When The Last Petal Falls
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
When Gohan dies in Mirai’s timeline, can Trunks find the will to go on?
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 05: In the end…love is everything
Bulma smiled to herself as she looked in at the sleeping demi-saiya-jins. She wondered what their children would look like, she had wondered that before her son had died. ‘There is always hope…’ Her thoughts trailed off and she looked up at the ceiling. “No matter what, I know I loved you Vejita.” She said softly. She moved on down the hall with one last glance at the sleeping pair.

Silently she went into her lab and shut the door, a wave of nausea washed over her. She clutched the tabletop to keep her balance. “Oh god, how much longer can I keep this hidden.” she whispered. She made her way over to the stool and sat in it. She picked up a pen and fiddled with it for a moment. She needed to tell them, wouldn’t do either any good to find her dead one day. The cancer was slowly becoming worse, she almost couldn’t tell when she was going to feel ill. One day she would get sick in front of them, it would be better if they knew why.

“Vejita, I don’t know how to do this, I’m not as strong as you.” She murmured. She lay her head down on her arms and closed her eyes, sickness made her tired, though she tried not to show it.

Behind her a figure appeared hazily. The man went up behind her. He lay a transparent hand on her arm and leaned down, laying a kiss on her head. “I love you woman, you are stronger than you think, I will come for you soon.” He said softly, then he vanished again.

Trunks woke, blinking a moment as he remembered who the body was beside him. He could still smell blood in the air and he recalled why. Without a second thought he buried his face in the other man’s neck, kissing it gently. There was a groan from Gohan. He shifted and his hands tightened around Trunks for a moment before loosening their grip. The younger man lifted his head to look at the elder and found himself being thoroughly kissed.

“Mmm, nice way to wake up.” Gohan murmured as his black eyes ran over what of Trunks he could see.

“We do need to get up now, we keep going back to sleep.” Trunks said softly.

“Why do we need to get up? I can think of plenty of things we could do right here in bed.” Gohan winked at Trunks, his meaning earning him a light punch in the chest. “Okay, lets get up for a while anyway.”

Trunks leaned over and kissed him lightly. “That sounds more like it, for the moment…though…” Trunks ran his hand down Gohan’s bare chest. “I might not mind doing something in bed later.” He purred. That caused him to find himself being pinned to the cold floor by a very aroused demi-saiyajin.

“Stop teasing me” Gohan muttered as he kissed the side of Trunks’ neck savagely. Trunks managed to squirm away from Gohan, and he started to get dressed. A noise of protest sounded from the older man who soon was following suit and dressing himself.

Together they walked to the kitchen, Bulma was standing at the stove but she wasn’t cooking, she was looking off out the window.

“Mom?” Trunks went up to her and touched her arm. Bulma jumped a little as she realized he was there.

“Hey Trunks, Gohan.” She looked at them both for a moment, a soft sigh escaping her. “Would you guys sit down..I need to talk to you.”

Trunks’ brow wrinkled a little and he and Gohan quickly took seats at the table. Bulma sat down too, she looked tired.

“Mom, is something wrong?” Trunks questioned softly. He looked at her in concern, now that he was paying attention he could see how sunken in her face was, there were dark spots under her eyes, she even looked fragile.

“Trunks, honey…I…I have Cancer.”

A soft sound escaped Trunks, Gohan touched his arm gently in assurance.

“I…I don’t think I have much longer.” Bulma admitted faintly, She looked sad. Trunks was caught between wanting to comfort her and cry. His eyes ached from tears that were collecting but not falling. He stood and went over to her, hugging her as tightly as he dared. Bulma hugged him back as tightly as she could. A few tears fell from his eyes, making a few damp spots on her shirt. A pair of arms began to hug them both as Gohan put his arms around them. He whispered in Trunks’ ear that it would be okay. They stood together for several minutes before letting go of each other. Gohan held Trunks up, the teen felt like he had no strength in his legs. Bulma stroked Trunks’ hair with one hand, she didn’t think he would take it so hard, but she did understand.

“You have to promise me that you will get past it, when I go I will be with your father again, it is where I need to be. I love Vejita, and…I want to be with him again, but you..you have to stay here, you need to be with Gohan, you..you both need to continue to live, for everyone, remember us, we won’t be gone if you remember us.” She gently lifted his head and looked at him. Trunks looked back at her.

“I’ll never forget, never… our children will know.” Trunks looked at Gohan. “Our children, we will have children, and they will know what their history is, and they will be proud.”

Gohan nodded, he leaned down and gave Trunks a light kiss. He cuddled Trunks close. Bulma stepped back, feeling weak again. She got as far as the table, she held herself up by holding the edge of the table. Gohan and Trunks both looked at her and started to help her, then stopped.

Vejita stood in the doorway, he was dressed in jeans and that pink badman shirt. He came forward and took Bulma’s hand. She looked healthier. He smiled, a real smile and then looked at the two younger men for a moment. He nodded at them and then looked back at Bulma.

“It’s time Bulma.” He pulled her to him and leaned down a little. As his lips touched hers they disappeared.

Trunks was silent for a moment, Gohan felt a shudder run through him. “She’s gone…”

“Yes love, she is.” Gohan took Trunks’ hand in his and led him to the door. “Lets leave here, we have to start over again, the androids are gone, and we have each other. The last petal may have fallen, but we are still together.”

Trunks looked at him curiously for a moment and then nodded. “Yes…let’s go.” He agreed. And together, hand in hand, they flew off into the sunset.


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