As Long As He Needs Me
by Galacia     More by this Writer
Some people will do anything for their friends…as long as they need them around, that is…Here we step into the minds of two demi-Saiyans and the lives of those around them, and see what friends are willing to do for each other.

If a chapter has been written in a specific character’s point of view, the character’s name will be placed at the chapter beginning.

Chapter 01
Gohan’s POV:

Sometimes, life sucks. Completely, totally – there isn’t any question about it…it SUCKS! You make a choice and you have to live with it – or at least, that is what everyone tells me. I believed it too, once. Now as I watch events below me, I wonder if there could have been another choice, another way for it all to go. As I watch, I can’t help but feel like I failed. I want to be there! I SO want to be there. DARN!!! I feel a hand on my shoulder. “This isn’t right.” I mutter out loud.

“I know.” Says the calm voice next to me.

“We can’t do anything, can we?” I ask, trying not to sound as desperate or as helpless as I feel.

“Pray.” Not the answer I was looking for. I turn to the traitorous voice with fire in my eyes. “WHAT!!???” He smiles at me. The response apparently is what he expected from me.

“So he was right.” Is all he says to me.

“Who? Huh? What are you talking about?” I am confused now.

“Nothing.” Came the answer. “But you are right about it not being right. And yes, there is more we can do about it then pray…” I look at him, my hopes starting to grow. “However, it isn’t an easy matter,” he continues. Okay…my hopes are going back to regular size. “We need help, from someone else.”

“Who?” I ask, again trying not to sound desperate. I don’t know why I am coming off sounding this way. I just can’t help it. He TRUSTS me! I CAN’T fail him this time! I just CAN’T! He looks down, watching the battle like I am. “The portal – they have to go through the portal, or it won’t work.”

“I can’t believe anyone is allowing that thing to exist.” I mutter, referring to said portal.

“It’s not really in their hands to control. It is the result of…chaos.”


“Blame our ‘friends’ in the HFIL.”


“Tried to do several spells at once and they fed into each other.”


“Ended up waking two extremely nasty things.”

“And one of them is trying to kill him.”


“What?” I ask.

“It wants to feed off his rage, pain, fears, regret – all those lovely emotions by taking the forms that will affect him the most. Then it will feed off his soul and make him it’s slave.”


“We can’t do much about it.”

I glare at the individual beside me. “You’re the other one.” I barely get out.

“Sorry.” I sigh in frustration. Talking to the other one is more or less fruitless – he just wouldn’t understand.

“Wouldn’t I?” He asks, like he read my mind.

“NO.” I look away. They are headed for the portal – they are inside…An idea comes to me…it is probably helpless and pointless and just pain STUPID, but I have to do SOMETHING!!

“TRUNKS!!!!” I shout and power up to Super Sayian 3.

Then I send my energy – ALL of it – through the portal. If it will help Trunks, I would give up my soul and die again. He is my best friend, my student and well, I suppose in a word, my everything…


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