Part 3
"Come on, Goten. It will be fun." Trunks said.
"Fun? In the woods with your father and mine? Not to mention Gohan. Doesn't sound fun to me." Goten said.
"That's because you don't get it. My dad and your's will go off to hunt. Gohan is bringing work with him to do so he can get a head start on that big meeting he has on Tuesday. That means you and I will have the whole three day weekend to do what we want."
"Yea, in the woods with no TV or videos. What's the fun in that? I just got moved here from the woods." Goten said.
Trunks was running out of reasons to get Goten to go with them on this hunt. He was getting desperate and knew it. Now was the time to call for help.
/Goku! Help, I can't talk him into it./ Trunks sent through the pack bond.
/Figures./ Gohan sent.
/Quiet, Gohan. This is important./ Vegeta sent.
Goku was mysteriously quiet. Trunks got up from where he was sitting on Goten's bed and started pacing. He was given one thing to do by this father, the dominate in the pack, and he had failed.
"Hey guys. I thought I should see if Goten was going so I'd know how much food to pack." Goku said as he stepped into the room.
"Goten says he's not going. Doesn't want to spend time away from the TV." Trunks said.
"If that's all, Vegeta is taking that new capsule house you and Bulma have been working on. The one with it's own generator? All we need to do is turn it on. Plenty of electricity to run everything we want. Gohan is bringing his laptop, and I know it needs to charge. Why don't you grab some movies to take with you and come along?" Goku said to Goten.
"This the house with the huge plasma TV and the awesome sound system?" Goten asked.
"That's the one. Bulma wants us to check it out. Even has cleaning robots. Should be very comfortable to come home to after a days hunt. I bet the hot tub will be great for sore muscles." Goku coaxed.
Trunks could feel the jaws of the trap snap shut. His father was right, Goku was a master at manipulation. No wonder he had fallen into bed with the gentle Saiyan. He was irresistible.
"Well, I guess I could use the time with my family. I haven't seen much of you, Dad, since we moved here, and I never get to see Gohan. A man's weekend sounds good." Goten said, thinking about what he wanted to watch, and how late the rental place was open.
/Clang!/ Trunks sent though the bond.
/Was there any doubt?/ Vegeta sent back with a pleased overtone.
"Good, then I'll pack extra food. Maybe some popcorn. I haven't watched a good movie, and eaten popcorn in a long while." Goku said.
Goku watched as his youngest started packing. Yep, things had started, the hunt was on.
Vegeta led the way as the beings with Saiyan blood flew into the wilderness. Goku and he had discussed it and had settled on the area where the large beasts were. That looked to be the most challenging. The prince was still wondering what Goku was going to do to get Goten in the pack. He had thought they should just tell him what was going on, and give Goten the option of how he was going to join, sex or not. It didn't have to be a seduction. It was just the easiest way to get Gohan and Trunks bitten.
"There, Vegeta?" Goku's chirp pulled the smaller male from his thoughts.
Vegeta had learned that Goku only used that tone to alert him, when his thoughts were occupied, or he was trying to tell him something. Now it looked like they were about to pass over the lake he had chosen to set up by.
"Yes, there." Vegeta hissed, starting the descent to the ground.
While the demi-Saiyans were clearing the campsite of debris, Vegeta popped the capsule, and tossed it on an area of level grass. Out came a nice, large, two bedroom house. The prince thought that the white was a little over done, but that was CC's trade mark. Grabbing up his bags, Vegeta opened the front door, and headed to the largest bedroom.
Goku went into the house, heading to the kitchen with the capsules of food he had brought. Popping one, he set it on the table and moved back. Out came all the things that needed to be refrigerated. It seemed a little strange to do such mundane chores as putting the food into the fridge, but he didn't want to start anything yet.
The younger Saiyans sat on the ground after they finished cleaning up the area. Each were lost in their own thoughts. Gohan was thinking about taking Trunks off, and having a little fun. Trunks was wondering what Goku had planned, and Goten was going over the movies he had brought.
"Is Dad cooking, or are we doing the fire roasting thing?" Gohan asked.
"How would we know, we're out here." Goten said.
"Then go ask." Gohan said.
"I'm comfortable where I am." Goten said, laying down, and closing his eyes to prove his point.
