Trunks's Longing
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Trunks has a long to be with one man the only one he feels safe around but in doing so he would have to say his feelings out loud taking the chance of hurting the ones he cares the most for. Unknown to any of the family Bulma has a secret plan for her son slowly poisoning him to do her bidding.

This story was written for the Spring 2009 Boxer and Rice fanfic challenge. The theme of the challenge was “Reverse Illustration” and this story is based on this fabulous picture by Lara Yokoshima. Please leave comments for the artist!

Chapter 04: Time Chamber
Trunks's POV

Days have gone by in this place and Gohan has gotten crueler by the minute.

When I awoke, I realised Father had sedated me, putting me in here. Looking around, I found myself in the sleeping area of the time room. Standing up, I looked around to see if I am alone. Looking to the door, I saw that it was partly open, that was a good sign. I move to the white void where Goten and I spent a year training to fight Majin Buu.

Letting my body adjust to the change in gravity, I looked around. Far off, I saw a figure walking towards me.

“Gohan” I whispered as the figure came closer, I stepped back. His eyes were cold as he stared at me.

“You are here too, I see.” His voice was void of any emotions.

“Yes, why are we in here?” I asked, he shook his head.

“How should I know…That kid, I will break his neck.” Gohan pushed by me, I grabbed his arm and he wrenched away.

“Gohan, what is wrong with you?” His eyes narrowed.

“You are as bad as he is. How dare you question me?” He hovered over me. I stumbled back, not able to take the pressure of this place as I could when I was younger.

“Gohan, who are you so mad at?” He paused, looking toward the door.

“You knew, didn’t you, of course you did, you have fun playing me? You little brat, how dare you toy with me. I should kill you…” My eyes widened as he went to strike me, I fell on my backside as he loomed over me.

“Gohan, enough, leave Trunks alone he did not put you here, I did, at your father's request…” I looked over to the new voice, I saw Piccolo walking in the door that was still open behind him. My eyes widened as I saw he was caring Goten in his arms.

“What you do to him?” Gohan hissed. I looked up at him as he walked slowly towards Piccolo.

“Nothing Gohan, your father put him to sleep for now. He was so worried about you and Trunks that…”

“Of course, he was…Should break his neck.” Piccolo’s eyes narrowed, I know the two were fighting earlier when I found Dad. It seemed they were still at it.

“Gohan, enough” I said, grabbing his arm as I staggered beside him. He knocked me away, hate in his eyes.

“I should kill you” Gohan hissed, moving towards Piccolo who just stood there watching Gohan. Another figure came into the room, it was Goku carrying Bulla. She was not moving, I realised what they were doing. We all, to some degree, were infected by our mothers. They were giving us a chance to fight it off. Dad must have had more of the stuff he gave me.

At first, I was happy but as Gohan taunted me, he moved closer to Piccolo. I became angry as I remembered what Dende had told me. I lifted my hand, taking the last of my extra energy, I raced past Gohan knocking him away. I blasted Piccolo and Goku out the door, closing it as they flew out.

“What are you doing, you little idiot?” Gohan shouted at me as he watched the door shut.

“What is wrong with you?” I shouted back at him. Something was wrong, he was different, the anger overtaking him as he starts to advance on me.

“Idiot, like you trying to control me. How dare you lock me in here…” He shouted but stayed where he was standing, hate shining in his dark black eyes.

“Gohan, I just wanted time with you” I said softly.

“You wanted something…What else is you knew, you always seem to want something, you are as bad as Goten, expecting me to comply like a good boy…damn you all.” he walked away from me, back into the white void.

“Gohan, wait Gohan….” I called but he kept walking. I stood there not sure what to do as he faded into the whiteness. I went to walk out there again, I felt hot and heavy as my weakened body is affected by this place.

“Why?” I whispered. Walking back inside, I found something to eat, as I finished I saw Gohan come back inside. He looked calmer, so I went to talk to him, hoping he could tell me what was wrong.

“Gohan, are you ok now?” His eyes were on me, then where I was sitting, his eyes narrowed.

