Hidden Talents
by Katlynne     More by this Writer
Vegeta has Goku help him get the demi saiyans into the Prince's pack.
Group Sex Incest

Part 1
Gohan landed in front of his old home. He was still feeling the effects of Videl's betrayal, and the blast she had sent his way. His father had been right, he shouldn't have taught her to make ki blasts, but at the time he hadn't seen the harm in it. Of course, he hadn't imagined walking in on his wife and her lover, either. The demi-Saiyan had come home from work, walked into his bedroom, intent of taking a shower before dinner, and found his wife in a very compromising position. She had been on her back with her legs in the air. It had startled him to find her having sex, it had floored him that it was with another woman. Not thinking he had said the first thing to come into his head.

"Can I watch?"

No wonder she had yelled at him, then blasted him. Gohan looked at his tattered clothes. He should have listened to what Goku had said. After all, his father had a lot of experience dealing with a wife who had a temper that scared even the Saiyan prince. Vegeta hadn't come over much after Goku had moved back home. Chichi had laid down the law the first time the slight Saiyan had shown up. Only one day a week would she allow Goku to spar, otherwise he had things to do. She had prodded him about getting a job. Goku had taken care of that. He had dragged her with him for interviews. After the fifth one, and sitting through the rejection, Gohan's mother had stopped bugging his dad.

Now Chichi was gone, divorcing Goku to go live with her father. Gohan wasn't sure why she had done it, but if his father didn't mind, he wasn't going to interfere. At the moment he thanked Dende that his mother wasn't there to see how low he had sunk.

"Hey Gohan. Going to stand out here all day, or are you coming in?" Goku said from the doorway. He thought his son looked a little on edge, and he smelled of smoke. Come to think of it, his clothes looked a little singed around the edges.

"Hi Dad. Can I stay here a few days? Videl threw me out."

"Sure. It will be nice to have company."

Gohan shook his head. That was so Goku, nothing got to him. Time and time again things would happen around him, but instead of getting bent out of shape about it, Goku would just go with the flow. If he needed to fight, he fought. If he needed to talk, he talked. Heading into the house, Gohan wondered if he would ever get to that point.


Over dinner, Goku asked his son about what happened. It wasn't that he wanted to know, just that he could feel Gohan's need to talk about it. From what the older Saiyan could see, there were a lot of things his son needed, talking seemed to be the easiest to deal with right now.

"I caught her with another woman." Gohan said dejectedly.


"She was having sex with another woman."

"And you're upset because she was cheating on your vows, or that you couldn't watch?"

Gohan's mouth dropped open. That hadn't come out of his innocent father. "Dad, you don't understand."

"Sure I do. Your mother was the same way. Face it, humans aren't the most consistent of species. Comes from not forming a bond when you find somebody you love."

"Are Saiyans any more consistent?"

"It's not like they didn't cheat on their mates. I'm sure some did, but the link between minds makes it hard to hide the fact."

"Do you have that kind of connection?"

"Not with your mother. I never did."

"That was evading the question."

"You don't want to know. Now how about dessert? I made a pie this afternoon."

"Oh all right, I'll let it go for now. Pie sounds good."

Goku cleared the dirty dishes, and went to get the pie. He was glad that Gohan wasn't pushing the issue. He didn't want to disillusion his son, but he insisted on thinking of him as some innocent sap who lived in the woods. In reality the opposite was true. Goku knew a lot about life, love, and living. He seemed happy all the time because, for the most part, he was. Once Chichi had left, he had followed his heart, and allowed himself to be claimed. That was the way he was. After dying and being dead so long, he had learned much about life in general, and himself specifically. He found out why he hadn't been truly happy with his ex-wife. Once he had come back to life again, he had done what he needed so that he was.

