like every other night, I was with some guys from the dorm and we were clubbing. I never really got into that scene but I was bored out of my mind. Any way some wise guy thought it would be a great idea to slip me something. Apparently that mixing drugs and alcohol warning works with half-sayians as well. I was so out of it that night I probably would have lost a fight to Yamcha in my current state. When I was escorted out of the club there was some kind of fight and I couldn’t really do anything, my body just wouldn’t respond to my brain’s commands. Fortunately I had a savior waiting in the wings, a guardian angel that came for me. He fought for me and helped me get back to my apartment. At first I was unsure who my rescuer was then I realized it was my Tora, that came for me. The teen I had been dreaming about since well, since my first wet dream if it is anyone’s business had returned. Maybe it was the drugs maybe it was just having him near after all this time… I don’t know but that night was the best night of my life. I lost my virginity, to the man I loved. I had been confused with for at least five years. I know it seems weird, I know I never forgot about him, I couldn’t. In fact if it hadn’t been for the fact that I promised my dad I would look after my mom I would have went with Tora. I couldn’t bear the thought of him having to face the unknown alone I wanted to face it with him. It hurt when he left because I felt like I had failed him by not going with him, like he was going to suffer alone and it was my fault because I didn’t join him. However, later mom had a baby, so I was needed to help with my baby brother. But it wasn’t the same some how, I don’t know why. I felt magnitized when it came to baby Trunks but with Goten it was different, but I adored him anyway. Every so often I did what I could to pay more attention to Goten so he didn’t feel like I loved him less. I… I was in love with Trunks older counterpart. I didn’t realize it for love until I turned sixteen though when the dreams started…..

I feel the rumble in my stomach and the probings trying to get my attention. They are hungry I need to make sure they get the food and energy they need. Before I can do anything about it Piccolo is at my side. “You’ve had that dream again.”

He tells me accusingly. “They aren’t mine.” I answer as I stroke the mark on my neck absentmindly.

“They are his.” Piccolo finished for me. “How is your school work?”

“Doing fine.” I replied. I love the internet, The Kais bless whoever came up with accessing college classes on line, I can do all my work on my computer and not have to got to school. Which is perfect because the triplets take a lot out of me and sooner or later I am definately going to start showing beyond normal excuses and I prefer not having to have to explain it. Besides, as long as I keep my grades up mom never has to know what is going on. Then I felt it almost like a stab through my heart Tora, he is kissing someone else, a girl, he’s trying to replace his “inappropriate” feelings for me. Koi why do you do this to yourself? Why do you do this to us?

Don’t go you know you will break my heart, she won’t love you like I will
I’m the one who’ll stay When she walks away, and you know I’ll be standing here still
I’ll be waiting for you Here inside my heart, I’m the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you verything you need Let me be the one to love you more

I falter a bit and Piccolo sees it. “Are you alright? Is it the cubs?” He asks me. I shake my head.

“Is it Mirai?” He asks I nod.

“He’s miserable Piccolo I want to help him. What can I do? What can I do to get him to know I’m not upset? That he didn’t take advantage of me? That I love him? That I would do anything for him?” I start to sob, by the Kais I hate these mood swings I am crying uncontrollably and I can’t stop it. Piccolo hates crying, I must disgust him with this display. However I feel his arms go around me and he comforts me, even though he probably feels ackward about this, he does it for me. “It’s going to be alright Gohan.” He assures me as he carefully gives me some of his energy so I can channel my own to the cubs without weakening myself too much. I don’t know how I would have gotten through all this if Piccolo hadn’t figured out the truth. I was sparring with him when for whatever reason my ki went all funky when he tried to use his to track me.

Then I fainted and he took me back to his capsule house. That is when we figured out what was going on with me and that my night with Tora got me pregnant. At first we were both a little confused but we figured out that it had to do with both me and Tora being half saiyan. Especially when I got the nerve to tell him who I had been dreaming about so often. Piccolo than broke into Bulma’s lab and copied everything he could find about Saiyan mating rituals, and pregnancies. He’s been doing everything he can for me and I truly appriecate it. He’s been the only one I entrusted with the secret of Tora’s visit and the cubs. I feel myself being laid back on the bed. But I don’t protest, I am not completely mated with Tora and if I can’t find away to produce the proper energy the cubs and I will both suffer besides Piccolo would never take advantage of me even if I begged him to. Which sadly, during the mood swings and the energy crisis, I already have twice. Piccolo then kisses me all over but doesn’t kiss me on the mouth. He never does I asked him about it once and he said it wasn’t his place to. I ask for his help out of our friendship and out of our friendship he gives me what I need. I feel so guilty about asking for this from him but he has assured me time and time again he does it because he wants to and because Tora isn’t here to do it himself. Besides if I don’t get what I need in food and energy my body would practically kill itself to perserve the cubs it’s what is has been designed to do to continue the race. My genes will sacrifice me to save my cubs lives. And honestly, although I would never tell Piccolo, I don’t mind I would do anything for Tora and our cubs and if it means my own life so be it. I can’t help but moan as Piccolo continues with me, he gives me energy plus the energy he is creating just doing this to me. I can’t say I don’t enjoy it though, he is so gentle with me. I have tried a couple of times to return the favor but he only has allowed me to once. I think he feels guilty about it like he’s confusing me or something And one day he said the strangest thing to me.

