Trunks's Longing
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Trunks has a long to be with one man the only one he feels safe around but in doing so he would have to say his feelings out loud taking the chance of hurting the ones he cares the most for. Unknown to any of the family Bulma has a secret plan for her son slowly poisoning him to do her bidding.

This story was written for the Spring 2009 Boxer and Rice fanfic challenge. The theme of the challenge was “Reverse Illustration” and this story is based on this fabulous picture by Lara Yokoshima. Please leave comments for the artist!

Chapter 03: Trunks's Despair
My body tingled with the movement of the young man underneath me. His cries of pleasure filled my mind as my hands roamed his body, feeling every inch of his fevered body, wanting more than this simple touching. Our lips still locked together, I needed more than this and he knows it, as he holds me against him. Letting go of his lips, I hear him whimper, I look down at him smiling.

“I need to breathe too, you know” I tease him, he smiles.

“Not my problem” he says and I am somehow on the floor now. He is straddling my hips, a hungry look in his eyes.

“Hey, no fair” I tease. He shrugs, leaning down and taking my erection in his hand, moving fast my back arches from this contact then it was gone. I was about to tease him when I heard him gasp out in pain. I sit up as he moved away from me, I grab his arm, worried he was having second thoughts.

“Father” he whispered. I watch him as he kneels on the floor my hand still on his arm, he looks at me, I was confused, then, I too felt the pain he must be going through as my father's ki vanished, feeling for Vegeta, he too was gone.

“No, Trunks stop.” I grabbed Trunks as he went to leave.
Holding him close to me as we kneel on the floor. I felt sick as both our fathers' ki was ripped into nothingness.

“Let me go” he cried out, trying to get away from me.

“Trunks, think” he looked at me, hate in his eyes, I will not let him go.

“Trunks, they are gone, there is nothing we can do right now. Please calm down and think, we need to figure out where to start. I will call Goten in a few, he will have felt this too as would Bulla maybe they know what happened, ok?” He shook his head, his body shaking with anger, fear building in his mind again.

Cussing, I wondered what happened and hated his mother even more. I know she was behind this as was my mother. How would they get to Dad and Vegeta so easily? Thinking for a moment as I try to calm Trunks down, I recalled what Goten said before he left Dad and Vegeta were still together in the GR. It would not take much for Bulma to find a way to override that thing once she knew Goten and Bulla were long gone, then finishing what she started a year ago.

“Gohan, what happened? What is going on? Why can I not feel Father or Goku?” he whispered, I shook my head just as confused.

“Get dressed” I say softly, Trunks nodded then he frowned.

“What is wrong?” I asked standing up, reaching for my clothes that were still laying on the couch from the other day.

“My pants, they are missing” he said. I laughed, in spite of myself, as I remembered what I did to his shorts a few days ago.

“Oh ya, I forgot about that you left them upstairs remember? Go change if you want, there might be a change of clothes that will fit if you want something more loose to wear.” Trunks nodded, walking away from me, my head spun as a voice entered, shouting I could feel the fear and pain. It was coming from Goten.

“Trunks, hurry Goten is calling for us” I say softly, as the young man rushes upstairs. In minutes, he was back down wearing my jeans and a short sleeved shirt.

Again, my brother's cries entered my mind. Our eyes met and in a minute, we were outside looking for the two. It did not take long, as Trunks used his connection with Goten to search one part of the thick forest below us as I used mine on the other end.

“Gohan, over there” looking his way I nodded, rushing over to him. Trunks led me down into the trees as we landed in a small glade, I hiss as the smell of blood is strong.

“Bulla” Trunks went to her, Goten looked up.

“I tried, I am sorry, I should have caught her. I was...Dad is gone…She fell, I triedto Bulla wake up.” I growled, Trunks did not move as I went to him.

If we had not chased the two away Bulla would be ok, if I was not so weak to need to be brought out here in the first place, they would not have left Dad and Goku alone to check on me. It is my fault, I am so weak. I am hurting everyone, she warned me, I knew if I did not come home she would do something. She had warned me before not to disobey her. These thoughts entered my mind but they were not my own I looked at Trunks grabbing him by he shoulders.

“NO” I shout shaking him. Trunks looked up then away. I did not need to hear his mind, it was in the man's eyes, what he was feeling, but I did this time all too clearly.

“NO, Trunks! No, it is not your fault” but Trunks was not listening as guilt washed over him, closing his mind to everyone around him.

“I hate them, I tried calling Dad after we left you at the house…Bulma answered the phone demanding to know where Trunks was. Not wanting to bother you two in case this was nothing but this with Dad taking off with Vegeta, we were going to see Piccolo hoping he knew what was going on. That is when I felt Dad's ki vanish. It was like having part of my mind ripped out, she fell, I should have…” Goten choked as he held Bulla's motionless body. Closing my eyes, I call to the one friend who could help right now, he too would have felt Father's and Vegeta’s ii vanish.

Piccolo, please hear me.

Moments went by that seemed like forever when I was answered.

What is it? what is going on down there?

We need help, Bulla, she is dying. Please, I could not finish, as I held a now motionless Trunks, his eye closed, as he shut the world out.

“Trunks, no, please no” I called. I watched as Vegeta was eaten up with guilt for the damages done to his father over their love. Now, after Trunks confessed his love, leaving his father unguarded at the house to take the brunt of his Mother's anger for his disobedience. I whispered to him but the man did not answer.

A hand on my shoulder caused me to looked up, seeing Piccolo looking away towards Bulla and Goten I saw Dende with Bulla she was healing slowly. Goten, tears in his eyes came over to Trunks.

“Trunks, please answer me” I call to him. He did not respond as he laid against my body, his mind shouting his guilt and a despair I was never aware of. Piccolo's hand tightened on my shoulder.

