Hidden Talents
by Katlynne     More by this Writer
Vegeta has Goku help him get the demi saiyans into the Prince's pack.
Group Sex Incest

Part 2
Trunks watched as the tall Saiyan landed a sweet blow to his father's chin, sending him to meet the ground, face first. He winced, that one had to hurt. When Vegeta didn't get up, he knew that the spar was over. Goku hovered over the spot where the Saiyan prince had landed, seeming to check to see if he was still breathing. With a nod, the glowing male dropped to the ground, and went back to his normal black haired, white skinned self.

The lavender haired half-Saiyan could feel his anger get the better of him. Trunks didn't know how many times he had sat and watched the same thing happen, but each time he got more and more angry that Goku could do such a thing. How could his father put up with it. He watched as the grinning Saiyan reached down, and easily lifted Vegeta from the hole he had made.

With a growl, Trunks jumped up, and started to increase his power level. He had one chance, so he better make it count. Screaming his rage, he ascended to level two and charged.

Goku's head snapped up when he felt Trunks energy spike. He watched as the young prince jumped to level two and charged. Thinking fast, he dropped Vegeta back in the hole and jumped, putting a little more distance between himself and the attack that was going to hit him.

Trunks screamed again as his target launched into the air, forming a ball of energy in his hands, and throwing it at the orange gi. Knowing that Goku didn't have time to do anything more, he smirked as his blast hit the gentle Saiyan, dead center in the chest. Trunks laughed as he watched Goku fall, his shirt in flames.

Vegeta watched what was going on, and knew that Goku had taken the blast so he wouldn't get any of the blow back. It hurt when it hit, then again, when his mate hit the ground. Quickly he pushed himself out of the hole, and ran over to see if Goku was still alive.

"Damn it Trunks! That was uncalled for!" Vegeta shouted, as he slapped out the flames that were still burning what was left of Goku's shirts.

"He deserved it." Trunks said.

"How do you know? I can fight my own battles without your help. I lost for a reason." Vegeta said, as he checked over Goku's body for wounds.

"You did?" Trunks asked, powering down.

"Yes. We had a bet." Vegeta looked at his son.

"A bet? You let him plant you for a bet?"

"What part of that don't you understand. He was going to cook dinner, and some... other things for winning." Vegeta said.

"He was?"

"Now he questions what's going on." Vegeta sighed.

Trunks didn't know what to make of that. He had thought it was just another spar to the full bloods. It never occurred to him that things might not be what they looked like.

Vegeta looked over his mate, noting the burns on his chest and arms. One leg was broken, and his shoulder was dislocated. He thought the worst of it must have come from the impact with the ground. Quickly he searched Goku's sash, and found the senzu he always carried hidden there.

"Come on, you big baby. Wake up and take this." Vegeta said.

"Uuugg... Damn, that hurts." Goku moaned, as he woke to Vegeta's words.

"It should. Now open up and eat this." Vegeta pushed the bean into Goku's mouth.

Goku chewed slowly. While the senzu took effect he looked over his mate. Nothing seemed to be bothering him too much. Good, he wouldn't be too hurt to be appreciative when he got his dinner.

"I'm all right. Just need to get a shower and changed." Goku said.

Vegeta knew that Trunks was still there, and watching, so he couldn't go with his first instinct. He wanted to strip the damaged cloth from that long body, and check intimately for injuries, but it wasn't going to happen. Standing he waited for Goku to gain his feet.

"You can spend the night at our house. It's closer and the kitchen is stocked." Vegeta said.

"Do I have to cook? Come on, Vegeta! I just got burned, and you want me to cook?" Goku whined.

Vegeta winced. "Stop whining. A bet is a bet. I'll let you get cleaned up first."

"Gee thanks. Going to find me something to wear?"

"Trunks can lend you something. Come on." Vegeta took to the air, and led the way home.