“I know how you feel about me and I know how I feel about you.
We could be happy together but there is someone who needs you more than I do.
And as much as I hate to say it you may be happier with him than you would be with me.”

That is when I finally believed I wasn’t forcing him to do this. He did it because in his own way he loved me more than a friend but Tora needed me more and he was willing to let me be with Tora instead. That’s the only thing I feel guilty about he loves me but feels he has no right to, which is wrong I think but I don’t know how to tell him. Because in one way he is right, I KNOW love Tora I don’t know how I feel about Piccolo. I let him finish me off and I purr against him when he holds me afterwards. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He tells me. I kiss him then, I have to let him know I do appriecate this and how much I do care for him.”Sorry.” I whisper.

“It’s okay I know.” He answers. “I love you too but you’ll be happier with him.”

“How do we know he hasn’t already left this time for another reality or something?” I ask him.

“Let me worry about that. What do you want four want for lunch?”

“Peanut butter and coconut burritos?” I ask hopefully “With creamed corn to dip them in?”

“Very well then you finish your homework and get some rest I will get your burritos and creamed corn.” He answers and he is gone. I have to hand it to him, I can ask for anything under the sun and he will get it for me. No matter how disgusting it would probably sound to anyone else.


Piccolo’s POV

As happy as I am that the cubs are developing.. . well healthy, there is only so much I can support Gohan with. There are few options as I see it:
A) I find Mirai and kill him. I’m kidding that is only the alternative if everything else fails.(Complete silence greets this comment) Oh come on! I really was kidding! I am going to find Mirai and help him realize what is going on here. Which is Gohan needs him right now. If I can’t convince him of that… I will drag him back to Gohan kicking and screaming if I have to.
B) Find out what Mirai’s feelings for Gohan are
C) and this is only if all else fails… mate with Gohan myself and finish the bond so the cubs don’t suck him dry and pretty much kill their… um… Gohan. I have no idea what they would call him but mother doesn’t quite seem to fit. I don’t even know why I am bothering really. I pine for Gohan, Gohan pines for Mirai, Mirai pines for… I don’t know what but if it’s someone else I may have to follow through on my threat to kill him. But I probably won’t because it will make Gohan unhappy and the thought of that doesn’t sit well with me at all for some bizarre reason I could never understand. I need to stop thinking like this. Ah.. a place to get the burritos they need.


“Hello sir, welcome to the Burrito Hut what can I get for you today?”

“I would like some burritos and would you happen to supply any cream corn as a side dish?”

“Yes sir.”


“What burrito would you like sir?”

“I will need around 25 of them and they are to be coconut and peanut butter please.”


This has to be one of the more sticky parts of this role of food gatherer. The sale person usually wants to argue with you, or seems to have hearing problems.

“Peanut butter and coconut 25 burritos and about 15 sides of creamed corn is that really difficult?” I ask.


“According to this board you offer peanut butter.”

“We do.”

“You have coconut as well.”


“You are a burrito stand so I suspect there are burritos here.”

“Plenty of those sir.”

“You have questions then?”

“Is there a reason why you want anything so disgusting?” Never ask open ended questions like that, they leave room for that kind of response.

“It’s not for me, it’s for someone who is pregnant.” I answer. That seemed to get the desired response which is me receiving the burritos that Gohan so desires. I take my bags back to our apartment and after checking in on Gohan and the triplets set out to see I could find our lost time traveler. I have done this several times before and I feel I finally found a clue in figuring out his whereabouts but I need help. And for this I needed to go to Capsule Corp.

It’s afternoon by the time I get to my destination which is good for me the brats will be taking their nap at this point.I find the room they are sleeping in and concentrate on little Trunks’ ki. Concentrating on him in this state will help me track his older counterpart’ s ki while it is at lower levels. I have reason to believe he is wearing one of his mother’s ki bands. Which while keeping the level’s of his ki closer to the average human makes it very hard to distinguish his ki from that of the people around him. Which is one reason why finding him is so darn difficult! But I need to find Miari for Gohan, he and the cubs are depending on me to find their lost mate/parent.

“Uhm… what are you doing Mr Piccolo? You’re beginning to freak me out.” That snaps me back to reality and I see that Trunks has opened his eyes and is staring at me. He’s a little nervous but not enough to attract attention to me. “I was working on an experiment.” I respond. “Oh.” He answers. “What are you trying to do?” Science seems to be his element as much as his mother’s it would seem. His father isn’t going to be happy about this. Then again it Mirai is any clue… Nah I doubt it, different circumstances this kid will probably be the next president of Capsule Corp. Doesn’t mean he can’t still be a fighter if he’s serious about it though. “I am trying to see how well I can distingush your ki while it as at low levels such as sleeping.” I answer.

