Trunks's Longing
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Trunks has a long to be with one man the only one he feels safe around but in doing so he would have to say his feelings out loud taking the chance of hurting the ones he cares the most for. Unknown to any of the family Bulma has a secret plan for her son slowly poisoning him to do her bidding.

This story was written for the Spring 2009 Boxer and Rice fanfic challenge. The theme of the challenge was “Reverse Illustration” and this story is based on this fabulous picture by Lara Yokoshima. Please leave comments for the artist!

Chapter 01: Caught
Trunks's POV

Landing in the shadows of the of the giant evergreen trees, not far from a large clearing, I take in the sight of the two homes that sit in the clearing. I know these homes very well. The houses are similar in style and are surrounded by a 3' high white picket fence with gates to the the entrances of each front yard.

Mount Paozu is a work of natural beauty, taking in the landscape, I can't help but sigh. The peace and quiet of the countryside is a welcome change from the loud city noises that I have to endure every day. The day is nearly perfect, with a brilliant blue sky and the mid-day sun warming the air and bringing out the scent of the wildflowers in the grass.

I pause before moving on to take measure of who is around that may have an issue with me being here. I can only feel the lowered ki of one person nearby, the ki so low I realize he must be sleeping in one of the nearby houses. Relieved, I let out the breath I did not realize I was holding. Knowing that it is safe I find the resolve to move ahead. I slip out of the shadows walking into the front yard. Moving forward, I open the gate with confidence in knowing I will not be caught.

It has been awhile since I have had time to myself between the demands of Mother and work. I do not have time to myself anymore.

Quietly, I open the front door and walk into the house, closing to door behind me. I pause for a minute to make sure I did not disturb the man sleeping inside. Satisfied I was successful in my stealthy excursion, I walk quietly into the house me where my prey is resting on a couch on the far side of the living room.

A feeling of longing echoed in my mind as I stand here. I found myself watching Gohan as he peacefully slept. I have been lucky thus far, he has never caught me watching him. I fear what he would say about my stalking if he knew but I cannot stop. He is like an addiction, I cannot escape. Usually, I just watched him from a distance, never this close, one wrong move and I am done for. He would hate me and never want me around him. Losing his friendship would be devastating, he is all I have left other than my father.

“Hmm, so sweet” I whisper. Gohan was resting, his glasses laid close by on the coffee table, his right arm rested on his head, blocking the suns rays from his eyes, his other arm rested on his chest. Gohan was sleeping in a black t-shirt and jeans, it was rare to see him out of the tailored suits he wore every day. I watched him breathe, his chest slowly moving up and down. I could not help admiring every detail of the man resting before me. Slowly, I moved closer to him, wanting to hold the man who was like a god to me.

I was standing almost on top of Gohan looking down as he lay there, reaching a shaking hand down towards the resting man, as I realized what I was doing. I regretted coming inside, I was taking too much of a chance. I should have waited for him to come outside or even watched him from the window but not in here, it was too tempting to touch him.

Not willing to find out what might happen if I was caught, I went to leave. The fear of losing him as a friend took hold in my mind.

I needed to get away before I was caught and yet I wanted to touch him so badly. I should leave, I am sure Videl will be back soon, I thought slowly. I was losing the rest of the courage I had not a moment ago, my fears of rejection and losing my friend returned with a vengance. Like I said before, he was like an addiction, as I fought with my mind I reached down to touch the sleeping man before me.

Gohan's POV

I smiled to myself, as I felt the mixed up emotions in the young man who was hovering over me. I laid very still, waiting to see what his next move would be. He has never he come so close before, not that I have ever noticed.

I was trying to relax my mind after Father and Goten left on yet another one of their many outings. After an hour of peace, I felt a presence coming closer to the house, knowing Father was with Goten and Mother and Vidal were long gone, I opened one eye honing in to the energy signals. Smiling as I realized who it was, I sat up slowly not changing my ki. I hoped that Trunks would not take off. I changed into the t-shirt and jeans that were sitting by the couch. The couch was afterall where I spent most of my nights. Trunks slowly came up to the house as I laid back down on the couch. Placing my thick rimmed glasses on the coffee table, I flung my arm over my eyes and waited, making sure to keep my ki in moderate state. This should be enough to fool anyone nearby into thinking I was asleep. After a minute, I heard someone slip in the house. The person slowly walked into the living room. I could feel the man hovering near me. I could almost hear Trunks’s mind as he stared down at me, his emotions were running that high.