“I am fine” I growled moving away, looking to see if Bulla was fine. Goten watched me, the old feeling returning as I seem to be surrounded. I pulled further away as all eyes seemed to be on me and Trunks still tight in my arms.

“I am sorry. It is my fault.” It was faint, I looked down at Trunks, his eyes still closed as his mind beat itself up. I lifted to the air holding Trunks close. Wanting to clear my head and scared when Trunks woke up he would push me away. The loss of Vegeta was going to hurt Trunks deeply. I must get him back to the house away from everyone here.

Lifting higher, I fly fast to the small house hoping no one would follow me.

I flew fast holding Trunks, hearing his mind as it spiraled into darkness, guilt, fear, and grief all mingled in his mind. The feelings from the day before and now his father’s death was overwhelming him.

“Trunks, please this is what they want.” I whispered landing by the house where Trunks opened up to me confessing his dark needs as we made love.

“Bulla, Bulla where is she?” I looked down into Trunks's eyes, they were barely open as we walked inside. I slowly walked up the stairs, setting him on the bed.

“She is fine, thanks to Goten and Dende. They went to the Look Out, I think" I said softly. Trunks nodded, trying sit up.

“No, Trunks rest. I will be here if you need anything” Trunks looked up at me and our eyes met. Watching him I saw there was a difference from what I saw with Vegeta. Trunks was trying to fight unlike his sire who once he saw what was happing stopped fighting altogether. Vegeta let Bulma and his mother win, keeping both men from each other until Dad went there the day I brought Trunks to this place.


“Gohan, what happened to Dad and Goku?” Shaking my thoughts away, I looked down at him.

“I do not know, I hoped Piccolo might but you need to get away from there. I was not going to lose you to your silly fears.” Trunks watched me, he wanted answers but could he take them right now? I am unsure what to say.

Trunks's POV

I could see Gohan was hiding something. I knew he would try to get me away once he knew Bulla was safe. He did that already when I was first brought here but there was something else. It was nagging at the back of my mind, the look in Gohan’s eyes told me there was more to it then simply getting me away from everyone that caused him to come back here.

You almost look like Dad, the deep sadness…Do you know?…Is that what is wrong? You know, is that why you are not surprised they are gone, hurt but not surprised?

“You know what happened to Father?” Gohan looked at me, I know he just answered that question then he realized what I meant.

“Yes, but I really do not want to remember it Trunks, not right now.” I watched Gohan's face, seeing he did know and more than what I did from the sadness in his dark eyes. I would wait for now.

“Please” I said pulling Gohan down to me “one day tell me why Dad changed.” Gohan nodded, laying beside me holding me so close, I can feel he is worried but I will not question him not right now. I felt safe in his arms as my mind slowed enough for sleep to creep over to me.

Gohan's POV

Watching Trunks as he fell into a deep sleep, I stayed awake to make sure he was ok until sleep conquered my mind and I slept hoping for answers.

Waking from a fitful sleep, I lay in bed still holding Trunks in my arms as he slept. Looking to the bedroom window, I sensed someone coming closer to the house. I was relieved when I realized it was Piccolo. Trying not to wake Trunks, I slipped out of the bed then down the stairs to talk to my old friend who was now landing by the house.

“Hey Piccolo, any news on what happened to Dad and Vegeta?” I asked, Piccolo shook his head.

“No, not yet, Gohan you need to keep Trunks safe. She wants him for some reason. I went there as the two slept. Bulma is more obsessed over not being able to find Trunks than she is at your Father and Vegeta vanishing. Your mother is there, all they care about is finding Trunks. It is almost a panic the way they are looking for him. Dende could not see why. I am trying to keep a hold on Goten and Bulla, they are a pain.”

“Figures, but why I wonder?” Piccolo shook his head. I had so hoped Father was hiding somewhere.

“There is one small hope in this, they are not dead, I went to Yama they are alive but how or where is anyone’s guess.”

“I see but that is a good thing, right?” I whisper, Piccolo nodded.

“So, where are they? Why does it feel like they are gone if they are not…” I asked, confused as a hand is placed on my arm followed by a soft voice.

“I think I might know where or at least how they could get away and it feel like they are dead.” I turned to face Trunks who should be sleeping.

“For a minute, I am sure I felt Dad then Goku for a split second, then it was gone…” I watched him closely as he was figuring out what Piccolo and I had said not a moment ago.

How long have you been out here? I thought as Piccolo said.

“Now, there is a thought, I will kill him for worrying me but it is possible, like I said, Yama says they are not there so either he is lying or they have gone far enough away to where we can not sense them and why would they do that to everyone? Goten said it felt like his mind was being ripped apart” Piccolo said. I thought about this and it did make sense if they were far away they would feel like they were dead. Like if they went to other world like I did with Shin everyone but Videl thought I was dead.

“The GR, it could fly right?” I asked aloud as my thoughts tried to find the right words. But if Trunks is right then how did they get away from Bulma without her noticing the GR missing/

“As far as I know it still can,” Trunks said softly.

“Then, maybe that is how…the only other way is if one of the Kai’s took them away….” I say still speaking my thoughts out loud.

“Anything is possible but for now let's let them be wherever they are when they are ready they will come home, then we can kick their asses” Piccolo said. I could not hold back the snicker as Piccolo looked at me.

“Come stay with us at the Look Out, Goten aND Bulla are there too” Gohan shook his head as Trunks stepped back.

“No, thank you” Trunks said. I looked at him, our eyes met and I saw a small smile on Trunks's lips as he tried to hide his feeling from our guest, a look I saw that night we became one, the longing in him again to be safe and loved.

“Piccolo, we are fine here just protect Goten and Bulla” I said. My eyes never leaving Trunks’s, trying to communicate my feeling to the man.

