Let's Make Nii-Chan Happy Again!
by Galacia     More by this Writer
When Trunks, Bra, Goten and Pan notice that their babysitter Gohan is unhappy they decide to try and find Gohan’s friend Mirai from the future so they can ask him how to make Gohan happy.

Chapter 02: I'm A What?!
A/N: There are probably going to be a couple of short visits from a lot of people in this story but it’s mainly focused around Mirai and Gohan. No there isn’t a triangle between Videl Gohan and Mirai. She is only involved as moral support or in the vocational sense.
A/N 2: Mirai is a addressed by two names in this chapter. When he is thinking I am still calling him Mirai because they are the same person.

With the Pizza girl gone, and the chibis eating Bulma decided to check on her time traveling son. She hoped that he wouldn’t have problems adjusting to his new circumstances. A lot of things had changed in both their reality and probably his own. Plus she couldn’t get over the funniest feeling that something was wrong, or going to happen. “You’re being silly old girl.” She muttered to herself. “Everything is fine.”

Mirai stirred and he opened his eyes. “Mom? How long was I out? I just had the strangest dream,” He said although most of it seemed to be more to himself than anything.

“About an hour I would say.” Bulma told him.

“You’re date still on for tonight? Want me to wait up for you?” Mirai asked.

“Wait up for me?”

“I just figured it was my turn to do the waiting up to 2 am thing since you’re the one dating. You’re still going to the movies with Bruce tonight aren’t you?”

“Bruce?” Asked Bulma.

“Your new boyfriend? Kinda looks a little like a fusion of Yamacha and Goku which I have been meaning to ask you about by the way…” He trailed off as he looked carefully at Bulma, then caught some of the scents and the ki’s fluxuating around the house. “I wasn’t dreaming was I?” He asked. Bulma shook her head no. “I really got kidnapped and brought back in time?”

Bulma nodded her head yes.

“Knocked out by an 8yr old girl?” Bulma nodded. The chibis had filled her in on some of the details already. “And dropped into a lake?”

“All of it happened.” Bulma assured him. “Bra apologises by the way. The original plan was to convince you to come back to them.”

“She mentioned someone called Nii-chan.”

“They meant Gohan.”

“Is something wrong?” Mirai asked concerned. The Gohan of his time had been a close friend and mentor and some of the bond he had for his old friend seemed to rub off on the younger demi of the past.

“They believe he is unhappy and since the two of you were pretty close when you were last here you might be able to help make him happy again. Advice, just you being here… I am not sure. I don’t think they do either but your return should help somewhat anyway.”

“I hope I can. When can I see him?”

“He should be here soon.” She noticed that he seemed to be acting a little anxious “Are you alright?”

“Yeah. It’s just been awhile since I’ve seen everyone and I am wondering what’s been happening that’s all.”

“Well I think I can get you a bit up to speed on that.” Bulma answered. And they began talking about how things bad been since Mirai left, The Z fighters and what they had been up to and the four mischevious chibis down stairs.

“Where did Bra get that blaster anyway?” Mirai asked.

“Probably some memento of your father’s that she conned him out of. She can get away with practically anything where your father is concerned.”

“Yeah. I suppose Dad had to have a soft spot somewhere. Is Bra more like him personality wise or something?”

“Possibly, or maybe it’s that age old universal Momma’s boy and Daddy’s little girl scenario. The mother’s favor their sons and the father’s favor their daughters.”

“That happens sometimes. Other times it’s probably just the personality of the kids maybe and which one they they tug the heart strings the most of.” Bulma agreed he had a point and they began talking until the door bell rang.

“NII-CHAN!! NII-CHAN!!!” Came the joyful cries of the children from down stairs.

“Why don’t you rest here why I go see if I can free him up for you?” Asked Bulma and she went down stairs. Mirai laid down on the bed in thought. It had been a while since he last saw the Gohan of this time. Chances were by now he’d look exactly like the Gohan of his time. ‘Not a big deal. I can handle this.’ He thought to himself. ‘It’s not exactly like seeing a ghost. And besides there are bound to be some differences I mean from circumstances and stuff. Why am I rambling on in my head like this? Sheesh it’s not like I am attracted to Gohan or something!’ He looked outside and saw the sun beginning to set ‘Hmm looks the same here as it does at home.’ He thought. He felt a little light headed so he went to the bathroom and washed his face. And then it happened…


This surprised shout carried down stairs and caught the attention of Goten. Who had been excluded from a rather loud lecture the other three were getting from Bulma and Vegeta about using ki blasts to light the oven and “Helping Vegeta” By turning up the gravity in the GR without asking first. And maybe it would be better that they didn’t tackle Gohan in greeting and send him smashing through the shut door. So Goten was free to investigate the strange noise from upstairs and he went up to see what it was.

When he reached the bathroom he saw a rather pretty but perplexed looking girl.

“Hi.” Goten greeted “Are you here to play with Nii-chan?”

“Uh… I… What’s going on?” She asked.

“Come on.” Said Goten, taking the girl by the hand and leading her downstairs. “You are probably the girl that the harpy lady sent to play with Gohan.”

“I am?” The girl asked confused by everything that seemed to be taking place. “When the fu-fudge did that happen?”

