Trunks's Longing
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Trunks has a long to be with one man the only one he feels safe around but in doing so he would have to say his feelings out loud taking the chance of hurting the ones he cares the most for. Unknown to any of the family Bulma has a secret plan for her son slowly poisoning him to do her bidding.

This story was written for the Spring 2009 Boxer and Rice fanfic challenge. The theme of the challenge was “Reverse Illustration” and this story is based on this fabulous picture by Lara Yokoshima. Please leave comments for the artist!

Chapter 02: Gohan's Plan
Capsule Corp. Early morning

Trunks's POV

It was one of those mornings where I wish to hell I never got out of bed. Last night, I was plagued with dreams of a man that I cannot have. Today, I find out Mother is setting me up to find me a perfect wife. It just one of those days…

I had gone downstairs for breakfast when I saw the woman sitting there. She was as bright as a burnt bulb, 5 feet something and blonde. She looked up at me smiling, asking if I was Trunks. I lied and said no and she believed me. I rushed back upstairs asking Mother what she was doing there and why she was looking for me.

“Oh, I see you met Betty Jones, she is your date tonight, you will treat her better than you did the last one, right?”

“Mother, what are you talking about, are you crazy? I do not want anyone right now, I am busy enough with work” I shouted. She has been trying to find me a wife ever since Goten and I started to spend all our time together, it bothered her for some dumb reason. If only she knew who I wanted.

“As if kid, you had some hussy with you last night, now enough, get to work. You are late, be back here right away afterwards, no excuses Trunks. You will do as I say.” She turned her back to me heading downstairs to her company and my so called date.

My fist clenched as I watched her leave, I finished getting ready, anger and despair filling my mind. No matter what, she was going to keep at it until she wins like she did with Dad. She somehow broke him then cast him away.

“I give up whatever, Mother, you win” I whispered walking out of my room, walking down the hallway, my eyes met with my sister's who was watching me. I saw sadness in her eyes.

“Move it, Bulla” I growled. I did not have time to deal with her petty problems.

“Trunks, are you ok?” I could not look at her, all I saw was her and Goten toying with me.

“As if you care, go away Bulla. Go back to your lover, you never cared how I felt before, so stop pretending you care now” I growl at her, no longer hiding my anger or despair. She has my friend, now Mother has my freedom, no longer caring, I let my anger show as she backed away from me.

Smart, now move it, I thought as she still blocked my way down the stairs.

See, again, she thinks she is better than me, maybe she is. Mother leaves her alone but me, oh no, I am too stupid to find someone to be with, get away from me… My thoughts shouted as I pushed by her, I hear her calling to me but I walk away. Enough was enough, I am done with all of them if I do what Mother wants at least I will not have to look at her and him anymore.

Bulla stood there as her brother left the house, her body felt numb, the anger and despair in his ki was overwhelming.

You saw her already, Mother has made it clear why she is here when I asked her earlier. You know, oh Trunks, I am sorry I wanted to stop you from seeing that… Bulla thought sadly. His eyes haunted her, they were so full of pain and despair. The words he said, they stung a bit, he never told her what he truly thought about her and Goten. He would just laugh it off saying he felt for Goten if and when their dad got a hold of him.

She won, damn, I lost him it is not fair, she hurt Dad now him…Your comments, Trunks why didn't you say it bothered you seeing us together? Bulla ran out of the house into the backyard rushing into the old flower gardens her grandmother used to tend to and now she did, it was a place she would go to feel safe and to think.

Mount Paozu

Goten sat upright in bed as he sensed Trunks's despair, it was overwhelming this time as it woke him from a sound sleep.

“Trunks, what is wrong? I wish Bulla had told me what was wrong last night, for some reason she would not tell me. She asked me to bring Gohan over to her place, no small request, she is lucky I love her…Man, I hope Gohan did not hurt him…No, he would not, I am sure of it, no matter what, I know Gohan would not hurt Trunks” he whispered, feeling for Trunks's ki as his mother started shouting downstairs that she was leaving.

Goten did not respond as he stood up waiting for her to get lost. He walked down the stairs, now fully dressed. He headed over to his brother's place, not sure what he would say but somehow he would have to convince him to come with him.

At least you are home, that makes this a little easier Goten thought sadly.

“I think you are right Bulla even though you did not say it, I think Gohan is our best chance at saving Trunks,” he whispered hesitating by the white fence leading into his brother’s yard.

Gohan’s POV

I awoke stiff and sore after sleeping on the couch again, not that I mind sleeping out here, it saved me from having to pretend I care about Videl and the so called life I live. Looking to see the house was empty again, I fix a small snack sitting at the kitchen table I thought about the day before.

“Poor Trunks” I muttered smiling then stiffening, the overwhelming feelings of fear coming from Mother's house, I knew it was Goten. I could tell Mother was long gone as was Father again, so I was confused. Why the fear, what was bothering him?

This is twice now I felt my brother upset to the point of fear, the first was late last night, it was the same distress from Goten but by the time I was able to check on him it gone, now again he felt it.

Not waiting to see what might be wrong, I walked out the front door to see my brother standing by the fence hesitant, his face pale as he saw me standing there.

Thought I sensed you coming, what is wrong Goten? I thought as Goten walked up to me.

“Hey Gohan, I thought I sensed you still home. I was wondering what you were doing today after classes?” He tried to sound happy but I know better.

“Nothing why?” I say softly, I had once again forgotten about my teaching classes.

I better call in, I thought as Goten continued.

“I thought maybe we could, you know, go over to see Bulla, I mean over to see Trunks, he seemed distracted yesterday. Bulma pushes him too hard.” I laughed at the cover up Goten was doing. Goten smiled but the feeling in his ki contradicted the smile. Again, I felt the strain in my brother’s ki.

“You know Goten, you and Trunks are alike.” Goten frowned as I placed a hand on his shoulder continuing before he can protest.

“Sure, sounds fun but why wait? Let's go now, I am already too late to make it in to class today. If we go now, hopefully, we can catch him before he leaves for work, then you will have to make do with Bulla for company.” I saw Goten stiffen, then he was looking around, I saw his eyes darken a bit I know he did not like how she kept taking off. He made it all too clear yesterday when he tried dragging me out of the house with Dad, not often does he speak his mind but when he does it is down right annoying…

Goten watched his brother worried as the darkness he felt yesterday returned.

