Let's Make Nii-Chan Happy Again!
by Galacia     More by this Writer
When Trunks, Bra, Goten and Pan notice that their babysitter Gohan is unhappy they decide to try and find Gohan’s friend Mirai from the future so they can ask him how to make Gohan happy.

Chapter 01: Prologue
‘”I need to be honest with you, I’m not feeling the same way about all this. You see I have decided to stay in West City.” Uh-huh right, this is not going to work.’ Gohan slumped against the wall. It was hopeless there was nothing he could do to save himself, his mother was coming to visit and she was bringing a girl. A girl that would most likely be “the perfect girl to make my baby happy! Oh and she has nice child bearing hips too.”

Gohan sighed; it wasn’t like he was against finding a mate to be happy with and settling
down to have a family he just hadn’t found the right mate yet. And besides he was busy with school, training, homework and babysitting for more money for school. Not that he couldn’t make time for the right person, he could, and it’s just that he hadn’t found them yet. However, as his 23rd birthday came nearer, his mother was getting more and more concerned that he was going to be alone and unhappy for the rest of his life. Her concern was appreciated but
her overzealousness to find him “Someone” could be down right frightening at times.

“Maybe Bulma would let me take guardianship of the chibis,” Gohan thought to himself then immediately dismissed it, he couldn’t do that, Trunks and Bra would be heartbroken if they were separated from the young set of twins. He would have to move to Capsule Corp or something. Not too bad of an idea but would be more like running away from the problem instead of facing it. Face it unless a possible mate (he wasn’t picky) walked through his door before his 23rd birthday he was doomed to suffer through another one of his mother’s “why haven’t you found anyone yet?” visits. Then she would try to convince him to move back to the new neighborhood she lived in. So he would be nearer to his family and have a better shot of finding someone. ‘I need a social life.’ He thought ‘If I had a better social life I wouldn’t have to go through this so often.’ Oh well at least he would get a chance to visit Bra, Trunks and the chibis this afternoon. That always cheered him up.


Over at Capsule Corp, Goten the younger of the tailed twins looked at his sister. “P-chan. I think Niichan is unhappy.” He stated. Pan got up from meditating and went over to her brother. “What do you mean Go-chan? Why do you think that?”

“Last night he was happy in his dreams and when he woke up he was sad.”

This brought the older pair Trunks and Bra over to the conversation. They all adored the kind teen who babysat them and called him Nii-chan. The idea of him being unhappy was not pleasant to any of them.
“What do you suggest we do?” Asked Bra.

“Well, what would make Niichan happy?” asked Trunks.
“A sister?” Asked Goten who loved his older twin dearly. Trunks wasn’t as close to Bra as Goten was to his twin but could see what he was trying to say.

“I don’t think that would do in this case, Chibi.” He told the youngest demi affectionately.

“New training gear?” Asked Pan who had always enjoyed their training days with Gohan as much as Trunks did. The other two liked it but used it more like a game to them. Pan and Trunks were more serious about it.

“I don’t think so.” Said Bra. “I mean he’d like it but grow-ups have been known to say objects aren’t what make you happy.”

“Right.” Said Pan thinking again. Goten had wandered over to where Bulma kept the photos and pulled out a book that he had seen Bulma and the other grown ups looking at. He went through the pictures until he saw a new but then again in a way familiar face. “Who that?” He asked. The other kids went over to where he was. “oh that is our… cousin I think.” Said Bra. “His name is Mirai. I don’t remember meeting him, but Mom and Niichan tell us stories about him sometimes.”

“Dad says that “he socialized a lot with Kakarot’s brat.” Said Trunks. “I think he means Niichan.”

“So Mirai and Niichan were friends?” Asked Pan. The Briefs siblings nodded.

“Maybe we can ask him what to do. Bunny says ‘That sweet boy was nice and smart like our little Bulma.’ That is saying something if he is as smart as Kaasan.” It was a thing of theirs Bulma and Goku were the closest things that Pan and Goten knew to parents so they called them Kaasan and Tousan. Although both “parents” found it a bit embarrassing, but the twins
insisted on it. Although it did sometimes make the Z fighters wonder about the twins.
Goten DID look an awful lot like Goku and Pan WAS awful smart, was there a chance
that these twins were actually from a different reality? One where Goku and Bulma got together? Gohan and Piccolo would then complain of headaches and the others would try to wrap their heads around the whole thing and if that was true who did Chi-chi end up with? Vegeta would say the whole thing was stupid but if Kakarot wanted the Onna at least talk to him Saiyan to Saiyan before sleeping with his mate… In other words it all got very weird.