The water running should have clued Trunks on to where Goku was, but it didn't register until he was in the room, and setting the clothes on the bed that Vegeta had ordered him to get. His thoughts were more on where Goten had gone. His best friend had gotten stuck helping Gohan move into a larger house.

Gohan had suddenly given up his teaching position in favor of a job in Public Relations with CC. It seemed to be working well for him. The last time Trunks had seen him and Videl, they were both smiling, and a little ruffled. He had guessed that he had interrupted, and had made an excuse to leave. They had both giggled. It had been weird that the eldest demi-Saiyan had giggled, but Trunks wasn't going to stick around to ask about it.

Now they were moving into a new house. It seemed that not only did Gohan have more money, he had more free time. He had started to come over to the CC Complex to spar with Vegeta, and sometimes Goku. That was another thing, Goku was spending a lot of time with his father.

The sound of the shower turning off had Trunks turning to the bathroom door. He gulped when he saw Goku standing there, naked. Very naked and very wet. Starting at the long narrow feet and moving up, Trunks noticed details. Like the end of Goku's tail that was swinging back and forth slowly in front of his crotch.

"Keep looking at me like that and I'll think I'm dessert." Goku said.

Trunks blushed. "Um... Sorry. How did you get your tail back?"

"Long story. Want to touch it?"

Trunks was across the room before he could finish nodding. He watched as the black length was settled into his hand. The fur was still wet, and stuck to his fingers, leaving a trail of scent where it brushed his palm. Running his fingers along it, he felt the bones under the strong muscles shift. When he heard the deep purr come from Goku, he realized that his attentions were causing an effect on the gentle Saiyan.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that." Trunks said.

"You know, you have a strange habit of playing with fire. Want to know what it feels like?" Goku purred.

Trunks couldn't help it. There was something in that voice, and in Goku's scent that was drawing him in. He nodded again, and nearly lost his balance when he was spun around and his shirt was pulled off.

Goku ran his fingers along that lean back. Like his father, Trunks was sleek with muscle, not bulging with them. The tall Saiyan dropped to his knees behind the young man, and found what he was looking for. Reaching out, he touched the round scar where Trunks' tail had been removed.

Trunks almost lost it. The gentle touch on his back felt wonderful, even before Goku found his tail scar. Once he did, the purple head snapped back, and he moaned. When lips and tongue were used, he was forced to beg.

"Please Goku. More!" Trunks moaned.

"Just like your father." Goku chuckled against Trunks' back.

Trunks felt a large hand move between his legs and up, to run over the zipper in his pants. His cock was already swelling, it jumped and twitched to full length as the fingers ran over it. Goku kept up the gentle assault on his back while he tested the dimensions of his erection.

"You don't have to do this Trunks. Just say the word and I'll stop, and you can walk away."

Trunks shook his head. Was the man crazy? Here he was faced with something even his wildest imagination couldn't have made up. Goku hadn't done anything but touch him, and it was already feeling better then when he pleasured himself. Part of his mind couldn't believe that this was the same man he had tried to fry earlier.

"Why?" Trunks whispered.

"Why stop or why continue?" Goku asked.

"Why are you willing to do this?"

"Because I like you, I like the way you look, and you make me hot." Goku said.

Trunks moaned again. So much for great conversation. He felt Goku remove his hand, and laugh lightly against his back, before he stood and walked around until he was standing in front of him. Trunks looked into those back eyes of Goku, and saw things he hadn't thought to see there. In them he saw lust, of course, but behind that was caring, trust, and something Trunks couldn't name, but sent shivers through him.

"All right, if you want me." Trunks whispered.

"Not want you? Where did that come from? I would be crazy not to want you." Goku said, pulling Trunks over to the bed, and sat down.

"Nobody has ever looked at me like you are." Trunks said looking down at his hands.

"Well then, I'm flattered that you would let me be the first. But I think you have it a little mixed up." Goku said, leaning over and licking at Trunks' neck.

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't asking to have you, I was offering myself to you." Goku purred into the purple hair that covered Trunks' ear.

"Oh..." Was all Trunks could manage.