“I take it you expect me to clean up after you? Damn, you are nothing but a weak child…” I stepped back again, he was attacking me with his cruel words.

“No, Gohan, what is wrong with you, all I asked…” He shoved me across the room.

“Weak fool, get away from me, you are pitiful” I cringed as the words from my own fears were being spoken out loud.

I went to stand up as he lunged for me. I moved in time as he attacked me again.

“Gohan, stop it” I shouted, tired of this cat and mouse game. I dodged another one of Gohan’s attacks sending one of my own. I did not want to fight. We ended up in the void, the white changed to red hot fire as we fought. Letting my adrenalin take over, I dodged his advances trying to find out what was wrong.

Why are you doing this? I do not understand. I thought once Piccolo and the others were gone you would calm down but you are worse. What did I do to make you hate me so much? I thought. I felt my despair returning as the one I dire most in life was turning on me.

Distracted with my thoughts, I saw him too late and was sent to the ground below. I hit hard, laying there for a moment, then slowly I moved to my knees looking up at Gohan as he hovered above me.

I cannot do this anymore, it is like our fight is fuelling his hate. Maybe he is feeding off of me ,using my fear as an excuse…I cannot fight him anymore, I need him and love him too much.

“Ow Gohan, enough. Why are you so mad at me?” I shouted as my fears were coming true Gohan was pushing me away. I am losing the will to fight him, I can’t.

“Shut your mouth your whining is annoying” Gohan said as he landed not far from where I was still kneeling. Watching me, Gohan fully powered up, his aura black as night. I stared in fascination, there was no way I could match him. He was too powerful, even if I was as strong as I was when I was younger, I still could not compete with him. My pride was in overdrive, I was damned if he was going to make a fool of me like Goten did using me to get to my sister. Standing tall, I looked at him.

“Shut up, you are the one who is annoying” I said, glaring at him. The next thing I knew I was pinned to the ground, that was now cold as ice. He is choking the life out of me.

Memories I had tried so hard to forget came back, all the nights she would come into my room after the fever set in. She would say it was my own fault I was a weak minded fool and should learn my place

I cannot do this anymore, the more I try to reach out to you, the more I do, the more you strike back at me with your cruel words…Fine Gohan, no more, I will do as you wish and hope you will come around and if not so be it. My mind was crying out as I fight back, getting a lucky shoot in as he thought he had won.

“Fine, get away from me. You heard, me get away, go somewhere you cannot hear me” I hissed. I stood straight steeling my emotions. Gohan laughed as he turned his back to me.

“With pleasure, about time you realised you are nothing compared to me.” I closed my eyes, despair overtaking my mind as Gohan continued walking towards the living area, not looking back. I fell to the ground again.

How long I was here I am not sure as the climate changed around me. First, it was cold as ice then hot as flame. The hot climate surrounded me, matching the fever in my mind and body.

“What did I do for him to hate me so much? Is it because I am so weak? Yes, that must be it. He was right. I am nothing compared to him” I whispered. I remembered how Gohan helped take care of me as I was sick, telling me it was ok, that I was not weak. Now, he taunted me, calling me weak. Was it all a lie?

“Why?” I sat there not wanting to move but I had to try to figure out what was wrong with my friend. Fighting off the despair in my mind, thanks to the stuff Father gave me I could think clearer. I also knew by the way I was feeling, the stuff was not a permanent fix, that being put in here was a last resort. I felt it again, the sick feeling, it has returned as it tried to erase the antidote Father gave me.

I did nothing to him, no matter how I looked at it I did nothing wrong. Gohan needed to grown up. I am tired of hiding out here. I am hungry and tired, if you do not like me in there tough, you can piss off.

I stood up, determined not to let him control me anymore. I walked back into the living part of the time room. Looking around, I saw Gohan was in the sleeping area. He looked so peaceful, like that day when I was finally caught watching him. Shaking my head, I went to get something to eat, hunger winning over my desire to get answers.

“Gohan, I need you” I whispered as I sat there. I tried to eat but the food soured on my lips. I pushed it away closing my eyes. I knew what was about to come this time. I was fully alone, he would not be the one that held me and comforted me.