“I agree.” Said Trunks. “So how do we find him?”

“We could ask Friendlong.” Said Goten excitedly.


“You know the dragon that Tousan is friends with. He grants wishes.”

“You mean Shenron the eternal dragon.” Said Bra.

“Yeah him. Isn’t that what I said?” Asked Goten curiously.

“We may not need to go that far.” Said Trunks. “I mean he is our cousin right? He can’t live that far away.”


Forty-five minutes to an hour later….

“Okay I was wrong.” Said Trunks after they had asked Piccolo and Krillin where Bra and Trunks’ cousin Mirai lived. And got a long and confusing conversation about the whole thing and a revised history of most of the Android and Cell Saga.

“So that means he’s really your older brother? That’s cool!” Said Pan

“Cool?” Asked Bra.

“Yeah I mean your brother kicked Frieza and King Cold’s asses!” Said Pan excitedly.

“DAD STOP CUSSING AROUND OUR CHIBIS!!” Shouted Bra and Trunks at the top of their lungs.

“Isn’t an ass like a donkey?” Asked Goten innocently.

“Yes.” Said Bra and Trunks quickly.

“King Cold and Frieza brought space donkeys with them?”

“Yes.” Answered Bra and Trunks not ready to explain certain things to the youngest chibi quite yet. “Oh. Neat.” Said Goten and went back to thinking about the stories Krillin and Piccolo told them, and what space donkeys would be like if you met them.

“So Mirai is your brother from another place.” Said Pan.


“From the future.”


“A time where a virus made Tousan very sick so he couldn’t fight. And a bad man possessed aunt eighteen and uncle seventeen and made them do bad things.” Pan continued.


“So if Mirai comes from another future. How do we find him?” Asked Goten.

“I’m not sure; Mom probably made whatever got him here and took him home.” Said Bra.

“So we go raid the lab?” Asked Pan excitedly. She loved playing in Kaasan’s lab. As long as you didn’t touch too many things or broke anything, Kaasan didn’t usually find out you had been in there.

“Not this time.” Said Bra thinking. “We are going to have to go to the ‘basement’ for this.”

“The basement” was their name for the secret room under the capsule corp building that kept all sorts of things their grandfather and mother had worked on over the years and wanted to be sure never fell into the wrong hands.

“AWESOME.” said Goten the basement would be a lot more fun than the lab,
and he hadn’t been there often. Actually none of them had been there often so it would be a special treat and a lot more fun to explore. So they went to ‘the basement’ and explored around until they found an unidentified capsule. Trunks, being the eldest, carefully opened said capsule and they found what seemed to be a large egg shaped contraption on legs.

“BIIGG” Said Goten, amazed by the interesting device. “Definitely big enough to hold all
of us and our big brother.” Trunks answered. Bra and Pan agreed with this statement.

“So, how do we turn it on?” Asked Goten, knowing this object was different than anything they had ever seen in Bulma’s lab.

“I think we can figure it out.” Said Trunks, “Just give me and Bra a minute, and we’ll take care of it.” Pan and Goten nodded and started looking around at the other stuff.


Just outside the door

“Okay.” Said Videl Satan “Here you are, two large pepperoni, with extra cheese, mushroom and peppers. And two medium with sausage extra cheese, onion and
anchovies. That will be $25.75.”


“You gave very bad directions and I’m late to my next three stops.” Videl told them, cursing the protocol that told them they had to follow the directions on the tickets, she knew her way around the city better than most the numbskulls ordering the food. But she had to take the way they told her to go. Just then they heard a loud crash, and Videl’s walkie talkie option on her work cell went off. “Yeah?”

“Where are you?”

“At Capsule Corp, and I was right they did give us the wrong directions you owe me ten bucks.”

“Okay, okay you were right and I was wrong. What’s that?” Videl put the cell phone away and still carrying the pizza warmers. She couldn’t leave the unpaid merchandise unattended and the idiots back at the kitchen decided to put all of her deliveries into two extra large warmer bags. She carried the pizzas and went to find out where the people that were supposed to be paying her were. She walked into a large room with all kinds of objects. “Okay kids, why don’t you get away from that? We don’t know what Mrs. Briefs intended it for but I am sure it’s not a play toy.” One of the guards was saying calmly.