I feel it again, that darkness in your mind, we both know what will happen if you skip work today. You know what I think of Videl and Pan, taking off all the time, leaving you here alone but you do nothing as she screams, it is not fair. Gohan and you say I hide what I feel, Goten thought, as his brother's eyes met with his for a moment then Gohan looked away.

“Come on, I want to go bug Trunks while you are preoccupied with Bulla. I have a good hunch this was her idea, am I right? You told Vegeta yet about your affair with his daughter?” Goten choked, glaring at his older brother as they took off towards West City.

No, I want to live a bit longer Goten thought as he followed Gohan. Half way to West City the two are caught off guard by a voice not far behind them, coming up fast.

“Hey guys, where are you off to?” Startled, Goten stopped looking behind him to see his father there floating behind them. Goten looked at his brother, hearing him cussing under his breath, he too did not sense Dad coming near them.

I bet Dad also sensed the strain in Gohan and in me. I know my ki is all over the place, I cannot help it that I am worried why Bulla is so upset…Gohan, I do not know what is wrong with him anymore, it is like trying to figure out why Trunks will get mad for no reason lately.

“Going to see Trunks” Goten said softly his father smiled shaking his head at his youngest son, small lie, he knew it was not Trunks Goten was going to see but Bulla.

“I see, do you mind company? I was on my way there myself, to see Vegeta while your mother is busy with Videl, shopping I think. I got bored waiting for them.” Gohan looked at his dad happy that his father finally got away from his mother for awhile.

Bored my foot, Goten thought.

“Sure, Dad” Gohan said, happy to see he was willing to see Vegeta after so long.

The joy faded in Goten as could not feel Trunks’s ki anymore. At first, he thought it was good thing, then he felt Bulla’s, she was crying. Goten started to leave as the other two followed behind him. For Goten, it seemed to take forever to get to CC as he landed Goten looked for his lover her emotions screaming out as he felt his father land behind him. It was then he saw Vegeta, standing in front of him, by the Gravity Room watching not him or Gohan but his father …

“Hey Vegeta” Gohan said while his eyes looked for Trunks but he could tell Trunks was faraway.

Goten looked at Vegeta and was worried he would have ask where Bulla was and did not want to play fifty questions which would alert Vegeta....

“Bulla is in the garden brat,” Vegeta said. Goten nodded running to her not asking how Vegeta knew what he wanted.

“Vegeta,” Goku said as he stood by his oldest son. Gohan was pleased they barely talked. They were scared to and for good reason but now he saw a small spark in his father's eyes looking at a man he was forbidden to see.

“Vegeta, where is Trunks?” Gohan asked. It was Vegeta’s eyes, they had that same look in them that they had so long ago as he watched Goku.

“Where else would she keep him?” Vegeta shrugged his eyes never leaving Goku’s.

“I see” Gohan said it was bad how she treated Trunks but it was like he let her. Trunks never argues with her, he just does what he is told.

“I am sure he is due for a break, say maybe the rest of the day, come back this evening.” Gohan looked at Vegeta, not sure what he was asking, then he nodded. This would be fun a whole day with a nervous Trunks.

“Sounds about right” he said taking off.

“Should you encourage him like that? You know what could happen,” Goku whispered lowering his head hoping he was reading his son wrong.

“I will not let her hurt my son like she did you. I let my guard down but never again” Goku looked up at him their eyes met Vegeta led him into the GR not arguing Goku fallowed this was why he came so they could stop hiding, he had been watching Gohan and the other two yesterday and saw how much they were hurting and wanted it to stop and the only way he could is to stop hurting the one he loved. He had pushed Vegeta away after what he did for him, he pushed the one he loved away hoping not to hurt him again.

In the large rose garden, as Goten held Bulla, she saw a small spark in her father’s eyes.

“Can it be fixed? Can they save what was ripped from them so long ago?” she whispered.

“I do not know” Goten said sadly, getting over the shock of Vegeta knowing what he was looking for when he came for this visit.

“From what Father said, the bond they had was shredded. He wished your dad had not given in to her demands so easily. Vegeta nearly died trying to stop Dad from being hurt by Bulma and my mother. He said it helped to know Vegeta would give his life for him. He told me once he felt so alone. Bulla and Trunks still do not know what happened to them, I know. He wonders but he still has no clue what his mother did to his father just for fun. I am glad he is unaware of the hell they went through. It is bad enough you and I know as much as we do without him being hurt more knowing too,” Bulla nodded. She knew what he said about sadness was the same for her father but hoped they could retain the friendship they once had, in fact, this was the first time in a year she remembered seeing them together without her mother or ChiChi near by.

“Poor Trunks, I wonder if Gohan is there yet?” she said trying to take the darkness away from her and Goten’s minds. He looked at her wiping the tears away from her soft cheeks.

“No, not yet, I feel for Trunks. My brother can be so cruel to him, the way he teases him, come on I want some time with you before your mother catches on where your dad is…and who he is with” Goten chuckled. The two women were going to have fits when they found out but if they even try to interfere he was going to stop them.

“Hey, would you like to see what Mother has planned for Trunks if he gets home and why Dad wants Gohan to keep him away?” Bulla asked he looked down at her puzzled.

“Ok” he said as they walked inside.

“Oh god, you got to be kidding” he said as they walked into the kitchen. He looked in to see a woman, 5 foot tall, blond hair, and as smart as a stick.

“Nope, just wait, from the way she was talking she has plans for me too” Bulla whispered as they watched her talking to Bulma.

“When hell freezes over” Goten growled holding her close. “Hey Bulla, come on, we need to do something I will not stand by any longer. ” Goten grabbed her by the arm running back outside and lifting into the air.

“Hey, what are you doing?” she asked, he smiled.

“We are going to help my brother keep Trunks away from here whether he likes it or not, besides I like watching Trunks squirm around him” Goten said chuckling.

“Explain” she said grabbing his arm tight as she could. He told her about yesterday, how every time Gohan went near Trunks he was nervous. He also told her how Trunks was always watching his brother, she told him she knew that much.

Bulla smiled nodding, finally understanding why Trunks was so upset yesterday. He had been caught peeping and was scared of the consequences.