Are you infected too? Should I try and find out how to help you? No, I will not bother you. Whatever is wrong you need to deal with it on your own, as I need to take care of myself once the door opens. I will fade away. I will never bother you again Gohan. I will be gone in less than a year, in that time, I will keep away, I thought. A noise from the bedroom area caught my attention, my senses were on overdrive so as to not be caught off guard. I looked up and I saw Gohan was starting to wake up. He stretched and mumbled in the bed barely sleeping as his mind slowly woke up. Taking my dish, I emptied the left over food in the trash, it vanished from sight.

Neat trick, need that in my office at home I thought as I took the dish to the make shift sink. I rinsed it out placing it upside down inside the sink. I would wash it later. I wanted to leave before Gohan fully woke up, it was for the best he made it clear I was not wanted.

Not looking back, I walked back out to the nothingness as a raging snow storm surrounded me. I felt hot and fell to my knees as I was violently sick again. This time there was no one to help, I was alone as the snow and ice surrounded me.

Gohan's POV

I awoke from the violent nightmare and saw I was still in the time room. Moving slightly, I saw Trunks was by the sink. Then, he slowly walked out into the training area, from the smell in the air Trunks had eaten. Looking around, I saw the spare bed was untouched.

“What have I done?” I whispered, remembering the fight with Trunks. It was all my anger built up and like a foolish child I took it out on him. I remember Piccolo walking in and telling me why Goten was not moving in his arms. I listened to Piccolo as he explained, Trunks grabbed hold of my arm. Even angrier, I took it out on Trunks taunting him, shoving him away from me, as I went after Piccolo. Another came by the door, blurring my sight as I was shoved away. The sound of the door slamming shut echoed around the room. We were alone, Trunks was short of breath as he looked back at me.

I realised he blasted the others out of the room causing the door to slam shut. Letting my anger control me, I attacked Trunks for closing the door, locking us in here. You would think, I would be happy to have him to myself but the anger and hate overwhelmed my mind taking control of what I did and I allowed it.

Shaking the memories away, I moved to the entrance of the training area. I shivered as I watched the snow storm rage out there in the vast void.

“Trunks, I am sorry” I whispered as I stood there, looking out to where I should be not Trunks. Trunks was the one who needed to be here, safe away from the pain he was inflicted on by his mother and now me. I hurt him, I saw clearly every detail of the days here.

As the wind calmed slightly, I caught sight of a figure in the cold snow. I watched as Trunks walked farther out there as the snow and wind whipped around him. Looking at the time clock, I saw we had been here a few months now. I shivered, I was deathly cold. I knew it was not from the storm out there, this was in my own mind and body.

Is this what you were going through? I wondered as I walked to the shower room, letting the endless water cover me. I remember being here with father so long ago.

“Why?!” My head jerked up from the inhuman scream. Rushing out of the warm bath, I headed to the entrance. I saw Trunks in the middle of a heat wave, his power swirling around him for the first time since I found out what my brother did to Bulla. My mind was cleared. I felt the pain Trunks was in, the despair, and longing. I swore I would never let Trunks feel like this again. Grabbing my clothes from the floor, I dressed ,walking towards the man I hurt.

“Why” Trunks whispered. I watched as he sat there. He could not move, days without sleep has weakend him. He was barely awake, only his adrenalin and the desire to know why was keeping him going. I know Trunks can sense me coming closer. The scene changed again as it became cold ice and snow swirling around me.

I paused looking at Trunks, not sure what to say. All the hate I had was slowly vanishing but was it too late to save the man I cared so much for.

“Why did you say what you did? What did I do for you to hate me?” His voice was weak, barely audible over the whistling of the wind.

“Trunks I...” I could not get the words out, anger welled up in me again.

How dare you question me? I thought as I grabbed Trunks by the throat pinning him to the cold snow, wanting to choke the life out of him.

“Why?” Trunks asked again his blue eyes sad as he let me choke the life out of him.

I do not care, I love you and always will. I heard these words in my mind, it distracted me enough for Trunks to break away.He pinned me to the ground, straddling my waist, he leaned down and kissed me.