“Why?” He asks. He’s definately his mother’s son, and his father’s the question is in a tone that says he’s going to keep asking me nagging questions until he’s satisfied. Probably because the other brat… I mean Goten is laying curled next to him. Trunks has always seemed protective of Goten to the point of almost possessive. Mine you can’t get him with out going through me first type attitude. I almost wonder if there is a possibility for these two… nah to early to tell and why would I want to imagine that anyway? Sheesh, the kid is starting to get to me worse than I thought. “Because your ki gets weaker if your injured or unconsious.” I respond. Which is true so no one can call me a liar about that. “So I am sensing what it is like so if you are ever hurt or unconsious in a fight. Which is almost sure to happen someday. I will know how to find you.”

“Oh…” Said Trunks that seemed to make sense to him. “I guess you’re doing the same for Chibi and my parents too right?”

“Yes.” I answer. Okay that was a partial lie I suppose, for one thing I already knew what Vegeta felt like injured, second and there was no point telling the kid this, his mother’s ki would be practically non existant to me if something happened to her but his father could find her with no problem due to their bond. If he ever properly bonded with her that is. But I make the show of examining Goten for his sake and when he fell asleep again. I finished my examination of Trunks’ ki. Now I had enough to work with.

I was flying when my cell phone beeped, I land somewhere with a clear signal and answer.

“Hello Mr Daimou? We received a inquiry about your nephew.”

NEPHEW? I am going to have to have a long talk with Gohan about those forms he signs for emergancy information. Nephew indeed. “Well?” I ask. She gave me the description, it was Mirai. I tried to be as cordial as I could and hung up. This did improve the general area of search somewhat. I had a better idea of where he was. It didn’t take me long to get ahead of him and yank him into an alley, as he passes by.


Mirai’s Pov

This is just not working out, I woke up and like I have every morning for the last three months, look for Gohan who should be sleeping beside me and he is not there. It feels wrong that he is not there. Then I spend a good part of the day with Sally, hoping that maybe if I create some sort of relationship with someone else my other half won’t be so out of control so far no such luck. Well I am wrong, it’s only when I kiss her that my brain absolutely refuses to go on with the charade. Like I am expressing my feelings to the wrong person. Today not only did I go through all that again, once again I couldn’t find Gohan on the campus that he goes to school at. So I finally asked the office, said that I was his cousin with information about our great grandfather’s failing health. It would have worked except the fact that he has been out sick and doing his coursework on line. Now if I am extremely lucky maybe I can hack into the mainframe, get his schedule and check his teacher’s record for the course work find the original document sent from Gohan to is teacher and maybe be able to trace it back to the computer he used turn in the assignment. Then I have to track down the address of his computer, all I know is that the computer and Gohan aren’t at his apartment I already checked there. And now to add to my bad mood some jerk is actually trying to mug me.

“We need to talk.” Says a voice that is all too familiar. Then again maybe I would be better off with the attempted mugging.

“What do you want Piccolo?”

“Does your family know you are back?”


“Do any of the others?”


“But you have visited Gohan.”

Lying won’t help plus I get the feeling I couldn’t lie even if I wanted to. Which I partly do, he doesn’t look too happy. “Yes.”

“But you came to visit him on campus today why?”

“I don’t see how it’s any of your business.” I think and actually that is what came out of my mouth. That earns a playful growl, “I am down on the stupid paper work as his uncle so I believe I do have a right to know.” Came his gruff answer.

“They called you?” I asked. Interfering humans, why can’t they keep their noses out of other people’s business? “Yes otherwise I wouldn’t be able to track you down this quickly.”

This quickly? He was looking for me? “Why were you trying to find me?” I ask.

“Yes actually,” He answered. “It’s about Gohan.” That caught my interest rather quickly and I bet cheater knew it. “Gohan? Where is he?” I ask a bit more quicker and needier than I intended too. “My place, come with me I’ll take you to him.” I struggled with this, it wasn’t that I don’t trust Piccolo, it was whether or not I should actually see Gohan right now. I mean if he is alright…

“Are you coming or aren’t you?” Piccolo asked sounding a little irrated.

“Not now.” I answer, “I’ll catch up with you some other time. Bye Piccolo.” I move to leave, somehow I get the feeling that I didn’t give a satisfactory answer. My first clue was that fact he seemed disgruntled, the second was that a second later I slipped into darkness.


When I come to I find myself tied to a chair, and I am blindfolded. I can’t say I don’t deserve this. After what I did three months ago I probably deserve much worse. I am surprised Piccolo isn’t trying to beat the shit out of me right now for what I did. “Do you sense it?” I hear him ask, but the question isn’t for me. I don’t even hear a verbal answer but I sense a presence gently probe my mind. //Yes// Oddly enough I hear the answer in my head, Piccolo probably does too. “Do you have an answer for it?”

//Extreme pschological stress. Someone tried to pull a Majin spell and failed in this case failed.//

“You mean they tried something like what Babadi did with Vegeta but it didn’t work?”

//Exactly, Piccolo, Exactly.//

“What do we do? Can you help him?”

//I can try, but it might take time. The damage is quite substancial and some of it still revolves around Gohan. And his feeling like he may have raped him.//

“Can we stop talking about me, like I am not here?” I ask, feeling completely left out of all this.

