by bardie     More by this Writer
Little Raditz loves secrets and surprises. But this one was something he *least* expected.

Written in 2013.
Male Pregnancy

Jack in the Box
Raditz wanted to wake up to the aroma of a nicely cooked breakfast, which normally consisted of cooked alien meat, sausage, and chicken. The thought must have made him drool extensively in his sleep, making a bigger puddle on the pillow than usual, with a handful of his hair getting soaked in it.

However, a rude awakening was unleashed upon him, as he heard the awful sounds of his father vomiting yet again.

After hearing the vomit being flushed down the toilet, he took a peak at the bathroom, which was a few doors away, without leaving his room. All he could see was one end of the bathtub and, to his shock, his father slumped over on the floor. The boy quickly ran to the bathroom to aid him, and to find out what happened.

To his relief, Bardock was alright, smiles and all, but the fact that the man had practically been puking every morning for six months now concerned him. He still believed that his father was turning into a balloon, but he couldn't exactly figure out why the older man had seemingly developed barfing routines every morning (normally this was during nighttime after he would get wasted with Toma). Despite the fact that he knew his parents went to doctors' appointments together, he questioned if those appointments were even helping. Even if he did puke every morning, he was getting bigger and bigger, instead of getting smaller and smaller. In fact, the man was now even bigger than the average balloon, and he was even less active than he was before. The new walk that Bardock had developed was not helping either.

Was his father finally going to explode?

Almost hysterical, Raditz asked his father if he was alright, if he needed any help, why he was even smiling, et cetera. Berating him with all these questions, he expected something like a bonk in the head, being thrown across the room, or get told to "leave me the hell alone, kid!"

However, to his surprise, Bardock finally answered with a soft chuckle, and held his boy close, still lying on the rug on the floor.

"Hey, I'm alright, kiddo," he spoke softly as he began to stroke on his child's hair, "I'm used to it. Trust me."

Raditz didn't know what to say. He had never seen Bardock like this before. It kinda reminded him of Toma, but just a bit more...mean. And weird too. More on the weird side though.

He was definitely thinking about high-tailing it out of there and going back to bed like nothing happened when Bardock felt on the wet strands of hair.

The older man's smile almost completely vanished. Raising up a little, he analyzed the wet strands of the long hair on Raditz's head, as the boy stood frozen before him. Raditz slightly stood back, tightly shutting his eyes and preparing himself for Bardock's next move. This time he was asking for it---

A loud fit of laughter erupted from Bardock, as Raditz opened one eye. What was so funny, he thought. He could do nothing but stare at his father, whose large body shook as he continued to laugh. As he rose back up into sitting position, Bardock held onto his swollen belly to support himself. He then forced out a cough to stop himself from laughing (Thank god, thought little Raditz.) Then, he fetched a towel from the cabinet beside him and washed the slobber off of Raditz's hair as best as he could.

"Got hungry in your sleep again, huh?" The scar-faced man asked. Raditz didn't bother to respond.

Suddenly, the boy found himself being scooped up in his father's arms, almost sitting atop of his portruding belly. In disbelief, Raditz could only stare at the view around him; the distance between himself and the floor, the closed toilet seat, and the rest of the view of the bathroom, and then, back to the smiling face of his father. With no time to question the situation, he wrapped his arms around the back of Bardock's neck and burying his face on his broad shoulder, he held onto him tight as they both exited from the bathroom.


The next moment, Raditz was now laying beside his father on the parent bed, where he had never been allowed to lie in unless he was asking for a spanking, or when Toma would invite him after abruptly waking up from a nightmare. Glancing up at the bigger man, he saw him stroking his belly yet again, as he had been doing for the last six months. With the other arm wrapped around his son, Bardock turned over and met the boy's stare.

"Raditz?" he uttered.

"Yes father?"

"Do you ever wonder what you were like when you were a baby?"

The sudden question made Raditz's tail raise up a little bit. He scooted closer to his father, eager for some storytime.

"Hmph," the older man chuckled, "I take that as a yes, then?"

Clearing his throat, he began,

"Well, boy...you were as much of a little shit as you are today, if not more, since you were still in diapers. Anyway, when you came into this world, you did so at a rather...weird time."

Looking back at his son, he seemed to be relieved that he still had his interest, unlike with Toma when he told his own tales.

"Your dad and I were gonna do something stupid with the rest of the guys – our crew – and we were gonna make it look like you were gonna be a monster baby or some shit like that."

"A monster baby?" Raditz uttered.