Trunks was at a loss. He'd thought about having sex, with both men and women, but he'd never actually done it. He didn't want to mess up, so he sat there. He felt Goku sigh, and stand back up. Trunks watched as he walked back into the bathroom.


"Be there in a minute. Ah! There it is. This will do nicely." Goku said.

Trunks noticed the small tube in Goku's hand when he came back in the room. He was curious, but waited. The tall Saiyan walked back over, and pulled the half Saiyan to his feet. Slowly he ran his hand down over Trunks' chest, and down to his pants. Grinning, Goku unbuttoned the fly, and slowly pulled the zipper down.

"What do I do?" Trunks asked.

"Take them off, and your shoes, and we'll see after that." Goku said.

Trunks didn't need to hear more. Quickly he stripped off his pants, shoes and socks. Turning back to the gentle man, he waited for his reaction.

"Kami Trunks. You're beautiful. When you get your tail back you'll have to beat them off with a stick." Goku whispered, then leaned down and gently kissed him.

He didn't know what to do with his hands, was all Trunks could think. Before worry could set in, Goku took his hand, and put it on his shoulder. The other he took, and ran a finger over his own nipple. Trunks pulled away from the kiss to watch as the nub hardened under his touch. He circled the light brown skin a few times, and felt as well as heard when Goku started to purr again.

Goku smiled to encourage Trunks. He could still feel some of the hesitation he'd had when he kissed the purple haired young man. It always amused him that somebody could be needy and afraid at the same time. He'd gone through it with Vegeta when they had first mated. Even though he had tricked the elder Saiyan into taking him, there was still the fear his plan would be discovered. Goku had felt the same thing from Gohan, but that hadn't lasted after the first kiss.

Now here was Trunks, playing with his nipple and not really knowing what to do. Goku figured that he would learn quickly. Vegeta didn't know what was going on... yet. When he had gone into the bath to get the lube that was hidden there, Goku had checked through their bond. The dominate Saiyan was resting in a tub of hot water up to his neck, soaking out the soreness from his crash landing.

"Kiss me, Trunks. I wont bite... yet." Goku said with a smile.

Big blue eyes blinked up at him a moment before they turned up in a smile. Goku understood, Trunks thought. Of course he would. He seemed to always know how people felt. Leaning against the broad chest, Trunks offered his mouth to the lips of the gentle Saiyan. He was rewarded with heat.

Goku took his time learning the shape and softness of Trunks' lips. As he felt a sigh pass through them, he pressed his tongue in to taste the inside. Hot honey flowed between them as they tasted each other. Goku felt Trunks start to purr in response. Lightly he ran the tip of his tongue around Trunks' teeth, feeling the slightly longer canines. With slight pressure he cut the edge of his tongue on one. Trunks' reaction to the taste of blood was to turn wild in Goku's arms. He dug his nails into his chest and pulled his head father down so the kiss deepened.

Trunks didn't know why, but the sweet taste of Goku's blood made him hotter than he had been. He couldn't get enough of the hot mouth that was glued to his, or feel enough skin. He ran his nails over the broad chest, leaving scratches behind. The smell of new blood tickled his nose, and he leaned back to growl.

"Bed, now!" Trunks ordered.

Goku just chuckled. He climbed onto the bed, and stayed on his hands and knees. Seemed that Trunks was going to prove to be his father's son. Goku batted the demi-Saiyan in the face with his tail, leaving a trail of scent in it's wake.

Trunks was breathing heavy. His cock was throbbing with his heartbeat, but he knew he had to slow down. He didn't want to hurt Goku, but it was difficult.

"Trunks, the tube. It's lubricant. Put some on your cock, and then use some to loosen me up. If not, it wont be good for either of us." Goku said.

Looking on the bed, Trunks found the tube. When he opened it, and squeezed some out, he felt the slippery texture. Then it clicked. Men didn't have a way to get wet, they needed something to help. This was what Goku wanted him to do. Rubbing it over his erection, Trunks could feel how easy it would be to move with the help of the lube. Maybe this is what he had missed when he had masturbated.