Taking the pie back to the table, Goku sliced it up, making sure to leave half in the pan. He served Gohan, then sat down to enjoy his cooking. This was another thing he enjoyed that his ex had kept him from doing. Why people thought he couldn't cook, he'd never know. What do they think he did all those years he had lived alone after his grandfather had died, eat his food raw? Not that he didn't like a little fresh kill now and then. When Chichi left, he had cooked what he wanted, and had shared it with the one who had claimed him. It was a source of pride that he often fed his partner when they finished having sex.

"Boy Dad, this is good." Gohan said, wolfing down his sweet treat.


"I'll do the dishes."

"No, I think you need a shower, and some time to yourself to think over what you are going to do now. Wait a few minutes while I put the dishes in to soak, then you can get cleaned up."

"Yea, I do smell like smoke. I think some of my hair got fried."

"Next time, try ducking."

Gohan chuckled as his father cleaned up the table, and put the dishes in the sink. It felt good to be here. His father always could calm him down, ease his worries. With a sigh he went to see what clothes he had left and get that shower.


Goku sat at the table, sipping tea and waiting. Every night it was the same thing, but he didn't mind. Sometimes his lover showed, and some times not. The tall Saiyan understood that it was hard for his partner to accept the way things were. It was years ago that they had taken the step and deepened their relationship, but only lately had he seen signs of change. Goku figured that his mate needed the time to sort through things. That was all right with the spiky-haired Saiyan, he would wait as long as he had to, he knew how his partner felt about him.

Gohan walked into the kitchen, and watched his father. It seemed that the tall Saiyan never changed. He looked as young as he had when the demi-Saiyan was a child. Maybe it was all those years he was dead, maybe it was just Saiyan physiology, it didn't really matter. As he was looking at Goku, he noticed some things he hadn't before. Gohan straightened up as he realized that his father was a very handsome man. It wasn't that he was a classic beauty, it was the fresh appeal of a dew drop on the morning grass, or the hint of a rainbow over a water fall. Something that was so natural that you didn't see it, then suddenly you noticed, and wondered why you hadn't before.

As he was standing there taking in the blue black hair, the creamy white skin, the dreamy expression, Gohan felt himself harden. In a daze he wondered what was going on. He was attracted to his father, and for some reason it felt right. In his mind there was the nagging bit of guilt that he was thinking of going to bed with Goku, but his body was all for the idea. Then there was the fact that it should have felt like he was cheating on Videl, but it didn't. He didn't even think of it that way. There was no thought of getting back at her by having sex with another man, let alone his father. All that was there was the warm sense of lust that he hadn't felt in a few years, not since Pan had been born.

Feeling like he was being watched, Goku turned and smiled at his son. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the look in Gohan's eyes, and smelled the scent of arousal that was coming from him. Goku stood, then moved over to where his son was standing.

"Have an awakening?" Goku asked.

"Yes. You knew?"

"Since I came back from being dead, but it's your choice. I wont do anything you don't want to."

"What about the person you have the bond with? Will they mind you making love with your son?"

Goku laughed. "More then likely they will ask to watch, like you did Videl."

"They? As in more then one?"

"Some times. Most times no, just one."

"You've changed."

"Not really. You just didn't see it." Goku ran his finger long Gohan's cheek, feeling the smooth skin that warmed under his touch. The lanky Saiyan leaned down and gently kissed the waiting lips, easing his tongue past to taste and tease. The demi-Saiyan moaned, he'd never felt like this from a kiss. Warm, eased, cherished in a way that seemed to seep into his bones. Tomorrow could take care of itself, tonight he needed this gentle man.

Goku took Gohan's hand and led him upstairs to his room. He wanted to give him every opportunity to stop before things got too far. He didn't want regrets to get in the way.

"Gohan, we can stop now. You don't have to do anything you aren't ready for."

"No, I want this. I need it, in some way I can't explain."

"All right." Goku understood better then Gohan could imagine. It was the Saiyan blood in him that was calling for the touch of another. They weren't made to be solitary beings. Not having a pack, they sought out females in hopes of filling that void in their lives, but it wasn't enough. When another Saiyan offered to touch you as only they could, your blood, instincts, whatever you wanted to call it, would crave it. Goku also knew that once the line was crossed, you couldn't go back. Things would change for Gohan after tonight.