Once again, Trunks stunned me as he laid there on top of me. Trunks's warm lips were on mine. I moaned and the anger slowly vanished as he pressed his body against me.

You are not weak Trunks, you are braver than I will ever be, I thought. I tried to say something, the warning Vegeta gave me before he left with Dad. The place I found them hiding, trying to find a cure for Trunks. They knew through the bond Vegeta had with Trunks what was going on. I listened as Vegeta told me to be careful, that I too was infected. Stupidly, I laughed saying not to worry. I had none of the signs Trunks had but thanked them both for worrying. I promised to get a sample of that stuff if I had to kill to get it.

What have I done? I thought. Looking at the man that straddled me, I could not remember if I did what was asked of me. All I remembered was being mad at Goten for something. Then, taking everything out on Trunks. He was watching me as he leaned down taking my lips with his, his hands wandering over my body.

Trunks's POV

I no longer cared, I needed Gohan, even if he killed me, at least I would die remembering his warm lips and the love we briefly shared.

“Trunks, what are you doing?” He whispered, as I took a breath. Moving slowly away, I still straddled his hips. he just lied there looking up at me. I could see the confusion in his dark eyes, his aura slowly changing as his anger vanished.

“I don’t care anymore, I love you, even if you are being an ass. I still love you, say what you want, but I know you care too or you would not be out here” I said with conviction. I felt these things in my soul as the snow whipped around us, glad he was on the bottom it was damn cold.

“Trunks I...”

“Shhh” I again leaned down and kissed Gohan. I moved my hands up and down Gohan's now naked body. Gohan gasped at the sudden cold then warmth as I warmed him with my own body, melting the surrounding snow away.

“Trunks, did Dad bring the antidote?” Gohan asked, as I sat up. I looked down at him annoyed.


“You are better?” Gohan had hope in his voice, whatever was bothering him was gone. I saw Gohan was no longer enraged, he was like he was before.

“Yes” I laid down, my energy faded fast due to Gohan delays. Closing my eyes for a second, my mind closed, no longer able to stay awake.

How like you to know and not say a word, maybe they were right we are very much alike I thought as darkness claimed mind. I realised that my friend too may be infected. That would explain the blind rage, the same I went through the day Gohan took me to the small house.

“Trunks, wake up. I am sorry, Trunks. I should have listened to Vegeta when he warned me. He said this would happen…He said I would lash out at the world. He said I was infected too, I should have listened.” I could hear him as he called to me but could not open my eyes. I felt him move away, then come closer again. I forced my voice to work, I called to him.

“Gohan, why?”

“Because I am a fool” he said softly.

“True a sexy one but you’re a fool all the same.” Gohan choked as I looked up at him chuckling.

“Brat” he hissed. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the bed.

“Trunks, you need to rest.”

“Shut up” I growled. I pinned him on the bed, laying half on him. Gohan sighed and laid there, not arguing with me. I could tell from his open mind, he felt so alone these months and it was his fault he let his anger consume him. He ignored the warning Father gave him to return right away and paid for it. We lost a lot of time together but maybe just maybe I could get my body to give me just a little more time.

“I said shut up that means your mind too” I said playfully and slapped Gohan on the thigh.

“Make me” Gohan growled, I sat up frowning at him.

“Tst, so be it” I said as another energy surge went through me. I was on top of Gohan as another set of clothing vanished. The first and second time we laid together Gohan was mostly in control. Now, it was all me as I kissed Gohan down his well muscled chest.

“Trunks” he whispered, not daring to hope. His mind was on overdrive, annoyed I took Gohan's semi hard sex in my mouth and inhaled deeply.

“Ahh” Gohan hissed as I tended to him, my hand roamed as I tended to Gohan for what seemed like hours, with a soft cry I felt Gohan finish into my wanting mouth. He called my name as he road the wave down. Slowly, I licked my lover dry, I looked up, I wanted more than this.

“Trunks…” It was a soft pant as I stopped tending to his erection to watch his expressions. He was already hardening again, this could be fun.