"Are you two going to do this all weekend?" Trunks asked, as he got up, and went into the house.
It was Saturday, and Goten was watching cartoons while he munched on some cereal. Trunks had bailed on him, going with the others to hunt, leaving him alone. He was getting bored. He knew this would happen. He wasn't really interested in hunting, and sparring got old when you had to do it all the time. The only time he liked training was when his Dad did it with him. There was something so easy going about the tall Saiyan that it was nice to learn from him.
Suddenly there was a bang at the door, like somebody had fallen against it. Goten set the box of cereal on the floor, and went to see what was going on. When he opened the door, he had to catch his father as he fell into the house.
"Dad! What happened?" Goten shouted.
"Hehe... I didn't get out of the way fast enough. They sent be back to get healed up." Goku leaned on his son as Goten maneuvered him into the house and shut the door.
"Kami, you're a mess. Where's the senzu?" Goten asked.
"In the fridge. They stay fresher there." Goku said.
Goten sat his dad on the floor, and went to get a bean. Opening the fridge he saw a jar with the label, "Emergency healing. Use one." Figures. Goku had turned into a neat freak after Chichi had left. Grabbing a bean Goten went back to where he had left him.
"Here Dad." Goten said, pressing the bean into Goku's mouth.
There was a lot of crunching, and a gulp. The youngest Son watched as the nasty gashes on Goku's chest and arms healed.
"Thanks, I needed that. Guess I could use a bath, and a soak too. That mountain cat knocked me off the mountain after he slashed me." Goku said. "Want to join me in the hot tub?"
"Huh?" Goten said.
"There's enough room for two, and we haven't talked in a while." Goku said.
"Oh right, talk. Yea I guess. Nothing better to do since Trunks took off." Goten nodded.
"Ok, you put that box of cereal away, and I'll meet you in the tub room." Goku said, pushing himself up, and walking down the hall.
Goten shrugged, and did what his father asked.
Goku eased into the bubbling hot water, moaning as his body started to relax. Goten watched him, noting the black tail his Dad now had. He wondered when it had grown back, then shrugged. Goku seemed complete somehow with it.
"How's the water?" Goten asked, moving into the room, and taking off his towel.
"Good. Just what I needed." Goku purred.
Goten blinked at the sound coming from his father. It suited him so well. Slipping into the water he forgot he was naked and his father was too. The hot water felt good. Maybe this was a good idea. He watched as the black tail floated on the top of the water, the fur puffed out to hold air.
"What's it like to have a tail?" Goten asked.
"Didn't you have one when you were little?" Goku asked.
"I don't know. I don't remember."
"More then likely your mother had it removed, and since the moon wasn't around, there was no way for you to grow it back." Goku said.
"Smells good in here. Did you add something to the water?"
"No. Must be me. My scent is a bit stronger since I have my tail."
Goten didn't know why, but he wanted to move closer to his father. He wanted to touch that tail, and see if he could get Goku to purr some more. He shook his head to try and get those thoughts out of his head. This was his father he was thinking of. It wasn't right to have those kinds of thoughts.
"What's wrong?" Goku asked.
"Umm... Nothing." Goten said, trying hard not to blush.
"You know, full blooded Saiyans have sharper senses then humans. Like I can smell what towels Vegeta used last night, even though they are dry, and I know that Trunks and Gohan slept together." Goku said, stretching his arms along the rim of the tub.
"Oh Kami. Then you know what I was thinking? I'm sorry, it's just hormones. I swear I don't mean anything by it."
"Goten, it's all right. I'm not mad. In fact it's kind of arousing." Goku smiled, and closed his eyes.
"You're aroused? But it's not right" Goten said, a little shocked.
"Who told you that?"
"Nobody told me, I just know."
"Just like you know that air is there, and gravity makes you fall?" Goku asked.
"Well, yea."
"If that's true, then how come we can fly, and if we go to high, we can't breath?"
"I... I... I don't know. It has something to do with our ki."
"But what about the air?"
"Well... Ok, you got me there. I know that Gohan probably knows the answer."
"I'll tell you a little secret. Gohan has already made love with me."
