The Substitute
by Sniffles     More by this Writer
Trunks is in love with Gohan and they are in a relationship. But then Mirai Trunks comes back; the reason Gohan began looking that way in the first place, who will Gohan choose?

Chapter 04
“That I.. would…?” Gohan’s eyes widened with shock, “What? But! You don’t even know me!” He gasped, mouth dropping open.

Trunks stiffened in Gohan’s arms. He pushed against Gohan’s chest hard and scrambled away. /This isn't Gohan../ He stared at Gohan’s face, seeing features that were familiar but when he looked into those eyes… He knew. This just wasn't Gohan, he didn’t understand how or why. /What did the dragon do?/ He wondered, hopelessly confused, /Gohan is supposed to love me, not .. not change into someone else…/

He looked around, his heart clenching painfully. He shook his head, letting out a strangled sob. He buried his face in his hands, biting back the sobs. “Hey, now..” Gohan said with alarm, “Please… calm down.”

“Where… where am I?” Trunks managed to gasp out between tightly clenched teeth.

“Uh.. earth?” Gohan responded reluctantly.

Trunks dropped his hands into his lap, trying hard to contain his tears. /Earth… how can this be earth?/ But he lifted his head and looked around, as he did he realized that this was indeed earth. It ‘felt’ the same. /A different dimension…/ he decided, /but…but which one? The.. Is this Mirai Trunks’s dimension? No.. I don’t think so…/

“What’s your name?” Gohan asked, feeling uncomfortable in the silence.


“Well, Trunks… how did you end up here?” Gohan licked his lips, “The dragon, right?”

Trunks nodded, not looking at Gohan. He focused instead on his hands. “And you… you wished for what? Exactly?” Gohan asked.

“To… That… that you… you would love me and… and that… I’d be taken away…” Trunks admitted quietly.

“I see… but, I've never met you before. Have I?”

“No, not you…” Trunks whispered, shaking his head slowly. The tears weren't burning his eyes so hard anymore. He sighed, straightening his shoulders. Gohan would never love him… he just had to accept it. Life couldn't end just because Gohan loved… Mirai Trunks.


Vegeta leaned back against the wall, staring up at the sky. Beside him, Mirai Trunks was quiet. “I shouldn't have come.” Mirai Trunks said softly.

“You have just as much right to be here, as Trunks.” Vegeta said sternly, “You’re my son.”

“Yes, but if I hadn't returned Trunks would have never found out that his lover was using him as a replacement.” Mirai Trunks said sadly.

“It’s best he found out.” Vegeta snorted, “I would kill Goku’s boy…”

Mirai Trunks’ lips twitched, “If it weren't for the fact that you understand.”

Vegeta’s eyes narrowed. He turned his head to glower at Mirai Trunks. He didn’t speak though.

“Once… you chose a substitute over the one you truly wanted.” Mirai Trunks continued, looking out to the horizon, “Because you felt you had no other choice.”


In another dimension, Goku cuddled his lover close. Many years ago, shortly after ChiChi died, Vegeta had finally confessed his love and they’d been together since. Goku couldn't imagine what his life would have been like if Vegeta hadn't come to him., couldn't begin to imagine what he’d have missed out on.

He held Goku just a bit tighter. “I love you.” He whispered.

“Sentimental idiot.” Vegeta growled, stretching his arms and legs a little as he woke up.

“I have a right to be… almost missed out on you, lover.” Goku said with a smile.

Vegeta snorted, “Ridiculous.”

“I wonder what our lives would have been like… if we had-”

“Don’t start that again.” Vegeta growled, “I’m tired of hearing it…”

“Dad? Pop?”

Goku looked up at Gohan’s voice, eyes narrowing. “Something’s up.”

Vegeta nodded, sitting up, “C’mon. Better get dressed and see what’s going on.”


“His name is Trunks. He’s in my room changing right now.” Gohan said quietly as his father stared at in incredulously.

“He wished that you would love him?” Goku repeated dumbly, “But you don’t know him?”

“I think.. from what he’s said, that the dragon might have transported him to a different dimension.” Gohan said with a little shrug, “Nothing else seems to make sense.”

“Insanity makes sense.” Vegeta grunted.

“No!” Gohan shook his head quickly, “Dad… He’s not insane. I… I actually believe him.”

Vegeta nodded slowly, they all trusted Gohan’s instincts. Of them all Gohan was the least likely to be fooled by a con-artist, well, the least -after- Vegeta of course. “Wow… but why would the dragon send him here? You don’t know him, so you obviously don’t love him.”

Gohan shrugged, “The dragon can’t make someone love you. Remember? But, he also wished that he’d be sent somewhere other than where he was. Somewhere far away from the Gohan who hurt him. So… I think that’s why he ended up here.”