Gohan watched his father undress, sucking in a breath as a sleek black tail was revealed when he took off his shirt. It was long and thicker than he remembered his tail being, the fur ruffled in spots. He wanted to run his hand along the length, to ease the fur down, then ruffle it back.

"I didn't know you had your tail back."

"It happens." Goku flicked his tail, cracking it like a whip, the fur rising then settling into place. With a grin, he went back to undressing, pulling off boots, then pants. Gohan realized that his father, the man who was showing him a side he never knew was there, didn't wear underwear. For some reason, the fact amused him.

"Going to stand there all night or what?" Goku asked, pulling the demi-Saiyan from his thoughts. He watched as the tall Saiyan settled on the bed against the pillows. There were more of the fluffy things then Gohan remembered. His mother never liked fluff, just had serviceable plain bed pillows and nothing else. Now there were all different shapes and sizes, covered in silks and satins, the perfect frame to the spiky headed Saiyan that rested against them.

With some amusement, Goku watched his son try and undress without looking at what he was doing. He almost fell when he was trying to get his pants off, forgetting that he needed to take his shoes off first. Finally, Gohan sat on the floor, and undid his shoes, managing to knot the laces before just pulling them off. Then he stood again, and took his pants off, while trying to walk to the bed.

Gohan watched as his father's tail slipped over his hip to cover his evident arousal. He wondered what the fur felt like against the sensitive skin, then thought it must feel good because Goku closed his eyes. Moving to the bed, he watched as the black fur moved over the white skin. The contrast of color enhanced both, making him want to touch and taste. He had never really thought of having sex with a male before, but now could hardly wait.

The Goku opened his eyes to see the intent look that his son was giving him. "Want to touch it?" He asked, gaining a nod as an answer. With a feral smile, he eased his tail away from the hardness at his groin to wrap the end around the demi-Saiyan's hand. Gohan had never felt anything as soft, yet strong. The only thing he could think to compare it to was a fist covered in sable. He watched the muscles play, the lights throwing blue highlights along the length as Goku flexed and relaxed his Saiyan appendage.

"It's so soft." Gohan sighed, he ran his fingers deep into the fur. He ruffled the soft hairs, then smoothed them back down, turning to look at the long body that was stretched out beside him on the bed. Goku had turned onto his side, curling around Gohan's hips. He sighed, then put his arms around his son's waist, as the demi-Saiyan continued to play with his tail.

"Feels good." Goku purred, nuzzling the trim side that was presented to him. Gohan laughed lightly as this wild Saiyan licked at his skin, tickling him, and then soothing the area. He was enjoying himself, but wanted to move on. Deciding that he had to make the moves, he lay down along Goku. Running his hand over the wide chest, the younger male felt the muscles move with the sensations he was causing to run over the sensitive skin. When brawny Saiyan rolled over again to lay on his back, Gohan moved to lean over him. A wide palmed hand reached up, and pulled him down to share a heated kiss. The demi-Saiyan felt a wildness spread over him as he plumbed the depths of the mouth below him.

It was totally different with Goku than it was with Videl. With her, he had to be so careful, not being able to use any strength for fear of hurting her. She'd had such a hard time when she had given birth to Pan, that he had promised never to get her pregnant again. It had hurt something inside of him when he had seen her with her lover, but he was coming to understand a little. He thought that maybe it was his reluctance to make love to her that had pushed her to find the closeness she needed. He was feeling that need now. The longing to not only satiate himself in the larger body of his father, but to share a closeness of his soul that he knew he could with Goku.

While Gohan was thinking about what he was feeling, Goku was busy learning the body of his new lover. He ran his hand down his son's back, feeling the scar where his tail once was attached to his body. With a grin, he ran his fingers over it, feeling the jerk and intake of breath as the sensitive spot was exploited. The tall Saiyan turned the body in his arms until the demi-Saiyan was laying on top of him.

