Caught Between Two Worlds
by A'Nore     More by this Writer
Warnings: Major AU, Yaoi, Blood, Gore, Vampirish Freeza, Two Vegeta's *yummy*, Weird author notes, Sadistic humor.....

Image by 'Kuri' from the book 'Prince and the Showgirl: Part 1'

Chapter 1
· (1)*Disclaimer~ I've looked and looked, but can't seem to find those damn legal papers that show that I own Dragonball Z or GT. So I guess I still don't own it. (searches through stacks and stacks of crumpled papers, vodka bottles, candy wrappers, and a few apple cores while grumbling in the background: "Not that I really want to own most of the GT episodes!"
· (2)*Disclaimer~ Look I found them! *A'nore pulls out thick bundle of legal papers from under the pile of grungy dirty clothes in the corner. Opening the beer stain cover she realizes that it is her divorce agreement and not the rights to Dragonball Z* Damn! No, I still do not own, obviously. Nor do I own my husband any more from the looks of it. Oh well, he wasn't much fun anyway.
· (3)*Disclaimer~ Calm Down! I'm working on it! Keep your pants on! *L'orn cocks head to side, thinking "on second thought..."*
· Ginia: I couldn't help it, these were such cute disclaimers – I couldn't list just one!

Caught Between Two Worlds

By A'Nore and L'Orn

Here goes nothing......

L'orn: Well, I'm very close to finishing up Chapter 4 for those who are waiting. Just a day or two to go.
A'nore: So we thought we would post the first three chapters for those who haven't had a chance to read our horror story yet.
L'orn: Lot's of blood, Vampirish Freeza, Sword fighting, Two Vegeta's (YUMMY!) Interdimensional time travel...
A'nore: And if my twinny would get her butt in gear chapter 4 would have been out last week!
L'orn: Screw you, the new fic was your idea...
A'nore: *leers* promises! promises!
L'orn: ...then there's all the time I spent reading the dragonballx RPG...It just needs my favorite bishonen/villian Zarbon to be perfect! *sighs and stares at Zarbon wallpaper*
A'nore: She likes Piccolo too, she has a thing for green...
L'orn: I took the character quiz and I'm a Piccolo! Yeah! Every single time! Did you know that he likes Hummers too? *thumbs through Piccolo pics stored on hard drive*
A'nore: She be at that awhile, so here you go...


**thoughts** //thoughts in flashbacks//

Chapter 1

Under the blood-red suns, Vegeta, Prince of all Sayains, hunted in the sweltering jungle, his piercing black eyes were alert, watchful and merciless. For five days he had tracked his prey, first over Vegeta-sei vast dunes and deserts and now through the hidden recesses of the jungle. What he tracked had ventured further south from civilization where there were provincial villages, small enclaves of lesser warriors and settlements of farmers and various crafters with their young children and animals. The young were just as much food to what he hunted as the animals were. He trod on the lush vegetation that was his path, his enhanced senses only searching for the stink of the Cursed Ones. They were his only interest and destroying them was his only goal.

This was what he was born for, the thrill of the hunt, the testing of his skills and powers against a strong enemy. But now it was personal, they had taken from him that which he had needed more than life itself, and they would pay even at the cost of his own.

Other scents washed over him, the thick musky smell of animals large and small that inhabited the jungle, the ripe green smell of vines and flora and then the slight smell of blood underneath it all. Blood, no longer fresh, of the ones who had been caught and consumed by what he stalked. The clean smell of water filled his nostrils as the pounding drumbeat of it reached his ears, fresh water to abate his thirst. Emerging into the slight clearing he found a majestic waterfall flowing down the steep cliff side and splashing into the river below. Pausing for only a moment to drink he flew up to the top of the cliff to survey his surroundings. Below him, not far from the falls was a village, the scent of multiple people reaching him as the noise of their daily activities whispered in his ears. It was his duty to protect them, and he would.

Then he caught the rank smell of the Cursed Ones and he snarled at the overpowering scent. Vegeta's body tensed for the attack as he quickly pivoted in time to find it jumping from the branches overhead, its black claws slicing at his face as it flew past him. Vegeta jumped sideways to evade the mauling of skin that the sharp claws could inflict. He lifted his leg to twist and connect with the Cursed Ones jaw causing it to fly backwards into the lush grasses. Making sure his tail was tightly wrapped around his waist, he set into his fighting stance waiting for its next charge as his gaze perused the once humanoid being. Looking more or less normal, the only difference between it and its present victim were the claws and teeth. Large welts and long gashes flowing with dark red blood covered its body. Seems he had been sent a distraction, but he wouldn't spend much time in getting rid of it. Above all he lived for combat.

