Trunks's Longing
by LadyKATT     More by this Writer
Trunks has a long to be with one man the only one he feels safe around but in doing so he would have to say his feelings out loud taking the chance of hurting the ones he cares the most for. Unknown to any of the family Bulma has a secret plan for her son slowly poisoning him to do her bidding.

This story was written for the Spring 2009 Boxer and Rice fanfic challenge. The theme of the challenge was “Reverse Illustration” and this story is based on this fabulous picture by Lara Yokoshima. Please leave comments for the artist!

Chapter 05: Conclusion
Two week after the death of Gohan and Trunks, bored out of their minds Bulla and Goten went on the courtyard to look for Piccolo.

“He is not back yet” Bulla muttered. He has been gone since her father and Goku took off and there has been no sign of him since.

“I see, where would he be” Goten whispered, wondering where Piccolo could have gone. Unlike his brother, Goten did not know Piccolo well enough to know where he would go besides the look out.

“Goten, come on, we need to do something I am bored.” Goten raised an eyebrow, suggesting something they could do.

“Good grief, get your mind out of the gutter.” She slapped him.

“Heck, no” Goten teased as they wrestled around. When they stopped they saw they were 10 feet from the hyperbolic time chamber’s door. Goten sobered up.

“I miss them” he whispered. Bulla hugged him.

“Me too but Piccolo said they were ok and together, so no worries, right?”

“I guess but where is he? Why did he take off? Why have we not heard from Dad or your father? Then there is Dende and Popo, they too are rarely around” Goten said, as he sat beside her. Holding her close to him, they grieved everyday for the two. It was so hard to deal with the deaths of Trunks and Gohan. Bulla was slowly adjusting but Goten was not taking it too well. Guilt still plagued his mind, if he had not left the look out Gohan would not have left Trunks's side. They would not have been alone in the time room and he could have helped take care of Trunks, giving Gohan a chance to get better from an illness no one knew he had. Above the two grieving lovers, two other lovers watched trying not to give themselves away.

Gohan’s POV

“See I told you, your brother would be more upset than Bulla. He is just a sucker, just like his big brother.” Looking at my lover, I went to swat Trunks as Trunks ducked away. We stood on the high roof of the look out looking down at Goten and Bulla as they tried to deal with the loss. Gee, if only they knew we were above them.


I feel for Goten in a way, watching him but not enough to let him know, not yet, this was more fun.

“Come on, kid, I am tired.” I grabbed Trunks by the arm. The look in my eyes saying I was anything but tired. Trunks chuckled as we vanished then swore, slapping me for leaving a trail, even a faint one, telling we were there.

“You idiot” he cussed.

“What is wrong? They did not know we were there” I said. Trunks preceded to tell me that was how he and Goten used to train together when they were younger, leave just enough to know they were there but not the next move. They learned to read each other and predict the next attack.

Cussing at my mistake and my sore head, I should have known better after all Trunks and Goten grew up together and both were just as bad as the other when it came to causing trouble and knowing when the other was nearby. Plus, Goten had the little talent of hearing my mind.

“So, let's have fun with this, if he can hear my thoughts I should be able to reach his right? So could you, through me, right?” I said, our eyes meeting as he caught onto what I was saying.

“Yes” Trunks purred, liking my idea.We listened to the two confused friends, I could just imagine their faces as we listened.

“Gohan?” Goten’s voice was soft, I held in my comments as Trunks smiled. He was going to have way too much fun with this.

“But how?” Bulla voice echoed in our minds.

“Ass kicking time” Goten muttered.

“Ohh, I think they are catching on are you sure you want to do this?” I whisper to Trunks, knowing darn well he would.

“Where would they hide?” Bulla asked. I can just envision the two looking around the look out for us. thinking we are still there.

“I am not sure.”

“He sounds so cute when he is confused” Trunks whispered. I chuckle waiting for the moment when Trunks starts to torment the two but he better hurry. Vegeta catches us and we are dead meat.

“I bet Dad knows” Bulla said.

“Huh, how would he?”

“Think about it, Dad and Goku left first, then Piccolo, each knowing a secret, leaving you and me behind…Piccolo said they are together and safe…not yes they did die, he said they are safe.”

“Ohh, I think the two have it” I teased Trunks, as he makes ready for his grand entrance.

“Just wait to when I get my hands on those two” Goten muttered.

“Right, we will find them and when we do pow” Bulla agreed.

You wish you could find us. Since when could either of you beat me? Trunks said into their minds, poor Goten, he is so going to kill him.

Goten, what is it?

“Darn, she did not hear me. Hey Gohan, stop laughing and concentrate so she can hear me too.” I composed myself enough to comply, I will get even with him later. I missed what Goten said but caught Bulla as I tried to link the three minds through mine.

“Well, I guess we will have to wait and see. Hey no worries Goten if they are alive we will find them and then…” Bulla said.