I could not resist the urge to tease the man, not this time. He was getting brave each time he was coming closer. Today, is the closest I have ever seen him get, the fear, longing, and something else loud threw his ki. I want to let the man know that I knew he was here and to see what Trunks would do about it. I mostly wanted to see if Goten was right. Was someone who would accept my Saiyan heritage and need me as I am, not what everyone wants me to be?

Well, now or never, man, Trunks your thoughts are strong when you are this upset, any stronger and I would hear your thoughts clearly, I thought as I spoke aloud.

“So, you are finally brave enough to come inside, about time” I say trying not to lunge at him, Trunks gasped. I heard him stepping back.

“Well, are you just going to stand there all day or is there something you want Trunks?” I stayed still and continued to lie on the couch, Trunks faltered. I could feel he was panicking. I chuckled, I could feel the mixed emotions of desire and fear in Trunks's ki as he tried to act innocent. I wanted to throw him down on the ground, ravish him, and find out if he wanted me as much as I have secretly desired him. I have desired him since he grew into the man he was now but I am not willing to frighten him off.

“What, how” Trunks whispered confused.

“Trunks, I can hear you breathing over me…as long as you don’t drool on me, I am fine with you watching me. I know I am irresistible to look at,” Trunks gasped. I heard Trunks cussing as he nearly fell over the old wooden coffee table in the middle of the room.

“Sorry, I was… I mean you were…” Trunks stumbled over his words as I stood up and grabbed Trunks's arm pulling him to me, holding tightly. Trunks started to panic as I pinned him to the living room floor. I cursed in my mind so he would not hear me. I felt Mother return home without Videl, I leaned down to the man's ear and whispered.

“You are lucky Mother is home and looking for me,” I said and then I nipped Trunks's ear. I moved away from his prone body grabbing my glasses as I walked out of the room.

I walked out of my home, greeted Mother and checked if she needed help. I wondered if Trunks would stay inside or leave right away. In a way it is sad because I knew he would run the second he found an opening.

I felt his fear so clearly, I wanted to go back in there with him but Mother was questioning me, why I was home not in class. I did not answer her as I saw Trunks come out of the house.

Trunks's POV

I could not move when Gohan walked out of his house and left the front door open. I could hear Gohan as he greeted his mother outside. I stood up quickly and offered my help to Gohan and his mother. There were so many dark secrets around our two families lately. Knowing this, I was not going to upset one of the main players in this hell, that being Gohan’s mother, ChiChi. I know ChiChi along with my mother had a hand in what happened a year ago with Father and Gohan’s father, Goku. I did not know the details of what happened all I knew is they do not talk to each other anymore.

“Oh Trunks, why are you here? Should you not be at work?” I faltered at ChiChi’s question, her dark eyes focused on me.

Damn, she will tell, I thought.

“Oh, he is here asking some advice on a business problem he was having instead of bothering his mother, he called me. I told him to come over and I would give him a hand, then you came home, now we are helping you. Here, Trunks, take this bag into the kitchen, just put it on the kitchen table…” I was surprised at how deftly Gohan bailed me out. I said nothing and listened to him explain why I was there. Taking the bags from Gohan's warm hand, I shivered when our hands touched.

I walked into Chichi’s house, it had been awhile since I came here. I usually met Goten in town but lately, I just stayed away from everyone.

“Damn, I need to get away from here,” I said softly as Gohan walked into the house and watched me. I felt how close he was to me and it was that was driving me mad. He put his load of bags beside mine on the table.

“Damn it, I should not be here. She will call Mother, that is all I need” muttering as I set the bags in my arms on the table. I had truly thought Gohan was sleeping to be caught like this, it is disastrous. I walked out of the room to see Goten and his father landing outside. I could not move, bad enough ChiChi knew I was here, never mind Goten knowing, I try to avoid him as much as possible. I see him looking towards me as I hover in the doorway of his mother's home. Gohan moved slowly passed me, his eyes met with mine for a minute there was a dark sadness in his eyes I was not used to seeing.

“Come on Trunks, it would be better if you come out with me unless you want Mother cornering you alone asking why you were here with her oldest son all alone” it was a faint whisper but I heard him nodding. I follow him wondering why he was helping me, why he was not mad at me for being in his house spying on him, I am so confused right now.

“So Trunks, what brings you here?” Goku asked as I walk beside Gohan.

“Oh, hey Goku, I was just talking to Gohan for a minute needed some help with a problem at work,” I said keeping to the tale he told his mother. I was amazed how much Goku has changed over the past year the fire in his eyes was gone, all that I could see was a sadness.

It is like looking into Dad’s eyes, the fire is gone there is nothing but an empty void.

“You should have let me know you were coming, you could have come with us, would have been more fun than working in that office all the time” Goten said. I put my hand on the back of his head, a bad habit.