The two lovers headed for the CC tower, where they could feel Trunks was still, and was very agitated. Gohan was not far away, he was waiting for his chance to bug the man inside.

Gohan, hang on, we want to help you play with Trunks. Goten sent the thought to his brother. A soft laugh was his answer, as they all met by the door to the CC tower where Trunks was a prisoner of his own design.

Vegeta watched from the Gravity Room window.

“Thank you” he whispered as Goku came over to him. He knew where the two were going and was grateful. He was worried about the change in moods and the temperament of his son from last night and today and from the feel of his ki Vegeta knew these signs all to well.

“Vegeta, everything ok with the kids?”

“Yes, as long as they can save Trunks from himself” he said sadly, wishing he could feel his friend again but all he could do is remember what it felt like.

“Liar, Vegeta you need to stop hiding what you are thinking.” He looked at his friend sighing. Goku was right but it was so hard to show what he was feeling, he did that once and Goku was nearly killed for it.

“Trunks, she is using that stuff on him…” Goku was startled as Vegeta paused anger and fear for his son showing in his dark eyes.

“Why would she?” Goku asked, not needing to be told what the stuff was. He shivered knowing how deadly the stuff could be if even one dose was missed.

“To keep him in line, he is rebelling too much. It is the way his mood shifst and other signs too…I should have seen it sooner” Vegeta’s eyes filled with a deep sadness. He had so hoped she would leave Trunks alone.

“Darn it, I wonder if my sons could have been infected too?” Goku muttered upset with the woman who started this mess.

“Gohan is I am sure of it but Goten I am not sure. Bulla hides him all to herself when he comes here not that I am supposed to know he is here.” Goku pulled back shocked at Vegeta's answer to his question about his son’s and that he knew about his youngest son and Bulla.

“What, how do you know Gohan is infected?” he asked, hoping Vegeta was wrong.

“I could see it in the way he is not able to stay still. He left as quick as he could to find Trunks…He was looking for a reason to find him, I gave him one, they are drawn to each other as you and I were once…Hopefully, they can save each other…I know about Gohan’s fights with you and Goten. I hear about them through the women when they are all hear shouting about what to do with you.” Vegeta paused then he looked back outside as he heard Bulma coming closer. She was screaming at the top of her lungs.

ChiChi must have told her I was missing, took her long enough to realize I was gone Goku thought sadly. Vegeta went to move away from him. Vegeta was willing to do almost anything to save his son all but one thing, he was not willing to watch as Goku is tortured again.

No, not again I cannot watch him hurt again, if I go out there now maybe I can give him a chance to run…Damn, I was hoping to be with him a little longer Vegeta thought as he went to leave. He was not going to let her see them together, not again they could meet up later on.

“No” Goku grabbed his arm pulling him closer to him.

“Vegeta she can't deny she turned you away. I know you do not live in the house you sleep in here. I wish you would stay with me at the house. I miss you, I am tired of hiding what I feel for you. They can do no more damage to us and as long as Trunks is protected by the others, things will be fine. I would rather die than let you leave me again. I never should have left you alone so long, I am sorry….I am sorry about Trunks and Gohan too but right now my only concern is you.” Vegeta looked at him, it was the first time since Goku had been taken from him that he mentioned what they had together.

Neither man was allowed near the other for fear of what may happen next. Vegeta lost a lot of his Telepathic abilities and his ability to sense ki, as she doped him up with every poison in the book to make him a normal human. Goku nearly lost his life until Vegeta swore he never go near him again, a month later she turned him away. To Vegeta what happened to him was nothing compared to what Goku suffered and was still suffering with that woman he lived with and the game they played.

“I won’t hurt you again” Vegeta said gruffly.

“Then, stop running you have avoided me for the past year, enough please, I came here today because I need you. Vegeta, I am tired of running. Vegeta, I saw the sadness in Trunks's eyes yesterday, it reminded me of you, that day, helpless and alone. Please, let Gohan and the young ones worry about Trunks just once Vegeta let me take care of you no matter the consequences. We will deal with them when the time comes.” Their eyes met, Vegeta could not feel his friend even though Goku was right in front of him. He could not feel his ki and it was madding for Vegeta, not to have what once was so simple to him.

“What if…” Goku placed a hand on Vegeta’s cheek.

“Let me deal with them Vegeta, let me help you this time.”

“Fine” it was a soft whisper as Vegeta was pulled into his friend's arms. Both men knew they would not live long as the woman came closer to breaking into the GR but were willing to be together just one last time. Locking the GR doors, Vegeta and Goku reacquainted themselves with each other's body as warning shouts rang outside, ignoring them the men made love to each other wasting away the day and the night, enjoying each other's embrace and love, unaware of the two guardians protecting them.

CC tower before the locking of the GR by Vegeta

Trunks's POV

I am pacing again, trying to figure a way from going home tonight but she cleared my day of any meetings, so I get off early. I saw what was in the house and knew what Mother had planned for me to do after work. I hate her, she is taking this way too far.

Bulla…damn, I did not mean to be so cruel towards her, it was not her fault. She did not do this but she got the brunt, all I wanted was to get out of the house as fast as possible.

“I hate you, damn you” I growled, striking the wall near the window, looking down from the 30th floor. There was now a nice size indent where my fist was a second ago. I can feel my moods changing as anger consumed my mind.

“Gee, thanks Trunks.” Startled there was someone in my office, I turned around to see Goten standing there smiling as the door closed behind him.

“Why are you here Goten?” I snapped, thinking Bulla sent him to check up on me because upset her.

Goten never comes here to see me anymore not since Mother caught us up here alone. It was then that she vowed to keep me from Goten at all cost. That was about the time I pulled away from Goten, I had to keep him safe I watched as I pushed him farther away. Bulla took over, they fell for each other and I am happy for them, I really am. Anger, he can have the one he wanted as I sit here watching them, never being able to voice my desires or feelings with out hurting anyone.

“I came to ask if you want to get away for a bit” I looked over at my friend, trying to calm the anger in my mind.

“Goten, come on Mother is coming and she is mad your mother is with her.” I saw Bulla as she rushed into the room, confused as Goten came closer, not in time, did I feel the window open as I was pushed through it. Cussing as I tried regaining my composure to fly as my fall was abruptly halted.