"He sacrificed you to slow me down didn't he?" Vegeta asked as it got up to slowly circle him. "What did you do to deserve such a fate?"

It only hissed in response, showing needle sharp teeth and a flicking blue tongue before attacking, its teeth and claws its only weapons. This one was not overly strong and had no power to speak of besides the enhanced strength and endurance the Final Kiss had given it. Vegeta taunted it with his cruel smirk, arm muscles ready for the attack and reaching behind him he unsheathed the long sword, swiftly pulling it forward over his right shoulder. As it leaped towards him, he swung the keen-edged sword down and sideways severing its head from its shoulders in one smooth stroke. The ease of the job filled him with disappointment. He did not like relying on the sword in battle, but removing the head was the easiest way to kill a Cursed One, short of completely incinerating the body which could drain one's energy fast. The poisonous kiss gave them unholy healing abilities. He watched as the body dissolved away into nothing but a steaming bloody smear on the ground.

"Not much of a challenge," he muttered as he sheathed his sword. "But the day is still young."

His hand was still on the hilt when he heard the first scream. Flashing through the jungle he flew rapidly in the direction of the sound, his black and gold armor a blur in the lush green. He burst through the over growth into the clearing of the small village where he discovered that the first Cursed One had been as he thought, a distraction, delaying him just long enough. Bodies of bleeding and torn men and animals littered the ground. Others were running in panic, holding their young as they hid. It was no use hiding, the Cursed Ones had an enhanced sense of smell and they would be hunted down and devoured if he failed in his task today and left even one alive. The thrill of the upcoming battle sang in his blood.

Three Cursed Ones were crouched in the dirt feeding on the now motionless bodies, their mouths dripping blood as they gorged themselves on the still warm flesh. Their vicious teeth snapped as he charged, just insane enough on the blood of their victims to choose to fight over flight. Vegeta carved the arm off of the closest one as he shot energy blasts to push the other two back. Leaping into a flying kick he followed the first one down and with a swift arc of his sword removed its head, noting the body was already starting to dissolve. Spinning around he slowly advanced on the other two.

"I am Vegeta!" He shouted, " Prince of all Saiyans. This is my planet and my people and you do not belong here!"

"You are too late," one of them hissed at him. "You are outnumbered and Lord Freeza will feast on your heart this day."

"Fuck him! Today he goes hungry!" Vegeta roared as he leaped into battle once more. Steel rang against elongated black claws as the screams and stench of the burning village rose around them. He knew there was at least three more close by as well as Freeza. His death was Vegeta's right. Swiftly cleaving the head from the first one, he turned to face the last one who was armed with a small sword. Steel clang against steel as its sharp claws tore into his right shoulder, digging deep furrows. He ignored the pain and pushed forward with his attack, removing the final one's head.

"I am your death," he murmured as he watched the final body steam and dissolve. Grabbing a rag that littered the ground he wiped the blood from his blade, carefully searching the area for the rest of them. The power of the Final Kiss allowed the Cursed Ones to move unhindered their energy levels undetectable. It was only Vegeta's sensitive hearing that located movement behind him and he whirled around to find his prey emerging from the doorway in front of him. At last he thought, at last.

"I am your death, Freeza;" Vegeta growled it this time. "As I killed your father so shall I kill you. I will rid this planet of your foul presence once and for all."

"Keep your world." Lord Freeza chuckled as he lifted his hand to display the small silver box that rested in his hand. "There is nothing here I want. I will go to another where I will conquer and feed. There I will rule."

His pale face shined with blood and gore from his feasting, his eyes a flashing red. Then he bared his sharp teeth in a snide smile as he continued.

"Where I go the food will be plentiful and I will be a god. Keep your miserable planet, Vegeta. Or come with me," he beckoned in a voice seductive as a caress. "I have always wanted you, my little monkey. I will give you the Final Kiss and you may rule by my side forever. With your strength and the power of the Kiss, we can rule the universe together."