"Feels good?" Goku asked.

"Hmm... yes. More."

Flipping them over, Goku reached over, opened the drawer in the night table, and found the lotion he kept there. Easing onto his hands and knees, he looked down at his son.

"You'll need this." He said, slipping the tube into Gohan's slack hand. It was then that the demi-Saiyan realized just what his father was offering. He was willing to let the younger Saiyan take control, and it pulled him deeper into the caring depths of this new Saiyan world.

He was finding out that there were more sides to the other half of him, ones he had never seen. Sure there was the war loving side, the one that compelled a Saiyan to fight, to reach for more power over and over again. The willingness to be beaten until you couldn't stand, the blood lust that he could never come to terms with. It always embarrassed him when he got an erection while fighting, thinking there was something wrong with him, but he was finding out that Saiyans were a breed apart, and that Sons were even rarer. That Goku knew what people needed, and was so attuned he could tell that Gohan needed to fill, not be filled, that would come later. The gentle Saiyan was giving him unconditional love along with a willing lover that he could be himself with. He could let the wilder Saiyan side out to play now, and the younger man knew that he really needed to do that at least once in his life. He may never make love with Goku again, but for tonight he was going to do his best to see that the trust he was being shown wasn't wasted.

Goku eased over onto his back, making sure not to lay on his tail. He pulled one of the pillows from behind his head, one that was a leopard print and was round, and settled it under the small of his back. He knew that the pillow would tilt his hips, making the experience of penetration more intense for both of them. He could feel the waves of different emotions coming for his son. The gentle Saiyan knew he had to be patient. It took a lot to change, and Gohan was going through some big changes right now. Not his body changing, but his mind, his thoughts were running on new tracks. New possibilities were opening up for him and he was seeing a new side to his life. For a moment Goku cursed Chichi silently. She pushed the demi-Saiyan into a life that he wasn't suited for in the long run. Work was all well and good, but all work made life too difficult for a Saiyan. They needed freedom; to play, to fight, to roam, and Chichi had stifled those needs in his son so severely, that now Gohan was being hurt by the decisions he had made in his life.

Gohan opened the tube, and squeezed some onto his hand. He ran it over his erection, feeling the lotion make the skin slick. Turning to his father, he grinned when he saw the way he was laying there. Never failed, Goku was always one step ahead, be it with him, or with Vegeta. That thought brought the younger Saiyan up short. Why had he associated the Saiyan prince with his father and what they were doing now? Then he noticed a faint scent.

"You mated with Vegeta?" Gohan asked.

"Yes. A while ago. He hasn't come to terms with it yet, but I know how he feels."

"Will he mind?" Motioning to the bed, and the way Goku was positioned.

"Like I said, he's more likely to watch. After all, this is a very Saiyan thing. He always likes to see me when I'm being Saiyan."

It was too confusing for the demi-Saiyan. To not mind when your mate has sex with another seemed to be the complete opposite from what he thought he knew of Saiyans. He would have thought that Vegeta would be angry with Goku, more likely to blast him when he found out, but his father was acting like it was normal for Saiyans to make love with different people.

"Stop thinking so hard. It's simple. My body can be shared, my emotions are his. He knows where my heart lays, right at his white booted feet. That's the way it is with Saiyans. We're a passionate lot, and not meant to deny ourselves. That's part of your problem with Videl."

"So what should I do about her?"



"Do you think she loves you less for loving another?"

"I don't know."

"So until you do, you should do nothing. No yelling, no fighting, and no accusing. Wait for her to tell you how she feels."

"Oh." Gohan thought that over. It shed new light on the relationship between his mother and father. It had always seemed that Chichi was continually angry at Goku, but the truth was, most times when she was yelling, she was telling him how she felt. His dad had let her yell and was quiet, not because he was weak, but because he was listening. Gohan shook off his thoughts, now wasn't the time for deep thinking. His body was starting to tell him that the time for action was here, and his erection was starting to throb.