//Sorry about that. We can fix what was done to you and unite the two halves of self once more.// The voice assures me. “Who are you and why do you care whether my mind is splitsville or not?” I mutter. All this talk of Gohan and what I feel I did to him is depressing me again. What do they know? Of course I raped him, I took advantage of him and a situation I never should have. I am lucky if he ever wants to speak to me again. After what I did he has every right to hate me, every reason to detest the very sight of me, never want me around, and never talk to me again… //Mirai, you must snap out of this. The guilt is not your guilt it is a side affect of the spell. Who did this to you?// My mind produces an image of the wizard that I fought.

“Babadi I should have known. His reactions are similar to Vegeta when he was enthralled, confused, angry, except this anger is turned against himself.” Piccolo mutters.

//Somewhat but different, Vegeta wanted to reawaken his inner “Evil” thinking that he had gotten weak. But all he received back was his inner anger created by what had been done to him by Freiza. Still the boy is better off as you can see the spell didn’t fully take.//

“True he would have one of those ‘M’ tattoos on his forehead if it did and he doesn’t have it.” Piccolo agreed with the voice in my head. Alright, at least I know I haven’t completely lost it, Piccolo can hear the voice too.

//I am Kami the former guardian before Dende.// The voice seems to have decided that introductions are in order. //Like I said before I can fix some of the damage now but I can’t take care of all of it.//

“What else can fix it?” I ask curiously, this is whole dual personality thing is pretty draining at times.

//Let me and Piccolo worry about that. You just relax.// Oh yeah right. I raped my best friend and the voice in my head wants me to relax, and not act like this is all my fault even though it is.

//MIRAI! You will listen to me.// okay the crazy old man is back in my head again, fighting the guilt and the depression that fills me up. Funny enough though, I slowly feel it all seeping away from me. As if there is nothing that is or ever could be wrong. All is right in my world and for one reason… the sun has come out.


“Piccolo? What is going on down here?” I hear his voice but find it hard to believe what I am hearing. It couldn’t be I had to be dreaming. But I heard the foot steps approach and I felt a pair of hands touch my face as they remove my blindfold. Then I see Gohan his onyx orbs look strained and dull…he looks tired…but he seems to have a glow to him and and is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. “Gohan?” I ask.

“Mirai.” He answers softly. For a moment it’s like we are the only two people in the room hell it’s like we are the only two people in the whole world.

“Hey.” I say dumbly.

“Hey.” he answers softly. “Why are you tied up in the basement?”

“Piccolo wanted to talk with me I think.” I answer.

“Nah, don’t mind me you two talk.” Said Piccolo.Gohan nodded. “So how have you been?” He asked.

“Pretty miserable.” I answered.

“Yeah me too.” Gohan replied “I missed you.”

“I missed you too. Gohan?”


“Would you mind untying me please?”

“Right.” I am untied, it’s all I can do to keep my hands hands off him. Which is what caused this situation in the first place. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah” //You are so beautiful Gohan//


“I said yeah, are you okay Gohan?” //Did I hurt you? Like losing you hurt me?//

“No… yes… I mean, I’m okay and no you never hurt me.” Gohan answers.


“You asked me if you hurt me.”

“No I didn’t”


Gohan’s POV

I look at the man I have loved for the past… let’s face it at least five years. I can tell that something is bothering him I can tell he’s unhappy. Why won’t he tell me? All I want is for him to be happy. //Let me help you.// I beg mentally through our unfinished link //I know I’m probably not the one you really want but let me help things to be come better please Tora. I…I love you.//


General Pov

See me as if you never knew hold me so you can’t let go
Just believe in me I will make you see all the things that your heart needs
to know
I’ll be waiting for you, here inside my heart
I’m the the who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

Mirai looked at the longing in Gohan’s eyes it meant something but what? Then he heard a different voice in his mind //…let me help things to become better please Tora, I…I love you.//

‘What?’ Where did that come from? Who could love him?

//You Saiyans can be short sighted at times// A thought muttered. //He’s right in front of you.//


//Go get him Mirai.// The link between them cut off, and Piccolo was gone.

Mirai then looked at Gohan. “Did you mean that?” He asked softly.


“You said you wanted to make things better and that you loved me. Did you mean that?”

“Of course I meant it!” Gohan answered.

“Good. Cause well I love you too.”


“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

“Because I fat?” Gohan pointed out.

Mirai looked at him, along with the glow and the weariness that radiated from his love, Gohan did seem to have gained a little weight but not too much to be really concerned about. “So?”

“You don’t think I am unsightly?”

“No… why would I think that?”

“I don’t know, but the thought did come to mind that you would.” Gohan answered.

//Encourage him tell you the truth.// Came Kami’s voice came to Mirai’s mind again.

//That is getting freaky you know.// Mirai answered him.

//My apologies, but let Gohan be open with you, he needs to be.//

//Nothing is wrong is it?// Mirai asked concerned.

//Not really in a way you could say everything is right.//

//Yeah whatever.// Came Piccolo’s grumble //Go and make him happy I’ll get you something to eat.//

This whole conversation was becoming very strange.

