When The Last Petal Falls
by Leaf Zelindor     More by this Writer
When Gohan dies in Mirai’s timeline, can Trunks find the will to go on?
Graphic Violence Deathfic

Chapter 03: Another dimension, another life, another chance
Trunks woke shivering, he grumbled softly to himself about falling asleep at the worktable. He blinked as he lifted his head slowly. He shook his head and squinted at his surroundings. He tried to understand why he was lying in a pile of debris. There was a sound to his left, the shifting of cement, and voices.

“We killed him, there’s no way the little freak could have survived.” Snapped a female voice.

“Well lets go then, standing around isn’t any fun.” Said a male voice boredly.

Trunks lay very still, not wanting to draw any attention to himself, for the moment. He barely breathed as he waited for them to leave. Once he was sure that they were gone he stood and slowly looked around the landscape surrounding him. It was pure destruction, like he remembered from his childhood. He had recognized the voices too.

“If 17 and 18 are here, where am I?” He murmured to himself. Slowly he extended his senses to locate any familiar Ki’s, before he found anything recognizable he heard a cry, of pure anguish.

“OH KAMI, TRUNKS, NO!” It came from the other side of the cement pile, where 17 and 18 had been. The new voice was familiar as well. Quietly Trunks flew to the other side of the cement. He hid in the shadows, stunned by what he saw. He watched as his mirror image was picked up in the arms of this world’s Gohan. The limp body was covered in blood. Trunks’ Saiya-jin ears were able to hear Gohan’s crying.

Gohan started to fly off, silently Trunks followed as Gohan carried the lifeless body through the now falling rain. A peaceful wooded area came into view, Gohan took that Trunks’ body down into the area and lay it gently down on the grass. Trunks landed in the trees nearby and watched as the adult began to dig a place for the body. He finished and picked up the body, for a moment all Gohan did was look at the lifeless form, blinking rapidly. He sank to his knees beside the open grave, cradling that Trunks’ body close. Trunks looked down a moment, missing the tender kiss that Gohan placed on now cool lips. He looked back up to see Gohan push wet lavender hair out of the bloody face.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let you come, it’s my fault, it shouldn’t of happened, you should be alive.” Gohan continued to mutter his apologies as he rocked the limp body. Half an hour passed in the rain before Gohan carefully lay the body in the shallow grave and covered it.

Trunks didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t comfort Gohan. He couldn’t find his mother to ask for help. Distraught he blindly headed away from Gohan, and the scenes of his own death and burial. He ran, he flew, he ran more, all blindly, wearing his body out quickly. He found himself by the ocean, the edge of a high cliff. “If I dropped my Ki and jumped it would be over.” He whispered to himself. He heard a rustling behind him and quickly hid himself in the trees.

A woman came out onto the cliff, she was crying. A man appeared behind her. “I’m sorry Bulma.”

“Gohan, it’s not you’re fault.” She hicupped. She turned and patted Gohan’s shoulder gently. “I’m going back now, don’t stay to long.” He nodded slowly then settled into a blank stare out across the water. Bulma watched him for a moment then left.

Trunks watched him, this timeline was much different than his own. Gohan was still the same, handsome, beautiful. Trunks shook his head, he was unsure as to where that thought had come from. The older Demi-Saiya-jin continued to sit staring at the waves, alternating between weeping and cursing himself. Trunks could not help remembering when he had lost his Gohan.



The back of his neck hurt. Gohan was nowhere to be seen, but the plume of smoke in front of the boy told him where his Sensei had gone. He started for the town, not noticing the steadily falling rain. He traced Gohan’s Ki desperately, it was dangerously low. Suddenly it disappeared completely.

“Oh God, Gohan…no.” His Sensei’s body came into view, lying in the rubble. “What did they do to you Gohan.” He whispered, falling to his knees at his dead friends side. He rolled the body over, a hole ripped in his soul as he looked at the bloody and ashen face. He tilted his head up to the sky, trying to hold back his tears, furiously he hit the ground with his clenched fists, and he let out a primal scream of rage.