“Gee Trunks, you are a klutz falling out of widows or is it my almighty charm overwhelming your mind?” Stiffening I could not move , eyes wide, as I saw it was Gohan who held me. I closed my eyes trying not to show how much he was affecting me.

“Trunks, have you figured out what you want yet?” I look up at Gohan as we flew through the mid morning sky. The dream I had while sunning on the hill yesterday returning. I remember Gohan asking the same thing, asking what I wanted, it confused me how would Gohan know? What do I want from him? I don’t know, I just have to have him close to me.

“I can fly, you know” I snapped, Gohan laughed.

“Are you sure? I thought you might have forgotten, being trapped at CC all the time” he was teasing but I was in no mood to be bugged. I wrenched away, hovering in front of him, looking for a way out, to get away from him, he was toying with me.

“Trunks, why did you stop?” I saw Bulla and Goten as they stopped, watching me.

“Hurry, before we are caught, Mom is really pissed. She found out Dad and Goku are together” Bulla said as she grabbed my arm.

Stop telling me what to do!

“Why are you all here, what do you want from me?” I asked in a shaky voice the confusion and anger returning as I wrenched away from Bulla, she floated there not sure what to do. I am tired of being told what to do, even my friends are trying to run my life and frankly, I am tired of it, tired of all of them.

Goten went to Bulla pulling her to him. I am tired of them flaunting their relationship in my face, it was bad enough knowing about them together, never mind having to see them together all the time. This is why I let Mother send me to work all the time it. There I do not have to see them together, yesterday if not for foolishly getting caught by Gohan I would not have had to deal with Goten. Yesterday, I was fine until he brought Gohan in, knowing how I felt for the older man. Now, I have to watch as they float close together it was like everyone was ganging up on me. Goten, toying with me, how I never was good enough for him, so he went to my younger sister.

Raising my power slightly, I hoped they would get the message to back off,

Gohan's POV

I slowly floated over to Trunks. I could see it was more than the normal teasing that was bothering the young man. He had to deal with Bulma driving the boy to the brink of insanity with her constant pressure about work,and a sadness over his friend that I was not aware of previously but as I watch Trunks watch Goten there was something in his eyes. Trunks was trying so hard to control his mind. I can feel him struggle as he was losing control and would need to vent. I would rather it was not Goten or Bulla that he vented to.

“Trunks, what is wrong with you? We just wanted to make sure you were ok you seemed upset this morning.” Bulla watched her brother, I can see she is scared again, that feeling of fear was pulsing off Goten again. Trunks's eyes narrowed as his eyes fell on Bulla.

“See me, see me….Worried, now there is a laugh….Oh, go away Bulla, go play with your toy somewhere I do not have to look at you two.” Trunks's ki was increasing, there was no way he was going to calm down. The hate in his eyes was puzzling but I will think on it later.

Not saying a word, I tackled Trunks holding him tightly by the waist, flying away as fast as I can from the two young ones. I can feel the strain in Trunks and did not want him to lash out at the other two physically.

Stay put, do not follow…go back and check on Dad and Vegeta. I am sure Bulma will go there next. I called in Goten’s mind, he did not reply but I knew he would listen as I tried to find a place where I can take Trunks, where he can vent, in doing so, I might find out why he was so angry at the two I have never seen him lash out like that.

Trunks's POV

“Put me down!” I am shouting at the top of my lungs to get him to let me go, struggling more as I fight my way free.

“Trunks, stop it!” Gohan shouted, letting go as I hit him hard in the back of the head with my free fist.

Free, I go to head back home. He keeps appearing in front of me annoyed again, he is toying with me barley even trying to fight. Mad, I send him into the field of trees that was below us. I watch for him but nothing comes, hoping he got the hint to leave me alone. I try one more time to go home, the next thing I know there is pain then darkness.

Gohan's POV

Holding Trunks's limp body on my shoulder, I travel on undisturbed. I feel guilty in a way. I did not want to knock him out but the kid was too strong for his own good and way too strung out. He was fighting blind and that could be dangerous. I do know how he feels at times, it is like everyone is running your life for you and you get to watch as they order you around.

Far away from home and anything living, I slow down looking below me for certain landmarks, the area was a barren wasteland.

Seeing the house to my right I was relieved it was still there, I land by the small capsule house. There is nothing around us but one lone tree which stood there beside the capsule house and it looked ragged from time.

I hesitate, I had hoped I would never need to use this place again but once again I am here, this time it was to save Trunks.

Shifting my friend to my shoulder, I started to open the door, stepping back a minute to let the house air out. It had been a long time since this place was used, not since the day Father and Vegeta were nearly killed because of the love they had for each other.

Leaving the door ajar, I went up the stairs, relieved there was barely any dust covering the place. Part of the charm of this home was that is was self-cleaning when not being used.

Placing Trunks on the bed of one of the three rooms, I sighed. I walked out hoping Trunks would not take off before we could talk and I could explain why I brought him here. He was so angry earlier as he watched Goten and Bulla.

“You really need to figure out what you want Trunks. You need to let us know how you feel, no matter what you need to tell us…as do I.” I said, walking to the bedroom door and looking back at him. I watched his breathing steadily, his chest slowly rise then fell.

Why won’t you tell me what you told me that day in your mind? I showed you how I felt. What is holding you back, Trunks? Am I wrong, you do not feel that way? No, even Goten said you felt the same but what if he is wrong? I thought, walking out of the room, closing the door behind me. As the door shut, I looked down at my hands bringing them close to my face. I could smell him on me and feel his confusion and pain as he slept.

Walking down the stairs, I rifled through my pocket for my cell. I know Goten will be calling soon, so not wanting to wait I called him. 1, 2, 3, then an answer.


“Hey Goten, everything ok over there?” I asked.

“Hey Gohan, is everything ok? I can barely feel Trunks. Why did you take off like that? I thought we were going to help him together?” He sounded hurt.

“Yes ,he is resting, sorry Goten. How are Dad and Vegeta doing?” I ask again. I was not going let them see Trunks like that. Bulla was so hurt as he pushed her away from him, her eyes filled with arrows as he brother turned on her.

“They are fine Gohan…You knocked Trunks out didn’t you? Man, Gohan be nice to him” Goten said. He was trying to tease me. I can hear Bulla shouting something in the background.