“Yes, what is it, Gohan?” I purred, as I sat up, a wave of dizziness hit me. Hiding it, I took my own sex and lined it up with Gohan's entrance. Gohan lifted for me, wanting this as much as I did. I was grateful his mind clouded with pleasure. He did not feel how weak I was getting, this would kill me but I did not care, all I cared about was him. Smiling down at him, I pumped his erection fast, taking the liquid with my free hand. I rubbed it on my mine and closed my eyes as I plunged inside of him. Gohan let out a small yelp in pain but quickly it was replace with pleasure as I found that sweet spot and hit it over and over again.

I held of Gohan’s erection in my free hand and pumped fast to match my pace as I pounded into his tight entrance, powering up as high as I could. I remembered how good it felt when Gohan did it with me, in reply Gohan powered up to match as we continued our escapade. For me, completion came too soon. As first me, then Gohan released and called to each other. Another wave of dizziness hit me, I fell against Gohan’s chest and breathed raggedly as I tried to catch my breath. My chest felt like it was on fire as I lost hold on my transformation, powering down as I laid there, gripping my chest.

“Gohan” I whispered. I could not slow my breathing. I could hear Gohan as he talked to me. I tried to wave him off saying I was ok but as I went to sit up involuntarily I cried out in pain. This was the same pain I had hoped would hold off just a little longer. Gohan grabbed me and laid me down.

“Trunks, what is wrong?”

“I am fine.” It was lie, I found out the hard way, when the coldness had returned as I laid out there alone trying to figure out what I did wrong.

I was surprised when not long after I left the room Gohan came to me as he was before if not a little scared it was then I realised Gohan could be just as ill as me but reacting differently, well not really, I do remember when I first realised what she was doing I was angry all the time it was Goten’s friendship that kept me going as I hid this from him, the more she did the more I changed. Then not even Goten’s friendship helped as I watch him bond with my younger sister it hurt so much to see them together, I never told him I should have but instead I let my anger and hate grow… Not wanting to remember this I tried to leap out of the bed but found I could not move breathing was hard as I lay there Gohan was pinning me on the bed calling to me I do not want to remember any of this

“Stop it Trunks I am sorry I did not know you should have said something you said he gave you the cure I just oh Trunks you should have said something” his voice was full of fear as he tried keeping me awake

I can feel his guilt

“Gohan it is ok I wanted to feel you with me just once more, there is no cure dad was just wishful thinking. I have more then he knew of that stuff almost all my life I just hid it from everyone she would only do it once a year than as I got older more mostly at night (cough) when she caught me and Goten together it happened more she would say it was my fault and if I did not behave she hurt him too…I would shake it off as a dream and think nothing more of it, pushing my only friend away…you are infected too…no it is ok I am here with you weather you talk to me or not or use me for sex I do not care we are together” I stopped talking as a coughing spell hit with the intense pain

“I am sorry” I whisper I am a fool I should have left him alone to begin with and not egged him on I willed darkness to come make the pain go away not having the courage to tell him I would not live out the rest of the time here

Gohan's POV

Turning Trunks on his side, I moved behind him, supporting Trunks as his body trembled. Cursing myself for doing the one thing I swore I would never do. I hurt Trunks. Trunks's coughing eased up a bit. I stayed laying there, holding him close.

“Trunks, I need you. I am fool. I hurt you when you needed me the most” I whispered as Trunks fell asleep. This time, I could not call to Dende or Piccolo for help. We are still trapped in the time room for another month or so. I was not sure anymore.

“What about Goten? Did you hurt him too?” I wondered as Trunks slept. Closing my eyes, I rested, praying Trunks would be ok, if not I would be taken with him.

“Why did you close the door the way you did?” I whispered.

“Because I did not want to share my time with you with Bulla and Goten. You are mine” he said. I lifted my head a bit. I thought the man was sleeping, Trunks smiled as he moved a bit, wincing as he looked up at me.

“Trunks, what are you talking about?” I asked. I barely remembered seeing Bulla there. “I was so mad at Goten and I cannot remember why.”

“I know, Gohan” he whispered, putting a shaky hand on my cheek.