Piccolo did not argue as he nodded, lifting to the air. Trunks watched Piccolo leave, a longing in his heart again as he fear overtook him.

Why is mother looking for me so hard? You will leave me like Father like Goten it seemed everyone was leaving or hiding things from me. I watched him as again his thoughts came to my mind. I took Trunks by the shoulders

“Trunks, I am right here I am not going anywhere” I whispered pulling my lover to me. Trunks trembled trying so hard to hide what he was feeling.

“Trunks, what is wrong?” I whispered as my friend pulled away.

“Nothing, come on let's go inside, it is cold out here” I watched Trunks walk slowly inside the house.

Are you crazy? I thought it was close to 38 C out here and it was only morning, concerned I followed quickly. I hoped, Dad was ok and I was mad they got Trunks and Goten upset like this for nothing. Trunks was already on a thin line between sanity and insanity, now the loss of his father and fear he will be left alone could send him over the edge. I slowly walked in the house after Trunks hoping he was ok

Trunks's POV

Shivering, I walked into the large shower turning it on as hot as humanly possible. I felt ill but did not want Gohan to know, he has enough to worry about without my small feelings bothering him. Closing my eyes, I crumpled to the floor letting the water surround me.

Not here, not now she said…Damn, I am so tired…Is this why you are looking for me Mother? I feel so cold, my thoughts stopped as my stomach emptied itself on the floor of they shower.

I need to get out before Gohan thinks something is wrong. He must never know how weak I am, my mind was shouting at me.

Get out of the shower and rest, I will be fine after rest I do not know how long I stayed there letting the hot water burn my skin, but slowly when I was sure I was not going to be sick again, I stand up. I move my hand to the sliding door as it opened cold air hit my skin. Muttering, I go to walk out of the shower, the cold air then darkness over takes my mind.

Gohan's POV

I am standing outside the bathroom door worried what to do. I want to run in there, grab Trunks and hold him close, comfort him but something was holding me back. I fear the man would run if cornered right now, it was the way Trunks pulled away. It was like a frightened animal, he was trying so hard not to alarm me.

“So cold” I heard Trunks say in the shower. The steam was streaming out of the partly open bathroom door, I felt for his ki, it was unstable not wanting to wait any longer I slipped into the bathroom as the steam surrounded me, fogging up the room.

“Feel sick…stupid weak fool...” Trunks's voice was shaky as he ki dropped again. Frantic, I went to open the shower door, as I did Trunks fell into my arms. He tried to leave the shower but it was still running, I gasped in shock. Trunks was not moving, I pulled him out of the shower as I did I felt the spray from the shower and how hot it was. There was redness on Trunks's skin and my are was burning from the spray.

“So cold” Trunks whispered, not moving as he lay limply in my arms. I grabbed a nearby towel wrapping Trunks in it as best I could. I picked him up and we went to the upstairs bedroom. I laid him down, Trunks whimpered and before I could move, I was covered in Trunks's last meal. Grumbling but not mad just surprised, I helped Trunks to his side as he emptied out his stomach on the floor. Eyes closing as his body shook from strain and a cold chill I still did not feel.

Reaching for the spare pillow on the other side of the bed I placed it behind Trunks's back. I tucked him into the blankets, thankful he missed the blanket when being sick. Leaving Trunks on his side for a few minutes, I walked out with a change of clothes.

I changed into a pair of jean and black t-shirt. Then, brought up a bucket mop and pail, placing the bucket near Trunks's head on the floor. Trunks's eyes opened for a brief minute watching me.

“Here just in case” I whispered as Trunks's eyes closed again, another tremor went through him. I cleaned up the mess, worried about what made Trunks sick like that, as I walked down the stairs I went it the bathroom. Seeing that he was sick here too, sighing I clean up the mess in the shower, turning off the now cold water.

“Trunks, what is wrong with you?” I whispered sitting on the stairs listening for Trunks.

(Ring Ring)

I jumped as my forgotten cell phone started ringing.

“Ya” I said trying to sound calm, which worked until the frantic voice on the other end made itself know.

“Gohan, Gohan what is wrong down there? I can barely feel Trunks's ki and yours is all over the place…” The voice was frantic as he threw questions at me. I should have know Goten would sense Trunks was ill, there was still a bond of friendship between them.

“It is ok, just too much excitement, Goten he is fine, nothing a little sleep wont cure.” It was a lie, I did not know what was wrong with him, lifting my head I could hear Trunks coughing again.

“Hey Goten, I will call you later, be good up there.” I hung the phone, dropping it on the stairs. I stood up and rushed in the room to see Trunks hovering over the bucket. I sat beside him, supporting his trembling body, I was hoping Trunks saw me set it there for him.

“Sorry” he whispered.

“For what?” I asked he was so like his father.

“I am weak, nothing compared to you. Why are you with someone as pathetic as me? You should be with your brother, he needs you.” I held him close as the man's mind shouted its grief, longing, and fear to be alone.

“Because I want you, not some strong man, just you Trunks Vegeta Briefs. I want you as you are, not any other way and Goten has Bulla and Piccolo, stop worrying.” Trunks shook his head then vomited again, his ki dropping dangerously low.

“So cold” Trunks whispered, leaning against my chest. I took the bucket from Trunks, placing it on the floor, then pulling myself fully on the bed, leaning against the headboard. I pulled Trunks gently up to me and wrapped him in the blanket and my own ki trying to warm him from a cold I still could not feel.

“Trunks, hang in there, I am right here, I am not going anywhere” I whispered. I was wrong, this is exactly what happened to Vegeta, an illness that could not be explained spiraling into dark despair. There are differences between the two men with Vegeta he was always hot and grumpier than normal, lashing out at every little thing, then a depression set in taking all his will to live.