Goku flipped his tail up, and spread his legs wider as Trunks moved onto the bed behind him. He felt the young man spread his ass to find the pucker that was there. A finger that was coated with the lube pressed in.

"Yes, that's it." Goku moaned.

Trunks heard Goku moan. It must feel good. Pressing a little harder, he felt the muscles around his fingers tighten and loosen. Soon he felt like he could add more fingers, so he slipped another, then another in. He pressed another time, and touched something hidden. Goku gave a little squeak. Trunks wondered what he had done.

"Did I hurt you? I don't want to hurt you." Trunks said.

"Do that again and you can hurt me all you like." Goku answered.

"What, this?" Trunks plunged his fingers in again, brushing that spot as he had before.

"Yesss!!" Goku hissed.

The purple Saiyan gave his own chuckle as he made Goku make all kinds of sounds by touching that spot. He figured the tall Saiyan had enough when he smacked him with his tail.

"Move on, Trunks. You're killing me with this teasing." Goku said, looking over his shoulder.

"You don't like it?" Trunks asked.

"Yes, but if you'll notice, I'm about to cum, and I want to do that with you in me."

Trunks started shaking at the words coming from Goku. Only one problem. He wanted to see him when he came. Pulling his hand away from Goku's opening, he moved him so he rolled over. Long legs hung over the side of the bed.

"I want to see you." Trunks said, leaning down to kiss Goku again.

When Trunks came up for air, Goku reached over, and grabbed a pillow. Lifting his hips and Trunks, who was laying on him, Goku folded it, and slipped it under the small of his back, right above where his tail was.

"What's that for?" Trunks asked as Goku settled back on the bed again.

The show of strength wasn't lost on him. He knew that if Goku wanted to take control he could do it easily, but he was putting his trust in Trunks to see to his pleasure.

"It will help tilt my hips so you can go deeper. Makes it more interesting for both of us." Goku said.

Trunks leaned back, and looked down the long body he had been laying on. The dick that was pulsing with life between them was impressive. Trunks almost smacked himself. He didn't know why he was so surprised at the size of Goku's cock. The man was big, so it stood to reason he would be big all over.

As if he had read Trunks thoughts, Goku chuckled. "I'm about average. If you want to be impressed, wait until you see your father. Sometimes I think Kami made up for him being short by making him impressive below the belt. I still wonder where he hides it when we spar."

"What do you mean? You've seen my Dad naked? And aroused?" Trunks squeaked.

"Yes. Almost every night. We've been mated for a while now." Goku said.

"You have? And he doesn't mind if you have sex with other men?"

"Making love, and no. He knows where my heart lies. Right at his royal feet." Goku grinned. Gohan had asked the same thing.

"And what about me?" Trunks asked.

"What about you? Trunks, I care for you, I like you, and I'm willing to become your lover. What more do you want?" Goku asked.

"Just like?"

Goku arched a brow. "You have a place in my heart, but not as big as Vegeta's. That's the best I can give you."

"That's enough, I guess." Trunks nodded and lay back down along Goku's body.

Goku ran a gentle hand trough the purple locks. "Trust me, you'll understand later."

Long legs wrapped around Trunks' slim hips. The young Saiyan knew it was now or never. He slowly pressed his cock into the tight heat of the body below him. They both hissed as he managed to get in deep enough so that he could feel Goku's ass against his balls. Trunks couldn't believe how good it felt. This was much better then using his hand.

Goku waited, using the time Trunks was taking to revel in his heat, to adjust to the penetration. The son had inherited something else from his father it seemed. Purring he urged Trunks to start moving.

Trunks slowly tried a thrust. He could feel the skin of his cock move, covering the head as he pulled out and slipping back into place as he moved back in. The heat that was coming off of them was amazing. Leaning down he licked at Goku's chest, tasting one of his nipples, feeling it harden against his lips. The urge to suck was irresistible.