“Gee wiz, Goten, you know I won't kill the kid. He needs to figure things out. I will be damned if his mother hurts him like she did Dad and Vegeta” Goten gasped.

“How do you know about that?” he sounded surprised and a bit scared.

“Not right now Goten but I do have a favor to ask.” There was a brief pause.

“Anything” he said.

“Tell Dad and Vegeta, Trunks is safe here with me. Then, I want you to tell Dad and Vegeta about you and Bulla” Goten choked.

“Are you nuts? Vegeta will kill me. You hate me that much Gohan?”

“Be fair to her, please Goten. We are all hiding from each other and fear what will happen, why, because Mother and Bulma try to control our lives…It is time these people realize we can not be controlled like dolls. Goten, if Dad can face them down, we all can, besides I want to know if they are ok. Let me know later on how they are” Bulla was shouting in agreement.

He must have the speaker on, I thought, he never kept anything from Bulla.

“Alright, I will” there was conviction in his voice.

“Oh and Goten?”


“Make sure Vegeta and Dad cannot get out of the GR anytime soon. Keep mother and Bulma away from them” there was snickering from Bulla.

“No prob, doing that already, Bulla is having way too much fun chasing them away…Ow! Sorry. Talk to you later, Gohan” The phone went dead as I heard Bulla slapping my brother around.

It was going to be a long day for all of us. At least, I found out something I wanted to know, if Goten knew about Dad. He did know or at least part of it by his reaction when I mentioned it.

“Poor Vegeta” I whispered as I sat down waiting for my beauty upstairs to wake up.

After a few minutes of being out here in the hot and humid air, I stood up bored and restless. I decided to go inside and change into something a lot cooler.

Walking upstairs, looking over to the bed, I see Trunks is still sleeping. Grateful, I open the dresser drawer taking out a pair of black shorts and a white muscle shirt I had left here the last time I was here.

Looking back at Trunks, hoping I did not wake him, relieved I did not, I slipped out of the room walking downstairs to the bathroom to change. After a few minutes, I walk out of the bathroom my jeans and shirt in my hand. I toss them on the couch in the small living room, pausing for a moment, I left the room again.

I walk back towards the kitchen and grab a quick bite to eat when I finished I hesitated by the staircase. Again, I feel his emotions, they were so loud I wanted to go up there but something in my mind told me he would not take well to that kind of help. Not after the fight I had just to get him here, knocking him out halfway here, besides he is Vegeta’s son, very proud and stubborn. Shaking my head as I move into the living room, I decided do some sit-ups to kill time. I needed to keep myself busy and away from Trunks until I am was sure Trunks is willing to walk down that road and not my wishful thinking.

I can feel his conflict and despair even now in his sleep his mind shouts his feelings, walking over to the living room window I opened it up enough to let in the warm breeze but not enough to over heat the room.


Trunks's POV

I awoke to see I was in a sunlit room, it was bare but for the bed and a dresser on the other side of the room. Standing up, I walked to the slightly closed door, my head throbbing.

What happened? Last I remember, I was flying with Gohan and he wanted to take me somewhere…I shivered, that man does nasty things to my mind even when he was not around, it was just as bad as if he was here in front of me.

“Hot, very hot…where am I?” I whispered it was hotter than what I am used to in West City.

Walking down the hallway, I pause at the top of the stairs looking around then down. I saw Gohan in the adjoining living room, his back was to me doing push-ups. Closing my eyes for a second, I opened them again, hoping I was dreaming but no there he was. His body moving in a perfect rhythm only he could hear. I could not stop the groan that escaped from my dry lips as I studied him, he was in a loose white muscle shirt and I think black shorts, it is hard to see from this angle.

“Damn you” I hissed, walking down the stairs trying not to think about what I could do to Gohan. An image flashed in my mind of me throwing Gohan on the floor, pinning him, kissing every inch of his body, those thoughts left as fast as they came, taken over by others a lot darker that I can never shake away.

Get a grip, he is not interested in you, Trunks, even if he did swing that way, it would not be with some one so weak as you. You are here because you nearly attacked your sister, idiot. I chided myself as I walked up to Gohan

“Hey Trunks, how are you feeling?” He asked as he continued his workout.

“Fine but I have a headache and am hot.” I glared at Gohan as he chuckled not stopping his movements to look back at me.

See, he wont even look at you, pathetic fool.

“Sorry, you were being a pain.” I could not control the trembling in my body, watching his ever movement I longed to have him to myself. Then, the guilt again, as I remembered I nearly hit my sister not once but twice.

“Whatever” I said trying to hide my feelings from Gohan. I felt hot not just from the air around me but deep inside it was overwhelming, I was having trouble controlling it this time.

“Hey, come join me” a nasty thought crossed my mind but again I shoved it away as I moved to the other side of the room. Taking off my dress jacket, rolling up my sleeves of my dress shirt, that helped a bit. I could feel a little breeze from the open window on my heated arms.

“Hey Trunks, if you are too hot, go back upstairs in the room you were in and get a pair of shorts and shirt in the small dresser. That be a lot cooler than what you are wearing” Gohan said still not looking at me. I mutter as I walk back up the stairs it gave me a moment to calm my mind down. Searching through the dresser I find a black pair of shorts but there was no shirt. Taking a deep breath, I changed hoping he would not say anything about how thin I was. It has been a long time since I did much besides sit at the office. I left the clothes on the bed as I walked out of the room.

Relieved when I came back into the room, he said nothing. I started by stretching then began my workout with Gohan. I have to admit it was nice we rarely were alone and Gohan was not teasing me this time as I watch him.

Stopping after doing 200 sit-ups and 200 push-ups, I look over at Gohan his every movement was perfect. His skin gleaming from the beads of sweat running along his arms, glancing to the side I saw a pair of paints and the shirt Gohan was wearing earlier, now on the couch where I had tossed my dress-jacket.

“Gohan” I whispered taking a chance, I had to know, it was killing me.

“Hmm” he answered still moving up and down. My head felt light as I slowly moved over to Gohan on my hands and knees. The room felt hot as I gasped out for air, I no longer could feel the breeze coming in from the window beside us. I can hear the rustling of the leaves in a nearby tree but cannot feel the air, all I feel is intense heat.