//Okay you do that. And Could we you know have some time alone?//

//Fine, but hurt him and I’ll hurt you.// Came Piccolo’s grumble

//Certainly. Don’t mind him he just is… protective that is all.// Kami answered.

//I don’t blame him but if you two will leave my mind now I need to talk to Gohan.//

The two foreign presences promptly left leaving Mirai alone with his koi.

“Gohan are you okay?”

“Yep.” Said the man snuggled against him. “I just love that sound. Thump-thump thump-thump. ”

“I am glad you are enjoying yourself.”

“You just seem a little out of sorts are you sure?”

“Probably, I just… everyday I wake up I hope to see you and you aren’t there.”

“Yeah I feel the same.” Mirai admitted. “Are you sure that’s it though?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t help but feel you think there are things about you that will upset me.”

“Well, I did gain weight.”


“I don’t know. What if you think I am disgusting? What if you think my feel… my grades aren’t good enough? That I am not good enough for… to be your friend?”

“Gohan please calm down you are bouncing all over the place. 1) I don’t think you are fat. 2) I am happy that you want to help me and feel free to do so please because I sure am not doing myself any good. 3) I could never think of you as disgusting 4) I don’t care about your grades you are confusing me with your mother. But I do care if what you are doing makes you happy, and what is important to you is important to me. 5) You are definately “good enough” to be my friend and more if that is your wish. I can’t believe you thought that. But what you almost said a moment ago.”


“You were going to say something about your feelings. You love me don’t you?”

“Uhm… is there any trick or wrong answer to that question?”


“Yes I do love you, as well as other things.”

“Okay and I think I feel the same for you.”

“You can’t.”


“I’m disgusting.”

“No you aren’t. So you gained abit of weight it’s probably the freshmen 15.”

“I’m a Junior and it’s 45. You never hear about that.” Gohan grumbled.

“Gohan, it doesn’t matter.”

“You… don’t find me disgusting?”


“You still find me… desirable?”

“Yes.” ‘OH SHIT!!! I should have seen that one coming.’

“Really?” Oh good Gohan wasn’t mad at all.

“I do, really. Why wouldn’t I care about you?”

“Because I am a freak.”

“Why do you think you are a freak? Is it because you are in love with me?”

“No. It’s because… I’m Mumble mumble.”


“Mumble mumble.”

“Gohan. You can tell me really. Please, if there is something that is upsetting you…”

“I’m pregnant.”

“What?” Mirai asked barely beliving his ears. “But how?”

“We had sex in case you forgot that is how it usually happens.”

“BUt… we’re both guys…”

“And half saiyan, apparently its some sort of species survival thing. I’m Bisexual, and in love with a male so my genes decided to make sure I do my part to continue the saiyan race. If I wasn’t going to father children then I was going to carry them.”

“You’re pregnant? And the baby is mine?” Mirai asked softly.

Gohan turned away but nodded yes. “I understand if… you don’t ever want to see me again… I …”

“No.” Mirai answered and turned him around. “Obviously you don’t at all.”


“I don’t mind that you are pregnant. Surprised yes but not upset, I love you and our baby.”

“Uhm Mirai? It’s not baby. It’s babies plural.”

“There’s more than one? How many are there?”


“Are you serious?” Mirai asked. Gohan nodded. “May… may I?” Mirai continued, “I’d like to meet them.”

Gohan sat down on the couch across the room and Mirai got up from the unbreakable chair and joined him.Gohan exposed his swelling stomach and Mirai carefully ran his fingers over it and probed for the developing children. He received a reply, they seemed happy to meet him but cautious as if they were worried about something. Slowly Mirai gave them trails of energy letting them get to know him, and sending reassuring thoughts to them. ‘It’s okay I’m here. I won’t let anyone harm you or your carrier. It’s okay.’



‘Mama sad.’

It was only for a few seconds but he had made contact. “Gohan? Why are you sad?”


“You’re sad? They told me.”

“Who told you?”

He stroked Gohan’s abdomen in answer. “Our babies told me.” Gohan looked at his stomach and then stared at Mirai. “Our babies told you I was sad.” He repeated confused. “Yes. Care to explain that? And why are they so anxious anyway?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you anxious? Maybe they’re picking up on it from you.”

“Can’t see why.” Gohan answered.

“You didn’t know which of you I’d accept?” Mirai tried. “Whether I’d be thrilled about kids but not a pregnant man or thrilled about your feelings but not about the children?”

“Under the advice of my atorney I invoke my fifth amendment rights, as anything I say or do could be used against me.” Mirai stared at him. “You’ve been watching too much television Gohan Son. What would your mother say?”

“You’re not going to tell her are you?” Gohan asked almost seeming scared.

Then Mirai realized it. “Piccolo is the only one who knows about this besides you and me isn’t he?”

Gohan nodded. “He’s the one that figured out that I was showing the signs of pregnancy.”

“I should have been there for you.”

“You didn’t know.”

“I didn’t bother to find out either. I just screwed you and took off.”

“Was that all it was?” Gohan asked. “Sex?”

“I am not sure what you mean by that Gohan.”

“What are your exact feelings for me? Or did you just want me for sex because you are physically attracted to me?” Gohan clarified.