“Keep dreaming.” Man, I can see them whirling around looking for us again. I ca not hold back my laughter this time, Trunks was laughing too.

“TRUNKS!” both shouted.

“Dead” Goten muttered.

“Me first” Bulla growled, as she too could hear her annoying brother toying with them.

Catch him, if you think can, I say into their minds, tired of Trunks having all of the fun. Forgetting to watch for Dad and Vegeta to return.

“Gohan, piss off…” Goten muttered.

Ohh hey, they can tell the difference…Wow, Trunks they are getting smart in their old age.

Hmm, I doubt it was a fluke.

“Trunks” both screamed.

That’s my name, he says as I stiffen. I can feel him behind me, Trunks's eyes met with mine, our mind still linked to the other two.

Be nice to them, they are confused enough, bad enough they can hear you. I knew you two should have been strapped down, now shut up before you ruin everything.

“Dad?” Bulla whispered confused.

Duh, you think? Trunks said, laughing at his sister.

Trunks play nice or you will sleep on the floor, I teased my lover. This was way too much fun. I will get it later from Goten but for now I was going to poke fun at him.

Teaches you not to enter my mind, kid, I thought as I hear Goten calling out again.

“Dad, you there too?” Goten asked wondering if he was there too.

“What do you need Goten? Vegeta sputtered as Dad seemed to have gone over to the enemy side.”

“I will kick his tight ass” Vegeta muttered.

“What is going on, Dad?” Goten asked. I could tell he was losing it, too much excitement for one day.

“What do you mean, Goten?” Father asked. There was a tone in his voice, then Vegeta cussed again. I looked at him as I heard Goten still talking.

“Dad, where is Vegeta? Why can we hear him, Gohan, and Trunks?” he asked Father.

“What are you talking about, son?” Goku asked. Never have I heard that tone come from my father, Trunks yes, Goten oh defiantly, but Dad nope, not ever.

“Oh you see Goten, it’s like this…” he was interrupted.

“If you know what is good for you Kakarotto you will get your tight ass home right now, alone. They are fine.” I heard Dad chuckle, I know Vegeta wanted to wait a little longer but I am not sure if Vegeta realized Dad just set us up. I know once Dad leaves the look out, Goten would leave too, looking for us. I don’t care either way, it will be entertaining to see what will happen next.

“As you wish” Dad said as he reappears in front of Vegeta smiling.

“Now, that was out right cruel, even I would not be that mean” Vegeta teased.

“What? Vegeta you said get back here.” Goku’s voice echoed in their minds.

"Since when did you ever listen to me?” I tried so hard not to say a word. I saw Trunks was hold his tongue as well.

“I always listen to you.” I was not aware the two could still hear us until I heard Bulla’s voice.

“Home” Bulla whispered as Goten cussed.

“Goten, you said they were home…you left me behind…” He hushed her.

“You said they were” he slapped her mouth, gently, that got Vegeta’s attention.

“No, Bulla they are not that mean besides it would take more brains than they all have to try to trick me. I know Trunks too well for him to get away with a trick like that.”

“They are mocking us” Trunks growled. I cut the communication, we needed to get ready in case they did figure it out.

On The Look Out

Goten and Bulla made ready to hunt down some very dead family members.

“Going somewhere?” They looked to see Piccolo smiling at them.

“Piccolo, where have you been, have you seen Dad?” Goten asked, surprised as Piccolo walked out of the look out as if he never left.

“Ya, we are leaving this place. We keep hearing annoying voices and I want to see my dad” Bulla said bluntly.

“No, you are not. You can leave your fathers alone. They need to be in peace” Bulla hissed, then saw he was not trying to stop them. She smiled.

“Fine, whatever” she said as she made ready to walk off the edge.

“Good girl, go with your toy to bed” Piccolo teased. He waited knowing the mind link was broken now that Goten was aware of it. They would not know the two left yet. Goten and Bulla slipped away as Piccolo watched, not stopping them.

“Hmm, I wonder if I should follow” Piccolo muttered. He slowly moved to the edge, then he changed his mind. They would be calling for him soon enough.

The two got closer to earth and then they landed far enough away from the small house, in the middle of no where to hide their ki. Walking towards the house, where they knew at least two of them should be. Goten grabbed the door opening it quickly. They saw all four of them looking at them, then they vanished in a blink of an eye.

“Gohan?” Goten whispered. He heard his voice in his mind but it still was a shock to see him standing there. He looked different, felt different, the darkness was gone.

“I thought I saw Trunks but could it be?” Bulla said.

Well, duh, damn Bulla, you are getting old. She whipped around but her brother was nowhere to be seen, lifting to the air they felt for their prey.

“There, found them” Goten said, as the chase began.

An hour later the four Saiyan were playing hide and seek, thanks to Goku’s IT technique. Goten and Bulla tried to track them down. Piccolo and Dende watched above them laughing. Goku had told him before he and Vegeta left the look out how Trunks and Gohan were not dead but very close. The heat wave they felt was their bodies being taken away to recover.