“Ah ya, but you two don’t get much time together lately with you at my house all the time.” It was hard but I hid the anger in my heart. He was there all the time not to see me but my sister Bulla. It was annoying how they would shove in my face what I could have had with Goten if I had not pushed him away.

I watched as Gohan and his father moved over to ChiChi, who was now by their front door, they greeted her as she scolded Goku for not being home again and where he and Goten went. Shaking my head, I looked away. I saw Goten watching me, I shrugged giving him a weak smile, it was hard to look at him with out letting my anger get the better of me.

Shivering, I can feel someone watching me, looking back I saw Gohan watching us, a wicked look in his eyes, the dark sadness was there but there was something else there. I remembered him pinning me in the house before his mother came home, he had the same look in his black eyes.

“Trunks, I would not have minded, after all you are like family to us or is my brother more fascinating than me?” Goten said as we walked towards the front porch of his parents' house, I glared at him.

Goten still living here with his father and mother, I think it is more to be with Goku, he spends a lot of time with his father, when he is not with my sister, which is a lot a lately.

“I will remember that next time Goten.” I say trying so hard not to look at Gohan. I hear Goten snickering at me, this does not help, it is like he is mocking me and frankly I am tired of it. Hiding my anger, I look for a reason to leave I cannot stand being near him, not anymore.

Goten's POV

Come to talk to Gohan, my foot, you have not come over since Bulla and I became one…the only time you are near any of us is when your mother forces you too…Ahh, I see, yes, I understand, you did come here to see Gohan but not to talk to him like you said…You got caught this time, didn’t you? I warned you one of these days he would catch on. So, Gohan how did you take finally catching him? It is nice to see you out of the house, you were so distant and upset earlier when we wanted you to go with us…I thought as I watched Trunks try to avoid looking at Gohan who was about 10' feet from where we are heading.

Gohan was listening to Father, a small smile on his face as he watched the nervous Trunks fidget. Trunks's obsession with my brother did not bother Gohan, when I told him about Trunks liking him he was surprised but not unhappy about it either, he asked me why I was not trying. I told him how Trunks was pushing everyone away from him, that he was the only one Trunks would talk about. I was not mad about Trunks pushing me away, I understood why his feelings for my brother were stronger then the friendship bond between us. I told him he should tell my brother but he got mad at me. I told Gohan that too, I hoped they could help each other but it was not working. Trunks is more distant than ever and my brother is slowly changing, his thoughts are dark depending on his mood.

Right now, watching him watch Trunks, I am not sure what he is thinking and I will not try to see either bad enough. I hear him when he is hurt or fighting with Mother or Vidal.

I have to admit I like watching Trunks squirm as Gohan watches us, it’s the way he was watching Trunks there was a slight fire in his eyes. I have not seen in a long time. I wonder if Gohan is leery of hurting Trunks. I wonder if it is because of what happened between our fathers, that is what is holding my brother back, he has this look like he wants to tackle Trunks down but something is stopping him. I look at Father who was still standing beside him talking to him and Mother then I shiver as my brother's loud thoughts broke threw my mind.

Damn Gohan, close your thoughts I cuss as some nasty pictures come to view, confirming what I was thinking as the images were replaced by an image of Vegeta then Dad as they are now alone, despair overtaking them.

I am not sure on all the details all I know it had something to do with the incident at CC over a year ago Father and Vegeta changed then as did Gohan.

You seem happy Gohan maybe I will give you and him a little hand. Poor Trunks, I know you are afraid but it is time just once to do something for yourself stop hiding, (chuckle) as if I have a right to lecture at all, well, one day I will tell him about me and his sister…ya maybe on his death bed.

“Hey Trunks, why don’t we head to the fields and relax instead of staying around the house. It is so hot here and it would be nice to just talk for once without my parents around. Dad and I fished and talked but it would be nice if we could talk, you are so busy all the time,” I said shaking these dark thoughts away for now. Looking up I smiled at the relief in Trunks's eyes as we stopped moving towards the house and the figure in front of us, he cannot keep his eyes off.

As we lifted to the air, I looked down at Gohan I could feel him wanting to go with us, smiling at Trunks, I shout down to my brother.

“Hey Gohan, you want to come with us if you and Dad are done talking?” Gohan nodded heading towards us, Dad waved then headed into the house where I could hear Mother talking to him in her overly loud voice.

Trunks's POV

I sighed as we lifted into the air liking the idea trying so hard to fight back my anger, he was my friend once, I missed our time together.

Maybe this is what we need, to be together just us as friends not the strain we had as lovers…Yes, maybe that is it I thought convincing myself this would be ok until Goten stopped looking back to where his father and Gohan were still talking watching us leave.

