White Day
by Kloak     More by this Writer
To celebrate White Day, Gohan and Trunks are sent on brief chores to pick up their fathers’ gifts. While doing this, a chance encounter occurs involving them and an old family friend.

There is no Videl. Gohan is one year older than Trunks and Goten, who are the same age. Yes, I realize this screws up the entire DBZ theme, but I’m screwy, so, oh well. Vegeta and Bulma are divorced, as are ChiChi and Goku. Vegeta is in love with Goku, who’s in love with Yamcha, who’s in love with Vegeta. Confusing,isn’t it? Trunks’ first boyfriend was Goten, and Gohan thinks he’s bi. Goten and Trunks are 16, and Gohan is 17. Okay, here’s what White Day actually is. In Japan, Valentine’s Day is for women to give gifts to men. White Day is like Valentine’s Day, except the opposite, guys give girls gifts. In my story, however, guys are giving guys gifts because I am really nutty and it wouldn’t be yaoi otherwise. *thoughts* ^telepathy^

03: Chapter 03
After leaving the 7/11 Trunks went to the nearest payphone, cursing himself for breaking his cell phone last week when he kept getting his answering machine. He put some coins into the phone and dialed the Son house’s number.

Goten answered the phone. “Moshi moshi.” he said “Son residence. Can I help you?”

Trunks, slightly blushing, “Uh, Goten, could I speak to Gohan please?”

“What for Trunks?” Goten asked, his voice laced with suspicion. Trunks never called to talk to Gohan, never.

“I, uh, um, I n-need some help with my homework” said an impossibly stuttering Trunks, now having a cherry red face.

“Yeah, right.” Goten said sarcastically. *Please* Goten thought, *Trunks Briefs needing help with his homework is quite laughable. He could have at least come up with a better excuse or told me the truth. He should have said “I want to talk to Gohan to tell him I love him” or something of that nature. That I would have believed.*

“OK, I’ll go get him.”

Silence, Trunks was getting nervous, he was biting his nails worrying *What if he won’t want to talk to me, ahhh, that would be bad.*

“Moshi moshi Trunks. What’s up?”

Trunks seating now replies “Could you, um, uh, meet me in the park after dark Gohan?”

Gohan, now completely puzzled says, “Yeah, sure. But why Trunks?”

“Well, um, you see I, um, need to talk to you about something.” Came Trunks’s stuttering reply.

“Well, ok.” said Gohan, “I’ll be there.”

“Thanks Gohan, this means a lot to me.” Trunks said his voice softer and now more calm.

“Well, bye then.” said Gohan.

“Bye.” repeated Trunks and then he heard the telephone hang up. He slowly put the phone back on the receiver and sighed. Tonight he would tell Gohan how he felt.


Gohan waited until Trunks said goodbye and then put the phone back in its cradle. *What was that all about anyway? I hope Trunks isn’t looking for advice on girls because if he is he has come to the wrong place. I wonder how come the only person I told that I was gay was my brother. I guess I’m weird. *Gohan walked into the kitchen where his brother and father were sitting at the table whispering. They looked up as he walked in.

“So,” said Goku slowly, “what was that all about?”

“Well, I’m not exactly sure.” answered Gohan, “But Trunks wants me to meet him in the park tonight.”

“Oh” was all Goku said. After Gohan went to his bedroom Goku looked at Goten and said, “What took Trunks so long to ask anyway? Everybody knows he’s in love with Gohan. It’s been like that since he was 13. Of course, he did have a crush on you when you guys were chibis.”

“Dad.” Goten growled low in his throat. Very few people knew that he and Trunks had been a couple. And his father didn’t even know some of the things they had done as chibis. It was a touchy subject for both teens.

Goten figured that his parents and Trunks’s parents would blow some heads off if they found out what they had done as chibis. Goten shivered slightly, thinking of the many painful ways Vegeta might kill him. He DID NOT want to think about that. “I asked you not to talk about that.” he said.

~Ding~ Went the oven timer.

“Oops, I better get the cookies out of the oven.” Goku said.

He got an oven mitt (a cute pink kitty cat) and pulled out the 15th batch of cookies.

“Do you think you have enough?” asked Goten.

“There is no such thing as enough for the one I love.” Goku replied. “You know, Vegeta is the one who likes you, not Yamcha.”

“Nani?!” Goku exclaimed, almost dropping his cookies.

“Yes Dad, Vegeta has a crush on you and Yamcha has a crush on him.” Goten told him.

Goku’s face split into an evil hentai grin as he said “This could be fun.”


In the park after dark

*I wonder where Trunks is?* Gohan thought as he turned around and saw Trunks walking towards him.

Trunks laughed at himself as he saw that Gohan was wearing a brown leather trench coat identical to his own. You couldn’t blame him, it was cold. He was getting close to Gohan and then he was toe to toe with the man he had loved for so long.

Gohan looked down at the boy who had captured his heart so long ago in the form of Mirai Trunks. But, he didn’t loved Mirai anymore. He’d gotten over him a couple of years ago. Not long after that he’d fallen in love with the pastel prince in front of him. His greatest fantasy was one where he could hold the light haired bishounen in his arms all night, and where Trunks would kiss him tenderly and tell him he loved him. It was a simple fantasy but that’s what would be the best part. The simplicity of being with the one you love so deeply and dearly.

Trunks’s own fantasy was pretty close to that. He wanted to be held forever by the man he deemed a prince. He wanted Gohan to love him as much as Trunks loved the wild haired man. He wanted to love him, marry him, and raise children with him. Well, he could live without children but not without Gohan. He loved him so much and he was going to take Ranny’s advice and put all his love into a kiss to tell Gohan how he felt but first he had to give him something.

Trunks pulled out a box containing two giant peanut butter cookies, and silently put it in Gohan’s hands. Gohan looked down at the box a moment, then back at Trunks. Trunks saw tears in the taller man’s eyes.

Gohan leaned down and hugged the younger boy. Gohan loved him so much and he was glad Trunks had thought about him. Tears were freely flowing down his tanned face. When he broke off the hug and stood back up, he tried to wipe away the tears before Trunks saw them but it was already too late.

Trunks cupped Gohan face and wiped away the tears with his thumbs. “Shhh, it’s okay Gohan. What’s wrong?” Trunks asked, worried.

“I’m glad you care about me.” was all the dark haired man said in reply.

“You don’t know just how much I care.” Trunks whispered.

“I care for you so much that to say I love you would be an understatement to say the least.” Gohan whispered back.

Trunks leaned forward and softly kissed Gohan. It was not passionate nor romantic. It was a kiss that said more than words ever could. It said ‘I love you’ in the deepest, dearest way it could. It told Gohan just how much Trunks loved him.

And to prove he felt the same way, Gohan kissed him back. It was just as gentle and loving. It was deep and caring, and it just felt right. This is what love is, this is what dreams were made of, and Trunks and Gohan were in for a long dream.


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