The longing in Vegeta was so overwhelming, he never fully recovered. He lost his ability to sense ki or any energy near him. The thought of his kids and how they still needed him brought Vegeta around but it was a long grueling process.

I had forgotten about that but now watching Trunks, I see the signs have always been there. The same as his father, the anger now the depression. I still do not know how Bulma managed to control both Father and Vegeta but she did somehow destroying both men. I have tried to forget that day but it has haunted my every thought over this past year, now more then ever it torments me as I hold Vegeta’s son in my arms. I am watching the same thing still not knowing what causes it or how to help beyond keeping him warm and feeling safe.

“Trunks, please I am here for you, I never want you to change what you are, it is what draws me to you” I whispered as Trunks's trembling calmed. I let my ki wash over him, no matter how much it takes, I will protect him, save him even if it means my life. I need Trunks to understand.

“Rely on me just this once Trunks, let someone help you” I whisper as I closed my eyes, letting Trunks's steady breathing lull me.

How long have you been like this Trunks? This is not the first time you have been sick like this is it? I wont lose you like Dad did Vegeta. I thought with fear in my mind as I wondered if Bulma was doing things to Trunks without any of us knowing. My mind kept trying to find answers but there were so many pieces missing to this puzzle. Shaking my head, willing my mind to drift off to sleep for now letting my ki keep Trunks safe and warm. I will worry after he wakes up.

Gohan, wake up, the voice was full of grief, opening my eyes, I moved my head to see I was laying on a bed. I looked around me, trying to figure out why I was in the room. The smell of bleach caught my attention, reminding me about Trunks and how sick he was looking beside me. I panicked, Trunks was not there as I sat up. First thing I saw was Bulla, then Goten looking toward me from the widow in the small bedroom. I tried to move body but it was aching I winced as I went to get off the bed, I had to find Trunks.

“Hey, you are awake, good, no rest, Gohan, you overdid it a bit.” Goten moved to be beside me as I tried to force myself to get up, ignoring the pain in my body.

“Trunks, where is he?” I hissed trying to get out of the bed. Gotenwas by my side, holding me by the shoulders, keeping me sitting on the edge of the bed.

“It is ok, he is downstairs eating Gohan, rest please, you scared us.” A wave of dizziness washed over me as I lay back down, puzzled the last thing I remember is warming Trunks up after being so sick.

“Is he…” I whisper.

“Trunks is fine thanks to you, you should have told me something was wrong instead of hanging up on me. Gee Gohan, you are as bad as he is never asking for help.” Goten glared at me I closed eyes again for what seemed like moments.

“Gohan, wake up please, I am sorry” looking up I saw Trunks hovering over me, his blue eyes full of sorrow, his face pale.

“Trunks are you ok?” I whispered reaching for him. Trunks caught my hand pressing it against his face, tears in his blue eyes.

“Don’t you leave me too” he whispered, falling to my chest. Not caring about the pain in my body, I wrapped my free arm around him. Trying to get up but I could not move. Cussing Trunks looked up, our eyes met and he crawled in the bed laying beside me. I tried to go back to sleep as my young friend tried to comfort me.


Goten watched from the doorway with Bulla by his side. Once Trunks felt Gohan awake he rushed upstairs. They tried to get him to go rest while Gohan slept but he pushed them away. Trunks was no fool, he knew it was Gohan who saved him, who warmed him. The guilt was clear in his eyes as he lay with Gohan, all Goten could hope for is the two would be ok.

“Good, that was too scary” she whispered seeing the two together, he nodded.

“Yes, I know” he said when Gohan hung up on him. He felt the drastic drop in Trunks's ki and his brother's shot higher. He took off from the Look Out saying nothing but something was wrong with Trunks by the time they got halfway there Goten could barely feel Gohan's ki. It was fading fast as was Trunks‘s, with Bulla by his side and Piccolo hot on their heals they walked in the house. It was like a heat wave going upstairs, he wrinkled his nose from the smell, it was a mixture of sourness and bleach, then the intense heat coming from his brother's ki.

“I never want to feel that again” she said.

Goten shivered, it was a sight to see Trunks was barely breathing and Gohan was trying to save him with his ki.

“He would have killed himself saving Trunks” Goten whispered. He knew his brother loved him but not that deeply. He wondered how long his brother had these feeling for Trunks, it had to be longer than this past year for him to be willing to end his life to save Trunks.

“I know” she whispered, tears in her eyes.

“Enough you two, we need to get them to where Dende can tend to them, neither one is safe yet, both need a lot of rest.” They nodded as Piccolo took Gohan, Goten took Trunks, both men whimpering but they never woke up as they were taken to the Look Out.

Three days later…

Gohan's POV

“Trunks, Trunks wake up, come on, wake up.” I called to Trunks as Trunks shouted in his sleep, nightmares plague him. Trunks sat upright, looking around, fear clear in his eyes.

“Gohan” there was so much relief and fear in his voice. I was not sure what he was dreaming about but glad he was awake. I held Trunks tightly, letting him know I was here for him.

“I am here Trunks” I whispered. I knew something was wrong with him, never had I ever seen Trunks sick as a child, even me and Goten were never ill like this. The only one was father and that was when his heart gave out.

“Cold, I am so cold” Trunks whispered, as the cold chills returned. I surrounded us with my ki again, it seemed to help Trunks calm down. aHe lay back down on my chest as I started whispering reassurances, he was not alone and I love him no matter what. I would worry what was wrong with him later, right now all I care about is getting his tremors to stop.

As I started to fall to sleep, I heard voices on the other side of the door they sounded frantic, I use my sharp hearing to listen…

Out in the hallway, by the room Gohan and Trunks were in, Piccolo was listening to what Bulla and Goten had to say as they went to check on Gohan, looking at the two before him. Piccolo half shouted.

