Water Balloons
Fast forward three months later, and most of Raditz's spying attempts resulted in failure. They either ended up with him having to make a series of quick escapes, or if he didn't leave fast enough, he'd get spankings from a very pissed-off Bardock instead.
At least one mission benefitted in helping him find something new in the bathroom trash.
The discovery occurred when Raditz was about to take his morning bath, with Toma filling up the bathtub with water. After the tub was filled and Toma had left for a brief moment, the boy happened to glance towards the bathroom trash nearby and found something strange. A grayish rod stuck out from the rest of maybe over a couple months' worth of toilet paper in the trash, and he wondered what it was. Whatever it was, he was eager to take a look at it and know why it was in the bathroom of all places. Moving away from one end to the middle of the tub, he reached over for the mysterious tool and started observing.
It smelled kind of funny and it looked odd too, but Raditz continued to study the tool anyway. There were two dark bars displayed on the tiny screen; was it some kind of game? Maybe a weird game of hockey or ping-pong? The young boy didn't really like how this "console" looked, plus it didn't really have any buttons or controls to push either. He turned the stick-like tool sideways, then back vertically, wondering if he was even holding it correctly. However, he didn't really have time to figure out the mystery to this weird contraption as Toma had snatched it away as quick as he came back to the bathroom.
"Hey! That was my game!" Raditz cried out.
Toma chuckled, giving the boy a puzzled look.
"Trust me, you don't wanna play this game, kiddo," the bigger man replied, holding the "game" only by his index finger and thumb. Raditz couldn't help but wonder why he was holding it like that...then again, he did find it in the trash can.
"Why not? Is it too old? Because it looks old," the child asked.
"It is old! And plus...," the ponytailed man suddenly paused, discarding the rod back into the trash. Raditz quickly took his attention off of the tool and locked his eyes on his daddy, who held his lips tightly shut, as if he were hiding something.
"And?!" The boy demanded.
He then noticed a small smirk on Toma's reddened face, plus his big body seemed to be shaking slightly. Aggravated, Raditz reached over to grab the adult's tail, but was stopped when Toma regained his composure.
"Alright, alright, I'll tell you! Just don't touch me with those hands!" he begged, holding tightly onto Raditz's scrawny wrist.
"Then please tell me." Raditz demanded.
As Toma was about to open his mouth, -- THUMP!! -- his head was suddenly pushed forward by the strong force of a rather particular-looking boot being thrown at him. His hold on Raditz's wrist loosened due to the impact.
"Don't do it, Toma!" Raditz heard the voice cry out from another room.
Toma rubbed his head and turned around, seemingly shocked about what just happened.
"Well, this is what happens when I don't keep my mouth shut," he muttered.
Raditz huffed. Another secret was stolen from him yet again. He picked up the black and green boot from the floor, soaking the rug with the bathwater dripping from his arms, and aimed it towards the exit of the bathroom.
However, Toma grabbed onto his wrist yet again, this time squeezing it even tighter.
"Don't even think about it, kiddo," he ordered, as the boy heard a serious tone to his voice, "Your father's...not in the best mood."
Raditz was lucky that Toma wasn't as strict as Bardock was. If he had ever acted up, then Toma would give him a fair warning first, instead of resorting to spanking right away. The bigger man continued to scrub Raditz's body with the sponge, especially giving a good scrub on his hands.
Although he ran around the house naked after the bath, Raditz was surprised that Toma was the one chasing after him; normally, that was Bardock's duty, and after yanking on his hair or his tail in order to make him stop, he'd spank him and yell at him about how much of a little shit he was. But he hadn't really dealt with that lately, as Raditz later noticed while playing with his toys in the living room. Bardock would still yell, but after that, nothing else...and maybe a series of fits which involved him throwing stuff at Toma, but that was about it. Most of the time, he would pass by him laying down on the couch, or wrapped up in mountains of blankets on the parent bed. He lied down more than he would actually walk around, plus he stopped going with Toma and the crew to their frequent missions. The only time when he would actually go somewhere was when Toma took him to the doctor every month, even when he knew he didn't like hospitals and all that jazz. He wasn't quite as active as he used to be.
There was another thing that the boy began to notice; his father was growing.
Not height-wise, but rather developing a bit of a "beer belly", as the Prince would call it;
"I'm sure that your dimwit father will get a beer belly if he keeps drinking so much," he would say to Raditz in one of their missions.
"Why? What's a 'beer belly'?" The slightly younger boy was clearly confused.
"It's what you get when you drink beer too much. Beer makes you fat. That's why my father drinks wine, and he's still healthy," the Prince would reply.
And Raditz didn't even see Bardock drink that lately. In his short five years on this planet, he had already understood that beer was his father's favorite beverage, but now he had only seen him drink water instead. It wasn't like him to just drink water over and over again for the past three months.
He was convinced that his father was turning into a sort of a water balloon. He assumed that he drank so much water that the water and the beer from the past had bloated him up and his growing size was the reason why he wasn't moving around so much.
Seeing him lay on the couch and putting his hand over the small bump, Raditz wanted to approach him, to ask why he was getting so big; however, he didn't want to insult him and get him riled up. He hesitated for a moment, as he continued to observe his father. His tail swayed and swayed as he saw Bardock slowly rub on his stomach from top to bottom, back and forth.
Then suddenly, Bardock jerked and covered his mouth. Raditz's tail perked up, alarmed at the sudden move. The older man quickly jumped up from the couch and ran out to the hallway, and a few minutes later, Raditz heard an unpleasant sound, a sound he's been hearing every morning for three months. A harsh cough came out of the man's throat, followed by vomiting into what may have been the toilet.
Now, he was convinced that Bardock was becoming a water balloon, with maybe a bit too much water in its system.