“I was wondering something.” I moved closer crawling on the white carpet. Gohan paused, his hand still on his head, watching me coming closer, the only sounds were the soft sounds from me crawling on the white carpet closer to my desire and his deep breathing.

I have to know, no matter what. I will not back away this time, I have to know if there is even a slim chance he would be with me. I want to know, I need to know why he brought me to this place.

Gohan's POV

I watched Trunks as he crawled towards me so seductively, there was so much want in his eyes and something else. Hoping I am right, I start to do my sit ups again letting Trunks guide the situation this time, I will not scare him off like yesterday.

Your move Trunks, I thought. I tried so hard to reach Trunks yesterday when I found myself in the man’s mind seeing the desire in his blue eyes. When we took him from CC today, I was afraid he did not remember or understand what I was telling him. The way he was acting the way, he was trying to keep all of us away from him but now, the look in his eyes, maybe he did understand. I will have to wait and see if Trunks would do anything.

“Gohan, could someone like you be with someone like me? I mean, I know I am a guy but is it possible? For someone as strong as you to be with a weak man like me?" I stopped, looking at the man not two inches from my face, I did not realize Trunks was so close. I could feel Trunks's warmth from his body, his blue eyes longing for something, anything.

“Someone like you…Trunks, what are you talking…” I could not finish as Trunks placed his fevered lips on mine, his longing so powerful I took my hands from my head and rapped them around Trunks's body, lowering my bent knees, holding him close to me, as my mind called out for the man in my arms our kiss started to rap around us.

I know I will have to go slow but the way Trunks was ravishing my lips, it was hard to control the overwhelming feelings in my mind and the ones in Trunks's mind were sending. Moving my hands across his back, I ripped his shorts off, giving Trunks his answer and not letting him pull away. I can feel Trunks let his desire control his hands as he touched my covered chest, I touched his fevered back, my groin threatening to explode as Trunks's moans increased. Wanting to feel more of this man, I lay down on the floor pulling Trunks on top of me, our hardened erections touching. Trunks bucked from the sensations, he began to rock against my erection, wanting more as his emotions took over his mind.

“Trunks…slow down” I whispered. I saw the fear and longing in his blue eyes as they were searching for something. I’m not sure what it was but I want to find out what it is this man wanted from me and why.

“Trunks, what do you want from me?” I asked again Trunks's eyes clouded over then cleared as he saw I was watching him, sending reassurances through my ki to him.

“I want you, your body, your mind I want to be with you” he said softly, I feel his fear. I see he is scared but and at the same time was tired of hiding what he was feeling. He took a chance and voiced what he wanted, now it was my move.

I pulled Trunks down to me, using my ki I stripped off my clothing, letting our fevered bodies touch. Shivering from the warm sensations my hands were giving him Trunks hissed as he saw his and my clothes were gone. I can hear him, his mind is shouting so loud this time I can hear his fear.

“You think too much.” I whispered as I flipped Trunks underneath me kissing his cheek, his mouth, listening to the man's moan as my hands freely moved across his body, his hands doing the same to me.

“Gohan, I…” he started to say I moved from his soft lips, placing a figure on Trunks's warm lips.

“Trunks, let me take care of you, just this once let go, stop caring what others think of you.” For the first time in a long time, our eyes met for longer than a second as Trunks stopped fighting. I kissed him slowly moving from his lips to his chest. He moaned louder as I moved slowly down his well muscled body, leaving warm sensations everywhere I kissed. Trunks squirmed underneath me from the sensations I was giving him.

I smiled down at this beauty below me. Trunks was no virgin, there was a fling between Goten and him but it did not last too long.

Yes, Trunks you know what to do don’t you? I thought trying to control what was left of my mind.

Yes, I was surprised when Goten told me who you longed for. I always thought it would be Goten you wanted to be with. Curious why you felt that way for me, I watched both of you over this past year. I too, saw it, the shy looks you would give me. The way you would watch, especially these past few months, sneaking into the house when no one else was home, just watching me. Yesterday, was the closest you have ever come near me. I could not help but tease you Trunks. Then, Mother came home and now we are here. I thought, smiling as I moved lower, wanting to taste this man. I took Trunks’s weeping sex in my mouth, inhaling deeply. Trunks cried out.

Goten told me that he and Trunks never had sex they just played, a lot of experiments but the sadness in Trunks's eyes never went away. Goten told me he tried but Trunks would push him away, not able to give Goten the love he needed. Goten found himself pulled towards Bulla, now that was interesting when I found out about these two, but it helped explain why Trunks would work all the time. There was no more hanging out with my brother like they did when they were younger.

I know Goten told Trunks about his love for his sister. He said Trunks was all for it. Not until earlier, when I saw how he was glaring at Bulla and Goten, the pain the two caused him and the hate in himself for not admitting it did I understand that pain.

I wish you had not hid your feelings Trunks, as you watched Goten and Bulla be happy together, Trunks, you could have told me or even gone to Dad…

“Gohan.” Trunks lifted his hips up to meet the fast pace I was setting. I felt hot as my world was turned around. A white hot blur entered my mind reeling as Trunks's sweet nectar washed into my hungry mouth not slowing my pace I blocked all thoughts out as I tended to Trunks's needs. Gripping my hands on Trunks's hips as the young man moved with me unaware of how much time had passed as the young man’s body was ravished from top to bottom. I showed him sensations he never knew were possible.

Tired, I slowly made my way back to Trunks's warm sweaty chest, wanting to lay my head against Trunks. I feel his arm around my trembling body pulling me towards him.

As I move his semi-hard erection touched mine I could not hold back the moan at the contact. My hips slowly grinding against his side, trying to clam my mind, as I reach his chest moving my lower half away slightly.

“Gohan…” his voice was soft.

“What is it Trunks?” I ask looking up worried we had gone too far. I can not hide the desire I have for him, not now.

“I need to get up, nature calls” he whispered. I nearly laughed with relief, letting the man leave. I groaned as I watch the naked man walk slowly away from me, every muscle showing in his almost perfect body, his lavender hair surrounding him as he moved stiffly away.

“Damn you, kid, you are lucky I can control myself” I whisper, placing a hand on my erection pumping fast, trying to get some relief before he came back into the room I will not push this, for Trunks to admit how he feels was enough for me. I will suffer for now.