“She did, what?!” Piccolo was stunned. He had wondered where the two had taken off to once Trunks and Gohan were settled down in the small room.

Goten and Bulla came back to the Look Out after going back home. Scouting for information on why everyone wanted Trunks back so badly but were not worried where the rest of them were.

“Mother has been feeding him some drug at night when we all are sleeping, it make him passive and is highly addicting. It is why she wants him home so badly, he has not had a dose in over a week now and the side effects are deadly if not weaned off properly. It was all I could do to keep Goten from blowing our cover, he was going for blood.” Bulla was angry her mother would do such a thing. Goten was not looking at her as he remembered her holding him back.

“Piccolo, she did the same to Dad and Vegeta. I heard Videl talking about it to Pan. Pan is so brainwashed by their lies…” Goten said, still not looking at either of them. His eyes on the door where his brother and best friend were resting. Piccolo looked at the young man before him, they risked a lot going back down while he and Dende tended to Gohan and Trunks. If he had known, he would have stopped them but now he was glad they did, it answered a lot of questions but created more too.

“That explains a lot” Piccolo said more quietly, they nodded. He stopped just outside of Gohan’s room.

“That is the sickness and the anger…He is going through withdrawls from the drugs she has given him for god knows how long. Oh man, this is going to get ugly from what I heard Bulma say to Mother, he could die from it” Goten said softly. Bulla held him close, for the first time Goten wondered if it was his mother’s doing. It that what drew him away from Trunks to Bulla? But he said nothing aloud Goten knew Bulla loved him and he loved her. Goten felt her tighten her grip confirming her love for him, he still could not look at her.

I love her, truly,but what if it was me who hurt Trunks? The anger in his eyes that day when Gohan took off with him, he would not stop glaring at me. There was hate in his eyes, I thought he was mad about his mother but what if it was me what if it was because I was able to find someone…he turned me away so why would he care? I still do not know why he changed he became so distant it was not planned Bulla and I we just clicked in away Trunks and I never could Goten thought.

“Yes right now day by day” they looked to see Popo and Dende walking towards them. The two had overheard them talking in the hallway and waited for the three to finish talking.

“Ok” Goten said sadly as they walked away from Gohan's room into the main chamber where Popo had food set out for them, leaving Gohan and Trunks alone for awhile.

In the room

Gohan's POV

I lay there by Trunks waiting for him to wake up. I heard what they said and I wanted answers of my own, the fear in my brother had returned.

“You are right it does make sense, it explains a lot. How many of us were infected?” I whispered. I had always wondered why Father never fought back why he let Bulma and Mother hurt him, why he would let Vegeta suffer, now I had a better idea why.

The withdrawals would explain why Vegeta kept away from everyone and why Father seemed so unhappy all this past year. Perhaps that is what happened, they went through a relapse of some kind, knowing this needed they needed to get away. Where would they go? Knowing Dad, he would want to find a cure, yes, even Vegeta would try if not for him for Trunks. I remember Vegeta seemed so worried about Trunks that day. He asked me to get Trunks, take him far away. It was the same time I brought Trunks to the small house to get him away from everyone around him.

Where could they go that Bulma would not know about? It was all I could do to find a place to take care of Vegeta…

“That is it!” I sat upright, jumping out of the bed on a hunch, I left the room to find some answers of my own.

Trunks's POV

“Ow, ass” I mutter as I am nearly thrown to the floor. Luckily, I hit the bed. I tried to sit up slowly, my body felt like it was on fire.

“Make up you mind” I growled. First, I was cold, now hot pain shot through my tired body.

“What where you talking about? What makes sense? What about infecting us? What are you up to Gohan?” I wondered. Waiting for Gohan to come back, I laid there but as time went on I was getting scared, searching I could not find Gohan’s ki. Sitting up again I growled as my body screamed in protest. Concerned as to why he was gone so long I tried to find Gohan, I pulled himself out of the bed, making it a few steps, head felt heavy as another tremor went through, me causing me to fall to the cold floor, crying out as pain shot through me.

“Don’t leave me” I tried calling out to him, scared as to why he left me behind. My body throbbed, I could not understand why he would leave like he did. Why was he was gone so long? Was I wrong and he did not care? I am a fool. As these fears became stronger, I felt strong arms surrounding me, looking up I saw Gohan by my side.

“Gohan” I whispered. The heat blinding my body, it was so intense it was like my soul was on fire.

“You are a pain, you know that” Gohan teased. Opening my eyes, I saw him smiling as he lifted me to the bed.

“I can walk” I growled. I knew damn well I could not but was not about to tell Gohan it was bad enough Gohan saw me like this.

“Ya, so can I, your point?” I studied Gohan, he was different, like that day he taunted me when I first woke up after escaping work yet again and he had taken me to that strange house.

“More than you can handle” I challenged. The hot feeling was fading as I watched Gohan. It was being replaced with desire to strip him down and make him beg at my feet. I watched as Gohan crawled onto the bed with me, a different heat entered my mind. I felt better with him by my side, the pain eased a bit.

“You think so” he hissed in my ear.

“I know so” I hissed back. Gohan pinned me to the bed, I who was still not up to power on the bed. Kissing my neck, I moaned as Gohan took my lips with fevered passion. His hands roaming over my body, arching up as he sent thrilling shivers through my wanting body, I closed my eyes as my clothing once again were vaporized.

“Where did you go for so long? I thought you left me” I gasped out the fear that was still there in the back of my mind. A tingling sensation going through me, trying to take over my senses. Gohan looked down at me, lust in his eyes.

“I found them, Dad and Vegeta.” Eyes wide, I tried to tried to sit up but Gohan pushed me back down.

“Where are they? Are they ok?” I asked. The feeling of hope filled my mind as the darkness was lifting from my mind slowly with this news and the attention he was giving me.

