As Long As He Needs Me
by Galacia     More by this Writer
Some people will do anything for their friends…as long as they need them around, that is…Here we step into the minds of two demi-Saiyans and the lives of those around them, and see what friends are willing to do for each other.

If a chapter has been written in a specific character’s point of view, the character’s name will be placed at the chapter beginning.

Chapter 04
Gohan’s POV:

I feel a little dazed, but sit up to find a concerned Piccolo and Krillin looking over me. “Trunks…”

“Is fine. You were given form and help.”

“Goten…his name is Goten.” I mutter to myself. “He let me use his body.” We both fought for Trunks – it was like he cared about Trunks’ safety just like I did. I checked on Trunks – Goten was in the room too. He was in that watchful state I knew so well. How many times had I done it at night when Trunks and I were away training? Just like Piccolo when I was young, except for position. I laid there, protecting Trunks in that state between asleep and awake but the slightest noise brought me to attention, as with Goten. He was allowing his body to rest, but he wasn’t truly asleep. I frowned in thought. Could this stranger actually care about Trunks like I did? Put Trunks’ safety and happiness over his own? Would he…die for Trunks like I would and did? My eyes widened as the answer came to me through the link I was currently sharing with Goten. He WOULD! Could…could this be possible? I thought back to my experience in Goten’s body. Yes – because he and I were the same in a way, but how? I concentrated…Huh? My brother, Goten was my brother in this other reality, and Trunks was his best friend. So he could possibly know…WHAT THE HFIL? He knew EXACTLY how I felt! Because he felt the same way about the Trunks of his reality. Amazing! So he wouldn’t allow anything to happen to my Trunks because in a way it would be like letting something happen to his childhood friend. I shook my head in amazement at all this.

“Gohan?” asked Krillin. Oh, I had slipped into my own little world and forgotten he and Piccolo were there.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“You okay?” Krillin asked, worried.

“I’m fine.”

“He’ll he okay, Gohan.”

“I know. Goten’s there to take care of him for now.”

Piccolo nods.

“Who is this guy anyway?” Krillin asked.

“My brother, from the alternate time.” I explained. Piccolo and Krillin sat down, and I sat up and told them all I knew about the other time-line Trunks had helped, and its differences from our own. I then interrupted my explanation with, “I am putting strain on him.” And I break my presence away from Goten. I was stunting his healing because it was trying to heal me too. I sensed a bit of panic from Goten.

‘I’m okay.’ I assured him through our link. ‘I am going to rest, that’s all.’

‘Okay, you scared me for a sec.’ Goten answered. ‘I thought you faded into nothing, or something.’

‘Nah, I’m fine. Maybe we can talk again sometime.’ I hesitate for a moment. ‘Keep an eye on him for me?’

‘Always.’ Came Goten’s reply, and then contact was broken.

It felt weird entrusting Trunks’ safety to someone else, but not really – I got the feeling that if I could trust anyone else with Trunks’ safety, it was Goten.

“You’re right.” Said Piccolo. “Goten will take care of Trunks.”

“I know…I just wish I was there.” Piccolo rubbed my shoulder in understanding.

“He’s safe Gohan, and he’s where he can live out his years in a better world.”

“I know.” It’s what I wanted for him. He could do all the things normal for his age – have friends, go to college, get a job; fall in love, get married, stuff like that. Not waking up to screams, knowing the androids were attacking and living in fear. He didn’t have to do that – not anymore.

“I want him to be happy.” I say softly.

“I know.” Piccolo replied. “Gohan…”


“It is.”

Darn. Just great!

“Nothing is wrong with it.” Piccolo tries to reassure me.

“It just…complicates things.”

“Does it?”

“Well…I guess you’re right. Bulma…”

“Would understand.”

“She’ll be okay?”

“Are you two even having the same conversation? Cause I’m getting lost.” Krillin interjected.

It’s funny, but Piccolo and I have always had this connection – like we feel each other’s feelings, and know each other’s deepest thoughts. I will always love Dad, but there are times…Piccolo is closer to me than he ever was.

“Bulma would be fine, and she’ll understand. If you like, we can see that it happens to her…”

“She wouldn’t take it well. You know that.”

“So what should we do?” Krillin understood this part of the conversation.

“I don’t suppose the Supreme Kai would be willing to have a hand in this…” I started.

“We can ask.” Said Piccolo.

“Am I lost again?” Krillin asked, “because I thought you just suggested…”

“I did.”

“Oh!” He turns to Piccolo. “Should we ask him?”

“You going to be okay?” Piccolo asked me.

I nod. “Go talk to the Supreme Kai. I’ll be here.”

“Like always.”

Piccolo and Krillin go off, and I sit down in my spot. I uncover the pond I created to look down on Earth. There is something else I would like to check out.


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