“Hey Gohan, you want to come with us?” I looked at Goten, panic building in my mind.

Oh, Goten what are you doing, are you trying to drive me insane? I shouted in my mind. I felt like dying as Gohan floated up to us, as Gohan passed by me he brushed against my right shoulder. It sent shivers up my spine, I swear I can hear Goten snickering again.

Damn you, I thought anger again building in my mind.

“Sounds good, where to Goten?” He asked over his shoulder smiling his dark eyes on me.

“Up to the fields, it such a nice day to relax, been awhile since the three of us got together, just us.” Gohan nodded as we set off I started to hang behind trying to come up with a reason to get away from there.

What am I going to do now? I wondered as I followed the two brothers.

“Hurry Trunks” Goten called, sighing I sped up beside my friend trying not to look at Gohan as we flew in the air. Looking anywhere but at Gohan and Goten, I see we are far from their mountain home, not far from where Gohan would train with me and Goten so long ago, where I started to notice Gohan as a man not just my friend's brother. Following Goten’s lead, we land in a field of wild flowers, a large hill beside us walking halfway up we settled down on the hill looking up into the sky at the passing clouds as a gentle breeze wrapped around me.

I closed my eyes letting the warm summer sun comfort me, laying down on the cool grass, I listened as Goten and Gohan talked. Goten told his brother what he and his dad were doing earlier.

I can feel the longing in me increase as the two joked around, Goten was lucky in so many ways he was very close to his brother, closer than I could ever be, and Goten had a lover who cares so deeply for him, caring as a lover should, maybe that is why I am so angry with him. It did not take him long to leave my arms for my sister's, there is one thing I do not envy him when he has to tell father about him and Bulla.

That will be a sight I thought, as I tuned out my friends, grateful they seem to have forgotten I was there. As the minutes go by, my mind filling with a despair that haunted me every day, not letting up even in sleep it haunted me telling me how weak I am.

My thoughts wrapped around my mind, I was nothing compared to the strength any of my family and friends possessed. These thoughts did not stop until a heavy force was sitting on my waist, I open my eyes startled.

“Having a nice dream?” I saw it was Gohan above me, panicking I struggled trying to escape.

“Stop Trunks, I will not harm you,” Gohan whispered into my ear, I stilled my movements looking for Goten.

“Where is Goten?” I asked hoarsely.

“Hmm, he went home why am I not good enough? You sure did not mind watching me earlier, oh I see, you thought I was sleeping. What you don‘t like me when I am awake?” I stiffened, the look in Gohan’s eyes, it was something I did not understand just like how I do not understand why Gohan fascinated me so much, why I had this need to see him even at a distance, I needed to see him, hear him. I am afraid what Gohan would say if he knew how I felt about him.

“I did not I mean I...”

“Trunks, what is it you want from me?” I stopped babbling looking up at him.

“I don’t know,” I whispered ashamed but most of all scared, I would lose Gohan as a friend, never must he know.

I cannot tell him…there was no way a guy like Gohan could ever want me even if I was not male. Gohan is powerful and proud, there is no way Gohan would want a weak fool like me, one who lets his mother rule his life no Gohan deserves so much better than someone like me.

“I see” Gohan moved covering my body with his own, I can feel Gohan’s hardening sex through his jeans, it was rubbing against my hardened sex, the sensations from the contact were driving me insane.

“Gohan” I hissed afraid to move, afraid to think, afraid I will wake up again to see I am alone.

“What do you want, Trunks?” Gohan whispered lust in his dark eyes, he moved against my warm body, again I could not stop the moan. I know what I want but I am afraid to say it aloud. What if he is toying with me like Goten and my sister? I can not face that truth.

You, I want you, I shouted with my mind not daring to say it aloud, not daring to say how these feeling were driving me mad with a desire I still do not understand.

“Then, tell me what you want, Trunks, say it, how can I know what you want if you hold it inside?” Gohan said softly as he leaned down kissing my lips. My eyes widened as I heard the words Gohan said, the warmth of his body surrounding me as I close my eyes.

“You heard me?” I whispered as Gohan moved away.

“Of course, now tell me,” his words echoing in my mind, I relished in the warmth of a man I need to the point of insanity. Gohan’s mouth, a soft chuckle echoing in my mind, as another voice made itself known, I tried to ignore it.

“Trunks, hey, Trunks you ok?” Again, I hear this annoying voice.

“Hmm” I moaned afraid to open my eyes and find it was just another dream as I slowly remembered where I was and who was with me.

