The Substitute
by Sniffles     More by this Writer
Trunks is in love with Gohan and they are in a relationship. But then Mirai Trunks comes back; the reason Gohan began looking that way in the first place, who will Gohan choose?

Chapter 03
“Three days he’s been gone.” Goten slumped miserably to the ground.

“I can’t sense his energy…” Krillin ran a hand over his brow, “Anywhere…”

“He’s hiding.” Vegeta stood beside Piccolo. The two were looking out to the horizon.

“Vegeta… we.. we will find him.” Goku, assuming his friend was worried, said in a comforting tone.

Vegeta glanced back, his eyes locked on Gohan. Gohan shifted uneasily under Vegeta’s hard gaze. “Father,” Mirai murmured, touching his father’s hand.

Vegeta turned. The sky to the north was swelling with black clouds. In less time then it took to blink, the clouds had covered the entire sky. The billowing black clouds were rippling with energy. Everyone looked up at them.

“The dragon.” Piccolo’s voice broke the eerie silence that suddenly gripped them all.


Trunks gazed up at the dragon, his entire body shaking. He’d faced the dragon before but never alone. He gripped the dragon ball radar he’d stolen from his mother tightly in his hand. “Dragon… I… I have only one wish…” He felt as if a huge lump was in his throat. He took a deep breath, trying to calm down.


The dragon gazed down at him with eyes that were old and wise. Those eyes were almost compassionate.


Trunks closed his eyes and looked down.

“I wish…”


He jerked, whirling around. He recognized the figures flying towards him, even if they were still several miles away.

“I wish Gohan loved me!”

He whirled around again, before the dragon could grant his wish he spoke again, “I wish I was anywhere but here, and I wish I could be anyone but who I am!”


“TRUNKS!” Gohan screamed.

A great blue light surrounded Trunks’s form. When the light cleared, Trunks was gone. “Your wishes have been granted.” The dragon’s voice shook Gohan’s soul.

Then the clouds began to disperse as the dragon reverted to its magical form. The dragon balls reappeared and were gone in a flash. /What did he wish for? Oh God… Trunks.. what did you wish for?/

Mirai landed where Trunks had stood just moments before. Vegeta landed beside him, then Goku, Goten, and Gohan landed together several feet away. Piccolo and Krillin remained in the air. Both were waiting for Vegeta’s wrath to erupt.

“What did he wish for?” Gohan whispered, looking to Mirai who stood in almost the exact position Trunks had been standing in.

Mirai dropped to his knees. He placed his hands on the ground. The dragon’s energy could still be felt. Vegeta crouched beside him, sniffing the air.

“Whatever he wished for,” Mirai spoke, his voice soft and sad, “It took him away from here and you.”


Alternate Universe

Gohan smiled fondly at his father and step-father, the two were always arguing. “Kakorrot I am no child! I don’t need your cod-“

“Oh c’mon Gita darlin’. You know you want it!”


Gohan laughed outright as his father launched himself at Vegeta. The two tumbled to the floor where Goku proceeded to cuddle Vegeta. Vegeta cried out a number of protests, trying desperately to squirm away.

“I’ll leave you two alone.” Gohan said with a huge smile and wink at Vegeta.

“Wait boy! Get your father off of me!” Vegeta ordered, pushing at Goku’s shoulders.

Goku just murmured happily and buried his nose in Vegeta’s shirt. “You married him Vegeta. You get him off.” Gohan said with a chuckle, “Have fun you two.” He waved and walked out of the house.

He could hear Vegeta cursing and yelling as he closed the door behind him and started walking. He couldn't help but smile. Vegeta and Goku had mated many years ago and still Vegeta hated any public displays of affection but Vegeta was happy with his father. The happy moans and cries at night, which Gohan could hear clearly through the thin walls, was more than enough proof of that.

He sighed, his smile fading. He just wished he could find someone he could be so happy with. There weren’t many girls that he knew, and the ones he did know he didn’t like. He dropped his head, and the only boys he knew were into girls. Which left him knowing absolutely no one who he could fall in love with.

Sometimes he just felt so lonely. He rubbed his forehead, resisting the urge to sigh again. /Enough with the self pity Son Gohan. It doesn’t suit you at all to mope around like some pathetic … self-pitying…/

Suddenly, the night sky lit up. Gohan stopped walking, his eyes widening as a wave of power washed across the land. It was like nothing he’d felt before.

The power resided but he could see a blue light glowing somewhere in the distance. /What is that?/

He started running towards the light.


The minute the dragon’s power was gone, Trunks fell to the ground. He felt so weak and disoriented. He was cold… and wet? He wrapped his arms around himself and brought his knees towards his chest in an attempt to warm up. /What’s going on… where am I?/

He squeezed his eyes tightly shut. His teeth were chattering together. /Did it work…? Am I… Does Gohan…?/


Gohan stopped short at the sight of the naked body that lay curled up on the ground where the blue light had been glowing. He could still feel traces of the awesome power that had washed over him. He walked slowly towards the shivering body, his heart twisting as he got nearer. “Are you all right?” he asked softly when he was closer to the boy.

The boy stiffened, then his head turned and his eyes opened. Gohan gasped as he found himself staring into golden eyes. The face around those eyes was beautiful. Finely chiseled and so beautiful it was hard to tell just by looking at the face whether the boy was male or female.

Gohan moved a little closer, then stopped as that body tensed further. “… Gohan…?” The boy whispered, slowly uncurling and getting to his knees.

Gohan gasped, he could feel the color draining from his face, “How do you know my name?” He demanded.

The boy licked his lips, then attempted to stand. He seemed to be very weak and unsteady. He dropped back to his knees, moaning softly. “Gohan…. Help me, please.”


Gohan looked pale and nervous. He approached cautiously, then dropped to his knees. Immediatel Trunks moved, throwing his arms around Gohan and pressing his face into Gohan’s chest. “Gohan.” He breathed but as he got a whiff of the man he was holding so close he felt as if this wasn't Gohan.

He wrapped his arms tighter around Gohan. /Of course this is Gohan… who else would it be?/ he told himself.

Gently and hesitantly Gohan wrapped his arms around the trembling boy. “How do I know you?” Gohan asked softly but as his hands touched the boys cold skin he forgot all about finding out who the boy was. He pulled back and quickly took off his jacket. He placed the jacket around the boy’s shoulders. “You’re freezing.”

“I am… cold.” Trunks agreed softly.

“Come on, we need to get you inside.” /And get you some clothes./ Gohan added quietly. He found himself looking at the boy’s thin form and blushed as his thoughts turned down a route they shouldn't go.

“Gohan… Gohan.. the dragon?” Trunks grabbed Gohan’s arms. He looked up, eyes wide, “Did he grant my wish?”

“Wish?” Gohan frowned. The dragon! That made sense. This boy must have made a wish with the dragon balls. That would explain the power he’d felt a moment ago. “What wish did you make?”

“That you would love me.”


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