“Later, Trunks, I will tell you later.” I looked at him puzzled, Gohan laughed, I swear he loved to confusing me.

“Trunks, trust me they are fine stop worrying about everyone else and start worrying about what I am going to do to you” he whispered in my ear as he nipped it. I closed my eyes, letting Gohan tend to me, it was thrilling to feel the warmth Gohan was giving me.

“Mine” Gohan growled, embedding himself in my sweet entrance. My eyes opened wide in shock, as pain overrode the pleasure. I could not hold back the whimper as Gohan leaned back down, taking my lips, kissing me as he let the me adjust. After a moment, he moved again, I whimpered as he moved up and down slowly at first then faster. I cried out as Gohan hit home, sending me to a new sensation. The first time was thrilling, this time as I let Gohan have full control, it was overwhelming.

“Gohan, more uh..” My back arched up, begging with my eyes for Gohan to move faster, obliging Gohan picked up the pace.

“Trunks, oh god" Gohan hissed. Each movement was pushing us father there, over the edge. I was afraid to cross but did not want it to stop either. I echoed with each thrust his moans, growing louder as completion came closer.

“Gohan, harder, stop pissing around” I hissed, knowing he was still holding back. Gohan complied, transforming, his eyes darkening, a strong aura surrounded us as he transformed into his mystic state. Gohan moved faster. The low moans turned to cries of pure pleasure, not to be out done by him, I too transformed to match Gohan’s thrusts. I said before, he was not going to out do me, white light filled my mind as he shouted my name with one last thrust. I felt him laying on my chest, catching his breath. I smiled at the pleasure that went through me.

Hours later, Gohan held me close as we rested, content in the feel of being in the man’s arms, I thought about Father and what Gohan said about finding him and Goku. that they are ok I am relived. That just left this damn illness no one could explain, I had a vague memory of being like this before when I was younger I had always thought it was a dream but now he wondered if it was not a dream

As I lay here in my lover's arms, it seemed too hot in the room. I know it has been awhile since we made love together, looking over to the man holding me I see he is sleeping. Not wanting to wake him, I go to move from Gohans’ embrace, my body felt heavy with every movement.

“Trunks, are you ok?”

Damn, sorry, I thought as I went to say yes, I felt my body betray me. Gohan was up in seconds as I emptied his stomach all over him and the bed. Gohan shouted for help. Piccolo was the first followed by Dende. I felt weak as I saw the mess I was making but could not stop either. The heat was intense, this was worse than the cold.

“Trunks, hang on it will be ok” Gohan whispered. I can feel Dende come closer to us.

“Gohan, I am sorry” I whispered, scared to lose Gohan from being so weak.

“It is fine, I am here for you Trunks, just rest” Gohan said softly. He lifted me into his arms holding me close as Popo magically cleaned the bed off. Once clean, Gohan laid me back down, moving beside me a cold object on my face. I tried to bat it away but cannot move.

Gohan's POV

“Trunks I need you, please, don’t give up” I whispered in my friend's ear as Trunks slept. I know it was going to get a lot worse. I need to get a sample of the stuff Bulma used on Trunks maybe there was away to get it out of his system easier then what he was going through now, but I am scared to leave Trunks alone again. I did that once and Trunks nearly killed himself trying to get out of bed to find me, thinking I left him. I am not going to watch Trunks go through what Vegeta went through, at least this time I know what was doing it. Last time with Vegeta, I did not know what she had done, all I knew was she was hurting both men.

“You all will pay, all of you will suffer as he is” I whispered as I held Trunks in his arms. A darkness I was trying to keep at bay coming closer to the front of my mind, I was forgetting what I was asked to do as the hate slowly was overwhelming my mind all I could think about was Trunks and how I would get even with them all for hurting him.

Down the hallway

Goten paced back and forth in the hallway unsure if he should tell anyone about he darkness forming in his brother’s mind

“Goten, I know you want to protect them but if you know something please I cannot hear Gohan. There is a darkness in his mind I cannot get through” Goten was startled, then he nodded as he looked up to see Piccolo beside him.

“He is mad at Bulma and Mother, how they could hurt Trunks like this, he is scared…He overheard what we told you earlier. It was why he left for so long…he seemed excited when he came back. Then, Trunks got sick again before he could say where he went. I thought they were ok when I felt what they were doing but now Trunks is relapsing and Gohan is slipping into a dark mood. I am scared he will not come out of…” Goten faltered, fear in his own mind, if Gohan found out he could hear his mind at times....

“Goten, please tell us” Bulla whispered as a shout from inside saved Goten. He bolted to the room, again, Trunks was being held by Gohan. He was sick this time, it was worse as Trunks had nothing in his system. The dry heaves were straining him. Goten watched Gohan hold Trunks close to him, talking to him all the time. His aura was turning darker, it was almost black now, the anger in him taking over his mind.

“I have to do something” he whispered.

“Where are you going Goten?” Bulla asked following him out to the courtyard. He looked at her, he knew what he was about to do could cost them their lives if ever Vegeta returned.

On earth

Goten landed back at the place he once called home. He saw his mother there in the kitchen. He walked in calling for her, she rushed out yelling.

“Where have you been?” she cried. He shook his head keeping her an arm's length from him.

“Mother, what did Bulma do to Trunks?” she glared at him.

“You have been go for a month now and all you can…” she was interrupted as he pinned her to the wall.

“I asked you a question. What did Bulma do to Trunks?” ChiChi shook her head.

“As if I would tell you” she snapped.

“I see but you do know?” he asked. Stepping back a bit, she nodded, walking away from him not fearing the boy. He was too much like his father, he will not endanger anyone.

“And me and Gohan where we infected?” she looked back at him.