Trunks's POV

I opened my eyes slowly regaining some composure after what Gohan has been doing to my body for god knows how long, all I know is I do not want it to stop. I hear it again, he is moaning as our body’s touch, looking down at Gohan, his hair damp from the sweet covering his face. I could feel him moving his hip ever so slowly against me as he tried to move to my chest he reaches it after a minute, I feel him move his lower body slightly away, enough for no contact.

“Gohan” I whispered to the man resting on my chest, Gohan lifted his head, desire in his eyes.

“What is it, Trunks?” he asked huskily. His eyes were clouding over with worry. I am no fool, I know Gohan was controlling himself, holding back. I know what needed to be done but was not sure how to start. I know just tending to me would not fully relieve Gohan, it was the same with me and Goten, neither of us could finish. Goten would always laugh it off, making jokes about it. I knew he was lying, he was holding back, what he was truly feeling. I wanted to know why, so I followed him. That was the day I saw him with my sister and the smile on his face as they lay together. I know I pushed him away not being able to give him the love he needed but seeing him with her, it hurt. I was however glad he was safe from Mother’s wrath.

Putting up defenses, I encouraged the two once they saw I knew, inside I cried. I could not make my friend happy, that he had to go to my younger sister, I could not tell the one I wanted, I needed him. Shaking the thoughts away as Gohan watched me, he was worried.

“I need to get up nature calls” I whispered. It was true and I needed a second to think. Gohan moved, I can feel his eyes watching me wander stiffly to where the bathroom should be, down the hall by the kitchen. It was one of the older versions of Gramp's capsule houses.

In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face trying to figure out what just happened. A low moan caught my sharp Saiyan hearing, moving quietly towards the sound. I saw Gohan still on the floor his hand on his erection pumping fast, his back arching as he tried to relieve the pressure in his groin.

“Trunks ,ahh damn kid, lucky I can control myself, ” he whispered moving faster.

“Gohan” I whispered, walking back into the room stopping a few feet from Gohan. I knew where this would lead and the pain it could cause but to see Gohan there, to know I did this to him, as he called my name, moving faster on his hardened cock.

I crawled over to Gohan, he had not noticed I was back yet. He tried so hard to relieve the pressure in his groin. I hovered over Gohan, his eyes were closed, his grip tight on his erection, pumping it faster as he called out my name in a loud groan. Smiling, I realized he did want me. I took Gohans’ hand in my own, Gohan sat up startled as I moved onto his legs holding his hard sex in my warm hands. Gohan let out a soft cry as I pushed my body against his, sitting on his outstretched legs, moving his hand away. I moved mine slowly up and down watching as Gohan moved with me arching his back as I moved faster still sitting on Gohan's legs.

“Trunks” he hissed out trying to control what little of his mind he had left as if I was going to allow that. All the torment he has put me through yesterday, it was time to get even.

Letting go slowly, I moved upwards, hovering over Gohan as I straddled his waist. Again, Gohan tried to stop me. I can see he is afraid he will lose control. I can tell when I touch Gohan’s hard cock Gohan was in a great deal of pain trying hold it in so long, pushing Gohan back down on the floor rocking against his hot body.

“Trunks, stop I don’t want to…” I stopped Gohan’s protests with a kiss rocking my lower half fast against Gohan’s. Gohan’s hips moved upwards, I moaned as he moved up a bit. I can feel Gohan losing control of his emotions, to see him so unguarded was a rare treat for me.

I sat up slowly and before he could stop me I plunged down Gohan bucked up hard, doubling the pain I was now in. I could not hold back the whimpers as pain shot through me. I felt Gohan trying to move me off, scared he would change him mind, scared he would think I was a weak fool. I started to move no matter how much it hurt I was going for broke.

No matter what happens afterwards, I will show you I am worthy to be with you my mind shouted as I picked up the pace searching for the spot that would send up both over the edge. I thrust down completely, embedding his erection inside of me. The pain vanishes, somehow finding the sweet spot, sending all the pain away. I cry out his name as he thrust up letting instincts take over, I gave this man I was addicted to a ride of his life as his hands gripped tightly against my thighs.

Gohan's POV

“Stop Trunks, uh Trunks” I call out as the last of my control left. As Trunks cried out my name, I thrust into his tight passage. This beauty, a man I have wanted since I saw him, that is Trunks. I never would have dreamed of doing this with him, not so soon, but I am happy we are. There is still doubt but it is faint as Trunks pushes us to an edge, I was happy to fall off of.

My mind closed as the white light of pure pleasure over took any simple thought, all I saw was him. Carefully, I flipped him on his back still embedded inside of him I moved showing him he was accepted and wanted.

Night became morning before we finally slowed down. Tired, Trunks lay in my arms, I held Trunks tightly. He was sound asleep, no dreams, just a feeling of safety and happiness, I thought long gone in the man and in myself.

Moving slowly not to startle him, I walked into the bathroom. Opening the linen closet, I grabbed a light blanket. Walking back in, I see he is looking for me. I move to him, pulling him down, covering his trembling body with the blanket. He smiles at me, closing his sleepy eyes, settling back down on my chest, sleep led us into the next day.

Trunks's POV

A loud crashing sound woke me, opening my eyes slowly, I could see I was still in the living room of the house Gohan brought me to. I was on my side looking towards the hallway that led to the kitchen area. Sitting up, I winced at the pain in my backside, usually when I had dreams about Gohan they were clear but never the pain. A moan sounded behind me and I felt a sudden feeling of warmth. I looked and gasped, he was here, it was no dream. Gohan was there, behind me on the floor, nothing covering him but a small throw blanket, facing me.

“Hey kid” he whispered. I watched him so confused. Why he was laying there with me? What was a dream and what was real?

“I am not a…” I started to say as another crash shook the house. Gohan frowned, neither of us were happy about the interruption. I felt Gohan place a hand on my shoulder. I smileed at him, his eyes showed concerned but no regret or anger in them.

What did I do? I wonder looking to his dark eye,s I could just drown in them.

Gohan's POV

I awoke to feel Trunks move beside me. Opening my eyes, I see Trunks is looking at me, shock in his blue eyes. He was scared, I can feel it in his ki and the way he is so tensed up. I could see it would not take much to make Trunks run right now.

