White Day
by Kloak     More by this Writer
To celebrate White Day, Gohan and Trunks are sent on brief chores to pick up their fathers’ gifts. While doing this, a chance encounter occurs involving them and an old family friend.

There is no Videl. Gohan is one year older than Trunks and Goten, who are the same age. Yes, I realize this screws up the entire DBZ theme, but I’m screwy, so, oh well. Vegeta and Bulma are divorced, as are ChiChi and Goku. Vegeta is in love with Goku, who’s in love with Yamcha, who’s in love with Vegeta. Confusing,isn’t it? Trunks’ first boyfriend was Goten, and Gohan thinks he’s bi. Goten and Trunks are 16, and Gohan is 17. Okay, here’s what White Day actually is. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is for women to give gifts to men. White Day is like Valentine’s Day, except the opposite, guys give girls gifts. In my story, however, guys are giving guys gifts because I am really nutty and it wouldn’t be yaoi otherwise. *thoughts* ^telepathy^

01: Chapter 01
*Shit* It’s White Day and Vegeta sent Trunks to get his present for his, ‘special someone’. *Great, less time for me to build up courage to (1) get a gift and (2) actually give it to someone.*


*Crapola ! Look at all the stuff on this list. What’s Dad need all this for anyway?*

It’s White Day and Goku sent Gohan to the store to pick up 15 batches of cookies!

*I wonder who these are for anyway?* Gohan gets a sneaky little grin.


*Need cookies, need cookies, need cookies!* As Trunks grabs a pack of Pillsbury sugar cookies, he runs smack dab into Gohan, losing his balance and falling backwards onto his arse.

“Whoops! Sorry Trunks.”

Gohan extends his hand to help Trunks off the floor but Trunks gets up himself and mumbles an "It’s okay."

Gohan points to the sugar cookies, “Those for a lucky girl or my brother?”

Trunks points at Gohan’s basket, “Forget mine. Whoever’s getting yours is real lucky.”

“These are Dad’s.”

“Your Dad sent you to get some too?”

“Yep, he wouldn’t get them cuz he was waiting for another phone call from the lawyer.”

Yamcha walked up to them grinning like an idiot, “Hi,guys. What’s up?”

“We’re shopping for our dad’s,” they both say in unison. They look at each other and break into laughter.

“Really? I didn’t think Vegeta gave cookies or such.”

“Well, apparently he does,” Trunks said.

“Who will my dad will give these to?” Gohan wondered aloud.

*At least Gohan’s not getting cookies for some blonde cheerleader or something* Trunks thought.

*I hope I get cookies from Vegeta* Yamcha thought hopefully.

“Why does Yamcha have one of those looks that the freshmen girls get when they’re gawking at a senior?” Gohan whispered to Trunks.

“I have no clue,” Trunks whispered back. He was about to die from such close contact with Gohan.

“Well, I gotta go now,” they all said simultaneously.

They exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

Trunks quickly grabbed a package of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies (mmmm my favorite!) and walks to the third cash register to pay for his cookies.

When he got there he recognized Ranny, Goten’s 15-year-old girlfriend.

She was also Trunks’s good friend.They also used to date, but never officially went out.

“Hey, Trunks. This it?” she asked.

“Uh huh.”

She ran the packages through the scanner. “That’ll be $5.50 please.”

Trunks handed Ranny the money and walked to the door, where he waited for Gohan.

Yamcha was next in line and Ranny ran his package through the scanner.

“That’ll be $3.75 please,” she said.

“What!? It should only be $2.75!” Yamcha exclaimed.

“No sir, it’s $2.75 a package if you get more than one.” She pointed at the sales poster.

“Fine,” Yamcha grumbles as he hands over the money. He walked out the door grumbling something about unfair pricing.

Ranny scanned Gohan’s packages and screwed up her face at the price.

“Gohan you are not gonna like this,” she said warningly.

“How much?” he asked with his hand over his face.

“$41.25, I’m afraid.”

“Dad owes me big time!” said a very irate Gohan.

He handed Ranny the money and headed out the door.

“Have fun baking, boys. And Trunks, do me a favor and save me a white chocalate macadamia nut cookie, would ya?”

“Sure Ranny.” he says grinning.

He walked out the door with Gohan and stopped.

“So what do you think of Ranny, anyhow?” he asked Gohan.

Gohan turned around and looked at Trunks. “She’s a decent kid, pretty smart too. Why?”

“Just wonderin’,” Trunks shrugged.

They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways to BAKE THE COOKIES!


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