Mirai sighed, he had to admit he hadn’t given the man any evidence to the contrary, what was he supposed to think? “I don’t know what to say.” He finally admitted. “All my thoughts are still kaldiscoping. But maybe I can show you.” He gently laid Gohan out on the couch and began kissing him. He put all his emotions into the kisses all his desires and wishes. Hoping that their incomplete bond could carry the message his mate so needed. ‘Mate? Wait a second? Tell me I DIDN’T’ He checked Gohan’s neck and realized he had. Gohan looked at him hoping this wasn’t something discouraging. “Did I really?”

“You left before I could return it.” Gohan answered softly.

“Do you still want to?” Mirai asked.

“Yes.” Gohan replied. Mirai bared his neck to Gohan who finished their bond. Then they both smiled as they felt the connection complete it’s self and the children realize what had occured. “Do they…?”

“They know that we are a whole now I don’t know what else they know.” Gohan answered. “But I do think they can sense how loved and happy we feel. And how much we love them.”

“That’s all I needed to know.” Said Mirai with a smile and kissed Gohan deeply.

//Now how about you resume where you left off?// Came Gohan’s thought into Mirai’s mind.

//Where was that?// Asked Mirai playfully.

//Claiming me and letting me claim you.//

//Sure that is a good idea?// Mirai inquired.

//Of course Tora, I am pretty sure only one of us can be pregnant at a time.// Gohan replied.

“Alright hold it.” Said Piccolo coming into the room. “First you eat then we are going to see the video than you two can do whatever you want.”

“Video?” Asked Gohan and Mirai in unison.

“On safe sex for pregnant couples.” Said Piccolo. “You wouldn’t want to harm to come to your cubs because you couldn’t control your libidos would you?”

“Of course not.” Said Gohan.

“Then you are going to watch the video.” Said Piccolo “And you are NOT going to have sex down here! Is cold drafty and there is no where near enough room on that couch.”

“Yes Piccolo.” They answered, and they followed Piccolo upstairs to the kitchen.


And some way all the love that we had can be saved
Whatever it takes we’ll find a way
I’ll be waiting for you here inside my heart
I’m the one who wants to love you more you will see I can give you
Everything you need let me be the one to love you more

After lunch Gohan went to rest in the guest room while Mirai was forced to watch the video. After all Gohan could get the information via their link anytime he wanted. And for now Mirai was going to be Seme anyway. Soon Mirai found himself exactly where he wanted to be with the man he loved in his arms feeling their children inside his abdomen. “Gohan?”


“Piccolo has been looking after the way I couldn’t why?”

“I don’t know.”

“You do know.”

“Because he loves me too.” Gohan answered. “But he thinks that I am better off with you.”

“He what? That isn’t it.”

“He can survive without me and knew you couldn’t?” Gohan tried. Mirai didn’t answer as he was thinking. “Tora I…”
That was the second time Gohan had called him Tora. Mirai decided he liked it as a nickname. “Yes?”

“I love both of you pretty close to equally.”

“I know.”

“What do we do about this?”

“I have an idea.” Mirai answered.

But whatever that idea was had to wait when they heard a very insistant knock on the door.


Bulma Briefs was a very determined woman as anyone would tell you. Right now every maternal instinct inside her was directing her to come here. That her baby needed her, and there was nothing in Heaven Earth or Hell that was going to get in her way. As King Yemma found out when she requested a visit to Baba. Baba had told her were Trunks was and now she was here to. Although whether or not it was considered exactly ETHICAL to hijack your alternate self’s body to check in on your living decendants. But for her son she was willing to do it. Piccolo answered the door for her. “Where is he?” She asked simply.

“Where is who Bulma?” Asked Piccolo.

“Where is my son?” She answered.

“He isn’t playing with Goten? Did you check with his father?” Piccolo asked. He then caught something about her, something that was different. “Bulma what’s wrong?”

“My son needs me that is what is wrong.” Bulma answered. Then it clicked.

“You are the other one.” Said Piccolo a bit kinder than usual. “He is here, come with me.” Bulma nodded as if she had already known this and was waiting for a confession and went inside. “Trunks? Honey, where are you?”

Mirai and Gohan, both fully dressed to Piccolo’s relief, came into the room.

“Hi Bulma.” Said Gohan

“Mom?” Mirai asked, then it hit him as well. “MOM!” He hugged the woman tightly. “What… How did you get here?”

“I kinda hijacked myself.” She admitted to him.

“How is everyone?”

“They are all just fine hon, don’t worry. They are ready to see you again but not before it’s your time alright?”

“Okay.” Said Trunks.

“Gohan says hello by the way and hopes that you are doing well. Which by the looks of things you are.”

“It’s not how it looks.” Said Gohan defensively.

Piccolo snorted. “It’s exactly how it looks Gohan. You love Mirai and hopefully he loves you as well, and HOPEFULLY the two of you have a bright future together if your parents are open minded enough to accept that the two of you are happy. But if they aren’t screw em what do they know?”

“Piccolo.” Said Gohan trying to calm his old friend down before he got too wound up.

Bulma on the other hand smiled. “He’s right. The important thing is that you are both happy, and you have somebody to love. How are you Trunks?”