Goten looked at his father, and waited for the punch line. His married, straight as an arrow, never do anything wrong, too smart for his own good brother had made love with his father? Too strange.
"What did it feel like?" Goten said then slapped a hand over his mouth.
Goku chuckled. "He was good."
Goten wondered what Goku would do if he touched his tail. Reaching out slowly, keeping an eye on his face, the youngest Son touched the black fur.
Goku smiled as he felt the light touch. He'd planted the seed, and Goten's natural curiosity was going to get the better of him. That and the fact that he never could let Gohan do something and not try it too.
"Go ahead, feel it. I won't mind. It feels good." Goku whispered.
Goten eeped, sounding like Goku had when he was young. He snatched his hand back fast, making little ripples in the water. When the tall Saiyan didn't move, or open his eyes, he moved closer and tried again. The fur felt soft under his fingers. Slowly he ruffled the fur, making it stand up on end, then smoothing it down. Moving closer, he reached for more.
It was all Goku could do not to wiggle under the gentle touch. He couldn't hold back the purr that burst from his chest. The hands playing with his tail stilled, then started petting him again.
"Goten." Goku whispered.
"Goten, you better stop that."
"Because if you keep that up I will cum."
"What?" Goten stopped his hands in mid stroke.
"To play with an adult Saiyan's tail is to play with his pleasure."
"I'm not complaining, but I don't like to do solo acts. If I'm going to cum then so are you."
"Are you serious?"
"I never joke about making love."
Goten thought it over. Goku never lied, and he had said Gohan had already made love with him. Gohan wouldn't do anything that was wrong, and he did wonder what it felt like. His father was so gentle he wouldn't do anything that would hurt him. Goten had thought himself into a corner. Either he was going to do this, or he had better get out of there. With a final mental nod, he made his choice.
"Would you make love with me?" Goten asked.
Goku opened his eyes, and looked at his son. Well, it had taken him long enough. With a smile, the gentle Saiyan reached out, and cupped the young Saiyan's cheek.
"You're sure?"
"Then come here. I've been having a hard time not kissing you and I can't wait."
Goten blushed, but moved over. Goku slipped his hand under the water, and grabbed his legs, settling the smaller body on his lap. Leaning down, Goku brushed his lips lightly over Goten's.
It was like an electric shock went through him. Goten couldn't think, only feel. His father's lips were soft and warm, and he wasn't in a hurry. When he felt a tongue touch his lips, Goten opened his mouth for Goku to pass. The tall Saiyan purred, then slowly licked at Goten's tongue, urging him to play.
Goku could tell that Goten was ready to move on. He pulled back, and took a breath.
"Do you want to fill or be filled?"
"What do you want?"
"I asked first."
/Give me a break, get on with it./ Vegeta sent through the link.
/Pushy./ Goku sent back.
/Yes, your slut, my prince./
/Keep saying that, and one day I might believe it./ Vegeta sent, then closed the link.
Goten rested his head against Goku's chest. "I want to feel you in me."
Goku lifted Goten's face so he could look in his eyes. "A true Son." He purred, and kissed him again.
"What does that mean?"
"Gohan takes after your mother, likes to be in charge. You take after me."
Goten thought about that. It was fine with him. There were worse people to take after.
Goku shifted Goten until he straddled his lap. With Goten facing him, Goku ran his hands over his chest, pulling at his nipples until Goten gasped. Mirroring the movement, Goten did the same to the large body in front of him.
Running his hand down Goten's back, Goku searched and found the scar that marked him as a demi-Saiyan. He grinned, then pushed. When the youth tossed his head back, he rubbed over the spot again.
"Kami! What are you doing?"
"That's where you had your tail. It means you will get it back soon when we wish the others back."
"Is that what it felt like when I played with your tail?"
"It feels better. Much, much better."
Still playing with Goten's tail spot, Goku let his other hand wander under the water of the hot tub. He brushed his fingers over the head of his son's cock. Goten's eyes snapped open.
Goten couldn't believe how good it was, and they had hardly even started. He moaned and moved closer to the hot body that was holding him.
Goku slipped the hand that was behind Goten down until he cupped his ass. He teased his fingers over the tight opening hidden there. The water would help ease the way, all he had to do was go slow to start.
