When The Last Petal Falls
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
When Gohan dies in Mirai’s timeline, can Trunks find the will to go on?
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 01: When the last petal falls…
“You’ll come with me right?” Trunks felt Gohan look at him with amusement. A hand ruffled the lavender hair on the boy’s head.

“Sure kid”

“Don’t call me kid, I’m almost as big as you.” Trunks shot a look at his senshi, Gohan’s eyes held a look of teasing.

“Yes, I guess you aren’t much of a kid anymore, but you’re still littler than me squirt.”

Trunks didn’t retort, instead he changed the subject. “We’ll always be friends, right Gohan?”

“Yes Trunks, always, even after the last petal falls and the flowers bloom no more, our friendship will remain strong.” Gohan looked away from the fourteen-year-old, not wanting the boy to see his feelings.

Trunks smiled absently, turning his head to look at the sunset. Gohan could be so…poetic at times. His senshi and best friend was an amazing person. “If that ever happens the world will have ended.” He murmured softly, but Gohan still heard him.

The lavender haired boy didn’t notice as the older Demi-Saiya-jin studied him, Trunks looked beautiful against the sunset, Gohan wanted to treasure the sight forever. Even if he couldn’t share his feelings with the boy, he could hold onto moments like these, when it seemed as if the world was still perfect, like before the androids.


Trunks lay there numbly, the sad fact playing in his head, over and over. Gohan was gone…dead. Every day seemed harder than the last. He clutched the pillow to his body harder and cried. He knew he shouldn’t cry, it was a sign of weakness, but he didn’t care, he couldn’t have stopped crying if he had wanted to.

After some time he managed to gain a hold of himself, and slowly the tears stopped. He got off the bed and took a shower, then dressed and ran his fingers through his hair as he contemplated what he was thinking of doing. Nodding his head decidedly he buckled his sword on and slipped out of the house, trying not to wake Bulma.

He searched for the androids, looking in all the usual places, he wanted to torture them, make them feel like they had made Gohan feel. An amused chuckle was his only warning and a foot connected with his back. He snapped forward and managed to turn around. Powering up quickly as he came face to face with the dark haired android.

17’s smirk seemed to become more amused as Trunks went super saiya-jin. “You’re back for another taste? I would have thought that without that one armed freak you would have given up after the last time.”

“You’re a cold hearted murderer. I won’t just stand by and let you wreak havoc whenever you wish. Gohan was the most amazing fighter, I won’t let his death be in vain. My Senshi died to protect the world from you!”

17 laughed outright at this. Trunks drew his sword and charged. 17 easily dodged the boy’s frantic attacks. Casually he flung a ki blast at the teen. Trunks barely managed to dodge it, trying to throw his own attack at the android. 18 appeared behind the lavender haired teen, bored of watching she attacked. Trunks couldn’t beat them both together, he knew it but he kept fighting. They left him alive enough to drag himself home.

“Trunks!” Bulma pulled him into the house with surprising strength and made him sit down in the kitchen. She pulled the first aid kit out of the closet and started to clean him up. Trunks bit his lip as she washed out the cuts on his body and face, they stung from the antiseptic as she bandaged them. Gently she ran her fingers through his hair for a moment then she put away the kit.

“I don’t want to loose you too.” She said softly. Trunks said nothing to her, falling into a numb stare. Bulma moved away to do something else, after a moment Trunks got up and headed for his room. Her worried glances followed him.

Trunks shut the door behind him. Sadly he looked around the room. Reminders of his senshi where all around. It felt so empty, the air somewhat fridged. Gohan’s bed sat there, still made, and painfully empty, looking as unused and cold as it really was. Trunks moved over and stood by Gohan’s bed, biting his lip to keep from crying again. He let out a heavy sigh and lay down on the bed, burying his face in the pillow. He breathed in deeply, he could smell the musky scent that was Gohan’s. He bit his lip harder than before, avoiding tears becoming harder.

“You should have let me come.” Trunks muttered. “I could have helped you, Gohan, I’m so lost without you, Senshi, I miss you.” He continued to mutter sadly to himself. He wanted out, he needed Gohan, the elder Demi-Saiya-jin had been everything to him. Life without Gohan seemed pointless. Trunks pulled himself up and got off the bed, removing his sword from his back he lay it on his bed. He removed his jacket and tried to think of something other than Gohan.

It was hard, the fight with the Androids kept reminding him how defenceless he was without the older Demi-Saiya-jin. He didn’t realize how proud of him Gohan would have been this morning, he had done well actually. Trunks dwelled on his senshi again, he remembered Gohan’s support when he decided he wanted to learn how to fight. Gohan had always been there for him, and now that he was gone Trunks only wanted to be with him again, to be understood and supported.

Trunks buried his face in his hands for a moment, then slowly he looked at his sword. He took it out of it’s sheath, and for a few moment just stared at it. His mind went numb first, he sat down on his bed, not thinking about what he was doing. The numbness spread over the rest of his body as he positioned the hilt of the sword between his knees securely. He held out his wrists, letting them touch the blade edges lightly.

“I’m sorry mom.” He pressed his wrists together hard and pulled them down along the sharp blade, for a moment he felt nothing and then there was pain. He felt the blade touch his bone and stopped moving his arms. Blood already touched the silver metal. He pulled his arms off it, his eyes widening as the amount of blood coming from his wrists registered. He felt the pain sharply, completely, all numbness gone now. He felt dizzy, and fell unconscious as the bedroom door opened.


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