His body felt full of electricity, he felt his muscles straining, there was a crackling in the air. Suddenly his aura was bright gold, he collapsed to the ground in an exhausted heap. After a while of sobbing uncontrollably he found the strength to take Gohan’s body away from the city and he buried his friend carefully.

Bulma found him still sitting beside the new grave the next morning, immediately she knew who was buried there, she tried to comfort Trunks, he wanted nothing to do with her. She backed off seeing this. Trunks was glad she left but yet he didn’t want to be alone.

End flashback


Trunks pulled up the right sleeve of his jacket and looked down at his wrist. The scaring would be with him forever. He remembered his anger with his mother after finding himself still alive. Even now though he had to admit that it was for the best that she had saved him. He had gotten to avenge Gohan’s death, it had felt satisfying to kill Gohan’s murderers. He remembered actually dying once, in the past. The only time he was certain of his father’s love for him.

He ran his index finger over the scar on his wrist. He bit his lip and looked back up at the cliff, Gohan’s hand was glowing. Without thinking he was in front of Gohan, firmly gripping the older man’s arm in his hand. “I’m not losing you again Gohan.” He said softly but firmly.

Gohan’s eyes widened and the gathered Ki disappeared. Trunks still held Gohan’s arm firmly though. “T..trunks?”


“But I just…”

“I’m not this world’s Trunks, he IS dead, I’m not sure how I got here, but I refuse to let you die here too.” Trunks’ face flushed hottly.

Gohan regarded him seriously but yet unsure for a moment. “I’m dead in your world?”

“Yes…four years ago in my world.” Trunks paused, he thought for a moment and let go of Gohan’s arm. “This world seems to be the same time as mine, I mean… This Trunks was eighteen, right?”

Gohan nodded slowly, Trunks unconsciously started to drink in Gohan’s appearance, he had both arms, his Ki was stronger than Trunks’ Gohan’s had been.

“I can kill them.” He said finally. Gohan looked at him, his eyes flashing hope, then curiosity, then doubt. “I can Gohan, I did it in my world, I can do it here too.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes” Gohan thought for a moment, he seemed to be arguing with himself a little. Then he shook his head briefly.

“Come on then, even if you can beat them you need some sleep first. Let’s go to the safe-house.” Gohan had the slightest sound of doubt still on the edge of his voice.

“Just a minute, Gohan, could this world’s Trunks go Super Saiya-jin?”

“He attained it just recently.”

“I can go a step beyond.” Gohan’s eyes widened in disbelief. Trunks started to power up slowly so that Gohan could follow his ascension.

“I think you are stronger than me.” Gohan looked and sounded amazed.

“Possibly” Trunks powered back down. Gohan turned and started into the wooded area behind them.

“Come on Trunks.” He called back.

The lavender haired teen followed him a little numbly. He was feeling strange around Gohan, he was Gohan after all, and now…he was noticing an attraction to his sensei. Trunks chewed his lip and watched Gohan’s movements as they walked, tired but still alert. The safe house was about a mile inland. Gohan stopped and typed a code into the keypad by the door.

The light on the wall turned green and they stepped inside as the door opened. It then closed behind them and an infrared scanner ran over their bodies. It beeped it’s completion and a door opened on the far end of the room for them to enter the house. Silently Trunks followed Gohan into a living room.

“Gohan, the scanner reported two people, who’s with…” Bulma came to a dead stop as she looked at Trunks.


“I’m not your Trunks.” He said softly.

Bulma sat down heavily in a nearby chair.

“Come here.” She urged. He complied, going over and kneeling on the floor in front of her. Bulma ran her fingers over his face, making sure he was real.

“No, you’re not my Trunks, but you’re still my son.” She murmured. She stood and gave Trunks a hug, then started out of the room.

“You must be hungry, and tired. Gohan please get him and yourself something to eat and then show him to your room.”

Gohan nodded and watched her leave. Trunks followed the taller man into the kitchen where they quickly ate and then they went to the bedroom. Two pallets were made on the floor. Gohan went and lay down on the farther one without saying a word. Then he looked at Trunks, remembering something. “Bathroom is next-door if you need it.”