"Tell me if I hurt you. I'll stop." Goku whispered, kissing Goten again.
"Don't stop. Feels good."
Goku pressed a finger slowly in, waiting until he felt Goten relax. Thinking to distract him, the gentle Saiyan caressed the young Saiyan's cock. When he was wiggling and moaning, he pressed in again. The way was easier this time, so he used another finger the next time Goten moved.
Goten could feel Goku's fingers filling him. It was strange, but he liked it. He couldn't keep still, moving himself on those fingers that were in his ass, and plunging his dick into the hand around him. It felt so good he didn't want to stop.
Knowing that Goten was ready, Goku slowly moved his hand away from his opening. Goten made a protesting sound, but stopped as he felt himself being lifted, and Goku's cock start to fill him. He couldn't help himself when he stiffened up.
"It's all right Goten. We can wait."
"No, give me a minute. This is new, and I wasn't expecting you to be so big."
Goku smiled, and continued to pump Goten's cock. Soon he felt his son relax, and he pressed in again. This time Goten didn't stiffen up, so Goku continued until he was all the way in. Stopping, he waited.
Goten waited for Goku to move, but he didn't do anything. Pressing his legs into the tall Saiyan's sides, he lifted himself, then pushed down. He moaned as he set his own rhythm, realizing he was fucking himself with his father's cock and hand.
Goku leaned in, and nibbled at the neck that was oh so sweetly offered. Goten didn't even realize that with his head back like that, Goku had access to what he sought. It all blended in his mind, making him move harder.
A brush of cool air alerted Goku that the pack had gathered to witness the joining of the last member. With a grin to Vegeta, he bit into Goten's neck, licking the blood that flowed from the wound. Goten howled, then when Goku turned his head, and offered his own neck, he bit down. The blood triggered his climax, flooding the water with his seed.
Goku held Goten to him as he shivered with his first taste of blood lust and climax. It was a heady mix. He felt when the other's entered the tub, and surrounded them.
"Goten, you are the last to join the pack. From now on you are Saiyan." Goku said.
"Really? What's a pack?" Goten asked with a bloody smile. He was feeling way too good to protest.
Vegeta pulled his face over until he could look into his eyes. "I am your prince, from now on you will call me Vegeta-sama. You belong to me, as do the rest with Saiyan blood. Kakarrot is my mate, and you will respect his position." Vegeta said, then he tilted Goten's head to the side, and bit into the mark that Goku had made. The first link in the pack bond was formed between the three.
Goku lifted Goten off him, and passed him to Gohan.
Vegeta looked at his mate. "Can't any of the brats satisfy you?" He smirked.
"I saved it for you. I know you are going to punish me for letting that cat wound me." Goku smiled like he didn't mind the punishment.
"Yes, I am going to punish you. But not in here. We wait for the pack to finish." Vegeta said, but he sat beside Goku, and played with his tail.
Gohan waited for the nod from Vegeta before he did his part of the bond. Kissing Vegeta lightly, he then kissed Goku, then Trunks. Lastly he turned to Goten and kissed him.
"Welcome to the pack, brother." And he bit into the unmarked side of Goten's neck.
Goten moved and returned the bite, forming another link in the pack. Turning to Trunks, he watched as the process was continued. When it was his turn to kiss and bite, he didn't hesitate. He bit into Trunks' neck as he felt himself being bit. The last link was clicked into place. But it wasn't until he felt Vegeta move behind him that it closed completely. Vegeta licked Goten's bloody lips, then kissed him. The buzz of all of their thoughts pressed on Goten's mind.
"It will take a little to get used to it. Come on, Trunks. Grab a towel and lets get him to the bedroom." Gohan said.
"Not yet, you will attend while I punish Kakarrot." Vegeta ordered.
Goku hung from ropes Vegeta had rigged between two trees. The prince had kept him aroused the whole time he was setting things up. By the time he was standing outside, he was desperate and a little worried.
"Isn't this a little extreme?" Goku asked.
"Shut up."
"But my arms hurt, and my legs. How am I supposed to cook if I can't move because I'm hurt?"
"You should have thought of that before you put yourself in harms way." Vegeta said, still not looking at his mate.
"That's the nature of hunting. If I hadn't taken the hit then somebody else would have been hurt."
