The Substitute
by Sniffles     More by this Writer
Trunks is in love with Gohan and they are in a relationship. But then Mirai Trunks comes back; the reason Gohan began looking that way in the first place, who will Gohan choose?

Chapter 02

“Please, call me Mirai.” Mirai Trunks shifted uneasily, bothered by Gohan’s intense stare. They were alone now. After he explained that he was just lonely and had come to see old friends, the others had left.

Now he was standing before Gohan who was staring at him as if he was a ghost. “Trunks…” Gohan repeated softly, his face pale and drawn, “I never thought I’d see you again.”

Mirai Trunks smiled wryly, thinking of the younger version of himself who had left the house earlier, looking heart broken. “You see me everyday.” He reminded Gohan.

“No, Trunks isn't you, he’s nothing like you.” Gohan said softly.

Mirai nodded, suddenly feeling sorry for his younger self. “You are lovers.”

Gohan jerked, not expecting to hear that. He flushed, nodding. “Yes…”

“He’s quite young.” Mirai noted.

Gohan nodded again, “He is.”


“That’s right.”

Mirai sighed and looked away. He didn’t know why but this information bothered him, a lot. He hadn't been much older when he’d fallen in love with his Gohan… He had been older in spirit, and his Gohan had never let him act on his love. He had kept insisting he was too young.

“You think he’s too young.” Gohan said, stiffening a little.

“He is.” Mirai responded, voice soft but firm.

Gohan clenched his hands into fists, “I would have waited… but… do you have any what it’s like to love someone so much you die when they’re not around? Do you know what it’s like when you can’t be with that person because they live in another dimension but their exact double is here before you…? Every day I would see him and think of you and I… it just became too muc-“

“My God.” Mirai whispered, eyes wide. “You became his lover because you had a crush on -me-?”

“It wasn't a crush! It still isn't!” Gohan snapped angrily, “I love you!”

Mirai could feel the color draining from his face, could hear his heart breaking, but it wasn't his own pain to feel. He was feeling the pain his younger self must be feeling. “You told him, didn’t you? You told him that you loved me and th-“

“I could never lie to him. I couldn't let him-“

“You cruel, sadistic bastard!”

This outraged comment startled Gohan into silence, “That boy -loves- you!” Mirai yelled, his anger coming to a rise as he stared at Gohan, “You used him to make yourself happy, not once thinking about his feelings! His emotions! How -dare- you?!”

Gohan gritted his teeth, “What about you? Coming back here to get a glimpse of me?”

“I loved one who looked like you.” Mirai said coldly, “But he was nothing like you. He had more honor, more dignity, and more respect.”



Trunks bit his lip and looked up, meeting a deep brown, concerned gaze. “You all right?”

Trunks nodded, looking away from Goten’s penetrating gaze. He and Goten were best friends and Goten knew everything about him… well, almost everything. “Is this about Mirai Trunks?” Goten asked softly, reaching out to touch Trunks’s arm.

Trunks shivered and pulled away from that light touch. “I hate him.” Trunks said fiercely.

Goten’s eyes widened with surprise, “What? Hate.. him? Why?”

Trunks lowered his head, sniffing as tears began to fill his eyes, “Because Gohan loves him… not me.”


“Did you expect me to lie to him? To tell him it was him I dreamt about and him I adored? His life I would die for?” Gohan yelled furiously.

Mirai Trunks shook his head sadly, “No.” His eyes were filled with anguish and wisdom as he stepped back, “The honorable thing would have been to leave the boy alone.”


“Trunks… Trunks where are you going?” Goten rushed after his friend, brow furrowed with concern.

Trunks ignored Goten, only flying faster since he knew his friend was following. “Leave me alone Goten!”

“Trunks … wait!!”


“-no right to-”

“GOHAN!” Goten burst into the room, interrupting whatever Gohan was in the process of saying.

Mirai and Gohan turned to Goten, “What is it?” Gohan asked, alarmed at the look on Goten’s face.

“How could you!?” Goten screamed, he was panting for air. He had used a lot of energy to fly after Trunks and then here.

“How could I what?” Gohan asked softly, “Where is Trunks?”

“Gone! Because of you!!”

“Gone?” Gohan felt as if the ground dropped from beneath him. His hands flew to his heart.

“What do you mean gone, Goten?” Mirai asked, though he too was worried, he managed to remain calm.

“I don’t know where’s he going, but… the way he looked when he left! Gohan… Gohan if anything happens to Trunks I’ll never forgive you!” And then Goten promptly burst into tears. He fell to his knees, unable to stand any longer.

Mirai rushed to the boy’s side. He knelt, placing an arm around those trembling shoulders. He looked up to Gohan, expression grave. “We have to find him.”

Gohan nodded numbly.


“Gone… what do you mean gone?” Vegeta growled, his eyes flashing with anger.

“Gohan, Goten, and Goku are out looking for him now. I just contacted Krillin and he has agreed to help.” Mirai said quietly.

“You didn’t answer my question boy.” Vegeta draped a towel around his neck and patted the sweat from his forehead.

“We believe… Trunks has run away.”

“Run away?” Vegeta snorted, “My boy would do no such thing.”

Mirai nodded, “Of course, regardless, when he last spoke to Goten he was quite upset. You can understand how we might be worried about him.”

“Upset?” Vegeta’s eyes narrowed, “About what?”

Mirai was quiet. His silence spoke more eloquently than his words ever could. “Goku’s brat…” Vegeta’s eyes were dark with hatred, “Damn him.” He grabbed the towel and tossed it aside. “Let’s go.”


“Now where is that thing..?” Bulma stood in the center of the room and sighed. She had searched everywhere and simply couldn't find the older dragon ball radar she had. She needed it for a science article she was writing.


“Oh!” She gasped and whirled around. Her eyes lit up with joy when she saw who was at the door, “Trunks!”

Mirai smiled as she launched herself into his arms. She hugged him tightly, then pulled back to grin up at him, “What brings you here?!”

He reached up and gently touched her cheek. “Mother.” He said softly, “I’m afraid I have bad news.”

“Bad news?! What’s going on? Are more androids coming?”

“No.” Mirai shook his head, “Trunks… is gone.”


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