"You think to kiss me? To join with me?" Vegeta's mind filled with disgust at the thought.

"You have killed my father. I have drunk the blood of your Saiyan lover. We are well matched. Together we will have power beyond all imagining. Think of it!"

Vegeta's rage grew at the monster's words. There were three powerful warriors with his foe, and Freeza's power had no equal. This would be his greatest battle, and quite possibly his last.

"Come, then." Vegeta growled softly as he gripped his sword with two hands and swung it back and forth. "Try to embrace me!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth and charged. To his shock, Freeza only twisted away, and then he and his men vanished in a burst of light.

"Fuck!" Vegeta spun in a circle, his sword still in his hand, his blood still singing for revenge. He could smell them; a lingering stench was all that was left of the four. They had already summoned the Time Dimensional Portal, before Vegeta had confronted them. It was only a matter of stepping through for them to disappear. Vegeta threw his head back and screamed his rage into the sky above, his energy engulfing his body in legendary golden light. He had failed. Freeza had defeated him without a single blow. Vegeta collapsed on his knees in the dirt, two tears of rage slipped from aqua eyes to slide down his dusty cheeks, his sword lying by his side. He had failed himself and his last oath to his dead lover, Kakkarot.

"You have not lost them yet."

Vegeta glanced up to find Bardock standing over him. The tall burly Saiyan was commander of Vegeta-sei's armies, their top scientist and had been Kakkarot's father. Vegeta was sure he had lost him in the hunt a couple of days before, he hadn't expected Bardock to be able to catch up with him this quickly. Breathing deeply Vegeta slowly released his energy; his hair and eyes fading back to black.

"You're hurt."

Vegeta stared into the older man's eyes, quiet eyes filled with knowledge, understanding and pain. He wondered for a brief moment what his own eyes held, before sharply cutting off that idea and damping down his surging emotions. He was in mourning as was attested by his close cropped hair, the twin crescent shaped sorrow scars on his left upper arm and his black armor. His mourning would last until the memories dimmed or he died whichever came first. But that didn't mean he had to show it, or let others see his weakness.

"I will heal, all too soon. Unfortunately it is not time for me to die." Vegeta replied calmly as he rose to his feet. "What did you mean, I haven't lost yet? Freeza used that damn Time Dimensional Portal to escape. He's not even in this dimension any more, let alone the same time."

"I've been working on that, since I first found out about it. I think I have found a way to jump through dimensions and time as well as track Freeza's vile energy. But it hasn't been tested yet." Bardock explained.

"Then I will test it for you;" Vegeta's blue energy burst around him as he shot through the air and headed back to the castle. He could feel Bardock flying close behind him and he poured out more energy, speeding forward away from the man, needing at least these next few minutes alone.

Landing on the parapet, Vegeta leapt to the courtyard below, his purposeful stride drawing him down dark corridors to the West Wing of the palace. Dust stirred around his black and gold boots as he walked the empty hallways. Vegeta had demanded this section closed after the death of his beloved. The memories haunted him, but this is where he felt the closest to him. And right now he needed to feel his lover if not physically then at least in his mind once more.

He pushed open the great oak doors that led into their bedroom. Kakkarot's essence filled his senses as he stumbled forward. He breathed deeply of the precious scent. Vegeta's gaze took in the room, the rumpled linens from their last morning together, still strewn across the massive bed. He walked forward and grabbed the dark blue gi that lay over the arm of a chair and lifted it to his face inhaling deeply. The spicy sweet smell of his lover filled his mind as the memories of their first meeting washed over him. Vegeta fell backwards across the foot of the bed as they engulfed his awareness.


The day had dawned with the red haze of fog, damp mist clung to every surface, making it slippery as he started his morning workout on the sparring grounds. He was to meet his father for breakfast, dreading the inevitable argument that would ensue. He understood his father's side but Vegeta just couldn`t give in, not yet. He had just reached his majority at the age of twenty-four and he wasn't ready to give up his freedom. His father wanted him to claim a life-mate so that he could assume the throne. Vegeta wasn't ready for a mate, still enjoying the casual relationships that brought him enough sexual fulfillment for now. Besides he hadn't found anyone that touched his soul, one that he would be willing to share everything with. And he definitely wasn't ready for the responsibility of governing the immense Kingdom of Saiyans, those that resided on planet Vegeta-sei and those that sailed the vast reaches of the universe. He just wasn't ready.