“No need, I can control you easy enough” she said bluntly but there was a look in her eyes Goten had never seen before. It was cruel as she watched behind him.

You are lying. You said me, what about Gohan?

“Father, is that why Dad has changed?” Her eyes darkened.

“I do not know or care Goten. Now if you do not mind, if all you are here for is to point fingers I am busy.”

She is awful confident…Oh I see he thought, as he sensed Bulma behind him. He vanished, sending a small ki ball at his mother, it just missed her as she dove to the ground. Goten saw the needle in Bulma’s hand and the liquid in it.

“I see” he whispered, taking it from her by grabbing her wrist so she could not connect with him. He threw the woman at his mother. Videl walked in to see him standing there and she went to the two woman.

“By the way Trunks is dead and Gohan not far behind. You win, Dad is gone, my friend is gone, soon I will lose my brother. What was the point? Why would you do this?” He shouted. His mother just watched him.

“Where is Bulla?” Bulma asked, helping ChiChi up.

“Do not know or care” Goten said bluntly, as he walked out of the house. Lifting to the air, he still could feel Gohan’s mind. It was so full of hate and darkness, Trunks's was full of shame and a longing to be loved. It was overwhelming, him clouding his judgment.

The woman rushed out of the house, looking up at him. He looked down.

“Is there a cure for the shit?” he asked. Bulma laughed.

“No kid, even if there was there is no way would I give it to you.”

I see then, there is no reason to let you live.” He said as he raised his hand. Sending a blast that was quickly knocked away by his overlooked niece. He glared at her as she hovered near him, protecting her mother and the other two woman.

“They are killing your father, Pan” she shook her head.

“He died years ago Goten you need to accept that. Your brother died a long time ago when Grappa died.” Goten shook with anger.

Is this why you are never around anymore? You disowned him, you did give up on him. I had so hoped you had not, Goten thought, as anger built in him. He did not see Bulma hand something to Pan then her charging for him followed by a hand on his should then darkness .He found himself in a small dimly lit room, looking around he saw it was the house he found Gohan and Trunks in. Looking up, he saw the one holding his shoulder was his father.

“Dad?” he was scared to hope. When Gohan left the look out earlier that day he came back excited, saying he found them. He never told him who Trunks got sick again. Gohan has not left his side since then.

“Hey Goten” he looked at the needle in his son’s hand. He cringed but said nothing as Vegeta made himself known.

“You, I thought Gohan said he would go get it, whatever hand it over brat.” He walked over to Goten, his eyes piercing Goten’s soul.

He knows, I am so dead,

“You have no idea kid but right now there other things needing to be done, like saving your brother and my son.” Goten watched puzzled as Vegeta carefully took the syringe.

“But it is Trunks who is sick.”

“No Goten, it is and always has been Gohan. Yes, they infected Trunks but it was always Gohan who was infected to the extreme. Vegeta hopes Trunks is reacting to Gohan’s ki ” Goku said. He watched Vegeta leave the room, guiding his son to the couch, he explained what he knew.

“Vegeta told me who it was that took care of him. I had always wondered but never wanted to think about it too long. He told me how Gohan stayed with him for days until the stuff was out of his system. I was luckier they did not put as much in me as him. She wanted to break him by using me and Gohan, I did not know your brother was there. It was who Vegeta told me after he left, saying he would be back right away. I sensed Trunks in pain, as did Vegeta, but we hoped Gohan would be back sooner ever second counts.” Goten listened as his father filled in a few blanks.

“Dad, why is it Trunks is getting sick then?” Goku shook his head sadly.

“Goten, you should go back. Your brother is looking for you.” They looked over to see Vegeta walking in, his eyes met Goten’s.

“Ok” he nodded.

“Oh and Goten?” he looked back.


“If you ever do that again, I will kill you, she trusts you, rely on her once and awhile. You are so much like those two.” Goten nodded rushing out of the house, taking to the air to meet his brother who should be with Trunks not looking for him. The look Vegeta gave him was so cold but for Goten, who had watched Vegeta shrink into the shadows, it was a relief to see him back to normal.

“That was cruel” Goku said to Vegeta, Vegeta smiled.

“Yep, I know. Did you tell him why Trunks was so ill?” He said looking back at Goku before returning to his work.

“No, I could not tell him there was so little hope left in him, let him think it is mostly his brother for now…” Vegeta said nothing, leaving the room in the small house where he spent may days fighting Gohan’s help as he recovered.

They had left the GR once Bulma left CC. She thought she had killed them but thankfully both men were immune to the poisonous gas she was filtered into the GR. Vegeta did feel guilty for upsetting everyone but it had to look and feel real. He never knew how messed up his son was.

“Vegeta, can Gohan be saved or is it too late?” Goku asked walking towards him, he turned looking at a man he needed more than life.

“I won't know until this is done, now go rest, we are in for a long haul.” Goku nodded, going to the bedroom to rest. He felt bad not telling Goten the truth about Trunks but what was done was done.

Rushing to the look out, he saw Gohan on the edge looking at him, his eyes dark, his aura black as night.

“How is Trunks?” he asked.

“Fine, where were you? What did you do to Bulla she won't stop crying. Piccolo found her out her laying on the ground.” Goten shrank away from his brother's anger, wishing Trunks was there to distract him.

“I went to see Mother, to get answers. They tried to use that stuff on me. Pan was helping them…Dad saved me ” Goten whispered. Gohan's eyes narrowed as he tried remembering something he was supposed to do before Trunks relapsed, something to do with his father and Vegeta but all he could remember is his anger at his family.

I can’t remember what it was he asked me to do. I was so worried when I felt the pain Trunks was in.

“You where supposed to get some of the stuff Trunks was infected with then meet Dad and Vegeta to give them a sample of…” He stopped, biting his lip. Gohan’s eyes where on him in a second as Goten answered his brother's thoughts without thinking.