“Just come out of there okay?”

“What’s going on?” Videl asked stepping forward. She saw four determined kids standing up to the three guards.

“Hey are you kids okay?” She asked with concern slowly stepping toward them. These men had NO IDEA how to deal with children! Two of them were on the verge of drawing GUNS for Kami’s sake! “You even think about that and you’ll regret it.” She warned them in a dangerously icy voice. This brought her attention from the blue haired girl. Who seemed to have made a split decision and within seconds Videl found herself on the ground being held hostage by a 7 year old that had a odd looking dagger at her throat. “Get this tub started.” She told the lavender haired boy. Who did and despite the security guards trying to call for backup and trying to explain they had a hostage situation, whether he was referring to Videl or their equally in peril lunch was negotiable. In either case the lavender haired boy hit a few switches, the door closed and the four chibis, the pizza girl and her cargo were all wrenched off into the time and space continuum.


Videl rubbed her head. The impact of her head against the one side had hurt. But the kids all seemed okay. “RUMMBLE” If not hungry. She sighed knowing exactly what was going to happen next but it couldn’t be helped.

“Are any of you kids hungry?” She asked cheerily. Four pairs of eyes looked at her. “I have some pizza here.” She explained.

“Can we?” The little dark haired girl asked the lavender and blue haired children.

“I’m hungry Tru-chan.” The little dark haired boy piped up.

“We aren’t really supposed to accept things from strangers.” Said Bra slowly, but she was getting hungry too.

“This once should be alright.” Trunks admitted. After all the grownups were going to eat that food and she didn’t have time to really do anything to it. She was their hostage and who knew where they were anyway? It seemed like a pretty safe thing to do. So they stepped away from the controls and Videl divvied out the pizza, surprised at the size of the children’s appetites, who all more or less made short work of her merchandise. She looked out the window of the contraption they were in. “Uh.” Was all she could get out, when she saw what looked like a flying cow going past them. “Where are we?” She asked two minutes later, when a house a car and several other objects past them.

“Some where in the space and time continuum. I think.” Said the lavender haired boy.
“You think?”

“We are trying to find Mirai, Trunks and Bra’s big brother.” Goten explained.

“And you think he is wandering the space and time continuum?” Videl asked.

“Well, he’s supposed to come from the future.” Pan said. “At least that is what Uncle Piccolo and Uncle Krillin told us.”

“Look Tru-chan it’s the big blue wet thing from Kaasan’s maps!”

Trunks and Bra ran back to the controls and managed to maneuver them away from the ocean and towards land. “Are we where at Mirai’s house yet?” Asked Pan.

“Soon.” Bra assured her. “I think.” She looked at Trunks.

“We don’t exactly know his address.” Trunks admitted.

“We just find a Capsule Corp building or a police station.” Said Goten “They’ll help us.” That didn’t sound like too bad of an idea so, they kept their course to West City of this current reality and landed not too far out of city limits.

“P-chan I need you to do me a favor.” Said Bra.

“Of course.” Said Pan, she would do anything for best friend.

“I need you to stay here until I call you through are link. Then you are to hit this button.”

“Okay.” Said Pan.

“Do you think you can steer the time machine to come get us?”

“Yeah, I can. I watched you and Trunks steer us here.”

“Good. We’ll be back.” Goten climbed up into Videl’s arms and he, Trunks and Bra left.


Capsule Corp

Mirai Toranksu Vegeta Briefs looked at the desk of paperwork. Most of it
was done and he was starting to get bored. There was next to nothing for him here really. His assistant Leena could run this office with or without him here. And his mom was still president of Capsule Corp and she was dating again even. So it’s not like she really needed him around. His world was safe and more or less didn’t need him either. So maybe he could go back just for a visit and see how his friends and other family were doing. Just then the intercom went off. “Uhm sir there is a miss Videl Satan to see you.” He didn’t remember reading that on the list of appointments for today, but then again he didn‘t have any appointments for today. “Send her in.” He answered. A young dark haired woman entered with three children. “Hi can I help you?” Mirai asked, as he slowly noticed the girl and the boy walking with her. The girl looked like a young version of his mother and the boy well looked like a younger version of HIM.

“We need your help big brother.” Said the girl “Niichan is sad and we need to help him.”

“Niichan.” Said Mirai confused.