“Fine mom.” Mirai answered.

“Don’t lie to me.” She answered

“I’m not.” Mirai replied. “I am here with the one I love and my mom what could be wrong?”

“Okay I’ll buy that.” Said Bulma.




‘Grandma Grandma.’

Bulma looked startled at first than smiled to herself. Could it be possible? Did she have grandchildren?

“Trunks? Who am I hearing?” She asked.

“What do you mean?” Mirai asked. She looked at him. “I just thought I heard three voices in my head attempting to say Grandma.” Mirai and Gohan both exchanged looks. This was Mirai’s mother surely she would understand even if her youngerself would have a problem with it right?

“I’m pregnant.” Said Gohan softly. “Trunks is the father, they’re triplets. That’s okay with you right?”

Bulma was floored. Okay with her? What the Hell was that supposed to mean? Then she realized perhaps how uncomfortable Gohan may be with the situation.

“Gohan. I am happy for both of you. I don’t mind at all that you are the carrier of my sons cubs.” She said with a smile. “It’s not unusual for saiyan males to get pregnant after all.”

All three men stared at her. “Come on some males prefer other males and some females prefer other females it’s just that way sometimes. And you forget I am mated to the “Prince of All Saiyans” how couldn’t I know about that? He wouldn’t let me that ignorant of his people’s heritage.”

Piccolo and Mirai had to agree that she was right in that respect, Vegeta would make sure his mate understood about that sort of thing just in case something like this happened. However that was only in one reality in this one… What would they say? After all different circumstances may apply. They shouldn’t but they could. Bulma in the meantime was chatting up Gohan seeing what was and wasn’t being done so far about his condition. How far along he was, any food cravings, and whether he was planning to have his children naturally. “I guess if I have no other choice but I still think I would prefer to be cut open.” Gohan replied. “I mean there is three of them, just one is hard enough to imagine but three. Wow. You know?”

Bulma did know, sure pregnancy and labor were no picnic but once that little life was in your arms there was no way to really decribe it, and the love you felt for that life… She did understand what he was trying to say.

“I know.” She answered. “But considering the fact that you are part saiyan maybe you’ll get a bit of a break.”

“What do you mean?”

“Human women carry thier children for nine months. I can check but I think it’s less for saiyans.”

“Really? How long?”

“I would guess about six months.” Bulma replied.

Gohan stared at her. “I am half way through?” He asked. “Oh crap. What are we going to do? They are going to want to come OUT.”

“Huh? Oh well yeah of course.”

Gohan just looked at her.

“You have no idea if there is going to be an opening for this do you?” Bulma asked

“There isn’t any sign of one so far.” Gohan answered. “So where… I don’t think I want to know.” He nuzzled himself against Mirai. “Mood swings. Good luck honey you’re going to need it.” Said Bulma.

“We all are.” Said Piccolo. “They are staying here until… well when ever.”

“Good.” Said Bulma happy that they had an ally in this it wasn’t an easy thing to go through alone. “Take care of them Piccolo I am going to see what can be done about all this.” She smiled at Mirai, “I will visit with you later, promise I love you.”

“I love you too mom.”

Bulma left them then.

“Okay that was interesting. ” Said Piccolo.

“Yeah and a little scary.” Gohan agreed. “But I am glad she is okay with it.”

“So am I.” Said Mirai, but than he looked at Gohan.

//Show me.// Gohan nodded and for a moment everything he had gone through for the last five years or so was sent to Mirai’s mind. It was hard for him to imagine, but there it was in black and white for him. Gohan loved him, and he would do anything for him. //I understand. You really were willing to go with me didn’t you?//

//I still am.// Gohan answered. //Any time any where.//

//I love you so much right now.////

//And I love you. But what are we going to do? You know about Piccolo? We owe him a lot.//

//We do indeed Gohan, but I think we can work a few things out don’t you?//


Piccolo watched as the two talked mentally starting to get almost nervous when the two shared a smile. They were definately plotting something.

“Piccolo, thanks for looking after Gohan for me.”

“No problem, no problem at all.” Piccolo replied watching the two, something was seriously up.

“We were simply thinking…” Started Gohan.

“That maybe you deserve a reward for all your hard work.” Mirai finished.

“Were you now?” Asked Piccolo “And what pray tell is this reward you were thinking of?”

“What do you want it to be?” Asked Mirai. Piccolo stared at them and in a moment realized he was in serious trouble. //Mind links do work both ways Piccolo.// Mirai teased the Namek. //And the drooling isn’t helping your act any.// Piccolo subconsiously moved to wipe away the drool when he realized he had been tricked. “I guess that answers my question.” Said Mirai. “How about you Gohan?”

Gohan nodded Piccolo’s reaction was enough of an answer for him as well.

“So that only leads to one other question.” Said Mirai. “What are we going to do about this?”

“About what?” Asked Piccolo.

“You want us.” Mirai replied. “You are attracted to both of us in your own way. But you figured since we are interested in each other you had no right to “Get between us” right?” Piccolo looked at him, and then at Gohan who seemed to be silently agreeing with Mirai’s view of the situation.