“You’re probably right.” Trunks said softly. He stood at the bottom of the steps, wearing light blue pants and a black turtleneck. They were older clothes of Gohan’s and fit Trunks a bit loosely. He ran a hand nervously through his silver hair as three pairs of familiar and yet strange eyes focused on him.

“Ah.. you must be Trunks!” Goku stood and grinned, “Hi, there! Come, sit.”

Vegeta looked at Trunks, his eyes narrowed. /Something about this boy… feels.. familiar?/ He watched closely as Trunks walked hesitantly over to where they were sitting. The moved stiffly, as if he was in pain. Trunks glanced up, his blue eyes clashing with Vegeta’s piercing black gaze. The boy flushed and quickly sat down in the only free chair.

“So uh.. you, how do you know Gohan?” Goku asked, sliding into back into his position beside Vegeta.

“He… he was my best friend’s brother… and that’s sort of how I met him… We trained together…” Trunks added as an after thought. He reached up, rubbing at his eyes. He felt so tired. So very drained.

“I see.” Goku nodded, watching the boy with a compassionate gaze. /Poor kid looks beat…/

“Trunks, uh… I don’t have a brother.” Gohan said softly.

Trunks dropped his hands, looking at Gohan with a wide gaze. “Go… Goten? He… he’s not here?”

Gohan looked over at his father, then back at Trunks. “Uh, no, I don’t have any siblings. Mom died shortly after I was born.”

“What? ChiChi… she… she died?” Trunks gasped, mouth dropping open.

“How did you know her name?” Goku gasped.

Vegeta rolled his eyes with a sigh, “He’s from an alternate universe, Kakkorot, which means same people, different lives.”

“Sort of like… he’s seen what our lives would have been like if we had chosen different paths..” Goku said quickly, eyes widening with excitement, “Trunks, do you know me?”

Trunks nodded slowly, reluctantly. “Yes…”

“Wow…” Goku grinned widely, “What am I like? I have another son?”

Trunks nodded again.

“His name is Goten.” Goku leaned back, reaching out impulsively and grabbing Vegeta’s hand, “Hear that snuggle? Another son.”

/Snuggle…?/ Trunks stared at the point where their hands joined. “Papa…” He whispered, his body tensing. “Papa…” he licked his lips, “Bulma….?” He could barely get the word out with the sudden fear that gripped his body.

“Bulma?” Gohan repeated softly, “What?”

“What are you babbling about, boy?” Vegeta snapped, looking at Trunks with narrowed eyes.

“Oh… Bulma! Remember? She was my friend, she left shortly after I met ChiChi though.” Goku said with a smile, “Do you know Bulma, Trunks?”

Trunks bent forward, clutching his stomach and letting out a keen whimper of pain. “No..” He moaned, “It can’t be…” /Mother is gone.. Goten is gone… I have nothing here but people who don’t know me and who I barely know… How could things have gone so horribly wrong??/

Gohan watched Trunks, his gaze dark with worry and suddenly, as he watched Trunks, he thought of something disturbing, “Trunks,” He said softly, “Who is your mother?”

Trunks didn’t hear at first, Gohan repeated the question a few times before the boy looked up, tears streaking his pale cheeks. “Bu.. Bulma…”

“And your father?” Vegeta asked sharply.

Trunks covered his face with his hands, surging to his feet. “I’m sorry! I shouldn't have come here… But when Mirai came.. I was so -hurt-… Papa loves him more, Gohan loves him more! I didn’t think! I’m sorry..”

Gohan hurried to his feet and rushed to Trunks's side. He gently laid an arm around the shaking boy’s shoulders. “Sh, it’s all right. We’re not angry with you.”

Goku bit his lower lip, watching with worry. Vegeta watched also, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. “I’m your father. Aren’t I?” He demanded suddenly.

Trunks stiffened in shock, then slowly nodded. “Y-yes…”

“Really?” Goku gasped, “You've got a son?”

Vegeta rolled his eyes, “In an alternate reality.”

“Yeah… but still… and he’s really cute too.” Goku grinned at Trunks.

Trunks stared at them, surprised they seemed to be taking it so well. He brushed at his eyes, trying hard not to cry again. /When did I become so weak? Father would be so.. so ashamed./

“Hey,” Gohan said quietly, “Don’t worry about them.” He smiled down at Trunks, “Are you okay?”

“It’s just… so much has been happening… I … I feel..”

“Overwhelmed.” Gohan finished for him softly.

Trunks nodded. Gohan smiled and gently touched the top of Trunks’s head with his hand. “Listen. Don’t be afraid. Okay? We’ll help you figure things out, and you can stay here until you do. All right?”

Trunks nodded again, licking his lips nervously. “It… are you sure?”

“You are my son after all.” Vegeta said, startling Trunks a great deal.


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