Good Bye baby, Please don’t cry!
by Meagan     More by this Writer
Only a few months. How am I gonna tell this to everyone, especially Gohan? It has only been a year since we married. I was only in the hospital because my mother made me go and get a checkup. She does the same with all the other Saiyans just to make sure they are in good health. Who had ever thought that this was the news I would receive today.
Male Pregnancy

Chapter 01
“Please tell me, doc. What is the verdict” I ask the doctor. I was in the hospital for a follow up and I had a bad feeling about it.

The doctor looks at me with a sad look in his eyes. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Mr. Briefs, but the chemo did not help. The cancer has spread.”

Somehow I had a feeling that he had nothing good to tell. And here I thought that Saiyans could not get sick like humans. Must have been because I am only a half breed. “Is there anything that can be done?” I hear myself ask. Again, I see the sad look in the doctor’s eyes.

“I am afraid not Mr. Briefs. It is already in the last phase. I would suggest you go home and enjoy the time you have left with your family.”

In my lab my hands curl up into a fist as tears drip down on them. I just started my new life. I finally was in the timeline I created married to Gohan, the one person I always admired. The one person that always got me through. “Thanks, doc.” I dry my eyes with the tissue he offers me. “How long?”

The doctor looks at his screen before he answers. “A few months, at most half a year if you are lucky.”

Only a few months. How am I gonna tell this to everyone, especially Gohan? It has only been a year since we married. I was only in the hospital because my mother made me go and get a checkup. She does the same with all the other Saiyans just to make sure they are in good health. Who had ever thought that this was the news I would receive today.

“Thanks doc, I’ll make the most of it” Getting up I shake the hand of the man who just told me I was going to die very soon and left his office. Outside of the hospital I look at the sun that shines brightly today. This spring day should be full of hope, full of new life as the world around us awakes after a long winter. Somehow I don’t feel like flying home. I decide to walk home through the park. It will give me some time to put everything in perspective.

Lost in thought I walk the way home unconsciously and all too soon I’m in front of the entry to our apartment. During my walk I made peace with the thought I was going to die soon and I made up my mind not to tell. There is nothing to do about it anyway and it will only cause unwanted stress for everyone else.

Standing in the elevator I press in the pass code for the top floor penthouse. Being a Briefs did have its perks. Being able to afford a penthouse was one of them. I hear the ding from the elevator indicating that it has arrived at its destination. The doors open into the entryway of the penthouse.

“I’m Home!” I yell as I kick my shoes off and place them in the shoe rack that is hidden in the wall closet with our jackets. Walking into the house I hear some faint sniffing coming from the kitchen. “Gohan?” I ask as I make my way over and see my husband sitting at the breakfast bar crying. Slowly I go to him and place my arm around his shoulder and pull him against my chest. “Baby, please tell me what is wrong?”

I feel Gohan grasping my shirt and feel him laughing against my chest. “There is nothing wrong, Trunks. I am just so happy.” He replied to me.

Confused, I look at the back of his head that is still buried against my chest. He fumbles with something in his hands as he pulls back from me and a slight blush tints his face. “I’m pregnant.” He mumbles looking at his hands.

Wait. Did I hear that correctly? I put my hand under his face and pull it up so I can look him in the eyes. “You are what, Gohan?” Only then I notice that the thing he is fumbling with in his hands is a pregnancy test. He places it in my hand and I have a good look at it. There is a bright pink plus sign that indicates that the test is positive. “You’re serious?” I look at him with disbelieve in my eyes.

Again I feel the sting of tears in my eyes as Gohan nods. I put my arms around him and pull him flush against me. Together we cry tears of happiness but for me they are also tears of pain. Pain that I will never see my child get born and grow up. Tears that I have to leave my wonderful husband who is not going to forgive me that I have to leave him alone. We promised each other love for eternity and I can only give him a little over a year of marriage.

“Are you happy?” I hear the sweet voice of Gohan whisper in my ear as he looks at me.

”Yes.” I give him my most brilliant smile. “Very.”