“Hey Trunks, you ok or were you dreaming about some beautiful angel…” I felt myself being shaken, opening my eyes I saw it was not Gohan hovering over me but Goten, he was leaning over looking down from where he was kneeling on the tall grass, there was a nasty look in his eyes.

It was a dream, of course, it was and leave it to Goten to ruin my dream by waking me up, just like he ruins everything, I thought sadly.

“Oh leave him alone Goten, he worked all day unlike you who went fishing and had fun with Dad.” Startled at hearing the voice that haunted me every moment of my life, I sat up looking at Gohan, there it was again, a twinkle as if he knew who I was dreaming about.

Yes, only in my dreams could I have you, I am a fool, a weak fool, I chided myself. This is not the first time I have had dreams about him but never so real, he questioned me this time, usually he come close enough to touch then I wake up.

“Oh, this is coming from a guy who wanted to spend time with his brother and friend but fell asleep, you two are impossible falling asleep leaving me here alone with nothing to do but watch you two sleep.” Goten teased, I heard Gohan chuckle. Looking up at him for a minute then turned away.

“Ya sure, sorry was more tired then what I thought I guess, sorry I fell asleep on you, some friend huh?” I could not hide my feelings from my friend, he knew me too well. I did feel bad about falling asleep on him, the anger I felt earlier was gone as I tried to hide what I was feeling for his brother.

“Trunks, it is fine you work too hard lately you are burning yourself out…Oh, never mind, what I was saying was I need to head back. I will see tomorrow, maybe we could meet here again? Be cool away from the city for awhile,” his eye looked hopeful I did not have the heart to say no.

“Oh, ok…sure that sounds good” I say softly, I still do not understand why he makes me so mad it was me who pushed him away but when I see him with Bulla it hurts if only they knew why but again I will not hurt them because I feel bad. I waved as Goten left me alone with my darkest desire.

“Oh and Trunks?” I looked up at my retreating friend, he was far above us looking down.

“Don’t keep my brother out too late,” cussing under my breath, I had forgotten he knew how I felt about Gohan, this explain why he invited Gohan to go with us.

Darn you, Goten, mind your own business, I thought anger building in my mind again trying so hard not to blast Goten. I clenched my fist as I felt Gohan move behind me his hand placed on my shoulder gently, again he was sending shivers throughout my body I closed my eyes trying to control my mind and emotions, his warmth was flowing through his hand now tightening on my shoulder.

“I am heading out too? Are you going to meet with Goten tomorrow or has your mother trapped you again and you did not want to say anything knowing it would upset him?” I looked up at the dark eyes, the face I so longed to kiss to touch, my groin hurt at the thought of this man being so close to me. I looked away pulling my knees up to my chin resting my head on them, Gohan knelt down beside me.

“Trunks are you sure you are ok?” his voice was soft.

“Hu ya” I say softly my body aching with a need and a deep longing to take Gohan to the ground, touch him, show him I am worthy to be his lover.

Then, tell me what you want Trunks, say it, how can I know what you want if you hold it inside closing my eyes again as the words from my dream echoed in my mind.

No, I cannot, I wont hurt you, I thought as Gohan’s voice broke through my darkening thoughts.

“Trunks, stop hiding your feelings you are as bad as my father. It is hard to know what he is feeling anymore and Vegeta is just as bad, I think they are rubbing off on you.” I looked up nodding.

“Sorry, I am fine honest Gohan, no worries,” I say grateful when he did not argue as he stood up looking down at me. I give him a weak smile as Gohan took to the air waving bye.

I sat there for a minute as the sun fully set then as the darkness touches the land I headed home. It was fully dark by the time I got home, I hoped Father was training and Mother off somewhere faraway, I wanted to go to my room, shower, then bed.

“There you are, about time you got home, brat” I froze as I landed by the back door of our house, Father was standing by the back door in the shadows, this was the closest I have seen him come to the house in a long time he usually stays near the GR.

“Hey, Dad” he shook his head, he has closed everyone out of his life but my sister Bulla and myself out.

“You might want to find another way to your room, your mother is looking for you, apparently you were supposed to be at the office not off god knows where again” his eyes met with mine for a second then he looked away. He will not look at me anymore, he is not mad or ashamed, that I know of, it is like it hurts him to see me.

I know Dad and Mother got into a bad fight and she banished him from the house. He was hurt by her cruelness, he only talks to Bulla and me but even that is rare. I am never here anymore. He loves Bulla and me, I know this, I do not know there is some dark secret hang in the air of our home. Shaking my thoughts away, I answer him.

“I was with Goten and Gohan,” I whispered not wanting to lie to my father.

“I know that is where else would you be but do you want her to know where you were?” his voice was gruff we both know what will happen if Mother found out where I was again.