Leaning over, Gohan kissed the tall Saiyan. "Thank you for explaining."

"You'll have more questions later, I'm sure."

Gohan sat back up, and squeezed more lotion onto his hand. Goku slipped his fingers into it, and ran them over the head of the demi-Saiyan's hardness. The younger male sucked in a breath at the sensations that the gentle touch was evoking in him. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back, purring at the feel of the large hand wrap around him and pulling. It felt so good, better than he could have imagined.

Opening his eyes, he looked over his father's body. The sculpted plains and valleys were highlighted by the lights glinting off the sheen of sweat that was resting on the surface of his skin. He looked so touchable at this moment that Gohan couldn't resist. Reaching out he ran his fingers over the erection that was nestled between the long legs. Goku sighed, and moved his legs apart, giving the younger Saiyan a silent invitation. Gohan couldn't wait much longer, and smoothly moved into the space offered. Using more of the lotion, he eased his hand under a thigh, searching for the opening of Goku's body. He felt as Goku moved his legs until they were bent at the knees, giving him more access to the area he sought. Slipping a finger into the pucker he found between the firm mounds of the tall Saiyan's ass cheeks, Gohan felt how tight a fit it was going to be. Taking his time, he stretched the muscle pressing another finger in when the first was moving with more ease. Pressing deep, he felt and heard the sharp intake of breath when he brushed over the bundle of nerves that was his father's prostate. Gohan felt the muscle around his fingers ease more as he continued to brush that spot.

Goku groaned, this slow pace was going to kill him, but he didn't want to rush Gohan's explorations. He knew this was the first time he had made love to a male. There were things he wasn't sure of, and things he was finding out. Taking his hand from around the younger man's erection, he used it to fist the sheets when those questing fingers found the spot he needed touched.

Gohan almost lost it when he heard the groans and moans he was getting from Goku. The sounds were pushing him on, urging him to finish what he had started. He watched as that large hand that had given him pleasure, fisted in the sheets as if to hold onto reality.

"Will this hurt?" Gohan moved his hand away from the now loosened opening. He settled himself closer to the tilted hips of his soon to be lover.

"At first, but you've taken time to prepare me so there wont be much."

"I don't want to hurt you."

Goku was amused, he gave Gohan a lopsided smile. "Go ahead. I'm a lot stronger than I look."

Gohan laughed, the motion of his amusement making his body press closer, the head of his erection slipping into the opening he had prepared. With a gasp, he pressed farther in, the muscles tightening around his length then releasing. He stopped when he felt the place he had teased with his fingers. Goku purred, flicking his tail up to run down Gohan's back urging him to move. The demi-Saiyan complied, pulling out and sliding slowly back in. He couldn't believe the feelings he was experiencing. He never knew it could be like this. Setting a slow but even pace, he bit his lip to keep from moaning.

Goku reached up, and pulled the younger Saiyan's lip free, touching the bead of blood that had been drawn. As Gohan watched, he licked the red dot from his finger, a different look passing over his father's face as the blood touched off a more feral reaction then he would have thought. Showing his fangs, Goku surged against him, pushing his hips up, and driving the hardness inside him deeper. Gohan gasped and picked up the pace, moving deeper and harder. Soon he was slamming his hips against the body below him, totally enjoying the freedom to use his full strength for once when he made love.

The tall Saiyan was in heaven. The hardness within him was brushing his prostate with each hard thrust. The sculpted abdomen that was pressed against his was stimulating his arousal. There was only one thing missing, but he would see to it. Pulling Gohan down, he kissed him, moving his lips along the warm cheek down the throat that was above him. The younger Saiyan wasn't sure what was happening, but he tilted his head to give the nibbling lips and teeth more access.