On earth

Trunks's POV

Above Goten and Bulla, both Gohan and I watched the two, smiling. We ditched Father and Goku, letting the two be chased by Goten. I had other plans for my lover. I felt Gohan wrap his arms around me, holding me close. Our minds and our bodies are one, we never will be fully healed mentally but most of the damage that was done was gone. The deep longing in my mind was at last replaced by a happiness I never thought I would have.

“Should we let them catch us?” Gohan asked. I looked back at him as Father appeared behind Gohan, slapping him upside the head. I could not hold in my snicker, glad it was not me.

“And get us all caught, I think not you two started this, now you can finish it.” We vanished again leaving my poor sister wonder where we went. Through Gohan I can hear them as we sneak into the house, resting in the living room.

“Not fair” she muttered, Goten grunted.

“Who cares I have more important things to do than look for those two fools” he growled.

Eww, get a room, Bulla laughed at my comment.

“Jealous, Trunks? Did Gohan cut you off already? Come on, Bulla.” I sputtered as Gohan chuckled, sensing Dad and Goku not far from where Bulla was.

Outside the small house

“About time” Vegeta muttered as he landed where Bulla and Goten had been not a moment ago. They lost the other two again, no longer caring. He pulled his lover to the small house, they stopped as loud noises came from inside.

“Brats…figures” Vegeta muttered. He should have known there was a reason the two would not stay with them.

“We could join them” Goku teased him and got a swat for it.

“I will not share you” Vegeta muttered taking Goku far away so they could have fun of their own.

Inside Gohan held onto Trunks laughing, as they sat on the couch.

Trunks's POV

“Think they fell for it?” Gohan asked holding me close. I tilted my head feeling for Father.

“Yep, Dad is cursing but is far off. Bulla and Goten are in the opposite direction” He laughed. I snuggled into Gohan's warm chest, still chuckling at fooling our fathers so we could have the house to ourselves.

“He will kick our asses you know this” Gohan said softly.

“Yep but until then your tight ass is mine” I said. I turned, straddling Gohan’s hips, Gohan smiled as he was pushed down on the couch.

“As if” Gohan taunted, powering up not deterred, I powered up to match him. I stripped my lover of all his clothing. Gohan hissed as the cool air touched his bare chest, then I leaned down covering his body with my own. Gohan frowned.

“What is it Gohan?” I asked.

“This” he said pulling at my t-shirt then my pants.

“Oh sorry, I will take them off.” I got off of Gohan, standing by the couch taking the blue T-shirt off slowly. Gohan groaned as I toyed with him. His groans turned to a gasp as I appeared on top of him, embedding my heated cock in his warm passage

“Trunks…” Gohan hissed as I beat into him relentlessly as we killed off another day in each other's embrace.

As the dawn came, I collapsed on top of Gohan no longer having the strength to continue. Gohan was no better, 18 hours of hot heated sex, rest, then sex for another 10 hrs was wearing us out.

As Gohan held me, I could feel his mind and know he would keep his word to never hurt me. I know he cannot promise but I know he will do his best. I love him and he loves me, that is all I need or have ever needed.

I waited until Gohan was sleeping then I slipped away showering, thinking about the past few weeks and all that has happened.

I thought about Mother, how she was still looking for me but was no longer scared or worried with my mind back to where it should be. I was willing to face off with her but the others asked to wait. They all were going to go and take back their lives again. It will be one hell of a sight, they seemed to think we are all dead.

Smiling at the thought, I walked out of the shower, drying off as I slipped into to a pair of black tight shorts. I knew darn well they were Gohan’s. I chuckled as I walked down the hallway knowing he would want them when he woke up. Stopping in the living room, smiling this time, I knew Gohan was sleeping as he rested on the couch. Content, I slipped outside sitting on the grass under the only tree within miles of the desolate place, sighing looking up as the sun set, another day wasted.

“Never stop loving me” I whispered. It was Gohan’s love in the time room as he held me, talking to me with his ki that convinced me to try to live. Gohan told me the truth for once, he was open on his feeling as I told him my sorrow and love for him.

“Never, kid.” Startled, I jumped as Gohan came up from behind me, sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. He is wearing a loose pair of pants.

“Those are mine” he said, tugging at the shorts I was wearing.

“Too bad, you snooze, you lose” I teased him. He shook his head, laughing.

“Your Dad is really going to kill us, you know that” he whispered in my ear. I chuckle.

“Yep, but it was worth it.” He smiled down at me, closing his eyes as I rested my head on his chest. I know I am safe and that is all that mattered. I got what I have always longed for Gohan’s warmth and undying love…

The end?

Illustration(s) for this story by various artist(s)

Gravity Games Gravity Games Trunks's Longing Trunks's Longing

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