A few weeks later I wake up to retching sounds coming from the bathroom. Getting up I open the bathroom door to see Gohan sitting hunched over the toilet. I fill a glass with water and sit down behind him and run my hands soothingly over his back. After a few minutes he flushes the toilet and leans back against me. I brush the hair from his sweaty forehead as I hand him the glass of water. He takes two careful sips and lets it roll around in his mouth before he spits it out in the toilet.

“I hate this.” He announces to me.

The only thing I can do is look at him with a sorry look, “I am sorry to put you through this.” I tell him.

He leans his head down to the right so his neck is exposed to me and I use the opportunity to place a soft kiss on the place where my mating mark should be. Yes, Saiyans bite their life partner. It is a sign that they are bonded for eternity. And apparently, according to my father, it is a sacred ritual. The couple hunt each other during a full moon and fight until the roles within the relationship are established. After that they have violent sex in their Oozaru form and bite each other at the moment the dominant releases his seed in his submissive.

Since the moon was destroyed on Earth and we both don’t have our tails anymore there was no way for us to perform the ritual, therefore, we are not bonded in the traditional way of my father’s people.

I kiss up along his neck until I reach the place behind his ears were his scent glands are located and inhale deeply. “Your scent is slowly changing.” I notice outloud. I place kiss after kiss on his scent glands until I hear Gohan purr in my arms.

I pick him up and walk him to the bed. Putting him down, I crawl in behind him, pulling the covers over our bodies. I pull Gohan against me and feel him snuggle close in my arms. We just lie together content to be in each others’ arms. Both of us slowly purring as I rest my hand on Gohan's stomach that now had an almost unnoticeable tiny bulge. Saiyan pregnancies are shorter than a human’s. He was pregnant now for close to six weeks, an equivalent of nine weeks in a human pregnancy.

Today was the day we were going to announce the pregnancy to the rest of our family. We hired some extra staff to help out with the food and catering of all our family members while the rest of the staff prepared our penthouse for the party. It gave us time to just enjoy spending time together as we prepare ourselves for this party.

It was still early in the morning so we had enough time to cuddle up in bed. I feel Gohan slowly squirming in my arms. As I pull him close again I can feel what has him so unnerved poking hard against my thigh. I look up at him and see him trying to hide his face in my neck with a deep pink blush. Even after being married for a year and all the nights we spend making love he still gets all flustered if he is aroused. My sweet innocent pregnant husband. I love him so much.

I kiss the top of his head and try to get him to look at me so I can place a kiss on those lush lips I know he has. I let my hand creep down until I can grab a hold of his hips and pull him against myself. His hard cock gets trapped between our stomachs. I spread his cheeks and brush my finger over that tight ring of muscles. The moan that Gohan makes is music to my ears.

“Trunks” he whispers.

He turns his head towards me and I place my mouth over his, biting on his lower lip until he gasps and I let my tongue slide into his mouth.

He pulls back putting the back of his hand over his mouth. “Don’t. I taste horrible right now.” He mutters around his hand.

I laugh as my husband looks so beautiful like this. “What are you talking about?” I snicker, “you taste amazing.”

I pull his hand away and delve in again, licking my tongue over his lips asking for permission to enter his mouth again. It takes some probing but after a while he gives in to me. Our tongues brush together and I moan at the sensation. My cock stirs as it slowly becomes hard. Still kissing Gohan, I push one finger into that tight ring of muscles. Slowly, I pull it in and out as the sweet moans and groans of my husband spur me on. I put in a second finger and work on spreading my husband. I know I brushed over his prostate as he bucks his hips up against my stomach and lets out a pained scream.

“Put it in.” he commands me.

“Put what in?” I tease him back. I just want him to tell me what he wants.

“You, inside me, NOW!” He screams the last part as I let my finger brush against his prostate again.

I turn him around and get up behind him. He is leaning down with his head on the pillow, a blush on his cheeks. He has his hips up in the air and his legs are spread wide. He is the epitome of lust looking like this. I feel my cock throb as I let my eyes roam over his delicious form before me.

