"" in DBZ Yaoi Fanfiction | Saiyan BL Tales — Page 22

PWP For FELIX GokuVegeta
PWP For FELIX February 4, 2018 Words: 2302 Views: 522 Goku is in a rut and Vegeta just wants some time to rest. Goku has other plans.

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I Love You GokuVegeta
I Love You February 4, 2018 Words: 4527 Views: 505 Goku has loved Vegeta for so long. When Vegeta isn’t interested, Goku turns to drastic measures to prove his love.

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https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=17406858 Deathfic
A Magician and His Boy-Toy Future Trunks A Magician and His Boy-Toy February 4, 2018 Words: 1614 Views: 253 Trunks travels back in time to visit friends. What he finds instead is a wrinkled little man and a pink blob. Rape
The Flawless Savior GokuVegeta
The Flawless Savior February 4, 2018 Words: 6661 Views: 314 Goku keeps having nightmares of Vegeta’s death. It doesn’t help that everyone around him is acting strangely even though he’s the hero everyone loves.

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https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=17406858 Deathfic Abusive
StoryTime With Ashes GokuVegeta
StoryTime With Ashes February 4, 2018 Words: 2100 Views: 280 This is another squicky fic I decided to write. I got the idea from Xero Sky whether she admits it or not. I wasn't going to torture Vegeta in a squick, but when she mentioned this I knew I had to do it! So enjoy...
Dreaming My Life Away GokuVegeta
Dreaming My Life Away February 4, 2018 Words: 12073 Chapters: 4 Views: 473 Feeling miserable with his current life, Vegeta has to ressort to dreaming his life away...

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A Snuffed Love GokuVegeta
A Snuffed Love February 4, 2018 Words: 2923 Views: 245 My name is Vegeta, I'm twenty-four years old. I'm a film star. Actually, my mother was the one who got me in the business, and I've had starring roles ever since I was a child. Before you congratulate me on my success let me make myself clear. I'm an adult film star... Deathfic Abusive
Little Red Corvette GotenTrunks
Little Red Corvette February 4, 2018 Words: 4459 Views: 236 Goten is set up on a blind date with Trunks with the dubious advice to just enjoy the ride. Too bad he already wants more than a test drive.
Initiation TarbleVegeta
Initiation February 4, 2018 Words: 2805 Views: 1415 Based on Alphalightbearers HC's, Tarble seeks Vegeta out to ask for help with a somewhat delicate matter. Vegeta knows exactly how to help him. Incest
Love Will Always Get Us Through GotenTrunks
Love Will Always Get Us Through February 4, 2018 Words: 50427 Chapters: 39 Views: 263 A story about what happens when two demi-saiyans follow their hearts even when their own demons and others threaten to tear them apart.

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