“Probably as soon as the harpy heard you were going to be within a 20 mile radius of her overly available brat.” Said Vegeta seeing them enter the room

“Goten who is this?” Asked Bulma.

“She was upstairs in the bathroom. She’s come to play with Nii-chan.” Goten explained. “I think.”

“I see.” Said Bulma. Although mysteriously enough the girl seemed to be giving her frantic motions. Although she couldn’t quite make out what she was trying to say. But the first set seemed to be: “How the hell did I get boobs? All I did was wash my face and I got them! What the hell is in the water around here?” That was as far as Bulma was able to translate before Gohan and the other three saiyan children entered the room. They all seemed to be in a better and more behaved mood now. Gohan always seemed able to do that to them. Gohan and the girl locked gaze. “Uhm hi. I’m Gohan Son. Nice to meet you and these are Bra, Pan, Trunks and Goten. And this is Bulma Briefs and the strange man glaring at us is Vegeta. It’s not you, he’s always like that.” Vegeta shook his head baka Kakarot’s brat. He usually acted intelligent and now it was like he was channeling his father’s stupidity or something, all over some ningen female. Actually it was just this particular one for some reason.

“So now you know who we are.” Gohan continued “What is your name?”

“My name…” Said the girl, although to Vegeta she looked like a mouse in a corner looking for an escape route. ‘How the hell am I going to get out of this?’ Mirai thought. ‘I can’t just use my own name he won’t believe me. Wait a minute why do I care if he believes me? Its TRUE Dammit Mom will help me convince every one right? Or at least help me get back into my own body. How the HELL did this happen?” Goten on the other hand, oblivious to his companion’s plight and the confusing situation in general was looking towards the kitchen for something to eat. He was hungry and there hadn’t been enough before when the others managed to destroy the oven. He saw some of the pizza boxes from earlier on the floor. There was more pizza from earlier in the day, when the pizza girl was there. Maybe one of the grownups would get it for him.

“Pizza!” He said happily.

“Pizza?” Asked Gohan misunderstanding the youngest demi’s statement. “It’s different I like it.”

“What?” Asked the confused Mirai turned female and then realized what had happened. Gohan thought pizza was his/her name. “But you better not think about laughing Rice boy.”

“I didn’t plan to.” Gohan said quickly. “I just think it’s different that’s all.”

“Okay. So when are you going to have your date?” asked Bra. She didn’t like Gohan leaving so soon but ever since Goten brought the girl in he had seemed better than he had in a while.

“Date?” Gohan and ‘Pizza’ asked together.

“Isn’t that why she’s here?” Prompted Trunks “To go on a date with you?”

“Right a date.” Laughed ‘Pizza’ nervously.

“Right.” Said Gohan. “I know this is probably sudden but… would you like to go to the movies?”

“Sure. Movies that would be fine.” Said Mirai. “What am I SAYING?”

Goten on the other hand was confused. Hungry + ask grown up usually = food for Goten. What had happened? Why was there no food? Okay, time for a more direct approach to the problem. He went up to Gohan and tugged on his pant leg. “I’m hungry.” He was immeadately picked up by Gohan.

“Sorry about that little buddy let’s get you some food huh?” Goten smiled this was much better. “I guess all of you are still hungry?” Gohan asked. The other three’s stomachs all growled before they could answer. Gohan looked at Vegeta. “I know you think having four is a little much but do you have to starve them Vegeta?” The look in his eyes said he was kidding.. So Vegeta growled back. “Want one? Take em. There are too many little ankle biters around here anyway.” He then went up stairs to take a shower. “We can heat you up something in the microwave.” Said Gohan and he the chibis and Mirai went into the kitchen.

While Mirai and Gohan feed the kids and Vegeta took a shower, Bulma went back upstairs to talk with Mirai, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. “That’s weird where did he go?” Bulma asked out loud

She went to where Vegeta was showering. “Vegeta have you seen Mirai? He’s gone.”

“No I don’t know where he is. He’s probably catching up everything he’s missed by exploring the towns and such. Besides if anything was wrong I would be able to feel it in his ki and he’s fine. So unless you plan to join me in the shower I suggest you leave me in peace.” Bulma left. It was hard to get Vegeta interested in anything. That didn’t involve training eating or sex. Despite his protests that saiyans were a superior warrior race and all that, there were times he just seemed like any other typical male. She went down stairs and found the girl and Gohan feeding the kids.

“So you are going to the movies?” Asked Goten.

“Yep.” Said Pizza.

“What are you going to see?”

“We’re not sure yet.”

“Want us to come along and help?” Asked Bra.

“Yeah going to the wrong movie could really screw things up.” Said Trunks “And we really don’t know who we are sending our Nii-chan out with. We don’t want him to get his heart to get frapped.”

“I have no plans on frapping Gohan’s heart.” Said Pizza.

“Yeah that would put a damper on things.” Said Pan. “So want us to come with you?”

Gohan and Pizza looked at each other. “Okay. I guess.” Said Gohan.

“Me too.” Said Pizza. ‘What have I done?’ Mirai asked mentally. But he was stuck for it, he had a date with Gohan and the four chibis and they all thought he was a girl named Pizza.


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