“Thanks” Trunks moved over and lay down on the other pallet and looked up at the ceiling for a few minutes. There was a small noise, he had to strain his ears to figure it out. Gohan was crying softly. Trunks cringed inwardly, Gohan was grieving, it was a good thing for him to do so but Trunks didn’t like that Gohan was hurting, he didn’t want Gohan to hurt. Rolling over on his side and facing the door he tried to block out the soft sobbing.


Trunks woke with a jerk, sweat pouring off him, his body shaking. The dream flashed through his mind. He jumped as a hand touched his arm. Not realizing who it was. “You okay?” Gohan’s tone was worried and sleepy.

“I’m fine.”


“Yes.” Trunks could make out Gohan’s figure as the older man returned to his own bed. He lay himself back down.

“Sorry I woke you.”

“Don’t *yawn* worry about it.” Gohan’s breathing quickly leveled out as he fell back asleep.

Trunks couldn’t get himself back into the same state. He lay there and stared at the ceiling, listening to the steady rhythm of Gohan’s breathing. Gradually the room began to lighten. Trunks had lain awake since the dream that had woken him. He heard Gohan’s breathing change and he shifted noisily. Trunks rolled over and looked at the sleeping man.

Gohan’s face was twisted in a pained expression and there were fresh tears tracing their way down his cheeks over the dried tracks of previous sadness. Trunks got up quietly and left the room. He went through his normal morning routine in the bathroom and then went down to the kitchen. There was a smell of coffee in the air and Bulma was working at the stove. The smells in the kitchen said this world’s Bulma was a better cook than his own mother.

Trunks went over to her and kissed her cheek then got himself a cup of coffee. Sitting down at the table he quietly nursed the bitter substance, allowing the caffeine to start through his system. Bulma placed a plate in from of him. “Thanks Mom.”

Bulma sat down beside him and smiled uneasily.

“I won’t call you mom, if it hurts too much.”

“It’s okay Trunks, I know that my baby is gone, but I feel like you were given back to me for a reason.” She looked at Trunks with eyes that held unconditional love. ‘I’m not the one who really needs you though, I hope you can both save each other.’ She thought as she watched Trunks start to eat. After a few minutes Bulma returned to the stove and checked on the food that was still there. Trunks finished eating and put his plate in the sink. “Would you go get Gohan up?”

“Sure” Trunks went on back to the bedroom. The tangle of Gohan’s sheets said he had been dreaming, a nightmare from the looks. Now he was twitching and muttering. Tears falling even now in his sleep. Trunks was pained to see him like this. He moved over beside the older man’s bed and kneeled beside him. Gently Trunks wiped Gohan’s tears away. His heart sped up a little and he bit his lip. Gohan shifted but still slept. Trunks lightly ran his fingers over Gohan’s cheeks before sitting back on his heals. “Gohan, time to get up.”

Gohan started to wake slowly, he blinked at Trunks and smiled for a brief moment, then the smile fell away as he remembered yesterday.

“There’s food in the kitchen.” Trunks stood and left so Gohan could change. Returning to the kitchen Trunks found a note from Bulma saying she was in her lab and didn’t want to be disturbed. He went to check on the food, dishing up some of it for Gohan, who had stumbled sleepily and gotten a cup of coffee.

“Thanks” Gohan said through a yawn. Trunks sat down and just looked in Gohan’s direction. When the elder Demi-saiya-jin was done eating he looked up at Trunks. “You can really take care of the androids?”


“Then let’s go do it, the sooner this nightmare is over the better, we’ve been hiding long enough.”

“I agree.” Trunks stood and started to leave.

“Hold on, I’m coming with you.” Gohan quickly joined.

“Gohan, I…I don’t want you to get hurt.” Trunks didn’t look at Gohan, his cheeks flaming a little.

“I’ll be okay, you need someone to watch your back.” Trunks nodded reluctantly and they both left to find the androids.


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