Goku knew it was now or never, he was nearing his peak, and if the sounds coming from his son was any indication, he was getting close too. He licked over the spot he wanted to bite, then pressed his fangs into the offered flesh, breaking the skin and earning a yelp. He licked at the wound, sucking the blood down until it slowed to a stop. Turning his head, he offered the unmarked side of his neck to Gohan, who felt the urge to bite come over him so strong he couldn't resist. Licking and nipping he found the spot where Goku's neck and shoulder connected and made his mark, growling at the blood that flooded into his mouth and down his throat. He felt the tall Saiyan lift his hips and slam them against him, then the hot flood of his father's seed spread over their chests and stomachs. Goku purred while his son slammed his hips into him a few times, then listened to his shout when he came deep within the depths of his body. Pulling him down, he kissed him deeply, sharing the last taste of blood that was on their lips.

Gohan sighed, rolling off his father's body to lay against his side. He had never felt so complete as he did now. Goku shifted, pulling the pillow out from under his back, and settling down on the bed. Rolling onto his side, he watched his son grin then close his eyes and slip into sleep.

"I see you finally did it. Did he mark you?" Vegeta's voice reached the resting Saiyan on the bed.

"After I marked him. It was only right." Goku said, rolling onto his other side to look at the Saiyan prince sitting in the window. He had known when Vegeta had shown up, but was busy at the time and didn't want to interrupt what he was doing.

Vegeta nodded. "Good. Next we need Trunks, and where he goes, Goten will follow."

"Yes, my prince." Goku grinned.

"I don't know if I should kill you now or join you." Vegeta said, looking over Gohan's body. His plan to form a pack of Saiyans by getting the demi-Saiyans marked and bonded to the tall man on the bed was being followed as he had ordered. He had come up with the idea after he had mated with Goku. If he could bind one Saiyan to him, why not the rest? The prince knew of Trunks' attraction to Goku, but he hadn't know about Gohan. Goku had done this on his own, and had enjoyed it, from the look of things.

"If you kill me, then you'll have problems gaining your pack. Come to bed, it's warm, and there's more than enough room." Goku gave the prince a grin full of fangs. Vegeta gave in to temptation. He walked over, and rolled on top of the large willing body. The spiky headed Saiyan laughed. "Going for sloppy seconds?"

"Slut. Only if you roll over, and flip that tail out of the way."

"So commanding. Get off and I will."

Vegeta rolled back off the bed, slipping out of his training suit and boots. Goku watched, then rolled over until he could gain his hands and knees. Looking over his shoulder he watched as his mate got into position. The prince gripped the blue black tail and held it to the side, moving closer to his target.

Gohan woke when the bed shifted, just in time to see Vegeta plunge his cock into his father's heat. He was a bit astonished that Goku had the stamina to have another go. He himself was worn out, all the emotional stress, and then the physical exertion sapping his strength. When he felt his father looking at him, he smiled, then moved to kiss him.

Vegeta watched the heated kiss between Sons. His mate was doing well, teaching without shoving information down the young demi-Saiyan's throat. The plan was working, all he had to do was sit back and let the tall Saiyan work his charms. There was something about Goku that drew males like flies. He was the perfect slut, willing to have sex with whoever the prince chose. Slamming his hips against his mate's, he ascended.

Goku gasped, then growled as Vegeta reached super Saiyan. He batted him with his tail, hoping to avoid further punishment. Gohan watched them, knowing how tight his father, was and that the prince was now hammering into him at super speed. He gasped when he felt a tug at the back of his mind, realizing it was Goku and Vegeta talking.


/Be quiet. I'm not mad./

/I'm ok. Do you need more?/


Goku leaned his face down to the sheets and growled, slapping at the prince with his tail. Vegeta howled tossing his head back, and showing fangs that gleamed in the lights. Gohan never saw anything so sensual and yet so violent. He wondered if they were always like this.

/No. Only when he needs to prove his dominance./ The answer flitted though Gohan's head. The demi-Saiyan blinked. That was his father who had spoken to him, but he hadn't heard words, it was more the impression of them.