“Trunks, I am sorry.”

“Shh” Trunks interrupted me again, darn kid. “I know. It was why I gave you your space by stopping the fights with you. I stayed away so you could calm down, I admit it took longer than what I thought it would. I started to think you meant what you said…” he paused, closing his eyes as his body trembled.

“Trunks, enough rest.”

“I am fine Gohan, you are here with me. You are all I want, all I have ever longed for.” Trunks moved closer, trying to get warm in my tight embrace.

“Trunks, please I need you” I whispered, fully realising how much this man meant to me. The drop in Trunks's ki was drastic, my head spun. I too felt my body giving out from lack of nourishment. I slept all the time away as Trunks sat out there afraid to come inside for fear of my cruelness.

“Trunks, tell me why you wanted to be with me” it was faint but I was able to form the words as I held him closer. I had always wondered what drew the young man to me.

“I do not know, I was drawn to you forever it seems. I longed to be with you, even if it was at a distance. I longed to see you, hear your voice. I still long to have you but I am afraid you will…” Trunks coughed again I held him as close as I could, listening.

“Dad gave me some stuff. He said it should hep with the sickness, but it only held it off. I knew somehow when he gave it to me it would not work. My body was too thrashed but I was not going to tell him that. I could not hurt him.” I was confused but said nothing as I let Trunks talk.

“Dende told me he did the best he could but he could not heal the damage to my mind, that was when I felt you were fighting with Piccolo again. I walked slowly out and saw Dad. He came over to me, he was mad but not at me. I could see pride in his eyes, I wondered if he knew how badly I was infected and if he did why did he not stop her.As I studied him, he was watching me with the sadness and guilt in his ki I knew he never knew. So, I took the stuff knowing it would not help but he was so sad. Damn, I was not expecting it to have a sedative with it. When I woke up, I found I was in here with you. I felt your anger, it was then I asked you what was wrong. You started to shout, I got mad and shouted back. I saw your hate as Piccolo came in. I remembered what Dende told me. It was then I realised what was happening. They were putting us in here with Goten and Bulla but I wanted to spend the time with just you, he told me…” again he coughed. I tried to comfort him as I listened, not liking where this was leading.

“Shh, Trunks it does not matter now. I hurt you, I cannot take that back. All I can say is, I will try not to hurt you again” Trunks looked up smiling, his once bright blue eyes darkened with pain.

“I wish this pain would go away” he whispered, lowering his head against my chest.

“Soon, Trunks, soon” I whispered as I felt my friend slip farther from me. Getting answers I was not sure how to deal with, I held Trunks's body as close to me as humanly possible without crushing him.

I realised Trunks took the last of his energy and life to be with me one last time, to feel safe, just once. It did not matter, he just wanted to be with me.

One day, forgive me Trunks, I thought as I let my mind focus on his dying ki. Calling to him, talking to him with the last strength I held onto Trunks. Letting my ki vanish with Trunks’s thinking only how much I loved Trunks, wishing it would not have taken this to make me see.

I could feel Trunks's love even if he could not wake up. I knew I felt it in my mind and soul as my own mind started to slow down.

When I awoke again, I found I was in a well lit room, looking around without getting up. This place was familiar, looking up I saw bright lights around me, the walls sloped upwards like a dome above me. Turning my head the other way, I saw a mechanism in the middle of the room.

What am I in the gravity room? If so,why and how? Last I knew I was in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Trunks.

“Why am I here?” I whispered to the room. There was no reply, looking around I saw Trunks laying beside me. Sitting up, I saw he was in nothing but a pair of tight black shorts, looking down at myself I was in a pair of blue shorts.

“Go to sleep.” I looked at him. He was laying there, eyes closed, there was no pain in his ki or mind that I can hear.

“Gohan, go to sleep” he says again.

“No” I said, defiantly. I was surprised at how fine I was. There was no anger, no pain, and guilt. Oh ,yes, lots of guilt but even that was not as strong as the feeling this man beside me was giving, as his eyes opened looking at me.

