When The Last Petal Falls
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
When Gohan dies in Mirai’s timeline, can Trunks find the will to go on?
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 04: The fight for freedom, losing love
The twins seemed surprised that Trunks was there, even more so when he powered up past super saiya-jin. Gohan knew he couldn’t be much help and stood aside to watch.

17 engaged Trunks first. They clashed together, each kick and punch meeting a block. “Damn it, we killed you, there was no way you could have survived.” 17 hissed.

“Yes, I did die, but it was in the past.” Trunks slammed his fists into the side of 17’s head. The blow was hard and 17 began to plummet to the ground. The large blast of Ki that followed disintegrated the android before he had the chance to recover.

“No, 17! You bastard, you killed him!” 18 launched a feverish and desperate attack on the young demi-saiya-jin. Gohan found himself wanting to fight to. His fist slammed in the side of 18’s head and she retaliated quickly, focusing on the attacker. This gave Trunks time to recharge another strong blast. 18 was still a little faster than Gohan, but his strength was on his side. Blood dribbled from a cut on his lip and another across his left cheek and eye. Ignoring th fact that he couldn’t see out of his eye Gohan gave her the hardest kick he could muster at the base of her skull. 18 fell forward and Trunks released his blast, disintegrating the female android as well. Gohan powered down, falling to the ground heavily. Trunks caught him and carried him back to the safe house.

“Gohan, where do you hurt?”

Gohan took a breath to reply and found himself hacking up blood as a sudden coughing fit wracked his body. Bulma started the regeneration tank when she saw them on the security camera, buzzing Trunks in without any of the normal formalities.

“Get him undressed and into the tank.” She instructed quickly as they arrived in the medical room. “The tank is set, all you have to do is start it.” With that she left, hoping some time alone would make her alternate son come to his senses about Gohan. Trunks looked at Gohan a little uneasily for a moment, then bit the inside of his cheek, the blood he tasted settled him just a little. Gohan slumped over weakly, he had some internal injuries that were draining his energy. Slowly Trunks started to remove Gohan’s gi top. Pausing at the sudden changed in Gohan’s breathing.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No..just get it off.” Gohan’s voice was faint, indicating more pain than he was showing.

Trunks bit his lip as he pulled off the shirt. Bruises massed over Gohan’s chest and stomach. Lightly Trunks reached out and started to untie Gohan’s sash, trying to suppress his sudden urge to kiss the bloody lip and caress the bruised skin gently. Trunks shook his head, clearing it of the unusual thoughts. Gohan tried to finish undressing himself.

“Gohan, let me do it, you are too weak, just let me get these off and get you into the regen tank.”

Gohan closed his eyes and slowly nodded. Trunks went back to removing Gohan’s clothes, blushing terribly by the time Gohan was in the tank. He hooked up all the wires and adjusted the breathing mask over Gohan’s face. The darker Demi-saiya-jin watched as the tank was closed and began to fill, closing his eyes he let himself be engulfed with the healing fluid, the picture of the worried teen staying with him.

Trunks watched Gohan’s eyes close, catching a hint of something in the dark eyes. ‘Does he… feel the same?’ Trunks thought fleetingly. Shaking his head the lavender haired young man went to find his mother.

Bulma sat at the table, cup of coffee between her hands. Trunks sat down across from her. “Um…Bul…mom?”

She looked up at him and smiled a little. “Yes Trunks?”

“Um” Trunks looked down at the table top. “What was….Gohan and Trunks’…relationship like?”

“I know they both cared about each other…much like you and he care about each other now.”

Trunks jumped a little, his eyes startled, his face flushed. “How could you tell, I wasn’t sure myself…until today.”

“A mother knows when her child is in love, and with him, I’ve seen things. I know how love makes you act, and feel.” Bulma’s voice was soft and understanding.

Trunks was still blushing. “Thanks..Mom.” He stood and went into the room that he had slept in the night before. He curled up on his bed, thinking about what Bulma said, how he felt…and slowly he fell asleep.


17’s cackling laughter met his ears. He was chained to the wall. A light turned on. The cold blue eyes looked at him. “You get a treat today pet, if you are good I’ll let him go.” The android gestured at a figure on the ground.

“Gohan? What the hell, 17 let him go!” He struggled against the chain.

“Already you misbehave, hmm, 18 would punish you for that.” The cold smirk appeared. “Punishment is good for a bad pet.” 17 walked up to him and punched him hard in the gut. Trunks heaved, tasting blood in his mouth. He still hadn’t healed from the last beating. “I think I’ll make his death quick, it’s more fun to hurt those who can react.”

