by bardie     More by this Writer
Little Raditz loves secrets and surprises. But this one was something he *least* expected.

Written in 2013.
Male Pregnancy

Kept in Wraps
Raditz was probably the only Saiyan on Vegetasei to live under a set rule: to call his parents by Father and Daddy.

And this is how he addressed Bardock and Toma. Although he was only five years old, Raditz knew his father despised being called "mother". It felt too feminine for the man with a scar on his face. The little boy climbed up on the couch to sit beside his father, who had his head cupped with one hand, with his elbow sitting on the arm of the couch, and watched TV with him. He then looked up at the adult -- however, he was greeted with a bit of an uncomfortable expression.

"What's wrong, Father?" he happened to ask.

Bardock looked down at his son. Now that he did so, Raditz was sure that something was not right about him. The older man looked a bit distracted by something, like something terrible was going to happen. The boy thought he could see Bardock's hand shaking against his face, but he wasn't quite sure. After all, he did happen to be awake this late at night, like most Saiyan children would normally be. It was especially difficult for these little monkeys to follow through a set bedtime because they were always so hyper. It was also a bit difficult for a child to actually focus on not dozing off while it was so late at night.

After much hesitation, the older man finally spoke;

"Well, I have a feeling that your Dad and I...have cooked up a little surprise for you..." It was obvious that there was some uncertainty in his voice, but he raised his eyebrows and made a fake smile to at least ease Raditz's apparent confusion.

As he predicted, he was right; the long-haired child was confused.

Now giving his father a puzzled expression, Raditz wondered what this "surprise" would be. Would it be a big dinner? Well, he did say, "cooked" after all...then again, he wasn't too sure he understood that correctly. His parents definitely weren't good cooks, but he agreed to feast on Toma's cooking every once in a while. And then at any other time, they'd go eat on the remains of inhabitants that Bardock and Toma took home from their missions.

Then again, that one guess didn't make much sense due to Bardock's strange behavior – hell, he was almost shocked to actually see him smile. But Raditz was much too young to think more clearly, so he continued to go along with it.

"Are we having a big feast?" the boy finally asked enthusiastically.

Bardock's eyes widened, and he forced out a chuckle, bringing his hand closer to his mouth as if he were covering it up. His eyes then darted to the other side of the room, and then back to Raditz. Oh, the crazy stuff that children say....

He moved closer towards Raditz, as if he were about to tell him a big secret. Raditz loved secrets, especially about the royal family. Although he wasn't old enough to understand half of them, he enjoyed it when Nappa, who often watched over him when his parents were gone, would talk about how the king was a "ladies' man" and how he "got around easily". He had no idea what those terms meant, but they were secrets, so Raditz had fun teasing the young Prince about those, – including one in which Nappa had mentioned the Prince still wetting the bed – without the king's knowledge, when they played around or went on their own missions together.

As Raditz turned his head sideways, bracing himself for what he was about to be told, Bardock's gaping lips grew closer to the child's ear, and....

"Bardock! I found it!"

Hearing Toma's voice coming from the kitchen seemed to have relieved Bardock. He high-tailed it out of there, leaving Raditz hanging. The young boy began to follow him, but was denied access to the kitchen when he was pushed back.

"C'mon Raditz, go watch some cartoons or something," Bardock demanded, his demeanor changing from just a short while ago. Raditz did not want to listen, but if he wanted to avoid a beating, then he had no other choice. With his arms crossed and a frown on his face, he turned back around towards the living room and sat right back down on the couch, muttering some bad words that he didn't want either of the men to hear.

Raditz then began to pretend to watch a television program about a professional boxer. However, he was more interested in his parents' secret conversation than the television, and fetching the remote, he turned down the volume to be able to hear them better. Why they were whispering, he didn't really know, but no one was going to get away with telling secrets without Raditz around. He then looked back towards the kitchen, now hearing his parents' footsteps – pitter, patter – and quietly slipped out of the couch.

With his tail wagging almost by the floor, Raditz tiptoed towards the parent bedroom, where the door was closed. Almost pressing his ear against the door, he began to eavesdrop on the parents' conversation, as he noticed that they were no longer whispering, but still talking in more softer tones.

"...how are we gonna tell Raditz?" he heard his daddy say.

"The hell if I know. We'll tell him later. But that all depends on how this goes," his father replied. Then, to the boy's horror, he then seemed to be walking back towards the door, his hand twisting on the knob.


Raditz had already ran off – well, rather, tiptoed in a much faster pace – by the time Bardock exited the bedroom. The little spy's mission didn't go so well, but Raditz was unwilling to give up. He didn't see where Bardock had went, so he was hesitant to go out spying again. In his bedroom, he rested on his bed, snuggling up against the pillow. He had already made sure he went to the bathroom before coming to bed, as he didn't want to be like the Prince, nor did he want another beating from Bardock.

Waiting for the right moment to sneak up on his parents again, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, but instead fell into a deep sleep. He didn't even feel the kiss that Toma placed on his forehead every night.


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