“He’s our babysitter.” The little boy Videl was holding answered. Then he squirmed. And next thing they all knew the little boy, Goten, removed a tail from inside his pants where it was starting to become very uncomfortable.

“Much better.” He said then saw they were all looking at him.

“Did I do something bad Tru-chan?”

“A tail?” Mirai was surprised but it would appear not as surprised as Videl.

“W-w-where d-did he get that?” She asked.

“I was born with it. All saiyan babies are.” Said Goten confused. Bra slapped her forehead and started muttering things under her breath.

“Um chibi, that is not usually information we share with other people okay?” Said Trunks gently.

“Little me?” Mirai muttered. “Uhm what are your names?” He asked out loud

“Sorry.” Said Bra remembering they were taught to have manners.

“I’m Bra this is my older brother Trunks and this is Goten.”

“The Space Pod fairy sent Pan and me back to earth.” Goten explained. “We live at Capsule Corp now.” Then Goten looked at Trunks. “Did I say something bad again Tru-chan?”

“Not exactly. But let’s not mention the Space Pod Fairy to anyone again.”

“But this is your big brother from another place. He isn’t a baka ningen so we can tell him right?” Asked Goten confused. Mirai sat down and realized that his day wasn’t going to be as boring as he thought. “You come from another reality? Where?”

“Where you beat up King Cold, Frieza and their space donkeys and Niichan blew up Cell.” Said Goten.

“Space donkeys.” Said Mirai. Bra gave him a look. “Right the space donkeys.”

His attention turned to the lost looking girl in the delivery uniform. “And you’re here with them?”

“She’s our hostage.” Goten explained. Mirai looked at him, then back at Videl then noticed that Bra was indeed discreetly pointing a blaster at the girl. “We are going to need you to come back with us.” Bra said calmly.

“Right.” Said Mirai. He knew he could probably disarm the kid. But this situation was definitely turning weirder. Bra knew that the older demi saiyan wouldn’t hurt them but he wasn’t too keen on the hostage situation either. So she did the first thing she could think of she tossed the blaster high up into the air. Mirai went for it and Bra quickly flew up and hit him with the right force on the side of the neck to knock him out. Mirai fell to the floor. “Well that worked.” She said simply.

“Why did you just do that?” Asked Trunks.

“The original plan wasn’t working so I changed plans.” Said Bra.

“So we are kidnapping him?” Said Trunks.

“Yep.” Said Bra.

“I am going to get arrested for this I just know it.” Videl muttered.

“Why? You’re our hostage.” Said Goten.

“Because no one is going to believe that an 18 year old got kidnapped by four kids and then used for a second kidnapping. If anything I am the one that is doing all the kidnapping.”

“Grow ups can be awful dumb sometimes.” Said Bra. *Pan, bring the time machine to us now.* she called mentally. They then half carried half dragged the unconscious vice president to the roof of the building for pick up.

“See no problem.” Said Bra to the others. “Now all we need to do is get big brother back home so he can help Nii-chan.”

“Your baby sitter.” Said Videl.

“Exactly.” Said Pan. Trunks and Bra took over the controls from Pan and they headed back home with no problems.



Well almost.

The time machine materialized in Bulma’s lab. Bulma ran to it as the door opened and the kids and Videl came out with Mirai.

“Look Kaasan we found Bra and Trunks’s older brother!” Said Goten excitedly.

“Hi.” Said Videl not sure what else to say. Technically she was trespassing right now. “Oh you must be the hostage.” Said Bulma.

“Uhm yes. I know that sounds weird…”

“With these four I’m ready to believe just about anything.” Said Bulma.

“Don’t worry I know what happened in the lab so I already called your boss you aren’t in trouble and one of your co-workers finished the rest of the deliveries.” She than gave Videl enough money for the rest of the pizzas and a pretty good size tip for all the trouble she had gone through.

“So does this mean I am not an accessory in the kidnapping of your other son? “Videl asked. Bulma shook her head. “Just so we are clear.” Videl said. “It’s all fine you can go back now and Stan says he probably owes you more money and at least dinner by now.” Bulma told her. Videl laughed. “We had some bets going on.” She explained. “One was which of the co-workers was going to have the weirdest day and or week. So far I am in the lead.” Videl said goodbye to everyone, and Bulma called her a cab to get her back to the Capsule Corp building for her delivery car. Although, it was the end of Videl Satan’s odd day. Sadly for Mirai Trunks the weirdness was only beginning.


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