“Hey kid” I say softly his eyes showed his confusion and his ki shouted out fear.

“I am not a…” he started to say as another crash shook the house. I frowned at the interruption, then I placed a hand on Trunks. He smiled, no regret or anger showed in his eyes just confusion. I know as he did who was out there making so much noise. Shaking my head, I am startled when Trunks kisses me again, as another crash echoes outside, he looks at the window muttering.

“Trunks, are you ok?” I asked not caring who was out there, only about the young man in front of me. He jumped as I placed a hand on his, he smiled at me, trying to hide his feelings again, darn kid.

“I think so” he says rubbing his backside. I could not hold back my laughter.

“That will teach you not to listen.There is a much easier way to do that” I say winking at him.

“Now, you tell me” Trunks muttered, our eyes met, Trunks leaned down again, I was drowning in Trunks blue eyes.

Another crash this time closer

“I think we are being paged” I say chuckling. Trunks shrugged, not caring. Taking his lips against mine he pushes me back against the floor crawling on top of me. Our bodies entwined as we relished in each others touch. The ki increased outside and made Trunks break the kiss. He looked up at the open window I could not hold back my growl.

“Bad timing, go away,” I hissed, holding Trunks to me .Trunks muttered something pulling away from me.

“What are you going to do?” I asked as Trunks pulled away. He stood up offering a hand to me there was a change in him.

“They want us so badly, come on” he said. I caught on to what he was thinking of doing. I laughed, this was going to be interesting. This is the Trunks I know not the unsure shy one that has developed over the years. Bulma was a large part of his change but no proof.

Opening the door as shouts echoed around above us, I look up to see Goten and Bulla hovering, eyes wide staring at our naked bodies.

“Eww, do you two mind?” Bulla cried out, covering her eyes. Goten shook his head, amazed.

“Nice” Goten said,landing by us.

“But it would be nicer if you had clothes on or can we join?” Bulla slapped him for that. Trunks laughed as I grabbed Bulla, smirking Trunks grabbed Goten as we rushed into the house, throwing our prey to the floor on the sheet that we were using that night.

“Ew, the floor is wet. Man, could you not used the bedroom?” Bulla cringed as she stood up glaring at me.

“Why wet the bed when there is a floor?” I said shrugging. Bulla rushed to Goten hiding her head. Goten eyes were wide watching first me then his closest friend.

“Was there something you wanted?” Trunks asked resting his head against my chest.

“Because if not, I have things I need to do” he said taking my now hardening erection in his hand and slowly moving.

“No, just seeing if everything was ok. Your father knows about Bulla and me and is still trapped in the GR as far as we know. Our mothers gave up bugging them after awhile. Bulla and I wanted to make sure you two were ok. It has been almost two days since you two took off…Other then that we wanted nothing, talk to you later, have fun” he waved bye as he walked out of the house. Trunks chuckled, I pulled him as close as I could as he moved his hand faster. My knees weakened slightly.

“Maybe you should stop that, kid” I hissed emotion overwhelming my mind as I bucked in his hand. There was this new feeling coming from the young man.

“Why you do not like this?” he asked. Moving faster my knees gave way as we tumbled to the floor, not caring if it was still wet because it was going to get a lot wetter. I pin him under me, his hands now on my thighs, looking up at me challenging me.

Accepting this challenge in his blue eyes, I will show Trunks how to do it without so much pain this time. I feel Trunks's mind, he was eager to feel that feeling of safety again. It was nice to see this side of him and not the angry man he has become. Pushing my hard erection against his I move slowly as I take his warm lips against my own hoping this feeling will never end.


Goten held Bulla in his arms as they hovered above the house where their friends and kin were enjoying each other.

“I have never seen Trunks like that” she whispered.

“I know” Goten agreed as they left the house. They would go back later. It was nice to see that sadness in Trunks's eyes gone as he toyed with Gohan.

“Should we call your dad, let him know they are ok? He seemed worried after we left” Goten asked, she nodded.

Goten dialed the number where Vegeta should be but was shocked when Bulma answered the phone.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Bulma?” He asked, Bulla paled.

“Yes, Goten is that you? Where are you? Did you find Trunks? Everyone is looking for him. Is my daughter there with you?” Goten felt sick, something was wrong.

“Bulma, why are you answering this phone?” he asked, she lost it.

“How dare you, brat, you get back here your mother is here worried sick.”

“Where is Vegeta? This number belongs to the phone we left him” he said. Bulla had given it to her father before they left. It was Bulla’s phone, neither man liked the things but the two insisted on it so they could let them know how Gohan and Trunks were doing.

“I do not know or care…Where is my son Goten? I know you know where he is, so spill it, kid…” The voice was cold, Goten felt sick, putting out all of his senses he felt his father. It was like he was in another world again, it was that faint. There was barely a trace of Vegeta's ki, he paled. Hanging up the phone Goten looked at Bulla, whereever his dad was it was far away.

“Dad?” She whispered scared.

“I can’t find him, I know he is alive but I can't trace him it is to faint…Dad he is faraway too.”

“Oh, what did she do to them? Goten, I am scared.” Tears ran down her cheek as Goten took her in his arms holding her close.

“Come on, I know someone who will know where they are without facing your mother or bothering Gohan and Trunks. This could be nothing.” She nodded as they started north. They made it halfway to the tower.

Bulla cried out going to him as her mind filled with overwhelming pain and sadness. Her mind screamed as she lost all control on her ki, she pummeled to the ground.

“No, Dad!” Goten cried out as intense pain shot through his mind, forgetting he was still in the air thousands of feet above the ground. Goten lost his hold on everything around him as he felt the loss of his father. It was intense, as part of his soul ripped away, the only thing that brought his mind back was hearing Bulla scream. It him snapped out of his shock, he stopped his descent looking for her. He lunged for her falling body as she hit the rough ground in the middle of a dense forest.

“Bulla, I am sorry” he whispered, as he realized her senses for her father were strong and he too was gone both of them were wiped out.

Fear of losing her overriding his thoughts, he cried out to his brother, hoping Gohan was not dealing with the same problem with Trunks, who was just as if not closer to his father than Bulla was.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Gravity Games Gravity Games Trunks's Longing Trunks's Longing

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