I shook my head, scanning where Mother was, seeing she was in the house downstairs. I floated to my window, looking down I saw Father heading back to the GR, relieved my window was open partly, I slipped in mentally thanking Father for warning me.

My room, grateful it was dark, feeling for the bed finding it, I flopped down face first on it. The first thing I noticed was there was something lumpy on it, then the voice.

“So is Gohan a good kisser?” jumping out of my skin, letting out a strangled shout, moving back falling off the bed with a thump, I look up at the figure moving off the bed as the light came on. I saw my younger sister laughing at me as she went back to lay on my bed.

“Bulla, what are you doing in my bed?” I shout, forgetting I am hiding from Mother.

“Shh, Mother will hear you” I glared at her, Bulla was entwined in my large blanket smiling innocently at me.

“What are you doing in my room?” I asked more quietly, ready to kill her.

“I wanted to know if you kissed Gohan yet. You were there long enough today. I felt your ki go all funny, I thought maybe you got the nerve this time to tell him the truth instead of creeping around like a burglar in the night,” I glared at her as she teased me.

I went to sit down on my bed, I cussed, missing the edge by a few inches. I fell to the floor, glaring at her, she was not supposed to mention that ever again, not even think it. She promised, bad enough Goten knows, without her getting involved next thing you know they will be pairing together, plotting against me.

“It is ok, I told you I would not tell anyone…” she said sweetly I just watched her, it was like looking at a cat who found all the catnip.

“Trunks, is that you? What are you doing up there? Come out here right now, I want to know why you skipped work again…” I stood up hearing Mother walking down the hallway, she sounded madder then normal.

“Shh” Bulla said as she pulled me on the bed I was on top of her she winked pulling the blanket over my head. I was straddling her hips, this was not helping my overly sensitive groin one bit.

Sister, sister she is your sister, I was screaming at myself as she moved against my lower half, it ached as she adjusted under me.

“Just pretend it is Gohan laying here, not me, and hope Dad is far away” I was ready to kill her as Mother walked into my room.

“Damn, Trunks I told you…” Mother paused in her yelling as she heard noises coming from Bulla.

“Trunks, oh, you stud, more, oh god, yes, yes” she changed her voice filling it with passion as she squirmed underneath me. I gritted my teeth holding in my emotion, willing Mother to leave quickly.

I waited as Mother closed the door to my room, looking down at my sister as Bulla snuggled into my chest as she inhaled deeply.

“Bulla, what are you doing?” I asked as I pushed away from her, she laughed.

“Goten, you saw him too today?” I faltered looking at her she winked, leaving the bed, picking up the clothes scattered over my bedroom floor.

“You planned this?” I asked stunned, trying to ignore the pain in my groin as anger returned. Now, my sister was mocking me, reminding me about her and him. I was getting tired of this game the two played.

“Yep, Mother has been screaming all day about how you skipped work again. She tracked me down demanding if I knew where you were, I told her you did not tell me where you went. I knew as soon as you came home she would be bothering you, so I came in here while she was downstairs. She has no right, I will not see you hurt like Dad was,” I watched her as she walked out of my room leaving the door open.

“Like Dad?” I whispered wondering what she meant but was not willing to leave my room and get caught by my Mother.

Do you know what happened to him, how? I was never told besides that there was a large fight…Yes, you would know you are closer to him, somehow than I am, not that it bothers me. I know how he feels for me and that is all that matters…but like everything else you take over making sure you are the one everyone goes to, ignoring me.

Tired, I lay down on my bed looking up at the ceiling trying to calm these feelings in my mind. Annoyed at how bright the room was I turned off the light, I hit the switch with a small ki ball. Mother, shouting from downstairs as I shorted out the power to the building and half the city again.

“Oh, shut up” I muttered as I fell to sleep dreaming of an angel I never could have.

Even if I was accepted by Gohan there was my mother and ChiChi not to mention Gohan’s wife Videl and his daughter Pan. No, I am not going to hurt Gohan, the hell Gohan would go through with his family alone not to mention my mother it was not worth telling him my small feelings.

In the hallway of CC living area

Nice shot Bulla, I thought as she stood outside her brother's door. Bulla could hear her mother cussing about Trunks shorting out the power again. The clothes still draped over her arm, her blue eyes sad, as she listened to him, gleaming tears glistening down his cheeks as he slept, whatever he was dreaming about it was hurting him. It was the only time she saw her brother show his feelings, when he was awake they were well guarded.

I will ask Goten maybe he will know why he is so upset tonight. This is worse than normal, he usually bounces back once he is home but tonight he seems lost…The hidden emotions in his mind showing in his eyes as we fooled Mother into going away. I cannot watch this much more, between Mother's constant control on his every movement and his fear to tell Gohan how he feels, it will be the end of him.