He heard his name called and turned to find his usual sparring partner, Radditz, flying towards him. Following close behind him was another Saiyan, much younger than Radditz and a few years younger than himself, who looked very familiar. Knowing he was going to be late, Vegeta allowed curiosity to stay his feet as Radditz landed with the younger Saiyan not more than two steps behind him. They both bowed their heads in the typical greeting of respect and then Radditz moved forward to introduce the younger man.

"Prince Vegeta, this is my baby brother Kakkarot, I have brought him to replace me as your sparring partner, if that is acceptable? I have been promoted to first class and will be shipped off planet for the next year." Radditz informed the smaller Saiyan prince.

Vegeta gaze perused the younger man. Kakkarot wasn't as tall as his brother but he was still a full two hand widths taller than Vegeta. Nor was he as bulky as his older brother, slender but well toned and muscular, he moved with a supple flow of grace, much as Vegeta himself did. The younger man was dressed in a loose dark blue gi with an orange sash around his waist. Wild black hair spike all over his head and his dark chocolate eyes stared back at the assessing Prince. Then he realized who he was reminded of.

"You look like Bardock." Vegeta said in surprise.

"Of course, he is my father," Kakkarot replied with a wide smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes, I know that!" Vegeta growled back, angry at letting himself get caught off guard by the younger man. "How old are you?"

"I have just reached my twentieth year, Sire."

"Radditz, he is barely trained; he will not be able to keep up with me! Has he even been tested? I am far stronger than you are and you are ten years older than I am. How am I to get a decent work out with him? No, find me another partner, someone with experience." Vegeta turned to walk away when he felt a gentle touch on his arm that sent a tingling awareness through him. Turning in shock that someone would dare to touch his royal personage without permission, he lifted his eyes to be caught in the warm liquid gaze of the younger Saiyan and all thoughts of anger fled before that chocolate sweetness.

"Please do not be mad at Radditz, my prince, I practically begged him to bring me. I just wanted a chance to prove myself." Kakkarot's husky voice pleaded. Vegeta noticed that Radditz had backed away from the two of them and couldn't possibly hear what was being said. But his eyes were riveted to his brother's hand which was still grasping the Prince's arm, eyes that were filled with fear at what might just happen to his younger brother.

Vegeta broke free from Kakkarot's gaze to quickly glance down at his arm. He lifted his other hand and tugged off the offending hand that really hadn't felt offensive in the least.

"Fine. After breakfast we will fight. If you manage to live you will be my new sparring partner. Follow me!" Vegeta commanded as he headed towards the Royal Dining Room. He was already late, and he did not wish to rouse his father's anger anymore than it was already. He could feel the younger man's presence behind him and wondered why he hadn't left Kakkarot waiting for him at the sparring grounds. He didn't have long enough to consider because he had arrived at the dining room.

"Keep quiet unless spoken too. Do you understand?" Vegeta asked as he looked once more on the younger man's handsome visage. After Kakkarot's swift nod he shoved open the large wooden doors and swiftly moved to his seat at the other end of the table from his father and indicated the seat next to him for the younger man.

"I see you have finally decided to join me, son."

"Radditz informed me that he has been assigned off planet and was introducing me to his younger brother, Kakkarot here, as a potential sparring partner. The time slipped away from me." Vegeta replied calmly without a hint of remorse in his tone. He watched as the servants quickly filled his and Kakkarot's plates with a large variety of foods, and smirked as the younger man instantly started to devour his.

"You are Bardock's youngest then. I can see the uncanny resemblance. Are you as strong as Radditz?" The King asked Kakkarot.

"No," the young man replied between bites, then smiled gamely. "Actually I am stronger."

"Braggart," Vegeta chuckled warmly as he looked over at Kakkarot, his gaze lingering on the younger man's attractive features. "Well, we'll find out soon enough. Why don't you join us down at the sparring grounds after breakfast, father? I have promised Kakkarot a chance to prove himself. If I don't kill him today, he will be my new training partner."

"I will not die today, my prince, and I will be your partner," Kakkarot's voice was quiet yet forceful as his warm dark gaze once again ensnared the Prince's, neither looked away until the King's voice interrupted them.