“What are you? Now do you know that?” he snapped, Goten moved away.

“I told you, Dad saved me from them…Gohan, I can hear your mind sometimes when you are hurt or angry like now. I don’t mean to, I just wanted answers, I am scared Trunks will die and I will lose you because of it.” Gohan stopped glaring at his brother as his mind tried to calm itself down.

“Goten, if you ever…” he did not finish as he stood there, his mind clouding up again as his anger was overtaking his common sense

“Gohan, please I never meant…”

“Oh, shut up” Gohan snapped turning away from his brother.

“Did you take the stuff to Father?”

“Yes” Goten whispered. “They are in the house you were in with Trunks.” Gohan nodded as he walked into the look out to check on Trunks.

“I don’t understand. I told him that already. What is wrong with him?” he whispered, the anger in his brother was slowly frightening him.

“Goten” he looked behind him to see Bulla, her eyes filled with tears. He looked away, remembering what Vegeta had said and what he did to her so she would not follow him.

“I told you not to make her cry, brat.” Goten did not move as he saw two figures standing proud before him. Bulla cried out as she ran to her father. Vegeta held her for a moment, then moved her away gently, walking over to Goten. Goten backed away slowly.

“Where is Gohan?” Vegeta asked Goten he pointed to the look out, trying not to meet Vegeta's death stare as he held his crying daughter.

“Vegeta, stop teasing him.” Goten moved back, looking at his father, who was smiling, the first in years.

“Dad, Goku?” It was a faint whisper, all looked to see Trunks shakily walking towards them, Gohan nowere to be seen.

“Trunks” Goten ran over to him.

“Stop it” Trunks growled, trying to push Goten away as he watched his father, Vegeta, went over to him. He was trying to find Gohan but instead found his father and Goku.

“Play nice, Trunks. Goten helped find a relief for you from the hot and cold flashes” Goku said as Trunks stopped glaring at Goten. Vegeta walked over to his son, his eyes showed sadness but pride as well.

“You did well considering how much was in your system.” Trunks nodded not sure what he was talking about but if there was a relief to the pain he was all for it.

“Take this” he handed Trunks a syringe with a clear liquid in it. Trunks took it, jabbing it into his arm, grateful his father did not do it. His head reeled as blackness came, true blackness, and a peace of mind he never knew as he slept dreamless.

“What did you do?” Goten asked, holding onto Trunks. Vegeta had this nasty habit of knocking his son out.

“Closed his mind to everyone including your brother” Vegeta said sadly. Goten was puzzled but said nothing as his dad took Trunks from him.

“We need to find Gohan” Vegeta said, concerned he was not with Trunks.

“He is right here” Piccolo said, throwing Gohan to the ground, he did not move. Piccolo looked ruffled up a bit but not hurt too much.

“Nice” Vegeta muttered, seeing Gohan was already passed out.

“That was easy” Goku said, Piccolo glared at him.

“What is going on?” Goten asked tired of the confusion, his father placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Rest, Goten” Goku said as darkness filled Goten’s mind, drowning out the screams of his lover.

“Bulla, stop you need to rest too. It will all work out, please, trust me?” Goku said as she stood with her father. Vegeta held her, keeping her close to him as she gasped as Piccolo carried Trunks and Gohan towards a large wooden door.

“Trust me, it will work out, they need to be in a place where no one can interfere. It is going to be a hard change for them” Vegeta whispered, as he put his daughter to sleep, a small needle in his hand as she slumped against him. Goku shivered at the sight of the needle but said nothing as he took Bulla from her father. Vegeta disintigrated the syringe.

Vegeta watched as Gohan and Trunks were placed inside by Piccolo. Then, he watched as Piccolo came back over to them, picking up Goten. He carried Goten inside sighing, he walked with Goku as he carried Bulla towards the door. He paused a moment, Goku looked back at him.

“You are going to be ok with this?” Goku asked, it was one thing for the boys to be in there but Bulla would be too and she was not the fighter they were.

“I don’t know. I will have to be, I guess…Come on, it sounds like they are having fun in there” he watched Goku as he walked towards the door. He shuddered, hating the woman for what she did to the young ones, Bulla and Goten were the only ones spared for some reason she never found the pair a threat.

Even though she was not infected she was being put in there to help with Trunks and to keep Goten going. Vegeta hoped she was strong enough as Goku stepped inside the Time Room, he disappeared there was a loud explosion from inside. All but Trunks and Gohan were thrown out as the door slammed shut. Vegeta ran over to them asking what happened

“No clue” Goku whispered still holding Bulla's sleeping form.

“Trunks” Piccolo said annoyed. “They were fighting, it was bad as Goku came in. Trunks turned his eyes blazing with anger as Gohan trashed talked him. He blasted us all out of there.”

Vegeta closed his eyes.

I did not know how bad my son was. He hid it so well, now I understand why Goten was so worried. Why did no one else see it in Gohan? Even Goku did not see it until I pointed it was out to him after Gohan left us at the house.

“Because Gohan is normally passive, no one saw the change not even himself” Goku said sadly.They walked into the main part of the look out, Vegeta grunted then stopped looking at Goku’s back.

“What are you talking about clown?” Vegeta asked. Goku looked back at him.

“You asked why no one noticed about Gohan” he paused as Vegeta stared at him.

“No, I did not….not aloud anyways” he muttered.

“Yes, you did…” Goku paused. then he called to Vegeta in his mind, turning his head slightly for Vegeta not to see his face.

Vegeta can you hear me?

“Of course I can, fool, now move it” Vegeta did not look at him, he did not dare hope.

He heard me, Goku thought, as he watched Vegeta walk away a new hope formed in his mind.

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Gravity Games Gravity Games Trunks's Longing Trunks's Longing

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