"common dog health challenges you needs to know" in DBZ Yaoi & Shounen Ai Fanfiction — Page 5

Blood Runs Deep GotenTrunks
Blood Runs Deep Abandoned December 12, 2017 Words: 39124 Chapters: 12 Views: 223 Trunks life is quite complicated as he's in a relationship with Goten, but also with his own father. Goten/Trunks Vegeta/Trunks Incest
Monster 2 BulmaGoku
Monster 2 Abandoned December 12, 2017 Words: 29692 Chapters: 7 Views: 247 All warnings most likely apply.

“How do you describe the feeling of being torn between running into someone’s arms and sending a blast through their brain? I don’t think the line between love and hate has ever been this thin, this transparent and inconsistent in parts. But I miss him, as completely as you can ever miss anything. Or maybe, more probably, I miss myself. Feelings -good or bad- made me alive and now? I am as numb and cold as ever. Like a dead body I suppose. Ironic isn’t it? The cross that plunged itself out of his chest impaled us both.”

Image by 'Mr. Asia' from the book 'Schmerzen' Graphic Violence
Pandora's Box - First Arc GokuVegeta
Pandora's Box – First Arc December 10, 2017 Words: 117312 Chapters: 17 Views: 442 Trunks travels to an alternate past where he doesn't exist. Now, with a depth of faith and constitution, he recruits Goku to help him mute the lurking murderer beneath his father's skin.

Warning : Mention of suicide and death
Monster BulmaGoku
Monster Recommended December 9, 2017 Words: 142661 Chapters: 39 Views: 584 An extremely sexual story about finding yourself and learning to believe again.

Use descretion when reading. Explicit sexual content, graphic depictions of violence and gore along with homosexual acts. Some content may be viewed as blasphemous and controversial. Read at your own risk.

Image by 'Kuri'

http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=682741 Graphic Violence Group Sex
Lucid Future TrunksGohan
Lucid Recommended December 7, 2017 Words: 97701 Chapters: 14 Views: 724 It’s written in Gohan’s POV. The plot is set four years after the Buu fight. Now about the content itself: Oh yeah, a big baddie came and destruction was his name. Mirai Trunks is too late to warn his friends in the other dimension, and things get fucked up as badly as only they can (though, I could have made them even worse), and only several persons are left alive. age: Gohan 22; Mirai Trunks 26. Deathfic
When There Are Two of Me GotenTrunks
When There Are Two of Me December 7, 2017 Words: 86523 Chapters: 18 Views: 306 Trunks wakes up to find himself in a ward where he has spent two months. He realizes that he has a chance to start his life anew. Which side will he choose and is it really his life after all?
Deep Circle GokuVegeta
Deep Circle December 6, 2017 Words: 111114 Chapters: 25 Views: 394 Different but the same world; Three affection seeking Saiyans; The enclosing death and true nature; Long way home and even longer way to reality. Male Pregnancy
Heavy Bond BardockGoku
Heavy Bond December 6, 2017 Words: 66488 Chapters: 16 Views: 465 This story is completely independent from all my other stories. This is an absolute AU. Vegeta-sei still exists. Besides Vegeta-sei there’s another power. Besides Vegeta House there’s another family that rivals it. The collision of those powers is threatening to start a war. To avoid the war, the decision is made to bind the both families. So this is where the story starts. Male Pregnancy
Persistence GokuVegeta
Persistence December 6, 2017 Words: 51302 Chapters: 13 Views: 291 Don't believe people who say that love at first sight doesn't exist. Don't believe people who say that love isn't undying. Don't believe people who say that love can't defeat everything. There always are some exceptions.

You want to know where the action takes place? I can tell you that this is set on Vegetasei, but I can't tell you when. You can imagine that the war on Vegetasei is over or that it never has been waged, or that it had been won, or that it's happening even before the actuality of war. All of it would be true, and none of this would be true, because we know that these events never happened, anyway. Male Pregnancy
Barracks GotenTrunks
Barracks WIP December 5, 2017 Words: 446355 Chapters: 65 Views: 891 Due to a curious mix-up Goten is taken into an officer training school. While trying to understand what is happening, he stumbles into a series of strange events, and the dots finally start connecting. Graphic Violence
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DBZ Saiyan Garden

"Welcome to DBZ Saiyan Garden—your ultimate hub for DBZ Yaoi, BL (Boys Love), fanfiction, fanart, doujinshi, and comics. Established in 2001, our extensive archive features beloved pairings such as Truhan (Gohan x Trunks), Kakavege (Goku x Vegeta), PiccoHan (Piccolo x Gohan), and Truten (Goten x Trunks). Explore high-quality scanlations, exclusive artwork, and detailed guides, including our renowned Gay Kamasutra.

Viewer Discretion Advised: This content is strictly intended for mature audiences only."