"Sounds like fine entertainment, I think I will watch. Son, we can have our little talk this evening instead." The King looked purposely at his son and Vegeta nodded once in angry agreement before finishing his meal.

By the time breakfast was over the fog and mist had been burned off by the two red suns, perfect sparring weather. Vegeta stripped off the top of his gi leaving him only in his royal blue spandex pants with white, gold tip boots and his customary white gloves. His eyes lingered on the muscular torso Kakkarot revealed as the younger man also removed his own top. Radditz wrapped his younger brother's knuckles and wrists before leaving the sparring grounds. Both men settled into a fighting stance, each evaluating the other for any possible weakness. Then Vegeta attacked.

Kakkarot blocked, then twisted around to deliver a kick to Vegeta's side. Vegeta leapt to the side so that the other man's foot only grazed as he twisted to connect his fist with Kakkarot's face; this move was again blocked. First one then the other would be on the offense, each delivering their strikes and blocking the other's. The fight continued on for hours, neither one admitting defeat. The sun rose high above them causing the air around them to steam and sweat to sheen over their tense muscles. Kakkarot had a black eye and several small gashes on his upper chest. Vegeta sported a busted lip and a large swollen bruise on his right side indicating a possible broken rib. Vegeta jumped forward to bring his knee up to connect with Kakkarot's chin, but he missed because Kakkarot had flipped backwards. He spun around to face Vegeta both hands cupped together at his side as he summoned his energy.

"Solar..." He roared as Vegeta powered up and braced his other arm that was raised palm forward to face the younger man. It ended now.



"Flash!" Kakkarot's pure white energy arced against Vegeta's brilliant blue as they poured every bit of their power into the blasts. The beams battled and sparked as they collided together. Sweat dripped from Vegeta's brow as he felt the drain, he couldn't see the younger man through the clashing energy, but he could feel the other's white energy starting to overwhelm his. He barely had time to cross his arms in a defensive energy block when the white energy surrounded him, searing away at his exposed flesh. Vegeta had lost.

He had awoken the next morning in a regeneration tank. Staring through the green tinted healing fluid he found the younger man dozing beside the tank, one arm draped over it as though to protect. Vegeta felt a surge of longing overwhelm him as he gazed upon Kakkarot's face. How could someone he had met less than a day before have this strong an effect on him? This gentle warrior had beaten him in battle and it didn't bother him as much as he would have thought. The tank started to drain as the dome rose, awaking Kakkarot, who hurriedly grabbed a robe to wrap around Vegeta as he emerged, dripping green fluid. Vegeta grabbed a towel to help remove some of the fluid that dripped from his peaked black hair, when he felt large warm hands squeeze his shoulders. He looked back to find the hot passion filled gaze of the younger man sliced through his resistance as an answering wave of desire washed over him...

***End Flashback***

Yes, he had wanted Kakkarot, but he had allowed pride to keep them apart. They had trained together everyday, spending every waking minute in each other's company. But no matter how deep his feelings, Vegeta had steadily refused to mate with the younger man, until he was the stronger. His pride refused to allow Kakkarot the dominant role in their relationship. Vegeta had wasted precious time until after a year of being kept at arms length Kakkarot had initiated the mating hunt, with Vegeta as his prey. And as he had dreaded, or maybe secretly desired, Kakkarot had claimed him.

He had been claimed but never dominated. Kakkarot's gentler demeanor allowed Vegeta the final say in most things, he only wished to please and protect his Prince. Three torrid months of passion and then Kakkarot's undying love and loyalty had been exactly what had killed him in the end. The first wave of the Cursed Ones led by King Kuld and his son Lord Freeza had fallen like a torrential rain upon planet Vegeta-sei, changing more and more Saiyans into members of the Cursed. At first they didn't know about the healing abilities, and many Cursed Ones that had been left for dead soon rose again. The millions of Saiyans that had inhabited the planet soon dwindled in number as more and more of them were put to death after they had been kissed by one of the Cursed. There was no cure for it except the swift removal of their head.