Goku arched into the mouth that was torturing his nipple. He had to admit, the boy learned quick. Running his tail over the straining back, Goku purred and groaned, letting Trunks know he liked it.

Quietly the door opened behind the two on the bed. Vegeta had felt when his mate had been penetrated. Leaning against the door, he watched his son ride his lover. The man sure had the timing, and all the luck in the world. Walking over to the bed, he pushed the hair away from the young Saiyan's face.

"You know, this is an interesting situation." Vegeta purred into the shocked eyes of his son.

Trunks wasn't sure what to do. Should he stop and pull out, or keep going until he came. Goku settled it. He leaned up, and bit his neck, the little pain pulling him back to the man he was fucking. With a moan he started moving harder and faster, the smell of blood urging him on.

Goku sucked on the wound, one part down. Turning his head, the tall Saiyan offered Trunks his neck. He didn't have to be offered again, leaning down and biting into the scar that was already there. Goku purred as the new pack member sucked his blood, the pack bond starting as the blood entered his system.

Vegeta was watching the pair, pulling at his own cock. He couldn't have asked for a better performance. He wondered how Goku had manage to get Trunks in bed.

Goku was wondering if Trunks had gotten so involved with his own pleasure and the blood to see to him. He wasn't too worried though. The way Vegeta was watching them, he knew he would have another ride soon enough.

Vegeta sighed as Trunks kept thrusting with short movements. He knew from the length and angle that Goku wasn't getting much from it. Pushing until the boy straightened up a bit, he reached between the slick bodies and wrapped his hand around his mate's cock. Goku shouted as Vegeta started to use long strokes to pump him to completion.

"Longer thrusts. You'll both like it better." Vegeta ordered.

Trunks did as he was told, and moaned as Goku's inner walls pressed around him tighter. His father was right, he did like the deeper strokes, so much so that it didn't take long before he felt his cum flow from his cock as he found his release. Closing his eyes, he pressed deep one more time, then slid to the side in a heap. His lungs burned for air, and his muscles felt like jelly, but he had never been so satisfied.

"Vegeta?" Goku whimpered.

"I'm here. I just need to move the boy a bit." Vegeta said, rolling Trunks until he was face up beside Goku.

"Why are you here, Dad?" Trunks managed to say.

"You just started the first part to joining my pack. You belong to me now." Vegeta smirked.

Trunks got a good look at his father and the cock between his legs. Goku was right, for his height he was very impressive.

/For any height he is impressive./ Came through his mind. Trunks blinked. Unless he was mistaken, Goku had just talked to him without words. Cool!

"Sorry Kakarrot, I can't wait." Vegeta said, and pressed into Goku's heat.

The tall Saiyan hissed as he was stretched again, but wrapped his tail around Vegeta's neck, and pulled him closer. The prince didn't waste time, he started plunging into Goku at a quick pace. Grabbing a long leg, he pressed it against the wide chest of his mate. Vegeta knew exactly what it did to Goku to be bent this way. Smirking, he grabbed hold of the cock that was flapping against their stomachs, and started pulling in counterpoint to his thrusts.

"Damn! Vegeta!" Goku shouted.

Trunks was a little amazed and ashamed. He had forgotten Goku while he reveled in the power the blood had given him. Now it was up to his father to please him. Vegeta seemed up to the task.

The Saiyan prince was pleased, so he didn't hold back or tease his mate. Letting go of his leg, he let Goku warp them around his waist. Ramming the tall Saiyan's prostate with each thrust, he could feel him getting closer to his climax. Vegeta eyed his son.

"Come here, and give me your hand." Vegeta ordered.

Trunks moved over, and Vegeta grabbed his hand, pulling him across Goku's chest. The boy felt his hand being wrapped around Goku cock. He figured out what his father wanted, and started to caress Goku.

Vegeta looked at the white skin on white skin and liked the look. He liked the lavender locks tangled with the black spikes better. Leaning down he pulled Trunks' face around.