“Fuck me, Trunks.” He says into the pillow as he spread his cheeks for me with his hands.

His puckered hole is leaking slick, it looks so good that I lean down and lick the leaked slik up with my tongue. I hear my husband gasp as I lick his entrance.

“Please Trunks, put it in.” He moans out.

I smirk as I know that when Gohan starts begging, the need to be fucked is so high if I don’t give it to him immediately he will force himself on me and ride me until he is completely satisfied. Deciding that I want to be in control today, I place the tip of my cock against his entrance and push. I see the ring of muscles expand to accommodate my cock, as I slowly push in. I hold still as I feel Gohan pushing against me trying to impale himself on my cock. Instead I pull out and hear him whimper as only the head of my cock is still inside.

Again I push back in slowly. I have to bite my lip to keep myself from pushing all the way inside to the hilt. Half way inside I have to stop again as I feel Gohan squeeze around me. I know what he is doing and it takes everything in me to not cum right in that moment.

“You fucking tease” I groan between my teeth. I give him a slap on his ass and I hear him moan in pleasure. Yes, my little husband has a little kink. He loves to be dominated, specially behave badly and get disciplined for it.

I feel him relax around me again and I continue pushing in. As I bottom out against him I pull him up on his knees. He hooks his arms around my neck and I pinch his nipples and nibble at his neck.

Gohan turns his head around and pushed his mouth against mine. Feverishly, we make out as I start a slow rhythm of deep thrusts. Everytime I touch his prostate Gohan moans into our kiss. Soon we are both panting and in need of air as our rhythm increases. I reach around to take a hold of his cock and pump it in sync with my movements. The need to cum is taking over all others as I chase that feeling. I feel the cock in my hands throbbing.

“Gonna cum, gonna cum.” Are the only words that he can let out at the moment between moans.

With a well-placed thrust he arches his back screaming as he orgasms. His seed lands on the pillow were his head was not too long ago. At the same time I moan as he again tightens around me. I push in one final time and release deep inside him with a groan. I lean my head against his back, out of breath. I pull out and see my seed leaking out of his hole. I brush my finger through it and lick it up.

Gohan just looks at me with big eyes as I lick my finger. I lie down on the bed and pull him on top of me. “Please, my love, let us get some more sleep before the party.” I tell him. The only response I get is a hummed acceptance and within seconds we both nod off to dreamworld.

A few hours later we are both standing in the shower. We slept so long that we now have to rush because the first guest would be showing up soon. As much as I want to touch him I know that he would get angry at me if I tried.

I finish my shower and step out to give him all the space he needed and take a towel from the rack to dry myself. I am still drying my hair as I step into our bedroom. There is a knock on the door and a voice of one of our servers.

“Sorry to disturb you sir. But your parents have arrived they are in the elevator on their way up right now.”

I thank her for the message and tell her I would be down soon. I walk back over to the bathroom and rely the message to my husband who I hear swearing as he now rushes faster to finish his shower. He has a harder time as my cum that had leaked out sticks to his thighs and he has to wash it all off.

I dress myself in the outfit that Gohan had picked out for me. It is faded jeans that accentuate my butt with a black button down shirt and black boots. Putting on some cologne that Gohan gave me for my thirty second birthday last year, I walk out the door just as Gohan gets out of the bathroom.

“I’ll be right up” he smiles.

I love his smile. It is so genuine and full of love. Right there at that moment, I feel a pang in my heart. Soon I would be without that smile. Would there be someone out there who he could smile to, like this once again? Thoughts of his future swirl through my head as I walk down the stairs. Just at that moment my parents and siblings walk out of the elevator. I can hear my father grumbling that flying would’ve been much faster than that blasted car. My sad thoughts are pushed back and I put a smile on my face as I walk over to greet them.

“Mirai!” My mother walks over and gives me a hug.

Since my oldest sibling is in fact me from this time line he has the same name as well. So whenever we are together in a room everyone calls him ‘Trunks’ and me ‘Mirai’. It makes everything easier.