The tall Saiyan lowered his power level even more, grinding his face into the bedding. It hurt, but he knew that the pleasure was there too. Vegeta wasn't lowering his power at all, holding it just above super Saiyan. The prince turned deep shining eyes on the younger Saiyan and reached over for him. Gohan had enough time to squeak before a golden hand closed around his neck, pulling him close to the elder Saiyan's face.

"Boy, know now that you are mine, as Kakarrot is." Vegeta said, kissing Gohan as his words sank in. The demi-Saiyan moaned into his mouth, opening so he could use his tongue to taste the blood that was still there. When the prince felt the young man's hand grab hold of his shoulder, he let go of his neck, tilting it until he could nip at his throat. Biting down, he felt Gohan stiffen, then slide boneless against him to purr while Vegeta sipped at his blood. Knowing that he had to close the circle the bites had made, the prince offered his arm to the resting Saiyan. Gohan looked up, and when he got a nod of the golden head, bit down, tasting of the royal blood.

Vegeta went back to making love to his mate. Goku had stayed still a long time, and the prince knew he was still in pain. He eased his power down until it was normal, slowing his thrusts, but keeping them deep. Soon, he stopped, resting his head on the sweating back. Pulling out, he rolled the tall Saiyan over, kissing him lightly in apology before pressing back into his strong body. Reaching over, he grabbed Gohan's hand and pressed it around his father's erection. The younger Son took the hint, and started to pleasure the now moaning Saiyan.

Goku tossed his head from side to side. The pleasure now was beyond what he and Vegeta had experienced before. Not only was he feeling his prince's satisfaction and pleasure, he was feeling his son's. Vegeta slowly set a new pace, taking care to see to Goku's pleasure this time. He too could feel what the other two were, the pack bond now sealed between them. He felt the large body start to climb to a final peak, slamming one last time into his mate before emptying his seed, feeling the pleasure wash over all of them through the link.

Gohan didn't know what was going on. He had been claimed by both his father and Vegeta. Now what was he to do? He pulled one last time on Goku's erection before watching him climax over his hand. It felt a little odd to feel the emotions of the two full blooded Saiyans, but he kind of liked it. Vegeta shoved him over, then pulled out of his larger mate's body, only to settle in between the Sons to go to sleep. Gohan watched as his father curled around the prince, feeling that now was a good time to sleep while he had the chance.


Morning came and with it awareness. Gohan woke alone, finding that he was sore from the blast he had gotten from Videl, and from using all his strength last night to please his father, not to mention the bite on his neck, but felt good about it. The thought passed through his mind that he had spent the night making love to his own father, and had enjoyed it, he had been marked by both Saiyans, and couldn't find much to object to. Matter of fact, he wanted to do it again when he got the chance. He still had the problem with Videl to deal with, but for now it didn't seem important. Maybe it was because he could feel both Vegeta's satisfaction with the situation and Goku's care for him. Shrugging it off, he decided a shower was in order, then something to eat.


Vegeta watched as Goku cooked breakfast. When he had first claimed the tall Saiyan it was because he had gotten carried away. He had managed to win one of their spars, and one thing had led to another. The only thing that had bothered him was the fact that the younger Saiyan hadn't put up any fight at all when he dominated him, just had purred his way through their first time.

Goku had explained it, but it still amazed Vegeta that this was the way the other Saiyan wanted it. He had set him up the whole time, letting him win when he knew it would matter the most. It still galled the prince to know he had been played, but the fact that it had been by a master at the game had lessened the impact. Over the time he had been mated with Goku he had watched him manipulate those around him to get what he wanted. He begged when he needed to, fought when he had to, and charmed almost everybody he came in contact with.

So with Goku as a mate, Vegeta had come up with a plan. Saiyans were meant to run in packs. Even when he had served under Frieza, he had a pack bond with Nappa and Raditz. That link to his own kind had been broken on Earth. Now he had the chance to form another pack. Using his tall mate's skill with people, he set about a plan to get the demi-Saiyans under his control, sex was just a bonus.