Bulla stood there trying to decide what to do this time. As far as she knew Trunks did not know how she would watch over him, keeping her mother away at night. Some nights Bulla was not able to watch him like when he worked really late or when she was with her lover but the nights she could, she kept him safe. She would stay in the hallway watching him or do as she did tonight fooling her mother into thinking he was with a woman luckily she never woke Trunks barring these escapades tonight. She had no choice as their mother could hear him shouting at her for being in his room.

“Oh, Trunks” she whispered making up her mind she was going to find out if Gohan knew how Trunks felt for him, when she was under him she could feel his hardened erection. She knew Trunks could not take much more of this emotional rollercoaster. Listening where her mother was, relieved she felt her moving in her own room readying for bed, waiting a moment more before she slipped downstairs, and out the back door looking around Bulla tried to see if her father was there but she could not see him.

Alone, good, now hurry up, love, taking her phone out she sat on the porch the stars shinning bright, she sat there in peace waiting for her normal call that came the same time each night. Inside she could hear her mother shouting about the lack of power in the house.

An hour went by as she waited for the call the house quieted as everyone went to bed, she could still feel Trunks's turmoil. Bulla began to wonder what was wrong. Why he has not called her, when her phone went off.

“1, 2, 3” she whispered as the phone rang, three times after a minute it rang again she answered on the first ring.

“Hey, what took you so long?” she teased the caller on the other end, she thought he would call sooner, glad he did not or her mother might have found out her little game with Trunks.

“Getting away from Mother, she is asleep finally Dad took off for the night, he wont stay home anymore” he whispered, she sighed. He had a family like hers, the mothers would not stop trying to run their kids lives and both dads were falling apart.

“How was your outing with your dad, how is he doing? I felt you with Trunks and Gohan, so what happened?” she asked hoping Trunks's despair was another one of the fights between him and Goten. They have been fighting a lot since she decided to take Goten as her lover.

“Bulla, stop fishing besides Trunks is there, you ask him” Goten teased her. Bulla sighed remembering the tears as her brother tried to hide his feelings from the world.

“I can’t he is sleeping…” She whispered trying to hold back her tears.

“Bulla, what is wrong?” Goten waited for her to reply, the silence on the other end and her voice was full of sadness he realized something was wrong.

“Bulla, what is wrong? Is Trunks ok?” Goten asked worried as he felt towards her with his ki, he felt the sadness in her and the despair in Trunks’s ki.

What happened? I just saw you a few hours ago, Goten thought as he heard Bulla say.

“Can we meet? I am worried about Trunks, something needs to be done before Mother destroys him” her voice broke as she held back her tears.

“Yes, I will be ready in a minute where there or our usual place?” he was ready to leave if she wanted him, if he got caught too bad, the feeling from his two friends frightened him, to feel the despair from Trunks...

“No, not tonight tomorrow, Goten bring Gohan we will meet in the GR. I need to ask him something” she asked as much as she wanted to see him tonight it might cause trouble if her mother made her usual rounds checking to make sure she was in bed.

“What are you up to?” Goten asked, he did not like the sadness in her voice.

Did something go wrong after I left? Gohan did not say anything, not that I was allowed to see him thanks to Mother and his wife….all I know is his mind was filled with hidden anger and like Trunks's despair Goten thought, he heard his mother and Videl shouting once Gohan came back. They had fifty questions for him like why he was not at work again.

Goten tried so hard today to get Gohan to go with him and his father earlier that day but Gohan said no he was fine there on his own. It was then Goten sensed the darkness in his brother's mind increase, not wanting to see what happened if his brother truly got mad, he slowly stopped pushing his brother and went with his father on his own.

“Goten, please…he…I can’t watch again. I see every day what happened to Dad after Mother's interference I cannot and will not stand by as she hurts Trunks the same way. I still do not know fully what she did to Dad, he is so different now, I know he is here but rarely come close to talk to me anymore” Bulla whispered. Goten understood what she was worried about. It was Bulla who told him in confidence about her father and a lover he could never have and how one day he seemed to stop caring and just slipping into the shadows.

After hearing this from her, Goten went to his father hoping he might know what happened to Vegeta so he could help Bulla. He could not stand her being sad, it bothered him.

Goten remembered his father seemed startled at his question, having anyone to talk to and near breaking he told his son what was done to him and what was done to Vegeta because of the love they had been robbed of. Goten shivered, he had asked his father if he would ever try to get Vegeta back there was a lost look in his father's eyes as he told his son no. Shaking these thoughts from his mind as she called to him.