"Logic doesn't have a place in this."
"So you are doing this to get your jollies? Vegeta, don't make me mad."
"Kakarrot, shut up."
"You know they will think it's because I brought Goten into the pack."
"I know. But I can't let you get away with not following my orders."
"So pick something else. I mean, shit Vegeta, I've been hard for over two hours. That alone is punishment enough."
"I'll think about it. Maybe I'll change the ropes and take you kneeling."
"You done?"
"Yea, you're going to do this no matter what."
"Kakarrot, it has to be done. I wont use a whip, all right?"
"Just get on with it." Goku growled, and lowered his head until his chin rested on his chest.
Vegeta looked at his mate. He was wet, shivering, and downcast. All in all a pitiful sight. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do with him now. That erection would vanish at the first hint of pain, but Vegeta knew it would come back, and it would hurt even more when it did. Goten hadn't been kind when he had picked his time to cum.
The younger Saiyans filed out of the house, and walked over to where Vegeta was standing. They gapped at Goku hanging by the ropes. Goten started to protest. He knew he had finished way before his father had, the evidence was still standing proudly between his legs. Trunks and Gohan pulled him back, and shushed him.
The Saiyan prince was at a loss. He wanted his mate, but knew he had to punish him. He also knew that Goku was right, if he hadn't taken the hit, Trunks or Gohan would have. The cat hadn't been selective. They all had been close enough that it could have been any of them to be wounded.
"Shit." Vegeta said.
"Vegeta?" Goku asked.
"You're right. I can't do it. If you hadn't taken the hit, the cat might have killed one of us. I wont punish you for going with your nature." Vegeta finally said.
"Then you'll let me down?"
"I didn't say that."
Goku was thinking that even Vegeta couldn't manage to fuck him when he was this far off the ground. His toes barely touched the dirt of the clearing. The only way to do it was to hover, and then he wouldn't be able to thrust like he wanted. It was then that he caught the smirk on his mate's face. Vegeta might not be tall enough, but with a little leverage, any of the others would be.
Vegeta walked over, and started pulling the ropes to adjust them. He pulled Goku's legs apart, and lowered him until he was almost touching the ground. That made him the height where any of the younger Saiyans would be able to fuck him with out him being able to touch anything.
The boys quietly talked it over, then decided on going by age. As one they moved closer to the bound body. Vegeta walked around to the front of his mate and ran a hand down to his erection. He motioned to Gohan, who wasted no time in thrusting into his father. Goku panted with his son's thrusts, trying to move himself in Vegeta's hand. The prince just smirked up at him, his hold too tight to let Goku cum.
Gohan howled as he came, biting into Goku's shoulder. With a grin to Vegeta, he moved back, licking his lips to get the last taste of Goku's blood left there.
Trunks took his turn, keeping eye contact with Vegeta the whole time until he too gave in and bit into Goku's other shoulder. By then, the tall Saiyan was whimpering, and pulling at the ropes.
"I'm going to get the whip if you break those." Vegeta said, watching as Goku stopped trying to break free.
Both of them knew that Goku could free himself easily at any time, but that was the whole point. Vegeta had issued an order and Goku had to follow or face the consequences. The tall Saiyan already thought his mate was being a little extreme, but knew the lesson wasn't for him. It was for the boys. They knew who was stronger too, Vegeta was just showing them what kind of control he expected to hold over them.
Goten took his turn, trying to use Goku's tail to bring him some pleasure. Vegeta stopped that by moving it out of his hand, and holding it himself.
"Kakarrot will cum when I say and not before." Vegeta ordered. "Finish." He waved at Goten, who quickly complied.
Once the youngest was done, and back with the others, Vegeta readjusted the ropes so they lowered Goku enough that the prince could take his turn. By then, Goku was begging for release. Vegeta didn't hold back, but pounded into him, the ropes making his body sway with their movements. With a smirk, Vegeta pulled Goku's tail to his mouth, and started to lick the black fur.
"Go super." Vegeta said, giving one last order before pushing Goku over the edge.
The scream of the prince's name floated over the lake, breaking the silence that had settled in with night. The desperate tone made some nesting birds take flight. That and the flash of light that could be seen near the white domed house.