Trunks was numb, he watched as 17 kicked Gohan, rolling over the unresponsive man onto his back. Pulling a knife from the rack 17 leaned over and slowly started to slit Gohan’s throat. Trunks watched his senshi’s neck, blood appeared and started to run down, the body convulsed for a moment then was still.



Trunks jerked awake. Usually he stayed asleep until the android started to cut his own throat. Gasping softly he looked at the other bed. There was a lump…raising and falling rhythmically. Gohan was already out of the tank, that was good. Trunks looked at the clock and realized he had been asleep for quite a while. He got up and went over to Gohan’s bed. The older man’s face now bore scars similar to the Gohan Trunks had known in his time. Gohan shifted in his sleep, muttering something and shaking a bit. Trunks chewed his lip for a moment then slowly he lifted the blanket and climbed in beside his sleeping friend. Gohan shivered in his sleep and snuggled against Trunks, who put his arms around the dark haired man and fell into a dreamless sleep.


Gohan groaned softly as he woke. Blindly he tried to shift finding something holding him. Trunks’ peaceful face lay in front of his. Gohan started to lean forward and kiss the younger man but hesitated as he remembered that this was a different Trunks. But he was Trunks..and Gohan knew that he loved the younger demi-saiya-jin. He debated if and how to wake up the younger man.

Trunks opened his eyes and blinked away the bleariness, focusing on Gohan. He froze a moment, Gohan’s eyes trapped him. He hadn’t expected Gohan to be awake when he woke, he had been hoping to slip out of the bed before Gohan would know he was there. Now they looked at each other, neither saying a word. Gohan’s eyes made no attempt to cover up the love they were showing. Trunks was sure that was what it was. Gohan’s hand brushed Trunks’ cheek lightly. For a moment Trunks didn’t know what to do, he found himself leaning against Gohan’s hand, he closed his eyes. Then he felt Gohan’s lips…lightly brushing his own. Trunks leaned into the kiss, pressing against Gohan’s lips with a kind of desperation. Gohan’s tongue brushed his lower lip, Trunks hesitated for a moment, his breath hitched slightly. Gohan started to pull back, afraid he had pushed Trunks to far. Blue eyes met black.

“Gohan, don’t…” Trunks didn’t finish his sentence ; he put his hand around Gohan’s neck and pulled his head down, kissing the older demi-saiya-jin without hesitation. He parted his lips, allowing Gohan’s tongue to taste the inside of his mouth. Moments later the kiss ended. Gohan’s mouth moved along Trunks’ jaw for a moment, feather light, caressing the silky skin. Trunks’ hands began to touch his back, finding their way under Gohan’s shirt, running over the compact muscles.

“Trunks…Trunks look at me.” Gohan whispered. Trunks looked at the raven haired man, his eyes smoldering, almost a smoky blue now. Gohan ran his fingers through the lavender hair, he traced the smooth skin on the teen’s jaw. “You were everything to me, I thought that I had lost you, and yet, you’re here.” Gohan’s voice was faint. He ran his eyes over Trunks slowly.

Trunks stiffened, he wanted Gohan to love him, he didn’t want to be thought of as the Trunks who had died. He didn’t love this Gohan because he was like his Gohan… at least he didn’t think so. “Gohan, I need…” He trailed off.

Gohan looked at him for a moment. “I understand” He said faintly.

“It’s not you, I just want to be sure of myself, of…my feelings for you.” Trunks looked away from Gohan. “I want to be sure it’s you I love, and that I’m not pretending you are my Gohan, the one I knew in my time.”

“You…oh god, you thought…what I said…you thought I was thinking of you as…him?”


Gohan leaned over and kissed his neck, nibbling it with the attentions of planning something else for a moment. Trunks did nothing, trying to understand what he was doing.

“I never wanted to do this with him.” He said softly, then Trunks felt a pain in his neck as Gohan’s teeth sank into the skin, drawing blood which the older demi-saiya-jin lapped up like it was the most wonderful thing he had ever tasted. Trunks felt something, it touched his mind. He didn’t think about it as he pushed Gohan back, his hands ran down Gohan’s neck, he studied the pale skin for a moment, leaning down he ran his tongue up Gohan’s neck, tasting the slight tang of his skin.

“I never want to be with anyone but you.”

Trunks bit into Gohan’s neck, the warm blood entered his mouth, his head felt dizzy, he could feel Gohan in his head, and he could hear what Gohan was thinking.

Gohan loved him, loved him more than he had thought possible. Gohan wanted him to always be there. Trunks knew he returned the feelings twofold. He lay his head on Gohan’s chest. Gohan put his arms around Trunks, neither had thought bonding could be tiring, but they were both exhausted. Each mentally teased the other for a moment, but both soon where asleep.


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