Kakkarot hadn't been kissed; he had saved Vegeta from that fate. Lord Freeza had become perversely obsessed with the lithe Prince of Saiyans, and had sent a large army of Saiyan Cursed to kidnap the Prince. He and Kakkarot had battled side by side against former friends and comrades. Finally they had emerged victorious only to have Freeza strike him unconscious with a powerful blast. Kakkarot had stood in defense over his unresponsive body, until they had worn even his incredible strength down to nothing. Freeza grasped his lover's neck and with a quick twist of his powerful arm had broken it, then clamped his fangs into the younger Saiyan's neck and drained him. Vegeta had slowly regain consciousness to watch his mate tossed aside like garbage. His rage engulfed him as his power was pulled from deep inside, finally causing him to ascended into the legendary Super Saiyan. The energy engulfed all those left, burning them to ashes that soon scattered on the wind. His power up had destroyed the beginning life within him, what were left of the Cursed Ones and King Kuld, but Freeza had escaped. Just as he had done today.

Vegeta stroked the still fresh self-imposed scarring on his left bicep, letting grief overcome him for just a moment, before his resolve took hold. Using the gi to dry the few tears that had escaped, he left his memories behind and went in search of his father and Bardock. This wasn't over; it wouldn't be over until Freeza was dead. _________________________________________________________

"Where's Vegeta?" King Vegeta asked Bardock as his commander strode into the throne room.

"In the West Wing." Bardock replied softly. "Freeza escaped at the last minute. He used his Time Dimensional Portal."

"Ah...did you tell him about your device?"

"Yes, I also explained that it hadn't been tested yet. If he uses it he may not be able to return." Bardock waited for the King's response, wondering what the older man was thinking.

"I pushed him to find a mate and when he delayed in claiming your son, I encouraged Kakkarot to lay claim to him instead. Now my son is grieving because he has lost the other half of his soul. I honestly believe that if Freeza had died in the blast along with his father, Vegeta would have willed himself into the grave beside Kakkarot. The only thing keeping him alive is his revenge. I must allow at least this." King Vegeta's eyes never left the doorway in front of them as he waited for his son to return.

"You may lose him." Bardock whispered the King's worst fear.

"I lost him the day his mate and child died. He is no longer the son I knew."

The massive oak doors slammed open as Vegeta stormed angrily into the throne room.

"Where is it!" He demanded, not bothering to even greet the two men in front of him.

"In the labs, follow me." Bardock walked through a side door as Vegeta and his father followed him down the hallway into the laboratories. Saiyan scientists milled around, each working on their own individual projects. Moving with determination, Bardock guided them over to his own private lab area.

"As your father knows, we managed to salvage King Kuld's TDP device after him. Because it was damaged in the blast I was not able to completely restore it. What I have here is essentially a tracking device." Bardock lifted the heat blacken cube that had flashing green symbol decorating it and showed it to them. "I can not get it to register any other coordinates but those that Freeza programs his to. The two are somehow linked together, probably so that King Kuld could find Freeza's location or vice versa."

"So it will follow Freeza to whatever dimension or time he happens to be in." King Vegeta crossed his arms against his chest and waited for Bardock to continue.

"Yes, I'm positive it will, the only problem is that it will no longer allow the user to program his own destination." Bardock explained.

"I can follow Freeza but I can not return. That is what you mean, isn't it." Vegeta turned away from the other two as his face creased deeper into its ever-present scowl.

"Yes, that's it exactly. Maybe with more time we might be able to repair the rest of it, but I can not even begin to guess on how long that might take." Bardock supplied before offering it to the young Prince. "To operate this one you have only to press this indention and a portal will open for you. You will have to find Freeza's cube undamaged in order to be able to use it to return here."

"Returning is not my priority. I can not think any further than our right to revenge. I have heard your words and understand what you have told me, even what you have left unsaid. I will delay no longer." Vegeta grasped the cube firmly in his palm. Turning sharply on his heel he swept through the crowded room once again ignoring all those around him, including his father. Grabbing a scouter out of the armory on his way past, he calmly slipped it over his left ear. Striding purposely through the corridor and out into the palace courtyard, he blasted upwards and flew to the place his life had ended. Sinking to his knees in the once blood churned earth; his hand clutched the twin sorrow scars, as he once again roared his final vow to his beloved.

"I live only for our revenge on Freeza! Wait for me, my dark sweetness, soon we shall be one again!"

Pressing the tiny mark on the side of the cube, the one Bardock had shown him, he watched as the white light of the portal opened in front of him. Not bothering to look back, his hand unsheathed his sword as he leapt forward, falling through time and dimensions, in pursuit of his mate's killer.



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