“I think I am a little confused.” Said Piccolo slowly.

“No you aren’t, you are just not willing to believe that this is happening.” Gohan said softly. “But it is. We are willing to let you join us if you want to. We talked about this and we are willing to try it if you are.”

“This is the wrong time of year for an April Fool’s joke you two.”

“It isn’t a joke. Let us show you.”

Piccolo realized he was frozen as both demi-saiyans approached him and took turns kissing him. Piccolo started to voice a protest but changed it a little. “Wait, let’s take this somewhere else. If this is going where I think it is we’ll need to.” The other two hesitated but nodded. Piccolo carefully picked up Gohan and carried him into the bedroom with Mirai following behind them. //A bit of habit.// Piccolo explained to Mirai. //He shouldn’t be on his feet too long anyway.//

Mirai allowed this, because he realized that they loved Gohan equally and it really wasn’t so bad to have someone that loved Gohan as much as he did. Because that meant if Mirai couldn’t be around for one reason or another someone would be and that person would take care of Gohan the same way he would, protect him the way he would. It was actually rather reassuring to be honest. Piccolo laid Gohan on the bed than laid down next to him, Mirai than laid on the other side of Piccolo.

“Wait a minute…” Piccolo started almost confused.

“You forget, this is us explaining something to you.” Mirai replied.

Gohan nodded. “Yep. It is.”

Piccolo looked at them, realizing that they were being serious. Maybe he had been right about what he thought their offer meant but was positive he was being ridiculous. “You’re serious.” He said.

“I think we are.” Answered Gohan.

“And you are okay with this?” Piccolo asked Mirai.

“Yeah I am, didn’t I tell you that already?”

“I think I was still in some freeze trying to figure out what was going on.” Piccolo admitted.

“You were.” Gohan confirmed.

“So you are serious, you want to share is that it?”

“We want you to join us if you want.” Confirmed Gohan.

Piccolo stared at them again. “I suppose we can give it ago.” He answered. The two demi-sayians shared a grin with one another and began to “welcome” their new partner.



It was only a matter of time before Gohan called Goten and let him know that he was okay and staying at Piccolo’s for a while. Goten told Trunks, who told his mother, who unpossessed by her alternate self came by to check on the situation. Just like the older Bulma figured out that Gohan and Mirai were a thing and was overjoyed at the prospect of grandchildren. She than had a disscussion with Baba about letting her other self have access whenever she needed to so that Mirai Bulma could help with Gohan’s pregnancy and the birth of the triplets. Vegeta found out as well, and his only answer to the entire situation what a grunt and “About time boy” before heading into the GR. Gohan and Mirai figured that it was okay with him as Vegeta was never one to express himself much. Vegeta told Goku who was so surprised but happy about the situation that he lost his first spar to Vegeta in years. (Hey it had to happen sometime right?) That would have left the burden of telling Chi-chi with Goku, but Goten beat him to the punch. “Mommy, Mommy, Gohan is in love with a nice girl with hair the color of Trunks’! And Mr Vegeta says they are staying with Mr. Piccolo until the stork brings the new Brats!” Goku was somewhat taken off the hook by this statement but it did leave him with trying to calm an overexcited Chi-chi who was now in full “Grand Children!” mode.


3 months Later

After many congratulations and Vegeta and Goku nearly getting the full wrath of Chi-chi’s frying pan of Doom for leaving out the fact that GOHAN was the one “the stork” was bringing the babies to. The triplets were born, everyone was so happy about the occasion that no one batted an eye when Piccolo offered to let the new parents live with him because of his near proximity to both sets of Grandparents. Well except Chi-chi until the logic was explained to her that they were also closer to the best schools and hospital around, as well full access to both sets of grandparents, and that Piccolo was the one that stayed with Gohan throughout the pregnancy until Mirai was able to come and how close Gohan came to dying. (Okay so they exagerated but with Chi-Chi they had to.) Chi-chi finally warmed up to the idea after that. Much to the relief of Mirai, Gohan and Piccolo, who knew the whole thing could have gone worse. After the celebration and the well wishers were leaving Gohan Piccolo and Mirai went back to Piccolo’s house. Gohan smiled as they approached home, the babies had arrived, and he had the two men he loved, and Mirai was doing so much better now. With Piccolo and Kami’s help the damage of Babadi’s spell was undone, and Mirai was getting visits from his mother, which Gohan knew cheered him up. Things were definately the way the should be.

“What are you thinking about Go-Chan?” Asked Mirai softly.

“How lucky I am, I have my children, and the men I love. Everything is just perfect.”

“Yeah it is.” Mirai agreed. They looked to Piccolo, who simply smiled “We better get them inside.” He said softly not to wake the sleeping children. But the smile was enough to tell them that he was as happy as they were, and things could only get better.

I’ll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I’m the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more


DBZ Love Garden

Welcome to DBZ Love Garden, your ultimate source for DBZ Yaoi/Gay/Boy's Love fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics since February 11th, 2001. Featuring pairings like Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), and more. Discover classic masterpieces and high-quality yaoi doujinshi scanlations, plus a detailed gay Kamasutra guide. Warning: Content not suitable for underage viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.