“You are a pain in the ass” he hissed as he pushes me back down. I tried to get up. I made it halfway, his hands were on each side, holding me up as he straddled my legs. I felt his warm lips on mine. I am barely holding myself up as his warmth covers me.

“Lay down” he whispered into my mouth.

“Kiss off” I hissed back, as I feel him press his body against mine. My arms gave out as he rubbed against my hardening erection. Gasping out, my eyes widened as I watched him. There was a change in Trunks, he seemed different, older, stronger, all doubt gone as he pinned me to the cold tiled floor.

“Trunks” I gasp out as he toyed with my body, rocking against me so slowly it was madding. Involuntarily, I bucked up needing him to move faster.

“Problem? You are the one who would not go back to sleep. Now suffer the consequences of not listening to your prince.” His voice was husky with lust and a confidence I never thought I would hear in him again.

“As I said before, your High-ass piss off” I said not letting this his kid tell me what to do. It may work for Vegeta with Dad but I'd be damned if this kid was going to play the prince card with me.

“Tch, so be it, I will teach you to obey me.” He said as the shorts I was wearing vanished. he is running his hand up my sides, still slowly rocking against my now painfully hard erection.

“Trunks, uh, Trunks, stop teasing” I pant out.

“No, ah, you look good like this begging me.”

I am going to kill him, I thought, as he continued to toy with me.

Enough was enough, I powered up, flipping him under me, his shorts gone in seconds. I plunged inside of his tight entrance, calling out his name. His eyes, wide in shock, then pure pleasure as I pound him, riding him harder than I ever did before. He was no longer fragile, I could see somehow we were both healthier than I can remember being in a long time he was bulked up again as was I.

He powered up nearly sending me to the edge as he entrance tightened ten fold. Powering up to match, knowing I would enlarge, I was reeling in his cries as he shouted my name. I moved faster, holding his hips tightly. My mind filled with thoughts of him and a chance I was not going to kill again…

Trunks's POV

I was happy he was finally awake. It has taken him longer than me. Mind you, he was just entering his withdrawals while I was pretty much done with mine when we where taken from the time room.

I thought I had died. When I woke up, I expected to see King Yama not a quiet field, much like the ones Goten and I used to train in. Wondering why I was brought to this place, I looked around searching for anyone and found Father. He told me where we were and why.

Grateful to Goku, I thanked him as he came over to us. Gohan in his arms, setting him down on the ground, we talked for a few minutes until Gohan woke up.

When Gohan woke up he was happy to see me at first but as he realised where we were and his father and mine were there his anger returned. Lunging for me as I stood there, I was not going to go throug what I did in the time room again. He never made it to me, as the seen vanished, I found myself in a strange place with Father, his eyes were dark as he watched me.

He would not talk. He just stared at me, then shaking his head he motioned me to follow him. I did. I wish in a way I had not, in doing so I invulnerably agreed to train under him. I thought he was rough when I was a younger man, that was nothing to what he did to me in that place he never would name.

We trained as the last of the poison Mother gave me vanished. I asked Father how he knew, he said I was bulking up, looking in the nearby lake, I saw he was right thinking about it. I felt better, not so worried about what everyone was thinking. I was becoming my old self, confidant and powerful.

It was roughly a year before we met up with Goku and Gohan. He was changed too, the anger was gone as his ki became what it once was, the kindness but strength of mind returning. The only bad thing was he was out cold. Goku said it would take him awhile to wake up and when he did he could lash out like he did before or he could wake up calmer, wanting answers without the intense anger controlling him. The next thing I knew we were in here, locked away. I tried to get out but somehow Dad and Goku have sealed it.

I have been waiting for three days now. I finally got some rest when he decided to wake up. So annoyed, I told him to go back to sleep, ya that got me far. I told him to obey me, pinning him underneath me as I ravaged his body.

Well, that theory backfired, I thought. I am glad my strength is back or this would hurt a lot as he pounded inside me, holding my thighs tightly with his strong hands I am sent over an edge we only touched before his mind calling to my mind saying all he could not say with words. Smiling, I let him take full control knowing it was my turn next.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Gravity Games Gravity Games Trunks's Longing Trunks's Longing

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