"You are part of my pack, as such you belong to me. With this bite I seal the bond between us." Vegeta said, right before he bit down on his son's neck.

Trunks squeaked, then purred. He felt his father's mind slip through his to touch another. This one was Goku. The power behind that mind was astonishing. How could he hold all that in?

"Gohan's coming up the stairs." Goku said through gritted teeth. He was trying to hold off until his son could get there and seal the rest of the bond.

"I know, I called him when I realized what was going on." Vegeta panted.

The door opened again, and Trunks looked over in time to see Gohan start pulling his clothes off. He wondered why he was there.

"You could have given me a little warning. As it was, I left Goten helping Videl." Gohan complained.

"Over here." Vegeta said.

Gohan moved over to the bed and looked down. He smiled at Trunks then leaned down to kiss his father. When he kissed Vegeta, Trunks almost choked. Then he was moving to kiss him, and the purple haired Saiyan wasn't sure what to do. Gohan didn't hesitate, he kissed him lightly, then reached down to helped him bring Goku to climax.

Vegeta watched it all, knowing that there was one more step. Slamming into Goku a final time, he came, shouting to the room. Goku followed shortly after, his yell echoing his mate's.

Gohan sat up, and pulled Trunks with him. He pulled their clasped hands up, and showed him Goku's cum that coated their fingers. With a grin, Gohan pulled Trunks' hand to his mouth and started to clean it. Trunks blinked, then did the same to Gohan's fingers.

Goku rested, his eyes closed, and a smile on his face. He could feel his mate's satisfaction.

"Enough foreplay Gohan, get to the bite." Vegeta ordered.

Gohan grinned, then pulled Trunks to him. He made sure his own neck was showing then bit into the younger man's neck. Trunks yipped, then bit back. The last link clicked into place. A light buzz filled Trunks' head.

Gohan sat back with a bloody smile. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Vegeta pulled Gohan over and licked the blood from his lips. "I think tomorrow, you should show Trunks what you know of the pack."

"Hmm... As you order Vegeta-sama." Gohan said.

Vegeta rolled over and hugged his mate's side. He was getting what he wanted, and a lot faster than he hoped.

"Trunks, why did you make love with Kakarrot?" Vegeta finally asked.

"He offered himself to me. I was willing to let him have me." Trunks said.

"That wasn't what I asked."

"He was standing there naked. It was just too much of a temptation, I guess."

Goku chuckled. "I used his left over teenage hormones against him."

"Get dressed and get to the kitchen." Vegeta growled at Goku in mock anger.

/Nice move, my handsome slut./ He sent as Goku got up, and pulled the clothes Trunks had put on the bed out from under the prince.

/One more. Goten will be the hardest./ Goku sent as he got dressed, and headed to the door.

/In more ways then one./ Vegeta sent.

Goku disappeared around the door frame. Trunks snuggled between Vegeta and Gohan.

"Does he always cook for you?" Trunks asked.

"Don't knock it. He could get a job as a chef." Gohan said.

"You need to take that job of your's seriously now, Trunks. No more playing at doing what your mother wants." Vegeta said.

"Where is Bulma anyway?" Gohan asked.

"She had a business trip. Wont be back until next week." Trunks said.

"By then we will have Kakarrot and Goten moved in." Vegeta said.

"And I'm just down the street." Gohan said.

The smell of something very delicious started tickling the Saiyans' noses. Gohan sighed, and got dressed. He needed to get back to packing up and moving. With a wave he left.

Trunks was left alone with his father. "So this is the way it will be?"

"It will get better. Once Goten is ours anything will be possible. Then we will get the dragon balls, and get your tails back. After that there is space; or not. Things seem to find this planet without us having to hunt them down." Vegeta said.

Trunks' stomach rumbled as the smells coming from the kitchen got better. Vegeta smirked, and got up to get dressed. Later they would sleep together, Trunks would learn what closeness really was. For now the prince wanted to get downstairs, and eat what ever Goku was using to torture them with.


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