“Good to see you, mother.” I greet back at her.

I look over at my dad who nods in acknowledgement, and walk off into the hall to the back of the house where me and Gohan had built a gravity room. I know that we would only see him back when the food is served.

My focus is pulled back to my mother and siblings as I feel small hands tugging at my pants. My baby sister is holding out a piece of paper. I lean down and take it from her. It is a drawing she made.

“That is you, and that is me, and that is Gohan.” She points out. “And that is the toy we played with last time I stayed over.” She points at a drawing of a big plush dog that Gohan won at the fair we went with her. It was bigger than she was and we kept it here for her whenever she would stay over when my parents wanted a night to themselves.

“Thank you, princess.” I brush my hand over her head and place a kiss to her forehead. She is pleased and looks happy that I accepted her present. I turn to my other self, the me from this timeline.

“She has been talking about it all week.” He says with a smile. Trunks is very fond of his little sister and would pick her up every other day from school after his classes ended to walk home with her. Our baby sister is proud to have two good looking big brothers and brags about us nonstop to the teachers.

“Good to know.” I reply back and lead them into the living area.

As soon as we enter a servant comes up to us with some drinks. At that moment Gohan walks down the stairs and joins us. Not long after that our whole living area is filled with guests. Gohan’s father runs off to the gravity room the moment he arrives and his mother talks with mine in the sitting area in our living room. Krillin and his wife stand in front of the tv together with master roshi and Yamcha. Goten, Gohan’s little brother, and Trunks are sitting in a dark corner watching something on their phone. In between you can see them giggling. One can only imagine what teenage boys are looking at. And Maron and my baby sister are coloring on the floor.

Everyone is happy. The drinks flow greatly and some adults have a faint blush from the wine. As dinner is served our fathers show up again and ravish everything within reach. Halfway through dinner I stand up, tickling my knife against the glass. With all the attention on me I look at Gohan nervously. He stands up as well and grabs my hand.

“Mom, Chichi, we love you both to bits and therefore Gohan and I put something special together for you.” I begin. I hear my mother hold her breath as she waits for the next part. But instead of there being a next part to my speech, Gohan walks to a dresser and opens it. He pulls two presents out and hands them to our mothers.

“What is this?” Comes the question of his mother, Chichi. The present is pink with a blue ribbon and the present that my mother is holding is blue with a pink ribbon.

“Well, open it and you will find out.”

Our mothers look at each other and both pull the ribbon off. My mother rips the wrapping paper and opens the box. Inside is an unused pregnancy test. She pulls it out, looking at it confused. Chichi squeals as she sees it and rips her present open. Inside hers are two key chains with the text ‘Best Grandmother’. Holding up the key chains, she puts her hands in front of her mouth. Tears roll down her face. She walks around the table toward Gohan and pulls him into a hug. “Oh, my baby boy, I am so happy for you. How are you feeling?” Chichi keeps on asking question after question without giving Gohan a chance to answer any of them. My own mother comes over to me and gives me a hug, congratulating myself and Gohan on the good news.

After all the well wishes from our family and friends we finish dinner with a blueberry parfait dessert. I know that it is Gohan’s favorite and therefore I requested it specially for tonight. After dinner our dads returned to the gravity room and Gohan is placed on the couch between his mother and mine talking about the pregnancy. Apparently, we need to prepare for a gender reveal party and a babyshower. My husband looks overwhelmed and only laughs when our mothers come up with yet something else we need to do before the baby was born.

I take this moment to walk outside on the balcony to get some fresh air. I have my cup of coffee in hand and I sit down on the railing. For any other person this would be scary but for me as a Saiyan I have no fear of falling off and ending up splattered on the ground below. I am deep in thought about the future again. This moment for me alone gives me room to think and my thoughts go to a bad place once again. The knowledge that you are going to die very soon would have a toll on everyone's life including mine. Tears run down my face as I think of my husband giving birth alone without me, begging for me to be there.