"Yeah...We were pretty young when you came up, so don't ask. Anyway, Panbukin and Totepo totally fell for it, but of course Celipa didn't buy it. Instead of believing you were a baby from a monster we fought against during one of our missions, she bet that I had a fling with somebody else (You'll learn that word when you get older.),

"So, the three of us were at it for probably a few days. Your dad actually thought I was messing around and thought you were someone else's kid – of course, that was a load of crap. Celipa however, stuck to her word that I was sneaking around, which she had NO evidence of," he chuckled.

"God, that woman...she'd never take her eyes off of me. Not 'cause she liked me, hell no, she just wanted me to just, y'know, slip up in the midst of all this pointless fighting with To--, erm, your dad. She wanted to fuck me over like always. Well, eventually, that would backfire just four days later."

"How so, father?" Raditz asked.

"I'll tell ya. Right when I was wanting to get back to leading our missions and fighting, which was a pretty stupid idea, something came up..."


"Right when we were ready to fly off to a planet, I was just about to get in my pod. Your dad just got in his, but couldn't get the damn thing started. The others were just about to take off. However, I didn't even get to close the door of my pod, as I was feeling some pains. Luckily, the guys took the time to notice me, so they stayed a bit longer. A while longer, even. They knew, your dad knew, Celipa knew, Panbukin knew, hell, even Totepo knew, that something was just not right.

"I felt something, and I knew it was my stomach. Somehow, it hit me – it was time."

"Time for what? What was it, father? Was it the monster?"

Bardock chuckled again, ruffling on the child's hair.

"No way. It was you."

Raditz's huge eyes widened.


"After what seemed like an entire freakin' day, you came into the world. I gotta thank Dr. Planthorr for that. And after you came, all the bitching and fighting stopped. Toma...I mean, your dad, knew that you were his, and Celipa accepted that she lost the bet. Panbukin and Totepo loved you, and Panbukin would call you his little man, and you know he still does. You already got that going for you already." He ran his fingers through Raditz's thick head of hair.

"So father...what was I like after I was born?" Raditz asked again.

Bardock chucked yet again.

"Ohhh boy...you're too much, you know that?" he replied, pulling his boy closer to his stomach.

As Raditz continued to listen on throughout the day, Bardock explained his early years, such as when he was very rough with his parents, how he cried throughout countless nights, how many times he was thrown across the room by Bardock (and luckily saved by Toma), how he had kicked Toma in the face the first time he was bathed, and how he turned into an Oozaru for the first time.

However, Raditz would not be awake to hear the rest of the story about his upbringing. Instead, he would be reliving those days, in a way, by dreaming about how he would scare the pants off of his parents with his Oozaru form and later succeed in his very first mission on Planet Pear with the Prince of all Saiyans.


Wah, waaaaaah!!

Raditz quickly jolted up from his bed, hearing a much different sound rather than vomiting. However, he kinda preferred the vomiting over the loud crying of a baby.

A baby?!

Raditz entered back into spy mode, and sped out of his room. Heading towards the parent bedroom, he heard a lot of commotion, along with the baby's crying. He heard the cheerful jeers of his parents, the joyous laughter of Dr. Planthorr echoing across the house, and a rather haggard-looking Bardock panting with something in his arms.

Raditz entered the bedroom, walking by Planthorr and getting closer to his parents' bed.

The baby. That was an actual baby, wailing in his father's arms. A strange-looking baby too.

"Surprise~," Toma cooed.

"Look, Raditz..." Bardock smiled, showing off the newborn to the child, "...you have a new little brother. Now ain't that somethin'?"

A new brother? It looked almost like Bardock, but only it was littler, much paler, and it had no scar, he thought. He looked a bit nicer too, and he probably got that from Toma. As the infant's cries began to soften, Raditz could only stare as his father held the baby close. He noticed that a tail was also portruding out from above his buttocks, and he reached out to touch it.

"Don't pull on it now," warned Toma.

"I'm not!" hissed Raditz, "Anyway, what's the brat's name?"

Bardock was still in his soft-mannered mood, just like yesterday, as the long-haired boy learned, and he only chuckled at him. Raditz lightly stroked on the baby's tail as his father continued to hold the infant dearingly against his chest.

"His name's Kakarot. Now as the big brother – that's you -, you've gotta set an example for this little guy, alright? I don't want you and him fussing so much later on, you understand? Respect him, and he'll respect you back," Bardock told him.

"He'll look up to you, kiddo," Toma added, as it was his turn to hold the new baby, "You'll be a grown-up for him, won't ya?"


From what various friends say about their own siblings, Raditz knew that this new baby would get all the attention – for now – and become very annoying, especially at night, but hey, he was a big brother now. He was a grown-up now – well, compared to Kakarot anyway. He could play with him and fight with him, and boss him around in future missions.

He could probably get used to this.

Maybe this was the biggest, and bestest, surprise he's ever gotten yet.


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