“Goten, you still there, you ok?” her voice was soft and worried, he hung up on her or worse he got caught by his mother.

“Hmm, ya, I am here sorry. Trunks going to be there?” he asked wondering why he was to bring Gohan and how she expected to get the GR from Vegeta he seemed to live in there lately.

“No, Mother has him working all day, I did not have the heart to tell him that when he came home tonight he seemed so…” her voice trembled with sadness.

“Well, we will have to fix that, yes, we should kidnap him, lock him in the GR alone with Gohan” Goten said chuckling. Bulla smiled, he understood what she wanted without saying it.

“Now, that sounds kinky,” she teased feeling a bit better, she knew Goten would help her save her brother.

“Yes, tomorrow we will have to give poor Trunks and my dear brother a wake up call, now go to bed Bulla and have wonderful dreams of me ” he teased. He wondered what kind of plan she was cooking up in her young mind but no matter what it was he would go along with her right to the end.

“I always do” she hung up walking inside quietly not to wake anyone up. Again, she paused by her brother’s door, he was still whimpering in his sleep. Walking down the hallway Bulla went to her room laying on her bed, she made plans for the next day.

Outside in the shadows of the backyard Vegeta stood by his Gravity Room puzzled as he watched his daughter walk into the house.

“And what makes you think you can have my GR” he muttered knowing darn well he would let her He was tired of training in there, it was too hot and lonely in there, the only thing he used it for now was to meditate.

“I never knew you knew about that child, I wonder how much you know and how you found out. I have tried so hard to keep it from you and your brother, then again, if you are talking to the boy then yes you would know a bit” he whispered figuring out what she was talking about and to whom she was talking to on the phone.

“A good match a bit of an age gap but it will be good for both of them, so much fun when I get my hands on him” Vegeta said lying on the now damp grass. Rarely was he in the house, she had kicked him from her bed long ago he stayed only to keep an eye on his kids there was nowhere he could go without endangering the one he loved, so he stayed there out of sight until the two needed him.

Sitting upright again he looked to his son’s room, he could not feel anything, his ability to read ki gone but another instinct deep in his mind told him something was wrong with his son.

“My son, what is wrong that you have your sister so upset? You seemed ok when you came home, nervous, but I thought that was over your mother, now could it be more there is something…I must look into this and I pray I am wrong or I will loose my son by the end of the year. I wonder what does Gohan have to do with this…Why does she want him here?” he muttered softly as he floated to his son’s room. The window, grateful he still had that small ability left, the window was still open. He walked inside, he could see the tears his son was shedding as they shimmied in the dim moon light filtering through the open window.

“Gohan, please I need you" the words were faint but audible. Vegeta stiffened this was unexpected but then again it should not be. He wondered why Trunks did not chase after Goten, letting his daughter take the prized youth. His sharp hearing caught his son's moans as he tried relieving himself underneath his thick blanket. There was such desire in Trunks's voice as he whispered Gohan’s name over and over again.

“How long have you felt this way for him? Trunks, I am sorry I did not see before” Vegeta whispered as his son's moans turned into a soft cry as his blanket-covered body arched up then lay still, a soft whimpering reached Vegeta‘s sensitive ears.

Vegeta knew his son was weeping, he wanting to go to him, protect him, as Vegeta moved closer he stopped hearing footsteps walking down the hallway. He paused long enough to make sure no one was going to disturb the young man, after listening for a minute more the footsteps continued down the hallway.

Looking at his son, Vegeta went to his side, looking down he saw his son was sleeping, still dreaming. As tears streaked down his young cheeks, as he looked closer in the moonlit room he saw beads of sweat on the man's face and chest. Trunks pulled his blanket around him tightly as Trunks trembled.

“So cold” he whispered. Vegeta stepped back as he recalled Trunks's intense anger the other day when Trunks was fighting with Goten. Tonight, he was nervous to go in the house because of his mother, now the cold chills. Vegeta knew it was not cold in the man's room, on the contrary, it was very muggy this evening. These were all signs he knew very well, concerned but not willing to wake him Vegeta slipped out of the room, more worried than ever. Vegeta placed all his hope on a plan his daughter was forming with her lover. Laying on the ground, Vegeta was slowly was putting things together as sleep found its way into his tired mind.

I understand now. You are hoping Gohan can pull Trunks back. How long have you known about his desire, Bulla? This explains why the two parted ways and the constant fighting between him and Goten…Yes, I hope you can help him Bulla, you, and Goten are all he has like it or not he needs you both Vegeta thought as sleep won over his worries.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Gravity Games Gravity Games Trunks's Longing Trunks's Longing

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