Goku set a platter of eggs and ham in front of his prince. Vegeta gave him a small smile, and dug in, nodding that it was good. The Goku liked feeding his mate. It was the way things should be, the submissive one serving the dominate. Of course he had tricked the slight Saiyan into being his alpha, but he wouldn't change anything now. It amused him to play along with the plan of the prince, letting him use his natural ability to make new conquests. He looked forward to seducing the other two demi-Saiyans into the pack. Eventually he thought it would be a good idea to pack bond with the other Z fighters, but there was no rush.


Gohan came down the stairs, walking into the kitchen and the smell of food. He watched as Vegeta reached out and grabbed hold of Goku's tail as he turned back to the stove. The Saiyan prince ate with one hand, while he played with the blue-black tail with the other. Goku purred while he set about making more eggs and ham, buttering toast and brewing coffee. It all looked so normal to the demi-Saiyan now, as if this was how Saiyans always behaved when they were alone together.

"Good morning Vegeta, Dad."

"Sit." Vegeta ordered in lieu of a greeting. Goku turned, and set food on the table in front of a free chair. Gohan figured it would be a good idea to do as he was told and slipped into the seat.

"Go ahead and eat. I'm just finishing up my plate now. Vegeta, do you want more coffee?" Goku said.

The prince held out his mug, and the happy Saiyan filled it. Still the tail play went on. It was like they knew they were doing it, and each enjoyed and continued it. Gohan couldn't tell if he was expected to play along or not.

"Stop thinking so hard. Eat and then we will talk." Vegeta said. Goku settled into a chair beside the prince, digging into his own food. The slighter Saiyan continued to play with his mate's tail as he sipped his coffee. Gohan shrugged, the food smelled too good to waste, and he was hungry. He finished before his father, but only because he was seeing that everybody's cup stayed full.


When the meal was over, and the dishes were out of the way, Vegeta spoke up. "I know you have questions and I'll get to them. A few things you need to know. You are now part of a Saiyan pack. I am the leader, and what I say goes. Kakarrot and I have been mated for a couple of years, it is only recently that I decided to start a pack. Since there are only demi-Saiyans left, I asked your father to mark you if he got the chance. No, last night wasn't planned, it just happened, and wouldn't have if you hadn't wanted it. There are other ways of marking that don't involve sex. You did have a good time last night, didn't you?" Vegeta sounded smug, as if it reflected on him how good Goku was in bed.

"Yes, I did." Gohan said.

"From now on, you will address me as Vegeta-sama or Prince Vegeta, if you must then Sire will do. You can continue to call Kakarrot father or dad or what ever you call him."

"I thought you were angry that I had sex with your mate."

"No, I wasn't mad then, and I'm not mad now, and if you think that was sex, you need to be reeducated. That was making love, even I know the difference."

"Well, what is the difference, Vegeta-sama?"

"Making love deals with emotions. Sex is just a bodily function."

"Oh. I understand now. What about my marriage?"

"What about it. It doesn't have anything to do with the pack. Though we will find you something else to do for work. That school where you have your job takes too much time away from your life."

"How about asking Bulma to find something for him at CC?" Goku asked.

"Good idea." Vegeta said.

Gohan wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but he was willing to try it out. He liked teaching, but the elders were right, it took too much of his time. He realized that he didn't want to go back to the restrictive life he had been living. Now new opportunities would be open to him. His mother wasn't around to yell at him about teaching, and Videl might be happier if he could spend more time at home.

"What about Trunks and Goten?" Gohan asked finally.

"What about them?" Vegeta answered.

"When will they be made part of the pack?"

"When the time is right. For now, go home and talk with your wife."

Gohan knew a dismissal when he heard one, so he got up, hugged his father, and stole a kiss. Vegeta hissed at him, so he didn't try kissing the prince good bye, just waved, then left.

"Come on, Kakarrot. I want to work off that meal, and go to CC to start things moving." Vegeta started for the door.

"What ever you say, my prince, what ever you say." Goku happily followed.


DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

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