I am startled out of my thoughts when I hear someone calling my name. Looking behind me, I see my other me standing there. I wipe the tears from my face and smile at him. “Yeah, everything is fine. Just happy that I'm going to be a father.” I tell him with a smile. But he is me, he can see through that smile, he knows that that is not the smile of us for when we are happy. No, he knows that the smile I am giving him is the smile of hurt, the smile we use to cover up our pain.

He walks over to me and looks me in the eyes, “I know you are lying.” He says straight to my face.

I look at him with big eyes before the shock leaves me and I looked at him with sad eyes. “Yeah, you are right.” I replied to him.

He sits down next to me and takes my coffee and downs it. “You know you can talk to me, right? I will keep your secrets. Because I am you and you are me and we have to stick together.”

He looks at me with worry in his eyes. It is like I could look into his soul and my dam broke. I tell him everything about the cancer that they discovered and that I thought that it must have been related to the bad climate conditions in my own timeline. I tell him about the checkup that I had a few weeks ago and the news that they gave me. Tears start to flow when I tell him that there was a possibility that I would not be present at the birth of my own child.

Trunks is silent through all this. He listens and thinks about it, going over all the options in his head to prevent the one and only ending to this disease.

“I know what you are thinking.” I look over at him and he looks back at me. “There is really nothing you can do, little me. The dragonballs won’t work and there is no known cure they can give me that exists at this moment in time. And no, I don’t want you to go time traveling to find me one.” I tell him with a stern look. “You can’t help me, my son won’t know his father and my husband will be left all on his own. Dealing with a newborn while mourning his dead husband.” I look down to the people walking on the sidewalk and cars driving by.

“Maybe there is something we can do about your son not knowing his father.” Trunks replied after a few minutes.

“What do you have in mind, Trunks?” He has my attention now.

“What about we make video clips of you doing everyday things. Like shaving, cooking or just telling your feelings for him in a video blog?”

I think over his suggestion for a moment. “That sounds like a good idea.” I smile at him. It is a genuine smile.

Trunks and I pick a date to start filming and he would provide me with a camera so I could record my thoughts. I make him promise to not tell anyone until Gohan found out. But I am determined to not let him find out at all until I am gone. I want these last months we have together to be about us and not about the disease that is killing me from the inside out.

Together Trunks and I walk back inside to the party were both Chichi and our mother were still harassing my poor husband. I can see the stress on his face and decide to give him a way out. I approach them from behind and lean over the back of the couch to hug Gohan from behind. “Mom, Chichi,” I begin, “Gohan is tired, the baby is already taking all his energy I think he needs to go get some rest.” I place a kiss to the back of Gohan's head and nudge him to get up. Gohan was quick to agree with my excuse and walks away from our mothers with me towards the breakfast bar.

“Thank you.” he whispers to me. He reaches for a champagne glass.

“What are you doing? No alcohol for you until the baby is born.” I grab his hand and place a kiss over it. He looks at me with a desperate look. I could not blame him. After being harassed by those two women everyone would grab for a glass of alcohol to calm down.

“Why don’t you go up and take a bath?” I suggest, hoping that a bath would calm his thoughts.

As Gohan walks up the stairs I see our dad leave the gravity room. If they are leaving that would mean that they had enough and they would all soon leave for home. I talk with my dad and father in law, promising them that next time we would spar with them. Or at least me since Gohan is pregnant and sparring is not the safest activity for our unborn child. I will come up with an excuse as to why I cannot spar next time. Sparring for sure will show them that something is wrong with me and that is something I do not want to do.

As the evening comes to an end I am standing at the elevator hugging my mother and mother in law and promising that I would take good care of my husband and make sure that I meet all his needs, as according to them you need to spoil a pregnant partner.

“Yes, mother, I’ll make sure that his every wish will be met as long as it is within my power.” I repeat. They seem to both be satisfied for they finally take a step back and the doors from the elevator close down. I turn around and see the servants already cleaning up all the mess. This has taken a lot of energy out the both of us but it had been worth it.


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